It's not about how smart your brother-in-law is. It's about how open he is to challenging narratives. Science advances when people challenge narratives.
Plenty of high IQ physicians drink everything the CDC and pharma give them w/o question. Common sense beats high IQ every time.
High IQ means good adoption to algorithm that measures it. It does not mean your resources as a whole human are bigger.
I talked to a lot of people on the street or when waiting for kids music classes tonother parents, and found the robust, simplifying approach from “simple men” more refreshing, worth living, so much more effective, and humanistic in hindsight than lengthy discussions with frieds that studied eg medicine, rather leading me astray.
But I tend to be the one that has to torture himself with deep thinking it over and bothering others meanwhile instead of doing an intuitive smack and be there.
So I have to read again Antoine Staint-Exupery’s “Little Prince”: you can only truly see with your heart.
For me, as I lost so much time near Universities where really interesting things are untold, distorted, or just thought-away, it was a warrant that I fall more easily prey to mostly false narratives. (Found no true ones, thinking of it. You can like a story or not, and some grains are always there intersecting with your life, or it would not draw your attention. The power stories give over your life is a process solely happening in your head…)
One thing I grasp now: stories form realities.
Like in energistic or Russian healing there is no doubt that we can form reality by mind.
I find thus so hard to accept, but could not find a proof it is not true.
My sister has an extreme sensitivity to much of what you've talked about. After the installation of a cell tower near her home, her health deteriorated to the point that she moved ....way out in the country in the middle of a field, no cell towers nearby. No internet in her home. No microwave. Her cell phone stays off unless she has to use it, and then only at arm's length on speaker phone. She swears these changes have brought her huge relief, but her doctors all tell her she is imaging this sensitivity and that her symptoms are not caused by EMF.
My brother lived on his phone for business, always held to his right ear. He died of cancer several years ago at 55. A large cancerous tumor had developed in his neck near his right ear that eventually strangled off his carotid artery. Another tumor was inside of his cheek near the ear he held the phone.
Of course, a grain of salt here, but the anecdotes are powerful enough for me to believe there's definitely something to this EMF thing.
We’re in central Florida and it’s growing fast. I’m pushing my husband to get hard wire internet when it’s available out here.
I have friends who are sensitive and they can’t move away from the new tower ( Minnesota) I sent her my silver fabric. It seems to aggravate any autoimmune issues, our different personal experiences.
I believe this is true that some are more sensitive to EMF, (some extremely) but that it can harm us all. I always think of 'Better Call Saul' and Jimmy McGill's sensitivity when I hear about this.
I am also an engineer and I own several meters. You have to be aware of what frequencies are being output and what the meter will detect.
I am surprised your hydro meter gave no readings.
Microwave ovens always scatter a lot of fields outside but they are much weaker than inside the microwave.
"Many of the devices to mitigate EMF are scams. One person tried to sell me a $1500 item to put on my outside meter. It was supposedly designed “tune” my incoming electricity. I also purchased “air gap” over-the-ear headphones that were not loud enough to hear. "
I agree this sounds like a scam, but what evidence do you have it's a scam? There are a lot of people that sell devices that claim to not block, but change the energy. I don't have enough expertise to measure or judge whether that is true or not. Assuming it is a scam is being as closed minded to these devices as your brother in law is to the dangers of EMF.
Your electric toothbrush -- or any motor -- will almost certainly deliver electric fields, which are different from electro-magnetic fields. Electric fields don't travel far and are easily blocked by material including your skin. For the amount of time you're exposed, I wouldn't really worry about that one. Anything with a small battery is going to be very low power.
Unless you unplug your wifi access point or router, it is likely still radiating even though it's not broadcasting your SSID. I use Unifi access points, and they will continue to broadcast and receive even while WIFI networks are turned off. The only way to stop it is to cut the power (which I do now).
ISP supplied modem/routers often have wifi signals you simply can't turn off at all. I use screening material to block signals from those devices.
"If you do not completely convert to a wired Ethernet system for your TV, computers, and cell phones, try to find a place to set up your WiFi source and router at least twenty feet away from your kitchen and other heavily trafficked areas of your home."
Many access points and routers have settings you can change the signal strength. I have a lot of access points in the house running at very low signal power vs running one or two blasting the whole house at full power to get coverage to the farthest points.
For whole house protection, real stucco with metal lathe (the metal lathe does the work) will effectively block most cell signals and you'll only get signal through windows and non-metal doors.
That shield you took a picture of, is only designed to block the signal in one direction. Cell phones use an omni antenna so the signal goes 360 degrees. To test it properly, you probably need a better meter and or use the one you have only behind that one side. If you totally shield your phone, it simply won't work. Just turn it off or put it in airplane mode. Same thing.
Pretty sure that Cornet meter will not detect powerline frequencies (60hz) so you are not actually checking for those fields which are much harder to shield and can be pervasive in poorly wired homes. You need a tri-field or similar meter to check for that. If your house has high powerline fields it could be coming from outside -- some streets are fully bathed in signals from the powerlines. Other times, it can be a sign of bad wiring in your house which could take some detective work to track down. There are very few good books on that topic. (Silencing the fields was one of the best, but no longer in print)
Happy to chat in person if you ever want more details.
All Microwave Ovens should be chucked out; they make toxic food, so are dangerous even if not leaking high-power microwaves!
Too true about RF screening limitations, and there can be RF hotspots in a house, possibly caused by reflection focusing; bad screening can cause that! I have a hotspot at one end of my bedroom, so switched the end of my bed I put my pillow at to keep my head away from it while sleeping.
For a Wi-Fi Router, I suggest a Draytek one (I have one), you can set the Wi-Fi transmitter power level percentage, and many other Wi-Fi settings, switch it on/off via the web console and configure a schedule to automatically turn it on and another to turn it off, say morning and night.
I prefer the GQ Electronics meters, and have an EMF-380 (EMF, EF & RF to 8GHz), and GMC-500+ (ionising radiation). The newer EMF-390 measures RF up to 10GHz, with logging. The EMF models have a Digital RF mode, which can be useful to see how fast (bad) RF pulsing is, e.g. my cordless mouse only sends anything and fast while I'm moving it.
Wired headsets can be made relatively safe for use with mobiles by getting a 1 m headset extension cable and clipping on multiple, spaced apart, clip-on Ferrite Beads, mostly on loops of cable, to significantly attenuate any RF carried on the surface of the wires, then connected this between the mobile and a wired headset. Always test the RF signal level at the headset speaker end, using an RF meter, before you reply upon this hack. Best avoid any mobile phone without a headset jack socket, because Bluetooth can be risky/unreliable and an OTG audio jack adapter maybe unusable/unreliable.
If you live in an apartment or condo or some other scrunched up area, there will usually be dozens of WI-FI signals invading your space. Even if you turn yours off, you still might be affected by many others near by. Where are the studies that prove all this radiation is safe? Never blindly accept the word of big tech who only cares about profits and not safety.
Seems like a “no brainer”….remember the Swedish kids experiment with plants and EMF…..the plants placed next to an EMF source withered and died the plants nowhere near a source of EMF thrived….I even see many shrubs in my neighborhood that are next to the big green electrical boxes that are dead…..🤔
I got horrific leg cramps when we lived right under a cell tower. I tried earthing (ground a conductive sheet on the bed) and the leg cramps disappeared. I was told I was crazy - but that was my experience. One night the cramps returned so I thought I WAS crazy - only to discover the grounding cord was disconnected.
As we looked for housing, I decided I needed to see how bad the EMF was at each prospective house so I bought meter(s). I used (high frequency meter for cell towers HF35-C $389.35) and (60 Hz for household electricity - I think this is an updated version of the one I have ) Note that house wiring can give off strong signals but it drops down quickly so you might find you have a hot spot in a wall and shouldn't locate your chair or bed there, but just moving away from it can resolve it. Also, it's possible to have dirty electricity/ noise which can have health effects. That $1500 "scam" sounds like it might have been to address this - IF your electricity was tested and found to have an issue. Less EMF also has conductive fabric which I used to make faraday bags and conductive sheeting.
When we finally found a house it unfortunately had a Smart Meter right on the other side of the wall where the head of our bed was. There was a stainless steel mesh shield cover that I read was a bad idea because it could actually focus the radiation into the house. Then there was the idea you could somehow shield the back or paint the room but I was unconvinced. So we built a faraday cage for our bed with copper mesh - all four sides, plus ceiling and floor and all covered seams. Inside cell phones show "No Signal", meters detect nothing at all.
And now we've finally moved to a place where towers aren't an issue, but bugs are plentiful - so we kept the cage to keep the bugs at bay.
Final note: the frequency for 5G is either a secret, or multiple frequencies. The bottom line is, I haven't found a meter that is made for it. Without a meter, there's no way you can tell what you're being radiated with.
And as an aside - get the high frequency cell meter and show your brother in law what it does with a cell phone. The clicking is unnerving but when a cell phone starts transmitting, it goes crazy and pins at the highest register. I haven't found anyone yet that wasn't totally freaked out by this, no matter how committed to Apple they were.
Can we talk about how to separate the angst before the angst from the real thing?
I had a professor for high frquency electronics and radiation classes from FU Berlin telling us 2002, that ca. 5% of people are emf sensitive in one way or other. Aha.
So far I thought:
This does not mean they get physical ill directly from radiation, but since they are gaslighted and do not get useful training to their additional senses, they suffer. That makes them ill.
Now I think, under certain conditions, like decreased CD4/8 immunity, perhaps direct effects should be measured.
Now I got to know to an energisitc healer. She tried to teach me that things get big if I give them attention. The wrong kind of attention.
Perhaps we should ask where do newer technologies intersect with the energy of life. But this concept is so new to me, and only the lies I was told the last 3 years open me up to approach this, and I know I’m vulnerable to be led astray.
Pray for guidance and protection, was the advice of the energistic healer. Or meditate. Whatever your soul tends to.
I discovered all people with irritated or irritable mast cells MCAS, and probably monocyte activation syndrome, MAS, and autoimmune prevalents, AI, tend to have higher sensitivities to EMV as well.
This also expresses itself in 100-FOLD higher rate of psychological and neurological symptoms.
Allergy tablets crossing the blood-braun barrier (before sleeping, perhaps a modern one in the morning) could be sime easy relief to enable the brain to heal itself, cut spirals.
Btw they discovered in 8.2020 that no oatient treated against MCAS did suffer from severe cause or LHCS. Though from setup and chronic inflammation tendencies being vulnerable, and untreated they surely suffer badly.
So that’s why treatment against CoV is unacceptable to the system: it disrupts a whole bunch of narratives and money earning cycles in neuro/psycho/onko -logy at least…
Thank you for the information and personal experience. I need a meter! I have a phone case from safe sleeve, my fingers don’t tingle. I got special headphones and same here, not loud enough to hear well. I have a small sauna but it’s sad it has Bluetooth hooked up.
Thanks! Great info, I was meaning to research. I use my cell and iPad a lot so going to try to listen to my podcasts on my Bluetooth speaker with the device way away. I was wondering if the faraday bags work so seems like they do.
Just wanted to thank you, Dr. Yoho, for your post. I've learned a lot from it and the resulting comments here. Learning about the intricacies of EMF just seems so daunting after spending so much time learning about vaccines, pharmaceuticals, proper nutrition vs. big agribusiness, etc. etc. Just one more way in which we are being crushed by powerful forces beyond our control. Each small bit of truth shared among those who seek it goes a long way toward regaining some power.
It's not about how smart your brother-in-law is. It's about how open he is to challenging narratives. Science advances when people challenge narratives.
Plenty of high IQ physicians drink everything the CDC and pharma give them w/o question. Common sense beats high IQ every time.
Very good points. High IQ means nothing in the practical world or in the real world where survival might depend on "street wise" experience.
High IQ means good adoption to algorithm that measures it. It does not mean your resources as a whole human are bigger.
I talked to a lot of people on the street or when waiting for kids music classes tonother parents, and found the robust, simplifying approach from “simple men” more refreshing, worth living, so much more effective, and humanistic in hindsight than lengthy discussions with frieds that studied eg medicine, rather leading me astray.
But I tend to be the one that has to torture himself with deep thinking it over and bothering others meanwhile instead of doing an intuitive smack and be there.
So I have to read again Antoine Staint-Exupery’s “Little Prince”: you can only truly see with your heart.
For me, as I lost so much time near Universities where really interesting things are untold, distorted, or just thought-away, it was a warrant that I fall more easily prey to mostly false narratives. (Found no true ones, thinking of it. You can like a story or not, and some grains are always there intersecting with your life, or it would not draw your attention. The power stories give over your life is a process solely happening in your head…)
One thing I grasp now: stories form realities.
Like in energistic or Russian healing there is no doubt that we can form reality by mind.
I find thus so hard to accept, but could not find a proof it is not true.
Let’s tell ourselves stories of futures we like.
Great comment
My sister has an extreme sensitivity to much of what you've talked about. After the installation of a cell tower near her home, her health deteriorated to the point that she moved ....way out in the country in the middle of a field, no cell towers nearby. No internet in her home. No microwave. Her cell phone stays off unless she has to use it, and then only at arm's length on speaker phone. She swears these changes have brought her huge relief, but her doctors all tell her she is imaging this sensitivity and that her symptoms are not caused by EMF.
My brother lived on his phone for business, always held to his right ear. He died of cancer several years ago at 55. A large cancerous tumor had developed in his neck near his right ear that eventually strangled off his carotid artery. Another tumor was inside of his cheek near the ear he held the phone.
Of course, a grain of salt here, but the anecdotes are powerful enough for me to believe there's definitely something to this EMF thing.
I believe your sister!
I moved out of government subsidized apartment to a house with my husband of 3 years, just that made a huge difference.
I used to hold my phone on a silver fabric square so my neuropathy wouldn’t act up. I have a case from safesleeve now that seems to help.
Good that you found some relief.
These towers are worrisome to me, especially the ones in population-dense areas. I've got to find me an empty field somewhere .........
We’re in central Florida and it’s growing fast. I’m pushing my husband to get hard wire internet when it’s available out here.
I have friends who are sensitive and they can’t move away from the new tower ( Minnesota) I sent her my silver fabric. It seems to aggravate any autoimmune issues, our different personal experiences.
RFK JR had an article on the 5G today.
I believe this is true that some are more sensitive to EMF, (some extremely) but that it can harm us all. I always think of 'Better Call Saul' and Jimmy McGill's sensitivity when I hear about this.
I am also an engineer and I own several meters. You have to be aware of what frequencies are being output and what the meter will detect.
I am surprised your hydro meter gave no readings.
Microwave ovens always scatter a lot of fields outside but they are much weaker than inside the microwave.
"Many of the devices to mitigate EMF are scams. One person tried to sell me a $1500 item to put on my outside meter. It was supposedly designed “tune” my incoming electricity. I also purchased “air gap” over-the-ear headphones that were not loud enough to hear. "
I agree this sounds like a scam, but what evidence do you have it's a scam? There are a lot of people that sell devices that claim to not block, but change the energy. I don't have enough expertise to measure or judge whether that is true or not. Assuming it is a scam is being as closed minded to these devices as your brother in law is to the dangers of EMF.
Your electric toothbrush -- or any motor -- will almost certainly deliver electric fields, which are different from electro-magnetic fields. Electric fields don't travel far and are easily blocked by material including your skin. For the amount of time you're exposed, I wouldn't really worry about that one. Anything with a small battery is going to be very low power.
Unless you unplug your wifi access point or router, it is likely still radiating even though it's not broadcasting your SSID. I use Unifi access points, and they will continue to broadcast and receive even while WIFI networks are turned off. The only way to stop it is to cut the power (which I do now).
ISP supplied modem/routers often have wifi signals you simply can't turn off at all. I use screening material to block signals from those devices.
"If you do not completely convert to a wired Ethernet system for your TV, computers, and cell phones, try to find a place to set up your WiFi source and router at least twenty feet away from your kitchen and other heavily trafficked areas of your home."
Many access points and routers have settings you can change the signal strength. I have a lot of access points in the house running at very low signal power vs running one or two blasting the whole house at full power to get coverage to the farthest points.
For whole house protection, real stucco with metal lathe (the metal lathe does the work) will effectively block most cell signals and you'll only get signal through windows and non-metal doors.
That shield you took a picture of, is only designed to block the signal in one direction. Cell phones use an omni antenna so the signal goes 360 degrees. To test it properly, you probably need a better meter and or use the one you have only behind that one side. If you totally shield your phone, it simply won't work. Just turn it off or put it in airplane mode. Same thing.
Pretty sure that Cornet meter will not detect powerline frequencies (60hz) so you are not actually checking for those fields which are much harder to shield and can be pervasive in poorly wired homes. You need a tri-field or similar meter to check for that. If your house has high powerline fields it could be coming from outside -- some streets are fully bathed in signals from the powerlines. Other times, it can be a sign of bad wiring in your house which could take some detective work to track down. There are very few good books on that topic. (Silencing the fields was one of the best, but no longer in print)
Happy to chat in person if you ever want more details.
Yes please email me and we can exchange cell phone numbers and thanks for your comment!
Lastly, the signal strength degrades as the square of the distance, so exponentially.
Bluetooth is weaker than wifi which is weaker than cell phones. We know this by how far the signals travel.
All Microwave Ovens should be chucked out; they make toxic food, so are dangerous even if not leaking high-power microwaves!
Too true about RF screening limitations, and there can be RF hotspots in a house, possibly caused by reflection focusing; bad screening can cause that! I have a hotspot at one end of my bedroom, so switched the end of my bed I put my pillow at to keep my head away from it while sleeping.
For a Wi-Fi Router, I suggest a Draytek one (I have one), you can set the Wi-Fi transmitter power level percentage, and many other Wi-Fi settings, switch it on/off via the web console and configure a schedule to automatically turn it on and another to turn it off, say morning and night.
I prefer the GQ Electronics meters, and have an EMF-380 (EMF, EF & RF to 8GHz), and GMC-500+ (ionising radiation). The newer EMF-390 measures RF up to 10GHz, with logging. The EMF models have a Digital RF mode, which can be useful to see how fast (bad) RF pulsing is, e.g. my cordless mouse only sends anything and fast while I'm moving it.
Wired headsets can be made relatively safe for use with mobiles by getting a 1 m headset extension cable and clipping on multiple, spaced apart, clip-on Ferrite Beads, mostly on loops of cable, to significantly attenuate any RF carried on the surface of the wires, then connected this between the mobile and a wired headset. Always test the RF signal level at the headset speaker end, using an RF meter, before you reply upon this hack. Best avoid any mobile phone without a headset jack socket, because Bluetooth can be risky/unreliable and an OTG audio jack adapter maybe unusable/unreliable.
I use my microwave for storage. 🤓
Thanks for these notes! They are helpful. I hope Dr Yoho interviews you so we all learn.
Will do
If you live in an apartment or condo or some other scrunched up area, there will usually be dozens of WI-FI signals invading your space. Even if you turn yours off, you still might be affected by many others near by. Where are the studies that prove all this radiation is safe? Never blindly accept the word of big tech who only cares about profits and not safety.
I so enjoy your writing style and your sense of humor! keep up the good work!
the whole secret is reediting each post over and over
I get little feedback so thanks !
Seems like a “no brainer”….remember the Swedish kids experiment with plants and EMF…..the plants placed next to an EMF source withered and died the plants nowhere near a source of EMF thrived….I even see many shrubs in my neighborhood that are next to the big green electrical boxes that are dead…..🤔
Thanks! Will try
My experience with EMF:
I got horrific leg cramps when we lived right under a cell tower. I tried earthing (ground a conductive sheet on the bed) and the leg cramps disappeared. I was told I was crazy - but that was my experience. One night the cramps returned so I thought I WAS crazy - only to discover the grounding cord was disconnected.
As we looked for housing, I decided I needed to see how bad the EMF was at each prospective house so I bought meter(s). I used (high frequency meter for cell towers HF35-C $389.35) and (60 Hz for household electricity - I think this is an updated version of the one I have ) Note that house wiring can give off strong signals but it drops down quickly so you might find you have a hot spot in a wall and shouldn't locate your chair or bed there, but just moving away from it can resolve it. Also, it's possible to have dirty electricity/ noise which can have health effects. That $1500 "scam" sounds like it might have been to address this - IF your electricity was tested and found to have an issue. Less EMF also has conductive fabric which I used to make faraday bags and conductive sheeting.
When we finally found a house it unfortunately had a Smart Meter right on the other side of the wall where the head of our bed was. There was a stainless steel mesh shield cover that I read was a bad idea because it could actually focus the radiation into the house. Then there was the idea you could somehow shield the back or paint the room but I was unconvinced. So we built a faraday cage for our bed with copper mesh - all four sides, plus ceiling and floor and all covered seams. Inside cell phones show "No Signal", meters detect nothing at all.
And now we've finally moved to a place where towers aren't an issue, but bugs are plentiful - so we kept the cage to keep the bugs at bay.
Final note: the frequency for 5G is either a secret, or multiple frequencies. The bottom line is, I haven't found a meter that is made for it. Without a meter, there's no way you can tell what you're being radiated with.
And as an aside - get the high frequency cell meter and show your brother in law what it does with a cell phone. The clicking is unnerving but when a cell phone starts transmitting, it goes crazy and pins at the highest register. I haven't found anyone yet that wasn't totally freaked out by this, no matter how committed to Apple they were.
any time there is a movement of electricity there is an associated EMF with it.
the question is, is the frequency and strength detrimental to health?
and if so to what degree?
i think there is evidence out there that says yes in some cases and need to be very specific
and not generalized.
there is no doubt that putting enough wattage through someone can harm them.
a weak wind might not blow down a bridge, however a gusty wind might.
might see gusty wind with Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse "Gallopin' Gertie"...
i think an electrical engineer would know of analogies to that collapse in electricity .
does it happen with dna? rna? other things in a electrical person? heart beat? brain waves?
as far as conductive paint goes, might have to run grounding wires in several places, i don't know.
and chances are it is only good for certain frequencies.
there might be a frequency it doesn't attenuate as much.
Can we talk about how to separate the angst before the angst from the real thing?
I had a professor for high frquency electronics and radiation classes from FU Berlin telling us 2002, that ca. 5% of people are emf sensitive in one way or other. Aha.
So far I thought:
This does not mean they get physical ill directly from radiation, but since they are gaslighted and do not get useful training to their additional senses, they suffer. That makes them ill.
Now I think, under certain conditions, like decreased CD4/8 immunity, perhaps direct effects should be measured.
Now I got to know to an energisitc healer. She tried to teach me that things get big if I give them attention. The wrong kind of attention.
Perhaps we should ask where do newer technologies intersect with the energy of life. But this concept is so new to me, and only the lies I was told the last 3 years open me up to approach this, and I know I’m vulnerable to be led astray.
Pray for guidance and protection, was the advice of the energistic healer. Or meditate. Whatever your soul tends to.
I discovered all people with irritated or irritable mast cells MCAS, and probably monocyte activation syndrome, MAS, and autoimmune prevalents, AI, tend to have higher sensitivities to EMV as well.
This also expresses itself in 100-FOLD higher rate of psychological and neurological symptoms.
Allergy tablets crossing the blood-braun barrier (before sleeping, perhaps a modern one in the morning) could be sime easy relief to enable the brain to heal itself, cut spirals.
See Afrin/Molderings on this:
Btw they discovered in 8.2020 that no oatient treated against MCAS did suffer from severe cause or LHCS. Though from setup and chronic inflammation tendencies being vulnerable, and untreated they surely suffer badly.
So that’s why treatment against CoV is unacceptable to the system: it disrupts a whole bunch of narratives and money earning cycles in neuro/psycho/onko -logy at least…
Thank you for the information and personal experience. I need a meter! I have a phone case from safe sleeve, my fingers don’t tingle. I got special headphones and same here, not loud enough to hear well. I have a small sauna but it’s sad it has Bluetooth hooked up.
Thanks! Great info, I was meaning to research. I use my cell and iPad a lot so going to try to listen to my podcasts on my Bluetooth speaker with the device way away. I was wondering if the faraday bags work so seems like they do.
they do but they switch off your wifi signal inside the bag. airplane mode is same thing
Ahhh...thanks Doc!
The good thing about a Faraday bag is they block any gps tracking. Plus the emf stuff. Not sure if turning off the wifi and airplane mode do that 🤔
Does turn off WiFi
I just bought a good Faraday bag for my cell phone...$26-“Off Grid”-Made In The USA-Amazon. 👍
Just wanted to thank you, Dr. Yoho, for your post. I've learned a lot from it and the resulting comments here. Learning about the intricacies of EMF just seems so daunting after spending so much time learning about vaccines, pharmaceuticals, proper nutrition vs. big agribusiness, etc. etc. Just one more way in which we are being crushed by powerful forces beyond our control. Each small bit of truth shared among those who seek it goes a long way toward regaining some power.
Albert Einstein: “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
Does your brother in law read Substack? 😄
You know the answer