A4M. I was there and as an alternative practitioner, I have more experience and insight into the items being vended than Dr Yoho. Not being able to understand something does not necessarily make it non-valid.
This cracked me up! When I started my acupuncture practice many years ago, I took a practice management class hoping I’d gain some skills to get me off the ground. The instructor asked us what we thought our main job was, and of course we all said something to the effect of “healing people.” He laughed and said, “No, your main job is sales and marketing.” I died because I am so horrible at that and he was so right.
“The functional/integrative/alternative doctors have no interest in hurting anyone, and much of what they do is vital and honest. That said, they are not above hyping ineffective treatments to make a buck. The problem for an outside observer like me is figuring out what is real and what is a waste of time.”
This is so true.
I’ve fallen behind on your articles, but hope to catch up. I hope you’re doing well, and thanks for your valuable contributions. Much respect. 🙏
There are what I call thermodynamic crimes. As an undergraduate engineering student, a general class in thermodynamics was required. Energy, enthalpy ( sum of its internal energy), entropy (a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. The second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time. We learned about thermodynamic cycles, essentially; power cycles (engine cycles) and heat pump cycles (air conditioners). Basics are system efficiencies, will it work or will it not work? Energy cost can be calculated and systems improved before they are made. Example: Heat pumps are air conditioners where the cycles can be reversed. So it one uses natural gas to generate electricity and then use the electricity to run a heat pump in the winter to heat your house, the heat pump is more efficient to heat your house until the outside temperature drops below 35 degrees F. The energy used by electric strip heaters will be much more than if you used a natural gas furnace with an electric blower to heat your house. For electric strip heaters: on average, homeowners will pay 63% less when using gas heat than electric heat. So what is the average winter temperature where you live determines which one is best for your house. Similar things such as battery storage, direct petroleum usage to run vehicles. how many miles do you get out of a battery charge? add a radio, air conditioner, heater, etc. with each miles driven will drop. With and internal combustion engine, using all the above at one time your only real mileage loss will be with using the AC.
Most of what is fed to us today by media and government is nonsensical garbage posed as science or health. Just note: if our sun goes dark the earth become a large ice blob in about 8 minutes.
You figure the rest. DO YOUR PART! PROTECT YOUR NEIGHBOR! SAFE AND EFFECTIVE! one should remember BUYER BEWARE! In his 1992 book "Earth in the Balance," Gore described the internal combustion engine, used on most cars and trucks, as an outdated technology that is one of the main sources of carbon dioxide production and thus poses a "mortal threat" to society. (Desert News)
I am hoping someone can help me remember the name of a website that I have lost the bookmark for.I was thinking maybe I learned about it from here. It is a website that basically looks at the research of various medical treatments and determines whether it would be positive, negative or neutral. I know one of the treatments was rhogam, which was what I specifically was looking for .I think that I remember that it was rated a neutral benefit(which shocked me since when I was in nurse practioner school we had a lecture from the developer Dr. Queenan(sp?) so I was convinced that it was critical.
Anyone here have any idea what the name of the website is? I cannot figure out a search query that finds it.
Thanks for taking us along with you on your journey to find truth. It is a maize of confusing information out there for sure. Like you, I trust my eyes rather than words spoken that often are opposite to the actions of those in power. Take care and I hope you recover quickly from whatever medical issue you are experiencing.
Doctors do good things? That's the problem. They think they are doing good things without a smidgen of proof that the drugs they dispense are doing anything positive for the body. If those drugs kill you, it is hard to prove. Yet, doctors never think twice about what they are doing.
The way you disseminate the information is Top Notch!! You should write a new book about the last 4 years and your top substacks and include some of our comments. That would really interest me. I love your brutal honesty!! Thank you!💝
Your kind of a moron huh? There is nothing more irritating than a Dr posting a ignorant opinion piece who doesn’t research. Pemf has solid data to heal bone fractures in less time. The studies are out there look! Salt chambers work by ionization but many who have lung issues swear by it. IR therapy detoxes. Yes it works. Again studies are there. The questions isnt weather it works. The question is finding a legit company that’s not pushing a shit fake product. Majority of the legit machines. Cost well above what the average person can afford to buy outright. Sincerely your so called quack alt med dr. Yes we fix the mistakes MDs make without side effects. Sigh and yes we are getting tired of the superiority complex you hacks have and the destruction you cause to the body, maybe learn nutrition ok. Great thanks.
1) I get it--you hate MDs. But not more than I do. 2) James Corbett wrote that a certain percent of readers never understand irony or humor. 3) Thanks for commenting. 4) Finally--and this is a cheap shot--you should run your prose through the free version of grammarly. As a board certified poindexter, I object to it.
If I truly gave a shit about writing a dissertation and wasn’t responding on a phone to your bogus article, maybe. However some of us actually have busy practices and don’t have time or need to write little opinion pieces on a substack to generate a income. :). You should try work sometime, or maybe you did and failed, now this is your Career. You know what they say... those that can’t do... teach.
I hope you plan to research each of these new alternative treatments and and share your opinion on each one with us if you have the time. It would be much appreciated.
as to parting shot #3: 25 frig's, hmmm. Maybe our government could just make a simple compromise and pay for ONLY Kalifornia to go all electric. . . the rest of the states will just wait and ask 5 yrs down the pike: "Hey! How is that workin' for ya'?"
Reasonably non-Western non-allopathy has worked quite well in many countries which are able through a pre-Western medicine culture that despite incredible pressure has not been overcome
The EV push is a massive scam doomed for failure. Ford is losing 32,000 on each one sold. GM is headed to Bankruptcy under the current CEO who has wasted billions chasing EV and Autonomous cars.. (they can't even stop the damn spinning circle of death on a windows machine at least once a day) The ignorance of the arrogant has no limits.
Those pushing the false narrative about EV car goals don't plan for everyone to drive these cars. That's the hidden message here, although obvious in light of 15 min cities, "climate change", etc. No, the elites will drive whatever they want and you will be marketed with something you can't afford and finally have to give up on. Sharing rides anyone? Maybe you''ll walk or give up altogether.
What conference was this? I’d like to sneak into the next one!
A4M. I was there and as an alternative practitioner, I have more experience and insight into the items being vended than Dr Yoho. Not being able to understand something does not necessarily make it non-valid.
This cracked me up! When I started my acupuncture practice many years ago, I took a practice management class hoping I’d gain some skills to get me off the ground. The instructor asked us what we thought our main job was, and of course we all said something to the effect of “healing people.” He laughed and said, “No, your main job is sales and marketing.” I died because I am so horrible at that and he was so right.
“The functional/integrative/alternative doctors have no interest in hurting anyone, and much of what they do is vital and honest. That said, they are not above hyping ineffective treatments to make a buck. The problem for an outside observer like me is figuring out what is real and what is a waste of time.”
This is so true.
I’ve fallen behind on your articles, but hope to catch up. I hope you’re doing well, and thanks for your valuable contributions. Much respect. 🙏
I read in the Parasite Detox book that is written by an ex big pharma biochemist that all illnesses are caused by two things, Parasites and Toxins.
I believe that. Conventional medicine and even functional medicine, albeit they are somewhat better, are all about making money, lots of money.
The Parasite Detox Book https://a.co/d/8eDfI3L
Not all please !
There are what I call thermodynamic crimes. As an undergraduate engineering student, a general class in thermodynamics was required. Energy, enthalpy ( sum of its internal energy), entropy (a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. The second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time. We learned about thermodynamic cycles, essentially; power cycles (engine cycles) and heat pump cycles (air conditioners). Basics are system efficiencies, will it work or will it not work? Energy cost can be calculated and systems improved before they are made. Example: Heat pumps are air conditioners where the cycles can be reversed. So it one uses natural gas to generate electricity and then use the electricity to run a heat pump in the winter to heat your house, the heat pump is more efficient to heat your house until the outside temperature drops below 35 degrees F. The energy used by electric strip heaters will be much more than if you used a natural gas furnace with an electric blower to heat your house. For electric strip heaters: on average, homeowners will pay 63% less when using gas heat than electric heat. So what is the average winter temperature where you live determines which one is best for your house. Similar things such as battery storage, direct petroleum usage to run vehicles. how many miles do you get out of a battery charge? add a radio, air conditioner, heater, etc. with each miles driven will drop. With and internal combustion engine, using all the above at one time your only real mileage loss will be with using the AC.
Most of what is fed to us today by media and government is nonsensical garbage posed as science or health. Just note: if our sun goes dark the earth become a large ice blob in about 8 minutes.
You figure the rest. DO YOUR PART! PROTECT YOUR NEIGHBOR! SAFE AND EFFECTIVE! one should remember BUYER BEWARE! In his 1992 book "Earth in the Balance," Gore described the internal combustion engine, used on most cars and trucks, as an outdated technology that is one of the main sources of carbon dioxide production and thus poses a "mortal threat" to society. (Desert News)
I am hoping someone can help me remember the name of a website that I have lost the bookmark for.I was thinking maybe I learned about it from here. It is a website that basically looks at the research of various medical treatments and determines whether it would be positive, negative or neutral. I know one of the treatments was rhogam, which was what I specifically was looking for .I think that I remember that it was rated a neutral benefit(which shocked me since when I was in nurse practioner school we had a lecture from the developer Dr. Queenan(sp?) so I was convinced that it was critical.
Anyone here have any idea what the name of the website is? I cannot figure out a search query that finds it.
Love Thomas Massey!
Thanks for taking us along with you on your journey to find truth. It is a maize of confusing information out there for sure. Like you, I trust my eyes rather than words spoken that often are opposite to the actions of those in power. Take care and I hope you recover quickly from whatever medical issue you are experiencing.
Doctors do good things? That's the problem. They think they are doing good things without a smidgen of proof that the drugs they dispense are doing anything positive for the body. If those drugs kill you, it is hard to prove. Yet, doctors never think twice about what they are doing.
The way you disseminate the information is Top Notch!! You should write a new book about the last 4 years and your top substacks and include some of our comments. That would really interest me. I love your brutal honesty!! Thank you!💝
I don't see any photos of mRNA quackery.
Your kind of a moron huh? There is nothing more irritating than a Dr posting a ignorant opinion piece who doesn’t research. Pemf has solid data to heal bone fractures in less time. The studies are out there look! Salt chambers work by ionization but many who have lung issues swear by it. IR therapy detoxes. Yes it works. Again studies are there. The questions isnt weather it works. The question is finding a legit company that’s not pushing a shit fake product. Majority of the legit machines. Cost well above what the average person can afford to buy outright. Sincerely your so called quack alt med dr. Yes we fix the mistakes MDs make without side effects. Sigh and yes we are getting tired of the superiority complex you hacks have and the destruction you cause to the body, maybe learn nutrition ok. Great thanks.
1) I get it--you hate MDs. But not more than I do. 2) James Corbett wrote that a certain percent of readers never understand irony or humor. 3) Thanks for commenting. 4) Finally--and this is a cheap shot--you should run your prose through the free version of grammarly. As a board certified poindexter, I object to it.
If I truly gave a shit about writing a dissertation and wasn’t responding on a phone to your bogus article, maybe. However some of us actually have busy practices and don’t have time or need to write little opinion pieces on a substack to generate a income. :). You should try work sometime, or maybe you did and failed, now this is your Career. You know what they say... those that can’t do... teach.
Not everyone has read Robert Becker's The Body Electric.
Learn to spell and maybe we’ll listen to you’re opinion.
I hope you plan to research each of these new alternative treatments and and share your opinion on each one with us if you have the time. It would be much appreciated.
Yes and it's a long path.
excellent Dr Yoho. I laughed a bit here. . . ha!
let's all just use some common sense folks.
as to parting shot #3: 25 frig's, hmmm. Maybe our government could just make a simple compromise and pay for ONLY Kalifornia to go all electric. . . the rest of the states will just wait and ask 5 yrs down the pike: "Hey! How is that workin' for ya'?"
Reasonably non-Western non-allopathy has worked quite well in many countries which are able through a pre-Western medicine culture that despite incredible pressure has not been overcome
The EV push is a massive scam doomed for failure. Ford is losing 32,000 on each one sold. GM is headed to Bankruptcy under the current CEO who has wasted billions chasing EV and Autonomous cars.. (they can't even stop the damn spinning circle of death on a windows machine at least once a day) The ignorance of the arrogant has no limits.
Those pushing the false narrative about EV car goals don't plan for everyone to drive these cars. That's the hidden message here, although obvious in light of 15 min cities, "climate change", etc. No, the elites will drive whatever they want and you will be marketed with something you can't afford and finally have to give up on. Sharing rides anyone? Maybe you''ll walk or give up altogether.