Their Monkeypox is a hoax too. It took less than a minute to find the photo of the hands MSM is showing in a image search. How much more fake can you get. While Shingles usually a Measles often mild to severe later disease, for which there is Shingrix jab, is A KNOWN SIDE EFFECT OF THE 3 JABS, as is HERPES, and HIV, along with mutiple HEART DISEASES. I think there are more than 89 pages of side effects, More Tongue-tied babies have been born, since the jabs. Having never had the usual childhood jabs I had both forms of Measles, thus two small patches of Shingles later in life. I used Avenno Chickenpox cream on them. More severe cases need a Doctor's treatment. Will Cowpox be next? Wonder if my Cold War Smallpox scratch is still effective?

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On second thought I've joined the RFK JR, ANTI VAX Brigade.

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I read the ingredient list on the vaccine Binders and Perservatives, all are BAD, and TOXIC. add in the vaccine, you get injuries, reactions, and more. Take Gardasil, the original created havoc in India's poor girls, administered by the Gate's foundation. My Granddaughter got her's at 16, she nearly died, was left with a lifetime of Fibroymalgia and RA pain. The same goes for the Polio vaccine he used in Africa. 98 Million does are known to have HIV laced into them, where those went I never found out. But third world countries with high precentages of poor seem to be the testing grounds. We are on revision 9 on Gardasil, last I heard. Tell me why All newborns need a Heb B shot? Shouldn't the mother be tested first, then the baby to see if it is needed. Hep B is sexually transmitted. Hepatitis B is transmitted through direct contact with infected blood or certain bodily fluids. The virus is most commonly transmitted from an infected pregnant person to their baby during childbirth, due to the blood exchange that happens between mother and baby. Why didn't the OB check the mom?

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