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The real world clinical data he collected in the most naturalistic mechanism in existence speaks TRUTH. Simple, unavoidable reality. But sadly, we live in a world where agendas pushed in structured, systematic manner end up creating “new truth.” His own background shows this effect.

Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa, they had a great standard of living (yes, blacks were far better off then than now), until the “communist revolutionaries” destroyed everything. Mugabe destroyed the country of, as it became, Zimbabwe. You can buy a 100-TRILLION dollar Zimbabwe note on eBay for a few bucks. What we have seen in Venezuela in recent years is a parallel. And poor Dr Paul bought all the propaganda as a child.

No one is immune to the brainwashing. By the grace of God I was able to see what Pharma was doing > 20 yrs ago (haven’t had a drug rep come to my office in many years), but it was hard to come to grips with how corrupt the system really is.

So keep getting the truth out! Paul Thomas is a true hero in this war & more people need to hear his story. Again NOWHERE is there such a sound, real-world example of how much negative impact vaccines have. Until 2-3 years ago, I thought it was only autism! We are ALL learning.

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