These vax's were fear driven, only the hospitalized, deaths reported, 99% recovered, those who died had 1 or more CORMIDITIES, or unkonwn ones, treatment may have not been right. Which has totally been replaced by the Russian story non-stop. None of the 89 pages of side effects were told to the public. HIV, HEREPES, MYCARDIAL, STILLBORN, MISCARRIAGES, CANCER, VISION, STERILITY, MAMO FALSE POSITIVES. No mention of the horrendous treatments, they forced on patients. Or the fact no visitation by family who could of reported it as illegal. A nurse was just tried over a fatal medical error, found guilty, her profession is having a fit 'we shouldn't be held accountable'. Medical who commit errors, or violate their oath to do NO harm are accountable to the victim or their family.

VEKLURY - remdesivir 2020 , NO 2 YEAR OLD DRUG IS CALLED BY IT'S GENERIC CHEMICAL NAME, THAT TAKES GOING OFF PATENT. This drug was given to Vent patients with Cormidities. Gilead did 1 'cherry picked' study. Relatives had to go to court to get any other but the Fauci approved treatments. What happened to a PATIENTS RIGHTS? or the Right to Try? They used hard to pronounce chemical names instead of the Brand Name. Now they want to overhaul healthcare, which means they will decide totally what your treatment will be, you will have NO CONTROL over what they do to your children. FAUCI, HIS WIFE AND BIDEN RAN THE SHOW. CENSORSHIP OF WELL KNOWN VIROLOGIST, EPIDEMIOLOGIST WAS SHUT DOWN. WHEN DO THE NUREMBERG TRIALS and the HELSINKI ACCORDS, BEGIN? COERCION THRU FEAR IS NOT CONSENT. I maybe 73, no vaxes, no covid, Cormidities, I'm not Ignorant. TIME FOR A FEDERAL PATIENTS/PARENTS BILL OF RIGHTS THAT APPLY TO ALL 50 STATES. UNDER PARENTAL/PATIENT VOTES, NOT CONGRESS.

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The clinical trial data and drugs do not match that of the publication.

Am I missing something?

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First, their affiliations are the same and look like bs.

"From the Research Division, Cardresearch-Cardiologia Assistencial e de Pesquisa (G.R., E.A.S.M.S., D.C.M.S., T.S.F., C.V.Q.S., V.H.S.C., M.I.C.S., L.B.R., R.O.), and the Department of Medicine, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (G.R., E.A.S.M.S., D.C.M.S., C.V.Q.S., V.H.S.C.), Belo Horizonte, the Department of Public Health and Mental and Family Medicine, Ouro Preto Federal University, Ouro Preto (A.C.M., L.C.M.S.), the Public Health Care Division, Ibirité (A.C.M.), the Department of Public Health and the Family Medicine Fellowship Program, UNIFIPMoc, Montes Claros (A.M.R.N., A.P.F.G.A.), the Public Health Care Division, Brumadinho (E.D.C.), and the Public Health Fellowship Program, Governador Valadares Public Health Authority, Governador Valadares (A.D.F.N.) - all in Brazil; the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (L.T., S.S., P.M., G.H.G., E.J.M.), and Cytel (O.H., H.R., E.J.M.) and Platform Life Sciences (J.I.F., C.M.G., E.J.M.), Vancouver, BC - all in Canada; Certara, Princeton, NJ (K.R.-Y., C.R.R.); the Division of Infectious Diseases and International Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (D.R.B.); and Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (C.R.R.)."

What, pray tell, is all that? Somewhere in there, USG/CDC funding lurks.

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Go Kristina 💃❤️

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The IVM dose given was 1) not based upon weight 2) not given for 5 days and 3) not given with food.

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