Beware of Gatekeepers - We saw this in the 9/11 truth movement where the expert leaders all had ties to the military industrial complex - this only developed after people started questioning what they were being told - then the shift of focus to Bld 7 and the sacrifice of certain aspects like insider trading and ownership changes as distractions from the real picture (no one was ever prosecuted)- 9/11 ushered in the Patriot Act (already prepared)- which curtailed our freedoms and laid the groundwork for invading the middle east - resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands and the mass migration of people to Europe and the US (let us not forget the WMD testimony by our own DOD and Netanyahu) . The Anthrax letters sent to those against the Patriot Act and to the media with its origins from Ft. Dix and the individual blamed suicided - but the vaccines survived and the incident served as the basis for the Prep Act 2005.

We saw this with Covid - the white coats and "experts" told us not to believe our own observations with respect to a the fear porn, treatment, and vaccine.

We saw this with GMO, food and water fortifications, childhood vaccines.

This is nothing new - go back through history - Why was the Federal Reserve Created- what was the emergency that led to that? How was the Great Depression brought about? How about the Income Tax and the exemption for foundations and NPOs. Why did we enter WWI? What events led us into WWII? Korea? and Vietnam? the Gulf War?.......on and on.

We need a Field Guide to Evil - so we can learn to recognize it, identify it characteristics, behaviors, feeding and breeding habits and habitats, range and migratory patterns - and name it.

Many of us are seeking the truth - it is a journey with many paths - some which will lead us to dead ends. We may have to sacrifice some of our former beliefs and indoctrinations which is uncomfortable. There will always be guides that come along claiming to have the answers to our questions - some will be helpful and others will be placed to mislead. and we will want to believe them. In the end it is a painful journey we take alone - but we will meet others that have arrived at the same point.

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BRAVO!!!! Articulated beautifully!!!

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Good job.

A starting point. The book:

"Creature from Jekyll Island".

I read this book 26? years ago.

A must read.


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YES it is heroic

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I agree. Watch for the false dichotomy. Discern always, and be willing to change your mind.

From 2014: https://rumble.com/v3ymnyy-kristen-meghan-is-a-former-air-force-pilot-turned-chemtrail-geoengineering-.html

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Hi Penny and John,

Nothing in that video contradicts anything I said about contrails. If you pay attention to the ~ 10 minutes at the beginning, the geoengineers are talking about putting sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere. That is precisely what the jet exhaust is doing. It's right there on paper under our nose.

I do not doubt anything that the air force pilot actually reported from her own experience, but I'll note the only hard evidence she actually found was that they were ordering chemicals and she measured chemicals in the air -- this is was her focus and ask of people, to collect the rain water and test it from very small amounts of the metals.

We know 100% for certain the jet fuel currently being used by the military and by the civilian air fleet has all the metals that she is measuring in the rain.

Do I doubt the military is engaging in geoengineering experiments? Not at all. In fact, we know they have and probably still do spray stuff for a variety of reasons. She even listed a whole bunch of potential reasons.

But it still doesn't change anything I wrote. The contaminants in the jet fuel that every modern jetliner (military and civilian) uses is full of those metals and sulfur and generates clouds that block the sun straight out of the jet engine exhaust. No need to spray.

She was never able to trace what the military was doing with those chemicals. We can trace the jet exhaust 100% of the way through it's lifecycle and deployment.

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Hi George, Thank you for this. I think a lot of people are not willing any longer to reject the evidence of their own eyes, i.e., the grid pattern that is left in the sky after a full afternoon of "just flying" and the grit on parked cars the next morning. Jet fuel pollution is one thing and then there is "other".

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Yes, I suppose I understand, that is the business of magicians, because we humans have trouble overriding what we see.

The sad part is anything sprayed in the stratosphere will be up there for years and thousands of miles away, and isn't landing on your car. The other sad part if they sent up planes to the stratosphere to spray chemicals the clouds would look exactly the same as the ones coming from jet exhaust, because the chemicals are the same, and they're coming from planes flying around up there. There will be no difference.

Thanks for the comments.

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Cheerios is in the news for a bad chemical that US TRADE AGREEMENTS ALLOW. DON'T BUY THEM. This is 5 years AGO AND FORGOTTEN. Nutritionist discusses Glyphosate Breakfast Cereal Controversy.


PECULATING IN THE NEWSl Chemical found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats, other oat-based foods linked to potential health issues: study

Chlormequat was detected in 80% of people tested in three geographical regions of the U.S. between 2017 and 2023, according to the study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and published in the Journal of Exposure Science and

Environmental Epidemiology.



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This is a long-standing issue for Florida. You occasionally find a story on a few cattle.

Stolen Florida Therapy Horse Found Slaughtered for Its Meat

Horse rustling has been an epidemic in Florida. But until these latest episodes, police were optimistic that it had stopped.

Probably butchered and sold as beef.


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I'm skeptical of everything and this story seems fabricated. But what do I know?

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There are more horses butchered in southeast Florida than you would know about. I live here. It happens.

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freaking hell. Florida Man.

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Freakin hell. Man who migrated here.🙄

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95% of todlers are raised on Cheerios...

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www.detoxproject.org see all the other toxic products, in order of toxicity... Cheerios tops the list

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WIC. The “highly toxic agricultural chemical” is federally allowed to be used on oats and other grains imported to the US, according to the EWG.

Mine ate them as toddlers. But that was decades ago.

Wheat is also imported!

80% of Americans test positive for chemical found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats that may cause infertility, delayed puberty: study


Canadian farmers blamed for ag chemical in U.S. oat foods

However, U.S. growers are not permitted to use Manipulator on oats or other food crops. Therefore, the source of the chlormequat in oat foods must be Canadian farms, the Environmental Working Group says.

“Environmental Protection Agency regulations allow the chemical to be used on ornamental plants only – not food crops – grown in the U.S. But its use is permitted on imported oats and other foods sold here. Many oats and oat products consumed in the U.S. come from Canada.”


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The “highly toxic agricultural chemical” is federally allowed to be used on oats and other grains imported to the US, according to the EWG.

Mine ate them as toddlers. But that was decades ago.

Wheat is also imported!

80% of Americans test positive for chemical found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats that may cause infertility, delayed puberty: study


Canadian farmers blamed for ag chemical in U.S. oat foods

However, U.S. growers are not permitted to use Manipulator on oats or other food crops. Therefore, the source of the chlormequat in oat foods must be Canadian farms, the Environmental Working Group says.

“Environmental Protection Agency regulations allow the chemical to be used on ornamental plants only – not food crops – grown in the U.S. But its use is permitted on imported oats and other foods sold here. Many oats and oat products consumed in the U.S. come from Canada.”


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Oh wow, thank you! This answers so many questions I have. Especially your point about holding two opposing ideas in my head at the same time. I can see the change in the skies but the conspiracy part was troubling me. When you dial it down to commercial interests and dirty fuel it makes SO much more sense. Thank you again for making what should be quite obvious, but wasn't due to fear, more clear. Big hugs from London for your clear vision and for stopping me from thinking I'm crazy as the skies are horrendous over London. Just grey and miserable. They weren't during 2020, we had one of our best summers in years because so many planes were grounded. That's when first heard about chemtrails and I had trouble reconciling what I was witnessing with the scare stories. Thanks again!

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Good job, Dr Yahoo you have duped one already. The contrail lie perpetuated. She must have skimmed the part of you agreeing with all the George comments. OK done trolling (her comment just came at the same time I posted :)

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Hard to challenge George. He's doubtful of graphine oxide accumulation but I'll get him righted. Stay tuned and best

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I brought this patent on delivering graphene oxide for ice nucleation up with him, he thinks it's just someone banking on maybe making money in the future (he could be correct):


Personally, I think that means they've already been doing it for some time.

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That is the primary purpose of a patent, to make money off of an idea.

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yeah patents are little evidence of anything but again I know nothing of these issues

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I asked a chemist about GO a while back & was told THIS:

"Do you realize the chemical implications of Reduced Graphene OXIDE?

Oxidation is nullified by reduction. So we're back to just GRAPHENE...

I'll look at the piece with a jaded eye because if people can't get their chemistry right then there is no point in giving a millisecond to their work."

SO, with THAT being said, Are we still to be worried about GOr. ??

Thank You.

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I'm not knowledgeable about this, but if you want to write me a more comprehensive reply, I will consider it more carefully. Just reply to this email.

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Haha, We are in the same boat. I will press for more details & will let you know my finding at that time. For now , the idea is out there for others with more knowledge to elborate on :)

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La Quinta Columna, a Spanish research group and one of the first to get their hands a few vials of mRNA injectable (2020), found GO in all of them. Be sure to search in an accommodating engine. Google doesn't want you to see it.b. Karen Kingston is another great source of information, as she was a pharma legal (patent) analyst. Be prepared for a lengthy rabbit hole.

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Infiltrated/unreliable sources. Thanks anyways.

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provide evidence please

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THANKS I am into La quinta cloumna and hope to report. Great tip about search engine, I use Yanex

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Correct, did skim read, I'm at work, saved for a proper look later. You haven't trolled me, you just have a different view, that's fine. This article just makes so much sense to me and I'd like to know your reasons against it. Whilst I know there's nefarious people like Bill Gates and the WEF, who are as crazy as a rabid werewolf during a full moon. And I also know that the rest of the population is at best lazy and cowardly and will aqueous to anything they're told. To believe that so many people could be in on chem trails without anyone talking is a hard stretch. As I said, I'm in London. We have some of the busiest skies in the world. To think that every pilot is deliberately spraying without even one speaking out isn't credible. What is credible is that we have the same effect because of greed. And that will be hard to address, but a hell of a lot easier to sell to the public and get them on side. You can explain your annoyance if you wish but you'll need some decent evidence. All the best.

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There is some talk that pilots are no longer involved (as in years out of it). And on the flip side, whistleblowing is becoming more and more personally dangerous. Many ppl involved in things they didn't expect simply go along to get along (remember the good Germans). You work. I assume thats consuming. I can tell you my "awakening" has been going on since 2015, and I don't work. I spend about 4 hours per day digging deep doing my own research, comparing all who speak of such things as this. Specifically, I was watching my go-to news station, CNN, and the reporter blatantly lied about something (I don't remember exactly what that was), but the feeling was profound. And hindsight has been 20/20.

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CNN: assume the opposite

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No question the reporters are lying all the time. I'll simply point out that what I'm saying is not being said by the government or reporters. They are not telling you, that airline pollution is poisoning the air and water, nor are they telling you the artificial clouds are affecting the weather.

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After what happened in 2020--and what I learned years before in trying to withdraw from the state funded psychiatric system which keeps people crazy with those "safe and effective" drugs--I admit I am paranoid. I see no reason to trust our federal government or its symbiotic big corporations or its MSM lapdogs about anything. Is EVERYTHING a nefarious scheme? Of course not. But that doesn't mean there is no scheming or that there aren't sociopaths behind the scenes.

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With what we have witnessed and what you have personally experienced, your opinions are justified.

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You absolutely should be skeptical of the government always and especially now.

I am not aware of the government telling us that they are dumping a thousand barrels of exhaust from excessively dirty jet fuel in the atmosphere that is blocking the sun and poisoning the air and water.

They are hiding those verifiable facts and i think they are happy to fact check but amplify the chemtrails theory so people kepp chasing a ghost.

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One may not screw around with Mother Nature and Father Time and remain invisible to those effects. That which you sow, so shall you reap. The religion of it doesn't matter. It's the unexpected consequences those who do evil refuse to acknowledge.

You cannot carry out evil or manufactured disruptions in a vacuum. Ask the universe. That is why the people doing this harm to the planet and humanity are the dumbest among the human species.

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Let's hope they called out and waiting for Karma makes me impatient

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Robert, this is one your best ones yet. I happen to notice it not long after you posted it, and I had a little over 30 minute drive to knock out, so I put on the audio (yes, I know how to read). George's willingness to put together the post, especially after he was so incredibly involved in the comments section of the previous post is hugely appreciated. George, that means a metric buttload, which is bigger than an Imperial buttload. As an engineer, you should know this. Thanks for the work fellas. This was worth every second.

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Another great substack. Admittedly, was on team chemtrails and upset with George - But with further “indepth” info/explanation makes far more sense. There are kinda sorta “chemtrails” but not to the large maniacal evil degree and sadly, simple industrial pollution is far more heinous. Thanks, relieved to have less “they are murdering us” worry. Albeit the geoengineering being done is horrific for those who need water especially our ranch.

Off the topic and onto a “CT” thought - could the advent of masks and social distancing possibly helped the military industrial complex to refine facial recognition by as little as a partial nose, one eye, an ear? Great forum to practice controlled surveillance. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Thanks again! Keep’em coming!

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Hi, I'm glad I did a better job explaining things the second time around.

I work in software, and the masks would not assist training facial recognition. If they wanted to train only on eyes, they could mask out the rest of the face using software and accomplish the same thing. They don't need people to actually wear the masks to do this.

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Good article. There was one thing however that made me realise that George has never been to New Zealand where I live.

“Today, the air is 1000x better. It is the same with the waterways; they were far more polluted when I was growing up. Decades of effort and regulation have improved both our air and our water.”

George - in NZ, unfortunately it’s the opposite.

Driving across the country we have dry river beds where there used to be an abundance of water. The swimming hole we went to as teenagers no longer exists

The rivers that still have water in them are more polluted than they ever have been. In Auckland people are regularly advised to stay out of the ocean because the pollution is too high at times.

Even our drinking water is causing huge problems due to metal contamination as investment in maintaining infrastructure has been ignored.

Our drinking water has aluminium added to it which for me makes plant inedible if they are watered with aluminium containing tap water.

The air is full of metal nanoparticles that we breathe in everyday. Everyone in the world is inhaling titanium dioxide nanoparticles from big industry pollution yet industry get a free pass for their pollution in nz and it’s blamed on the farmers.

The removal of lead from fuel was replaced by palladium and platinum which now spews from every vehicle with a catalytic converter

Metals are the great sensitiser of the human race and an existential threat

If nothing is done about our constant exposure to metals very soon, it will be too late for over half the population

Worrying about chemtrails is as much a waste of time as thinking the earth is flat

If these vocal people that think they are activists don’t start focussing on a strategy that will guarantee them success it will be too late.

The thing about metal nanoparticles in the air, water and food supply is that you don’t have to argue with anyone about whether it’s true before something can be done about it

Spend time on things that are possible to succeed

Even if there is a secret chemtrails programme, the best way to mitigate it and succeed in reducing our metal exposure is to focus on the metals from big industry instead as there is no argument that has to be resolved first

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George doesn't seem as humble as Robert. I snorkeled in Hawaii in 1987 and the water was crystal clear and full of colorful schools of fish. Went back in 2021... same bay and it's nearly impossible to see underwater with very few fish. Water is not getting cleaner! I think we can use our eyes to know he's FOS.

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You have a potty mouth, girl.

I observed deterioration at Kapalua in Hawaii.

I lived in LA much of my life and G is right about here.

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Clear water is not always a sign of health. The cleanest water is water in which there is no life.

I admit, I am talking about inland rivers and lakes here in Canada and the US. When I was born many decades ago, there were a lot less environmental laws and there was a lot more industrial waste going into both the air and waterways. Our situation here, is vastly better than it was before, a testament to what is possible if the people pressure the government to take action against pollution.

It is accurate to say though, that this is not the case everywhere in the world.

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Hi Mark, it is true, my experience here in North America may not be the same worldwide. In the US and Canada there has been a lot of focus on reducing certain types of pollution in the air and in waterways through regulation and that has made a big difference here.

You are correct to point out that this will not be the same everywhere in the world, but it does go to show that regulation can reduce the amount and impact of pollution if the people pressure the government to do something about it.

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In NZ we’ve had plenty of groups try do something about the pollution but everything has still been mismanaged and too much water allowed to be taken by farmers

Big industry have a free pass from the nz govt when it comes to pollution. They blame our farmers instead even when there’s a riot into aluminium smelter at one end of the country.

I know the waitaki river gets sprayed each year with herbicide. That has plenty of water but there are small islands in the river where self seeded wilding pines grow. They spray them but it’s done by helicopter and half the spray goes on the water. That’s also where my town gets it’s drinking water from.

In NZ we have even had a Green Party in govt but the country has still gone downhill ecologically. Mostly mismanagement in my opinion. Big industry should not be allowed to profit off causing disease yet they are. Big industry needs to be given an ultimatum, either clean up their metal nanoparticles from the atmosphere, or have all their future profits nationalised to pay for healthcare

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Yes, I have a friend in NZ, and I realize it is quite different from here in many ways especially the government.

Here in north america, the regulations have made a big difference. RFK Jr spent decades creating organizations that have revived a lot of interior waterways.

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Our beaches get closed in Auckland when it rains too much as raw sewage gets emptied into the ocean

Still nothing is done about it

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Immensely frustrating. I have noticed a similar pattern here in Canada where the "green" political cities on the coast still dumped raw sewage into the ocean. Victoria BC -- stalwart of the green party -- was dumping raw sewage into the ocean up until 2021.

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Thanks for posting this.

So WHO is George? '

On other note, about that product you advertised so much, without being able to point to the ingredients list. I got it anyway but once I saw the ingredients list, the bottles were returned immediately. Here is the letter I wrote to the Frontier Pharmaceutical, Inc. at 10 Ponderosa Dr., Melville NY 11747:


I was directed by my good friend to purchase your product, but was already concerned, not being able to see the ingredients list of them anywhere, BEFORE the purchase. I decided to buy it anyway, against my gut feeling, which after receiving it yesterday, just confirmed the bad suspicion!

Your bottle B, contains:

1. flavor; ??? WHAT KIND OF

2. alcohol: ??? WHAT KIND OF

3. phosphoric acid: why? at https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ingredients/704836-PHOSPHORIC_ACID/ you can read what it is casuing actually!

further you added to the product:

4. https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ingredients/705137-polysorbate-20/

another one:

5. https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ingredients/702607-GLUTARAL/

with safety level 3-6!!!!

6. another carcinogen:


7. less toxic but still


8. this one is really ridiculous, safety level 3-8!!!!!!!!!! ALUMINUM(!!)


9. and equally this one (TITANIUM DI-OXIDE):


I ORDERED CHLORINE DIOXIDE and NOT MONSANTO/DuPont/PHARMA CARTEL mix of carcinogens and toxins for my HUMAN. MOUTH!!!!

Sorry, BUT have to share this NOW. Always read everything possible, BEFORE being involved. I made the same HUGE mistake just recently by equally advertising the 'wonderful' Rose+Seneff+McCullough+Kirsch et al.s paper. I didn't even read the abstract, where everything was already on the table, these criminals are all for genetic modifications of the entire humanity!!!! THEY WANT SAFE AND EFFECTIVE mod mRNA reprogramming molecules in the human bodies! All what they have in common, is MIT, and maybe something else.....

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Good choice to return if for no other reason than that "flavour" (and natural flavor) is MSG under a new name. Once the neurological and other damage done by MSG was widely known, they relabelled it. It now shows up in almost every health food product and supplement. Nutritional yeast is also an ironically named MSG delivery system.

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I have personal connections with the owners, and they mean well.

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Of course! Most people aren't aware of what these ingredients actually are. When we know better we can do better.

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Look (and you are my friend), you were too lame to take directions and make CD or CDS, so why complain about your purchase of a product that I wrote was a bridge to making a CD? Please review this post. Even though you are brilliant BAC, it will take a couple of hours. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/280-nasa-said-that-chlorine-dioxide

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Thanks so much for this, especially in this age of sharing information via videos. I don't watch them, but I WILL read.

I've been casually following the chemtrail issue for decades now, and I've been occasionally drawn in by the claims, only to find the refutations more convincing. The last 'draw' for my was when I followed a link to Dane's site. He made a lot of shocking, declarative statements with an air of authority, but all I had to do was actually follow his links to see that they were all self-referential; no studies, no supportive evidence. Just links to other pages where he said the same thing.

Another reason why the distinction between intentional poisoning and turning a blind eye to corporate behaviors is that every time the intentionality is exposed for being wrong, the subject is dropped, along with the credibility of those who want to stop the poisoning. Environmentlists have done the same thing with climate change. All manner of corporate poisoning of our world will continue as long as we allow these distractions to dominate the reality.

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For what it’s worth , I would like to point out that photos of WW2 military aircraft operating at high altitude show they generated contrails from piston engines burning high octane gasoline handled through superchargers as did the piston powered airliners of the following decade.

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They used methanol injection back then, hasn't been used for some time.

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Any small particles can potentially act as cloud seeds if the conditions are right. But some particles -- particularly smaller ones with a static charge -- will more readily attract water vapour.

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Thanks for your response. I remember growing up in the fifties and sixties how clear the skies were where I lived in suburban Virginia with frequent fluffy cumulus clouds. I remember the brown clouds over the cities in the seventies and eighties. they are, as you say, much better now. I remember in the nineties, when I moved to New Jersey, how horrible the atmosphere was, Dry and brown/ gray and droughty, no cumulus at all. Then, the atmosphere improved. Yes, we still get that milky look, but there are, at least sometimes, blue skies and fluffy cumulus clouds (although you can see how something is eating at their edges.) It would be beautiful to have those blue skies again.

Wilhelm Reich, of whom I am an admirer, believed that some of the air pollution came from UFO's.

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Thank you George, and Dr. Yoho for an excellent article. I was one of the few debunkers who agreed with Dr. Yoho's previous article. I just used a few facts, a little math and some common sense to conclude that changing the weather on a WORLDWIDE scale was simply not doable (Local, yes. Global, no). With your education and access to relevant information, you did a much better and more convincing job of it than I was able to.

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Thank you Robert. For clarifying what might otherwise be very complex.

Blessings from Australia.

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