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1. imho (as a certified crackpot) Mathis is many people--he shares truth & lies liberally... "he" is quite prolific an' it might take a dozen people to put out that much content even if devoted to it fully time... jus' sayin'... (I DO think this whole Mangione thing is an OP an' I tend ta think purdy-boy Luigi is just a "cover"--not even sure if anyone died... all these SSRIs are used in MK Ultra... that said...

2. MM ain't ta be trusted unless you sincerely believe

a) in these "OPs" (many would indeed be psy-ops, with that I agree...) nobuddy has ever died (not even durin' 911 from which I lived blocks away an' KNOW folks that lost fambly...) an' so on...

3. everyone evil is either a joo, a crypto joo, a joo pretendin' not to be a choo... or an evil zionist shill... AND everyone has hist'ry datin' back ta ancient Babylon which (no way!) means evil jooish cabalists & jooish masonic satanist alchemists, whatever... even royals. I WILL say that b/c I think that MM is multiple people, some are more keen on jooish hate than others. Now, it's anyone's RIGHT as freethinker to hate whom they want an' point fingers at whomever they wish--joos, jesuits, masons--(some say all these are the same: evil joos) whatevah... but it's good to let the uninitiated reader know that they are dealin' with a set of writers (under MM) that are reductionist in that way...

4. yer sources... tend ta skew like MM...fer example (as I'd never heard of yer "Liar" I checked out his stack an' picked a random post an' found this: "Freudianism was a bunch of sick Talmudic filth designed mentally cripple the serfscattlegoy" Ah, I see... instead of sayin' Freudianism was a con put out by a somewhat self-deluded self-important a'hole who happened to be a non-practicin' joo that loved jooish stories / lore" which I would opine myself--Nope, we are "treated" to a picnic feast of hate so all readers are made ta know that the talmud is "sick filth" an' that non joos are "goy cattle" to "us" joos (yup I'm one of the hated tribe, but ODDLY I larned ta like all mah fellow men/women no matter WHAT their faith, AND I don't think of non-joos as cattle, AND ta most of us the word "goy" is yiddish for "other" no more no less--AND more often than not--not used as an insult but just a difference expressed with light humor--fer example, rye bread is jooish, whole wheat is goyish--many joos eat whole wheat!...) Oy! As fer the "evil talmud"- folks dunno of what they speak but THANKFULLY Tablet Magazine online offers free talmud passages daily--just go an' hear some--they are all "legal arguments" from various folks--opinions, not law--interpretations--but not satanic nor evil--check it out here if ya really wanna see such evil in action (fwiw it's fascinatin' stuff but not evil or sick or filthy at all--sorry, that's a spoiler alert)--

TAKE ONE (free talmud daily):


Anywhoo... I'm used ta it but as a crackpot I call out MIS-leadin' "sources" that have gazillions of follwerz (btw Unz would be one of 'em... self-hatin' joo an' articulately misleadin' but that's an'nuther story fer an'nuther time) AND I do call out unfair below-the-belt hits at joos (which are everyone's 1st amendment right, I just sometimes git folks ta notice ;-)

I like yer medi-cull exposees dr. RY, but I'll just say... sometimes good folks are led to sources that are less trustworthy than one might think, sometimes good folks make assumptions 'bout other people (sometimes havin' never even met one!) that are not quite accurate... shared in "peace"... we have enuf strife goin' round us now...

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I used MM as a writing device and claimed no opinion on what he said.

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gotcha! (there's a lotta folks that seem ta feel he's some kinda brilliant detective "truth teller" an' I think he's a set of folks on a spook payroll!) thx

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As Spock would say, 'fascinating'.

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I'm reading MM now. I recommend making up your own mind. So far, I've found it lucid and enlightening. YMMV.

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;-) like I said, at least half of it's "the beans"/true which makes it worth a look (just look sharp)... it's the other half that's iffy... goes back years so the more ya read the more ya see how some've it's on rinse/repeat, jus' keep a salt shaker handy (if nuttin' else it's entertainin'!) an' you'll likely be okay...

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