Top shelf.

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Next comes an article on the 2% Military Microsom we have enough evidence to project it out further to the whole US Population; it is a must to know the full extent of the damage. Can it be reversed to the degree we still have a functioning fighting force. What will happen to the Career personel who refused under the 1st Amendment. Because if the U.S. Constitution is to continue to be a valid, a binding document, and the USA remain a Republic, it must hold True to the Founders beliefs. No Oligarchy or Democarcy gives it's people the Freedom that the Original U.S. Constitution founded. Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Banking, Digital Money, where no ones savings are save from Hackers, or like Canada a routhless Despot can Freeze or take at will if you don't do as the Emperor demands, makes us SLAVES, also the 10 Food Giants that control every morsel of food we eat. Monopolies must be broken up. There are laws that have been broken that stopped them, must be reenforced. And Foreign governments given no right to ownership of huge swaths of food, water, fuel produsing USA Soil or business.

Those who perputrated this Sham punished under the Coercion clause because that was the supreme only allowed message, clause of the Nuremberg Code publically, and punished in public. Add in the Helsinki Accords. So that others with such evil learn, we will track you down, and punish you, no matter how rich or famous you are. Or what position you hold. Your wealth confiscated to help repair the damage.

Gate's plant based meats are red because of unborn cattle blood. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/lab-grown-meat-unborn-cow-blood/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=8f9af747-e6ec-44c1-9a44-83ef5cd6ee1a&fbclid=IwAR096JS6cLv15WcOopSQ85mxLijYbohrHbfT9ZddDyJTbogQscrongTX7nw I may not agree with RFK JR politics, but his research has proven accurate.

Man is a Carnivore for a God given reason. I AM AN AMERICAN PATRIOT! I love My Country. I am a Woman as God made me. I am not a Sheeple, I was given a brain, that I use. I am a Wife, Mother, Grandmother. I raised Lions, to think for themselves, not Sheeple who follow the latest trend.

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I said I was a Keyboard Warrior, It maybe I'm more a HUNTER of info. Some comes from alternative news, google till they started censoring, book reading. Robert Yoho was kind enough to answer my email thanking him for having never met me writing my story, thank you Robert for theMetformin warning. And introduced me to others like you. I'd already did the Recidivism reports for a decade for personal reasons, protesting Obamacare, sharing that info. Health shut me down, so the computer became my weapon. FORCED TAPERED INTRACTABLE PAIN PATIENTS took 4 yrs to prove that llicit drugs, that were Fentanyl laced were the true cause of the high OD numbers. Redfield/Kolodney were as big of liars as Fauci. I had always heard that RFK JR was a nut case, till I read how exhaustive his research was, top scientist and experts.

Along came the China Flu. Since both hubby and I had Upper Respitory bouts in Dec 2019 when it was beginning, we had the usual treatments. No Jabs, masks only when forced too. But I knew those masks were useless, even before the CDC was forced to admit they were useless.

Now Faucet is back, screaming masks, boosters, lockdowns over a new varriant. While it was those who had had 2 shots + booster spreading it. They had used the same shaming techniques on Pain Patients. If the Propaganda works once it will work again.

4 months of a Gastro infection and more hunting as my grocery store had less of the items I was allowed to eat, or none at all. I ran into mom's hunting specialized formulas. My baby has a sensitive stomach. Having raised 3 boys, that I well understood. But NEXIUM for infants was unheard of. Until this word Carrageenan showed up on lower cost chicken, usually it's hidden in very fine print. I hit a mother load of info dating back a very long time. Cancer, Irratible disease. From a seaweed the FDA knew was unsafe. Baby food is bad 1 of RFK JR's guest said. 2019 and it goes back longer and more pages. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/17/health/baby-foods-arsenic-lead-toxic-metals-wellness/index.html

Watching Foods that Built America, when White Bread was being pushed in the USA as everyday bread, a product only the wealthy bought. I learned the milling process removed all the vitamins/minerals from it, after sliced bread was introduced, people started developing Pellagra, Pellagra is a nutritional disease due to deficiency of the vitamin niacin and the essential amino acid tryptophan. Big bread makers were looking for a way not to be sued. Wonder Bread the 1st sliced bread, starting adding in nutrients. Pepperidge Farms was still making full whole wheat, and had Doctor's approval. This was just prior to WW2. Wonder tried to get the government to set rules, quanities, so it remained #1. Backfired. Goes back to the way congress is bought.

Keeping easy perishible food usable loner. Enter preservatives and fillers, recipe for food born disasters.

Now we are being told to tighten outbelts we need to ship food to starving nations DICTATORS. While we pay higher prices, additional taxes. Medicare cuts, which will mean Tricare Life cuts, Prime is already seeing higher copays, as is mail ordered Tricare Life. Small bases are limited in what they carry, yet all meds come by semi trucks from regional districts. Ours is Pensacola.

I maybe nearly 74, but I still have a good memory. And wish I could write as well as you and others. BTW did you realize older, or well educated writers can SPELL, and use Grammar, which 21 yr old proof readers can't? Nor does spell checker. LOL, I WOULD LOVE A MEAN TWEET, AND $1.79 GAS AGAIN.

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Michigan soil is nearly depleted of the trace Mineral Selenium, highly essetinal, and Thiamine, also known as thiamin or vitamin B1, is one of the B's that helps to turn food into energy to keep the nervous system healthy. We are making ourselves immune weak by the foods we eat. FDA nor Congress cares. Zoo animals get better healthy food than we do, along with Healthcare.

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Another excellent post!

Regarding your friends who ask about boosters, do you remember when they last seemed intelligent and capable of cogent, analytical thought? For some of my old prep school friends, it has been more than 15 years, perhaps 20, since they have been as they used to be.

By the time your friends ask about boosters, they are already suffering from their first one or two or three shots.

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Based on Military Data Base Reports Lawyer Reports an 1100% Increase in Military Deaths Since the COVID Shot Roll OutWhile the media claims anything against the clot shot is disinformation and Big Tech bans you for claiming otherwise, data is gathering that the mRNA shot roll outs are quite frankly correlating with a significant increase in deaths and disease. https://bit.ly/3qRSniDTodd Callender, attorney and disabled rights activist, claims that from the DMed (U.S. military database) in 10 months of 2021 all deaths among the 18 to 40 age group in the military increased 1100%."This is genocide." Callender statesCallender and others filed a criminal complaint in March of 2021. No court took up the complaint, until recently, says Callender.The military personnel who refused the shot may have very well saved their lives.Will justice prevail here or will they continue to get away with this intentional harm? Don't count on the courts for resolution. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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Thank you

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Thank you

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