Great job Robert and Paul , in this discussion. Obviously one that is dear to our hearts as well. Lots of interesting info and thoughts to consider on heavy metals as well. Makes one wonder, where in the world can you go to escape all the shit in our food, meds, soil, etc? I guess we start by continuing to inform and help provide everyone with data they can use to make INFORMED decisions!
Great job Robert and Paul , in this discussion. Obviously one that is dear to our hearts as well. Lots of interesting info and thoughts to consider on heavy metals as well. Makes one wonder, where in the world can you go to escape all the shit in our food, meds, soil, etc? I guess we start by continuing to inform and help provide everyone with data they can use to make INFORMED decisions!
Great job Robert and Paul , in this discussion. Obviously one that is dear to our hearts as well. Lots of interesting info and thoughts to consider on heavy metals as well. Makes one wonder, where in the world can you go to escape all the shit in our food, meds, soil, etc? I guess we start by continuing to inform and help provide everyone with data they can use to make INFORMED decisions!