
NOTE: I had a reader take umbrage at the phrase "Israeli hegemony." I want to emphasize that any Israel views here are Jerome's and not mine. I have not studied the situation enough to have informed opinions. My only feeling is that it smells like globalist machinations rather than spontaneous events.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I don't see a comment taking umbrage with the phrase "Israeli hegemony" here. Did you receive said umbrage via another channel?

Would you like me to reply, or prefer to let the unmentionable lie?

(I can't help but to have noticed patterns of behavior, where members supremacist cults apply pressure to suppress speech that calls unwelcome attention to their cult's real-world behavior. 😉)

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I got it via email and simply told them they were free to unsubscribe

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Sorry , Doc, but I have repudiated the keto low carb zone. Undereating, low calcium and a damaged thyroid plus hypertension from being so long supplying my needed and necessary glucose requirement (brain) through a stress backup system using cortisol and adrenaline for ten years is over. This stress backup system took what it needed from tissue, organs, bones (2 surgeries in 3 years for broken bones. Hashimotos. Mercola isn’t a fink, he just is willing to change when he realizes he’s wrong. No more IF. 3 meals and snacks. Fruit, fruit juice and less fat with more food is leading to recovery from the keto/carnivore cult. Good carbs, milk, no seed oils plus local food. It worked for a long time--until my body cried out for glucose and damaged me. I’m eating potatoes and rice again. My sleep rocks and blood pressure is down. Not gained any weight after over 3 months. My blood work in February may tell another story. Get with the real science, Doc. I’m no spring chicken either. 75. But not going out without a fight and real knowledge.

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I didn't say I knew the answer ha, just that I was a cult member!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Room for all of us. I loved it for sometime. Felt great. It helps get off crap food so that’s part of feeling better. I’m not against that but feel some of the keto carnivore space has not invested in the downsides enough. I feel somewhat betrayed. Even my functional medicine doc never quizzed me on my actual diet. I did many treatments and supplements with her (at least $8,000 worth of uninsured visits, plans, treatments and supplements) and maybe the real reasons were right there in the refrigerator. But I’m much more suspicious about lots of stuff now. Wonder why? You have a great substack, BTW. 😀👍🏻

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I'm eating a lot of hamburger with butter but do not restrict carbos.

Lots of providers of all stripes are predatory.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great! I don’t use as much Kerrygold now, but still get my share.I love red meat so I eat it without guilt. I’ll get my next bloods and thyroid in February at the functional doc but then I’m done there. Seems I have to doctor myself. I went to her because it was a private clinic and not on the big local predatory system. It was summer of 2021 in the middle of the vax nuttery. I was and remain unvaxxed. She wasn’t either. Some issues were helped though, such as anxiety. I guess I’m looking for a normal for me tasty diet with clean food. That fixes some damage. I tried goat milk this morning. I tried off low carb sometime back but gained a lot of weight. Doing it differently now. I do stay off bread and grains. Seed oils. Bread is a trigger for me. I could eat a whole French baguette piled with butter easily. Lol.

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functional docs who are experienced handle thyroid well

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I'm glad you found a way that works for you.

I can only what report what is working for me, and what is working for countless others who've renounced plant toxins and are noticing immense health benefits since doing so. Maybe Dr. Anthony Chaffee is wrong to say that every species has only one optimal diet?

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I actually don’t eat much veg and if I do it’s cooked. Not raw. It is undeniable that our whole entire food system is polluted. Very little is healthy. It’s hard to know what to do and very disconcerting. But I need to eat and make choices as you do the best I can. My biggest and most damaging behavior was not eating enough food. It’s our fuel and scrimping on nutrients—even the food with good nutrients—causes problems in the long run. Those studies that show undereating increases lifespan are bogus as well. Sure worms and mice might benefit, but humans—naw. I’m gradually raising my amounts. I’m not young. I gotta get this right (for me). Take care, 😁

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Dr. Chaffee argues that if we are eating the food we are designed to eat, our body will tell us just how much we should eat. He gives the example of eating ribeye steak(s): the first several bites taste amazing, and many more bites taste good, but eventually one gets to the point where it does not taste good enough to continue to want eating more, at which point the body is telling us that it's had enough and we ought stop.

This feedback system appears to work perfectly when eating fatty meat. For me, it gets deranged when I eat desserts, bread, pasta, rice, yams, etc. I suspect this is because my insulin response is not well adapted to deal with foods that raise my blood sugar. They tend to induce me to binge.

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I’m not slamming again, but adding very very slowly. Starches never bothered me but grains and gluten do, so I’m good without them. The whole thing is energy production from the mitochondria. Lack of sufficient fuel (glucose IS our best fuel, otherwise why would there be a back up system to create it%). Our brains do not run on fat. It is running on inadequate supplies of glucose produced by cortisol and adrenaline. —stress hormones ==equal literally eating our bodies to make it. I think keto or low carb is fine for a time. Eating foods you enjoy—I love meat. But I love oranges too😀. To find what works for you. To get off harmful crap all around us. I use clean simple to digest carbs full of real nutrients. I tried goat milk yesterday. Cows milk is a bit suspect for me so I’m going slow. I remember now my mom told me I drank so much milk (farm fresh, raw) as a kid I needed to see a doc, and I hardly ever drank milk later until now. (75) So gives me a clue Lol. If interested, Jay Feldman has over 100 YouTube videos on this. Mercola. But of course, if what you do works, it’s all good. We each have to sort this out. I was gaining weight along with the thyroid , BP, thin bones, low metabolism even on strict keto so to realize the fuel to run my body and brain was coming from basically sucking it out of my body was a shock. The science is compelling. Take care, Jerome. This is just my story. Now, if we can just keep the good food safe and unpolluted we would be way ahead, no matter the diet. The lasso of bad is getting tighter and tighter.

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I should advise you that your brain does not function on glucose, it functions on cholesterol. When I was eating only fat and protein my brain function improved so significantly even I was surprised. People taking statins have the highest number of cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s because their cholesterol is so low

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)


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Keto hates my GI tract, as much as that freaking seaweed Carrageenan. The new Bioengineered label, makes it show up in products that never had it on the label before. And I don't care what my blood work says as long as BS and Thyroid are fine. Butter is my favorite fat, along with bacon grease. The idiots who push Statins finally gave up trying coercion, I made it plain I won't take them. My arteries are clear. I'm 75 too. I started mixing Iodized salt into the Sea Salt I like.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Butter = bliss.

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It sure is, I hate that chemical stuff called Margarine, it never tasted right. Sure doesn't digest well either. I put it in the class with Crisco.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I found an iodized sea salt, sourced out of Mexico, that seems fine. Mexican markets carry it.

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Most still need iodine as the iodized part quickly evaporates

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Potassium Iodate is said to be stable. The brand is "Sal Bahia, iodized salt crystals". https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/immunology-and-microbiology/potassium-iodate

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I think the main reason people do well on that diet is that flour and sugar are so bad for us. Meat only gets rid of those two automatically.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)


And it gets rid of countless other plant-made molecules that are problematic for certain(?) people. I still don't know which plants contained those, as I've not bothered to attempt to re-introduce plant foods one by one...

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

This story echoes one I just heard of how sleep apnea sufferers cycle through a of nightmare of suffocation --> stress response --> hormone release induced momentary recovery --> suffocation, hundreds of times per night. (A fascinating video describing the process can be found via https://academy.meat.health/courses/take/meat-mouth-keynote/lessons/45732710-meat-mouth-dr-kevin-stock, where there is a link to watch the "keynote" for free by providing an email address.)

Perhaps your body's need to use cortisol to simulate sufficient glucose production is a similar phenomenon?

Perhaps what allows some zero-carb eaters to avoid this problem is that their body's guconeogenesis produces plenty of glucose so as to avoid any shortage, without needing to resort to stress hormones?

Dr. Chaffee says that like hunting wolves (who eat no carbs) a healthy carnivore's body makes all the glucose it needs. (Most energy requirements are met by keytones, allegedly.)

Could it be that in your case these systems weren't performing well enough any more, and your body fell back into emergency release of stress hormones like cortisol?

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Unfortunately, Mercola revealed himself to be a fink in early 2024.

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Mercola recently fired his top management on the advice of a fortune teller and supposedly changed his mind about critical ideas. One of these, hormone therapy, is safe, healthy, and makes us stronger. The Cartel has opposed it. I studied this topic for a decade and spent a year researching and writing a book about it. I have also extensively studied another Mercola about-face: keto/carnivore diets. Mercola began to lie about these critical topics in the space of a few short weeks.

More recently, M reversed himself about going barefoot. He had advocated this for “grounding,” but now he says he has a bunion and that shoes are best. He also supposedly quit deep breathing. The same day he did that, he proclaimed, “Lifting weights kills you.” He had been a gym rat for a decade.

Mercola may have had a mental breakdown or succumbed to pressure, but worrying about what happened to him occupies too much bandwidth for me to bother. Whether bribed or threatened, he changed his mind about telling the truth, so it makes no difference to us. After years of hanging on his every word, I sadly unsubscribed and ghosted him. My doubts extend to his business; I now get my supplements elsewhere.

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Janet, you are on the right track. I would like to discuss your dietary habits further. I am 71, I was carnivore for 2 1/2 years and am first recovering from the damage done, but fruit juice is only going to complicate things, WAY too much sugar

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Agree on the extra salt and healthier fats except cod liver oil. I suppose the vegans would blow a gasket if they knew I dipped my carrots and asparagus in bacon fat.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Bacon fat forever !

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Pork pigs don't have the extra stomachs tho to get rid of seed oils and other bad stuff.

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I no longer eat pork, with the exception of occasional bacon. I do not cook with bacon fat, and rarely butter. I make my own beef tallow to cook with. I purchase ruminant fat (bison, elk, or beef) from northstarbison.com, throw it in the pressure cooker with a little water, and cook it until all the tallow melts. A great way to make a pain relief rub is to add comfrey to a cup of the rendered tallow and rub it on your skin where you are experiencing pain.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great to read that NorthStarBison is still supplying clean meat products.

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What is your email ?

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I’d be glad to discuss lithium orotate ( that was all I could see of the question).

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

You actually can predict the future and if you learn how you will never worry about it again

That’s what a futurist does! I’ve been learning futurism for almost 30 years.

The role of a good futurist is to either forecast the future direction of society or to manipulate the future direction of society

The trans movement is a good example of futurists being used to change the future direction of society.

A carnivore diet in my opinion is a diet of last resort. It’s what you have to do if you become hypersensitive to the environment which includes being hypersensitive to the slightly toxic phytonutrients in vegetables.

If we cannot tolerate vegetables it means our immune system is struggling and we should fix it so we can eat vegetables again.

I also think the demonisation of carbs is in a similar category. If you can’t tolerate bread, you’ve got immune issues and fixing them will mean you can eat carbs

If you look at everything in detail through a magnifying glass, you can find a reason for anything. We should eat what our body tells us to eat in my opinion. I think it can be dangerous to eat what someone else body tells them to eat.

Healthy people can eat salt if that’s what their metabolism wants but people with health issues may not be able to tolerate much salt.

If someone can’t eat carbs they should see if they are hypersensitive to nickel. I have a long held suspicion that gluten intolerance is a symptom of nickel allergy too.

It is much better to fix the hypersensitivity to the environment and to antigens in foods than to avoid them. Variety after all is the spice of life

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

"A carnivore diet in my opinion is a diet of last resort."

A non-carnivore diet in my opinion is a diet of last resort. 😉

Resorting to eating plants was arguably a move of desperation. Why would we weaken ourselves, unless driven by desperation? The Masai were far healthier than their plaint--hobbled kinsmen, no?

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I’m meaning when you’re so sick you can’t tolerate your symptoms anymore but I see what you mean.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for the tip about nickel. I notice that I can TASTE stainless steel if I put a spoon in my mouth... Does that mean molecules are moving from the spoon into my taste buds?

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Yes, it will mean that. It could also be made worse by a galvanic reaction too if someone has amalgam fillings

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)


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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

you are 100% correct about the carbs n veggies. I had a bad reaction to a flu shot about 15 years ago, and after a couple of very inflamed miserable years, my DO suggested ALCAT testing, so I did all of them. Some of the 100+ sensitivities were surprising, like strawberries and citrus, which I loved, and grossly allergic to a soil-borne fungus. After a few years on the diet, I could eat almost anything, as long as not too much or too frequently.

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Flu shots are mercury

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Being sensitive to foods you eat frequently is often an indicator of increased gut permeability. The real rule of thumb is to not eat a particular food more than once every four days .

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You're a good writer - I loved your book too. Thre's a lot of both energy and information in this newsletter. About coffee: Why are people always so anxious to give it up? Is it a Christian thing? It's not heroin or tobacco. I love coffee so much that, despite trying almost every diet from Atkins to Zone, I won't use any diet that precludes coffee. I had very positive results from Keto, but then covid happened.....Now trying carnivore - kind of. But I'm thinking of what eveyrone says about regrets on your deathbed. I'm 85 - past my pulldate. I'm thinking when I'm dying will I regret that I didn't eat more cheesecake? I'm already regretting it, but I'm also kind of ocd about food. Finally, about prophecy, I suggest you read both about Kali Yuga and also the Hopi Prophecies. Both speak very much to do what we are currently dealing with.

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Coffee produces individual responses. I am hopefully getting over being mercury toxic and this may be the reason for my historical adverse response to coffee.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

if you have a gluten sensitivity, coffee is cross-reactive

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

A food that is different ( coffee vs bread ) might have enough similar characteristics that the body acts as if you are eating bread ( gluten) instead of coffee. This is also why many flyer - sensitive people may not be able to tolerate grains that are supposedly ‘safe.’

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Gluten -sensitive not ‘flyer’

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

What is “ cross reactive “ ?

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Some of the molecules in a food are similar enough to elicit a response as though it is the other food .

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you.

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My pleasure

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

When we say coffee, we usually mean 'caffeine'. But caffeine is only one of the ten thousand plant toxins allegedly present in coffee. The caffeine by itself may not be a problem. Dr. Chaffee suggests to use caffeine instead of coffee and avoid the bolus of unnecessary toxins in coffee. If I judge I need caffeine, I'll hit up store for some NoDoz or Vivarin, ha ha!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Since going off my SSRI drugs I've become hypersensitive to a lot of foods. Not sure why that brought it on. I love a good cup of coffee, but it causes my inflammation to go through the roof.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Maybe try straight caffeine (e.g. NoDoz, Vivarin, etc)? Avoid the other 10,000 plant toxins allegedly in coffee.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I like the taste and feel of hot coffee though. (Not the decaff.) Without psych drugs I don't need the buzz. And pills don't give a comforting sensation.

Chicory or dandelion root tea might be the answer.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

No harm in drinking coffee if it does not harm you.

In my case, I now judge it was harming me in ways I did not recognize at the time.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

In the majority of circles , it is not a ‘Christian’ thing . Some sects are exclusionary of caffeine .

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for mentioning Dr. Brownstein! I have a couple of his books and they are quite helpful. Iodine & Thyroid health especially. Cheers!

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Don’t forget the selenium 💕

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I remember reading about increased body acidity due to lack of boron in our bodies. Plants are blocked from absorbing it from the soil by pesticides and such. Boron cures arthritis too. I’m going to attach the link to the article about it. Dr Yoho, you may like to look into it yourself and spread the good news 😃👍❤️


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I take boron

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Are you still drinking the borax in water? If so have you noticed any difference?

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I think our soils are depleted of nutrients, and the occasional broad trace minerals should be included regularly with other supplements. We should be taking B, C, and D every day

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Selenium too !

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Dr Tamara, could you please contact me regarding lithium orotate? I believe it is important, but Robert will give it no credence

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Deb. I take it everyday. Here’s a great article on it.


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The article refers on to “lithium”. Lithium is a pharmaceutical drug made in a lab. I take lithium orotate. I am unsure at this point exactly what form of lithium this article is referring to

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I take a small dose that I get from Amazon as a preventative for Alzeheimers and brain health.

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Well he can read it here. I don’t have his email. Feel free to share it with him!

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I will explain Mercola’s keto perspective. Georgi Dinkov introduced the concept that carb restricted diets could be detrimental. I, a former carnivore of 2 1/2 years, initially thought he was crazy. After listening to his theory several times I realized he is correct. When some people restrict carbs their cortisol level shoots up. I never understood why I could not sleep, even though I was taking 5 medications for sleep (ambien, belsomra, Alprazelam, clonazepam, geodon), until I had my cortisol tested, and it was high morning, noon, and night. Your body increases cortisol in an attempt to get it to make more glucose. This may not apply to everyone. I believe age and metabolism are factors. Additionally, since this became a topic of discussion, I have seen another four health professionals taking interest in this dilemma.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for this clear explanation.

So far, my sleep is better than ever, so I doubt I'm experiencing this pattern (yet).

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Great stuff, doc.

I was diagnosed with IBS, Fibromyalgia & Migraines in the 1990’s and had tried everything and failed for years. After reading “The Big Fat Surprise:” Why Butter, Meat, and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet — Nina Teicholz and then “The Carnivore Code:” Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Diet — Paul Saladino …I decided go on a 90 day beef only diet, 45% beef fat, about nine months ago. I couldn’t believe how much it helped clean up and reset my entire system. I did slowly reintroduce some vegetables, like fully cooked broccoli & cauliflower, as well as coffee on occasions—no longer all day—as well as sheep cheese, but rarely, with no returning negative side effects. I also intermittent fast, no counting calories, daily; consuming as much as I wish to satisfy hunger within a 5 hour period late in the day, but at least two hours prior to sleep.

I’ve also found very beneficial organic light roast coffee enemas with organic coconut activated charcoal mixed in (1 tsp) with one tablespoon orally one hour prior, once a month. The first time I tried the coffee enema I became deathly ill, but totally eliminated getting sick by adding the activated charcoal to absorb all the toxic waste being discharged from the liver during the process.

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Increasing animal fats is the big insight

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No kidding, doc. Very interesting. We’ve been so brainwashed to fear good fat & meat (by the pharmaceutical industry and the makers of Crisco, no less) into believing animal fats are the cause of all the cardiac diseases, like cholesterol in eggs. I consume 3 to 6 egg yolks daily, but from clean GMO & soy free local farmers.

I forgot her last name, Stephanie ? Phd, she lives in Hawaii. She’s had several conversations with Dr. Joe Mercola and has done extraordinary research on fats, particularly egg yolks. I believe there’s sold science confirming improved cognitive function (perhaps Alzheimer’s) from improved cholesterol and eliminating All vegetable old, not just seed oil. Yet some of these same researchers believe there may be a few exceptions to the new rules, like Blackseed oil. I’m still undecided on Blackseed.

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Could you please name a vegetable oil that you know of?

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Are you serious, Deborah? It’s a very common “generic” commercial term going back to the early 1900’s. You’re either curious serious, which I respect, or perhaps trolling me for??? I do get your question-statement, if that’s what it is, funny girl.

I grew up seeing and hearing the term “vegetable oil,” but I can’t believe you’re unfamiliar. So, one simple search at Amazon.com—using the brand name Crisco, as I just explained above:

Crisco Pure Vegetable Oil https://a.co/d/cBfFwAk

Buy me a coffee, Deborah, and if you haven’t already, get a free subscription and I’ll upgrade you a “lifetime paid sub” to my substack, coffee or no coffee. I promise, it will be worth it.

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I am very aware that seed oils are titled "vegetable oils" for purely deceptive reasons. And the term is currently being used less and less. The scam is up. People are becoming aware that there is no such thing as a vegetable oil. Canola is not a vegetable, corn is not a vegetable (it is a grain), palm is not a vegetable. it's a matter of tome until the misnomer "vegetable oil" is in the history books.

Your link to Amazon's Crisco listing is comical. Since when are soybeans considered a vegetable?




soy·​bean ˈsȯi-ˌbēn

variants or chiefly British soya bean


: a hairy annual Asian legume (Glycine max) widely grown for its oil-rich proteinaceous seeds and for forage and soil improvement


And here is the truth about your beloved "Crisco".


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Gee, thanks. As I said, it’s a generic term people are familiar with; so I was using it to describe “what NOT to purchase.” I know the diabolical history of Crisco, which I dedicated an entire short chapter to in my War Encyclopedia. But I appreciate your eager “fact checking.”

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Black seed : way yes !

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Dr Tamara, how can i reach you? I don't want to provide personal information on this platform, but Robert could give you my phone number

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Adding a binder was smart thing to do .

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Coffee usually has titanium contamination. It can soak up the metals from the foil packets and even to the metal hoppers in the factory it’s processed at. I had to stop drinking coffee due to the metals in coffee. The research I read years ago focussed on titanium contaminating coffee but it will also be contaminated by the other metals in the foil. Like aluminium.

So always avoid coffee packaged in foil but also keep in mind that it soaks up metals at the factory during the manufacturing process too

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And often aluminum

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I drink Solspring coffee which is sold by Dr. Mercola. It comes in paper packaging, it is organic, and free of molds. I grind it myself and brew it in a coffee maker that has a stainless steel heating element

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Yes, I came to the conclusion, after experimenting with my body for few decades, that we are all different a bit, and what works for one, maybe deadly to other. I thrive on potatoes, in moderation of course, and get inflamed on grains and meats. Greens are ok, but not satisfying. Not a sign of DM, ever. But it’s just an example. I believe it depends all on the quality of our micro biome and gut lining, and overall digestive health. And, of course, genetics play a role too. I have the same weakness as my mother and her father (RA). Also, what kind of microbes are we hosting? That is a great question! Ha! How about parasites? And our might liver? How is she doing? All these issues have to be addressed comprehensively, before determining best diet. Pretty difficult task😅

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

The complexity of sorting it all out supports the idea of starting with a "pure win": meat from healthy ruminant animals. Microbiome support from a bit of raw milk kefir. Gets more complicated the further we stray from that.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)


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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Understatement of the week !

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Mercola now seems to be into Dr. Ray Peat's work. My guess is that that is why he is off the carnivore wagon. Some of Peat's stuff is bizarre, but interesting nonetheless.

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too deep for me tho

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

And too opaque for me, ha ha!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Well I guess I am doomed! I drink Starbucks Via coffee daily. Never thought about the fact of its packaging. ALUMINUM 😳.

Life is full of choices/risks…….i am never giving up coffee. But I do drink lots of green tea and Matcha tea. And the Fiji water. Hahaha.

Tried Keto diet years ago. Lost body fat, survived the lack of carbs and sugar, however my cholesterol shot up to 370.

Yikes I thought at the time so I quit.

Research revealed this occurs in 5% of keto dieters.

I have been on and off statins for 20 years due to my false belief that it would protect me from Cardiovascular Disease. Very significant family history of this in father and brother.

Discovered Weston Price and changed my diet. Still get the lecture at my primary Dr. office about RISK FACTORS!!!

Love reading all the comments I learn something new each time I read this Substack.

Thank you Dr Y.


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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

If worrying about cholesterol numbers, remember that the most important health indicator is your HDL / Trigliceride ratio. You want that to be high. Cholesterol numbers are messed up due to sloppy categorization of the 100's of forms of cholesterol. See the work of P. D. Mangan.

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Thank you for your comment.

I should have mentioned my former profession. I am a retired RN, BSN. Since 1978.

My HDL is good. Had Alpha lipoprotein fraction done years ago. My cholesterol is light and fluffy, not dense.

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They are lecturing you ? Why don’t they run inflammatory markers , homocysteine, and particle numbers to get an accurate understanding of your true risk profile for a future event ? It’s been known for decades that inflammation is a main risk factor . I’d consider firing them !

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Thank you for your comment.

I lay out my case and discuss the latest research on statins with MD/ NP.

I am a retired RN. Worked in many areas of direct patient care hospital based. Cardiovascular Surgery post op,ER/Trauma, Research, and Anesthesia Pre op eval.

Covid exposed the sad state of the Medical Profession. I use my own best judgment, research and see a Dr very little. If a Dr is pro Covid jab I avoid them!! Because they DFR DFL as Dr Yoho says

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

According to https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/small-talk-and-big-questions/202307/is-speed-listening-right-for-you, going above 1.25 speed you lose comprehension. I'd add that it's fatiguing, and some people report that over the course of a day it adds to their anxiety level, and when they stop doing it they're more calm. Reflection why you take spoken word ideas is important too. Just had to comment since you promote it.

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Clark: without digging into references, a lot of material refutes what you say. But this is all individual of course and you should do what works for you. Any time I can cut absorbing the basics of a subject in half, I go for it. Best

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Me too ##

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every person place 'n' thing you mention .... TRUE ... you my precious friend ARE a TRUE ROCKSTAR ... one who uses their life/platform/words/thoughts/deeds/etc ... FOR GOOD. i wuv you!

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Wow, I wish more people right around me felt that way but as Eisenhower said once: "No man is a hero to his valet." HA

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Good comment . There are .

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I wouldn’t ever take cod liver oil because it’s so highly processed and also the fish it comes from contain a lot of toxins in their livers. Krill oil is much healthier and cleaner.

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