Entire family (in-laws) and most friends have been talking these horrific drugs for decades, beginning w Prozac. 1000% turns them into unrecognizable personalities. Steals their souls. Tragic. Appreciate your post.
Entire family (in-laws) and most friends have been talking these horrific drugs for decades, beginning w Prozac. 1000% turns them into unrecognizable personalities. Steals their souls. Tragic. Appreciate your post.
I want to say that ten percent of the US is taking them, but see the post for the figure. It's demonic and done to us purposefully. People are just so resilient that no increase in deaths was ever seen for all the assaults on us until the vax rolloout.
Entire family (in-laws) and most friends have been talking these horrific drugs for decades, beginning w Prozac. 1000% turns them into unrecognizable personalities. Steals their souls. Tragic. Appreciate your post.
I want to say that ten percent of the US is taking them, but see the post for the figure. It's demonic and done to us purposefully. People are just so resilient that no increase in deaths was ever seen for all the assaults on us until the vax rolloout.