Mr. Epstein lost a lot of credibility when he used polio vaccine as being causally related to the dropping death rates of polio as an example for IPCC wrongful thinking. Nothing could be further from the truth. Happy to debate Mr. Epstein on his use of the vaccines dropping polio deaths. He should prepare himself by familiarizing himself with the McKinlay and McKinlay study as well as Dr. Kass presentation in 1970 for starters. For finishers, let’s not forget that the diagnostic criteria were changed after the vaccine was released to try to show efficacy. Dr. Salk later had some statements as a follow-up to his vaccine and its credibility to actually dropping the death rates. Of course, that’s not the narrative that the AMA, Pharma, and our public health agencies would like us to believe.

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all accurate but everyone cannot be expert on everything

Alex is bright but not medical

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Your readers are thus informed, thanks again,

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Yes, disappointing but no one is perfect. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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I can't imagine a starving plastic surgeon, even one who retired early.

Epstein rediscovered the Econ 101. The problem with Econ 101 is that nothing is true, but you don't get that until you study more.

Why is everything in the extreme? Either slaughter all the coastal birds with the bird blender windmills or pollute our air with dirty power plants. Why not use the scrubber tech that we ALREADY have for the power plants, use solar where appropriate, put the windmills away from the coasts, and just buy the damned Chinese solar panels because we already wasted one or two billion $$$$ proving we can't make them.

Solar panels are not the place to decide we need strategic US production. There are tons of solar panel and other tech all over China. INSTEAD, let's make sure we can REPAIR the nuclear power plants that we already own by making sure we can produce those parts in the USA. Now? We rely on parts from China.

And why is everyone so juiced about China? It isn't their turn to babysit the USA or refrain from trying to BUY our corrupt government and corporate leaders. They aren't our allies. We have to hold our own leaders to task, jailing the corrupt ones who sell us out.

Look at the board of WEF and the CFR. You find the same big US corporations running the show.

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The first effing thing we need to do is to MAKE OUR OWN ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMERS.

They all come from China.

IT takes 2 years to get one.

Our government hates us and wants us dead or slaves.

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Ah, transformers... Totally agree!

Funny story: After I finished a five year stint on a Cybersecurity Round Table, I asked former DHS Sec Napolitano if it were true that all the transformers come from China. She said, "No, I think some still come from Germany." Everyone else in the room was shocked because they thought the transformer fairies delivered them.

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Germany might not have enough energy to make them anymore...they are now taking turns with the factories and the little energy they have left.

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Also, there needs to be scrapping of nonsense, improvements, and investigation of other energy production methods, including serious and unbiased trials, I'd suggest:

* Completely junk the destructive CO2 "Green House Effect" nonsense, if necessary by legal action.

* Ensure that diesel engines either consistently produce little particulate matter or the exhaust has a decent particulate scrubber, because the release of particulate quantity can be quite nasty during cold weather. Petrol, "Gas", didn't have that problem.

* Solve the Nitrogen Oxide production/pollution problem with ICEs (Internal Combustion Engines), so that more efficient Lean Burn is practical.

* Ban EVs (Electric Vehicles) as a mass replacement for ICE vehicles, because there are uneconomic end-to-end and pose nasty resource sourcing, safety and disposal problems.

* Ban power-generation windmills in all but some consistently windy areas, because most are a net loss, because of costs, short-lifespan, and unreliable power supply, including none during "too-fast" wind, which requires significant redundant power fossil fuel power generation plant and possibly less efficient use of it, thus effectively a net loss.

* Try safer and fast-breeder atomic fission reactors, preferable without risky, and often polluting, water cooling.

* Stop the pointless high spending on "White Elephant" magnetic-bottle (e.g. Tokamaks) and laser hot-fusion projects, and instead try cold/electric-plasma fusion projects, like those planned as spin-offs of the SAFIRE Plasma Sun Experiment. Electric/Plasma Universe theory makes a lot more sense than the Standard Physics Model, Einstein's Relativity, and Quantum Physics, and is effectively a unifying theory of nature.

* Try modulated-DC, alleged-over-unity, water electrolysis, then scaling this up, to fuel gas turbines, and other mobile ICE and catalytic power plant.

* Try power collection from natural EMF/RF in the atmosphere, e.g. using tall, tuned, resonant structures, then scaling this up.

* Try to make water batteries/power-collectors using Structured Water Theory.

* Some of Tesla's work suggests that other over-unity power plant is possible.

* Isaac Newton was clearly corrupt and wrong about "gravity", what if he was wrong/lying about energy too!?

A number of these alternative power sources may have been ignored/memory-holed because establishment science and corrupt corporation didn't want to lose power, wealth, or admit that they were wrong, and corruption was probably part of this too!

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Alex Epstein is a breath of fresh air. He is right as our earth was created for us humans to live in with all the materials that we might need. The problem is greedy people who want all the resources for themselves and make life difficult for others with their elaborate rules and restrictions so they can control mankind with their nonsense.

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resources are almost unlimited

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Yes, I agree. Mother Earth is a living breathing entity that we are most delighted to live in close proximity to her many beauties. Now if mankind could just get over themselves we could have a happy world!

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Peak oil please Robert. I am crazy and believe that we could drill Alasaka, and by the time we exhuast that field, we humans would have invented a good substitute....

Please? It drives me crazy .....can he please look at the economics of Peak oil (if he can disentagle it from the governments constant interference..) and give us an answer?

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Practical Philosophy????? Where has Epstein been the last 3 years? Has he never heard of Klaus Schwab? Bill Gates? WEF? The climate change Nazis? The Great Reset? The fact that they want us all to own nothing and be happy? Eat bugs and ride bicycles in our 15 minute cities/concentration camps? This is Alice in Wonderland stuff that he is spouting---not that he's wrong. He needs to wake up and smell the bug juice that WEF and the media are serving us all.

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he knows all this and is focussing on what he can do in his field

energy is a critical attack vector on us, maybe the most important one

africa will starve first if they get everyone to believe this carbon garbage

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Robert PLEASE GET HIM TO ADDRESS PEAK OIL...is it true, how can the economics of not easily accessible oil anymore ...all of that. It is something that Chris Martenson talks about alot in terms of the economy...and Martenson's on our side....he uprooted himself five years ago and now is a farmer...because he saw it coming?

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peak oil is a myth, we have oil and other fossil fuels that can last possibly 1000 years

Read Alex's books for more

these scarcity themes are psychopathic and designed to create anxiety and justify genocide

one less thing for you to worry about

also see my Patrick Moore interview and essays and I also rec his recent book

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Ok thanks...what I am looking at is the increasing cost of getting it out of the ground...and I suspect a lot of it has to do with govt regs...but thanks I will.

For some reason, I never beleived oil was dead dinosaurs, nor that it was finite...to me it seems like our earth inside makes oil...we just have to wait for it to refill?

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Old fracked wells have been found to recharge themselves and can produce more oil. Who knew? We are still discovering thngs.

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If one were keep digging into this subject you may find we have "Abiotic Oil" not "Fossil Fuels" and why there is no real shortage and old oil fields keep producing and are sought after fiercely. It's a product so important world wars are started over it. Worth keeping an open mind on it at least. http://www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net/Geopolitics___Eurasia/Peak_Oil___Russia/peak_oil___russia.html

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YEAH!!! I always thought I was the one who thought oil is a renewable earth generated resource...so I am not a crackpot?

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The real climate emergency is trying to slow Coal plants. That is not happening here, where we are working to close Coal plants. Meanwhile, China permitted the equivalent of two new coal plants a week last year.


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Coal is cleaner than you suspect in the USA but nuclear could easily, cleanly, and rapidly replace it if we could get around all the "green" agendas, translated: psychopath globalists

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Yes, the Chinese are not stupid. Western world is. WHY in God's name have all our representatives and our media been trying to brainwash everyone for the last 50 years? Because they want our world GONE. Trust me, there will be Enough Energy for the Elite.

I call it EEE.

That is what they are planning.

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I agree w/ Alex on pretty much everything... except: The Polio vaccine was a scam...read: “ Dissolving Illusions”( new edition coming soon) by Dr Susan Humphries. And “ Turtles All The Way Down”... and follow Dr Sherri Tenpenny ( and some ‘recovering’ physicians, like Pierre Kory), and we got a deal!!!!!

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yes he is not expert on this.

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I do hate getting drawn into debates about (types) of fuel. It’s not the discussion free people should be having when it comes to energy. I do believe in free enterprise and independent businesses—but not everything must be for profit, especially utilities (sidewalks, roads, water, communications AND Energy, which should be free for everyone; almost free, that is. Follow me, doc. Electricity cost ZERO beyond Fair-Trade Taxes collected to pay for functional superconductor (a/c & d/c) infrastructures, and no fossil or liquid fuels, whatsoever, are necessary for it; energy. There are literally infinite ways to collect up and generate electricity. It’s everywhere. My BIG issue with energy isn’t the type or method to obtain electricity for everything humans need—which works its way out via honest democracy’s of naturally-stable, centered, majority-Independent peoples—but it’s the MONSTERS who charge people beyond fair taxes for an abundance made scarce for profit. Again, Electricity is Free, it’s just the infrastructure problems humans need to iron out to free themselves from the money-junky whores manipulating the “for-profit” energy industry. Interesting article and story, doc. Thanks for keeping me thinking.

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close to exactly on point

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The knowledge of what is a tax is no longer taught. I get weird looks when I tell people that the FEE they just paid to get into a Park is a Tax. As is their car tags. BTW while I think of it, the various Taxes for those who smoke is 67%, which is going up again. While I don't like the practice, it is wrong to ban it like Newsom wants to do or keep taxing it. And do wish my 2 boys who complained about their dads smoking, I divorced my first one I wouldn't tolerate him abusing my first 3 boys, and Doctors were promoting it at one time, never took up the habit. My eldest (52) faces a Heart catheterization on the 14th. Will it be a Stent(s) or a Bypass or both, won't know till the Cardio looks at the arteries. Whatever sent the doctor to avoiding son to the ER scared him into stopping. He'd already dropped to 1 pack from 2 a day.

I'd like to know more about this National Divorce as Idaho is adopting counties from another state. We here in Tennessee have 4 major BLUE Counties that think they run the State and Ignore State Laws.

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But someone just introduced a bill that would allow the people, the agencies, the judge and jury's the governor and your state reps to NULLIFY ANY UNCONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL MANDATE/RULING, etc. OVERREACH.

If you guys pass this, and espeically if you re-establish State Banks....I'm moving to TN.

Whats a good location (non blue??)

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Depends on what weather you like, the West is hot and humid, we hit 110 this summer with little rain, the East is cold and snowy in the winter, Middle is good for hunting, fishing, farms, and boating. Land Between the Lakes is gorgeous and covers both TN and KY, with lots of small towns. I'd want out in the country, at least an hour or more from Memphis (Worst), Nashville #2, Knoxville, or Chattanooga. They are all FULL BLUE. Away from colleges too. The trouble is they are where the biggest Medical is. https://www.roadsnacks.net/most-conservative-cities-in-tennessee/

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Much obliged.

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Perhaps, if we ALL stopped buying cheapy, China, crap, we wouldn't be having this argument about fossil fuels. China produces most of the #$&*! That ends up in OUR landfills. Does anyone discuss the amount of " stuff", one buys on a regular basis? How about all the crap we put in " storage"! Let's be realistic and talk about consumerism, medical prescription waste, garbage foods we purchase and eat. It's not utopia but everyone of us can change.

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"This is as disreputable as a panel on polio that doesn't acknowledge the massive decrease in polio deaths driven by the polio vaccine." Your comment.

I must ask, please research this subject. Because there is a much debated facts about this claim.

I stopped reading your article at this point

I will however go back and finish reading.

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You picked it up. This was Alex not me.

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WOW. PLEASE ASK him to address the PEAK OIL conundrum...that we are running out of easily accessible oil, and consequently it is not economic to pull it out of the ground anymore...?

You know, the Peak Oil Theory which is what they are using to drag us all back to the stone age?

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no conundrum


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So how does he succeed convincing people in this psyops climate when you, I and millions of others have been fired, deplatformed, censored and sometimes bumped off for speakng the truth on Covid? I'd love to see your book become a "New York Times bestseller!" Ain't ever gonna happen.

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Joel, he's a specialist the whole picture is too much for the mainstream

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I've known about Epstein and his points countering the global warming narrative. Socially, there's little to argue with, however, no matter how fake "global warming" is, fossil fuels are sources of pollution from extraction to burning. Lack of responsibility from drillers/transporters and their bought politicians has allowed oil/gas companies to put profit ahead of responsibility. Hydrocarbon particulate emissions absolutely cause disease and death.

Fossil fuels can be a more viable narrative if the companies involved were held to task when a pipeline bursts, when fracking and polluting water supplies, when a ship runs aground and leaks, when a train derails, etc. Fossil fuel viability aside, the fact that the companies can do obvious harm and get away w/it needs to end.

In 1974, the car companies said they would be put out of business because they needed to add a sub $200 catalytic converter to cars. They're all still here. I believe they bitched about lead being removed from gas too. Both legislations and latter increased emission standards have not hurt the car industry or the fossil fuel industry, but have saved untold lives. An easy compromise that needs to continually improve.

Additionally, newer nuclear technologies are reasonably safe and can burn up current waste fuel rods and provide "localized" energy with smaller grids.

All of the above are reasonable expectations that I'm not aware Epstein will advocate for and I don't know if he criticizes the oil industry for their never ending supply-side games that rig global market prices and hurt personal wealth/sovereignty. So he does come across as a shill in many ways. Whether he is or isn't, I don't know.

Lastly, rockefellers are the biggest segment of the oil industry and drove petroleum based pharma, eugenics, wars, WHO, WEF, a recent "lab leaked" virus and more. Be real careful of who you are cheering for until you know who is who and why they say what they say.

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There is still no substitute for cars. Until then, we are doomed to 15 minute cities.

Yes, oil has driven a lot of evils, but also a lot of good. Maybe we need to decentralize the industry...or something.

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You may be doomed, but I'm not. I make my own future, not the assholes.

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we need dogs like you in this fight

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If I were younger, I'd be right there with you.

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Oil is almost all good

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All important and no-one in this game is advocating irresponsible earth stewardship. read Epstein's books they elaborate

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Gas is Cheaper than electricity. WHEN DID WE HIRE A KING NANNY? Telling us what Stove we can have. I thought this was a Free Republic, not a Dictatorship. https://gailhonadle.substack.com/p/when-did-we-hire-a-king-nanny-telling

Lowe's is already warning those who are remodeling their kitchens. I'm quite sure Alex would do a better job. It impacts a lot more than just home stoves, where gas is cheaper for the purchaser than an Electric Stove. Of course, they had to add in their Racist boloney. Biden owns 4, one for each of his homes, Trumpka says Gas Stoves based on 1 dubious study increased Asthma by 12%. Biden got out of the Nam Draft by claiming falsely he had it while playing HS Football. Another one of his falsehoods.

We moved a lot, as Military families typically do, you take what stove that comes with a rental unit. Base housing was not for lower Ranks. Still isn't. I would love a Gas Stove. Wonder what Iron Chefs like Cat Cora would say about having to deal with STOVEGATE? All great Chefs cook on Gas Stoves and Charcoal Grills.

And if we look back there was way more SMOG in the Industrial Revolution. The Earth is still here. IF we can't keep the Enviro Wackos from destroying our Food and Climate. At 74 I've seen how it swings, and in different areas. China has a lot more SMOG. Doesn't take a Ph'D to understand the basics. They want to force their will on others and let the government spend a lot of money doing it they can then SCAM off with, or write another stupid book full of false information.

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Thank you Sir. I saw a small video that basically asked everyone to look around their home & work environment to find anything that didn't involve FFs in their production. Result? Not a thing.

Then posed the question of what was used in manufacturing the wind turbines & solar panels?

Exactly FFs. The anti FFs brigade are blinkered to put it politely. The majority of the climate doom mongers are all suffering from HUAS Head Up Arse Syndrome.

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