From a friend via email:

Hi Robert,

What a powerful expose. In seminary, we were warned about unseen 'strings attached' when receiving financial gifts

in the ministry. Our professor suggested that it is extremely rare to receive a sizable financial gift without a sense of

obligation to follow. With a stern look on his face our prof said, "Be very careful from whom you receive money."

At the beginning of your talk I found it fascinating that even the smallest freebie tokens garner results.

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Last year, the nails on six of my fingers started waving horizontally. When I went to see a dermatologist in my neighborhood, he told me it was ringworm and gave me Lamisil without any tests. But no matter how much time passes, it doesn't heal. At that time, I remembered an article by Dr. Robert Yoho and soaked my fingertips in 1000ppm chlorine dioxide water called Dr.CARE once a day. My nails grow slowly, so the tip is still wavy, but the 3/4ths of the way near the base are flat. Thank you Dr. Yoho. From Japan.

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nice. Kalcker's book has case reports like this.

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Big pharma could never exist without unbridled corruption as its mission statement.

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"Few of us admit to ourselves..." And that's why so many doctors took the clot shot. They couldn't handle the thought that Big Pharma was capable of such a horrific thing. Self-deception at its finest.

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A lot of people are waking up

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That's a great explanation.

Moreover, since 2000, a man named Bill Gates has been intervening in medical care. The means is his unique control over information. He assists all media outlets, medical journals, medical schools, large hospitals, and censorship companies.


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I always think about all those charties that collect money for medical research and where that money really ends up.

Hari Krishnas are usually kind people not beggars, they always give out free food. Many years ago we went to their free vegetarian food and were met with kindness and no pressure to join them. A true beggar gives nothing in return.

Anyone struggling with heavy metals in their bodies should look up Anthony Williams the medical medium recipe and information about heavy metal detox smoothie and his protocols.

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"Chlorine dioxide is revolutionary—a lightsaber you can use against Rockefeller medicine’s Lyme disease, vaccine-induced autism, and many other evils"

😂😂Love it!

Glad to see you're putting those gifts you get to use and you open about it☺️

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read Judas Dentistry; it has an exact description of what I mean. Best

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Thanks for such a long and enlightening article. The history of gifting, from innocent to sinister.

And thanks for the info about the affiliate program. I previously learned about chlorine dioxide, and purchased the two bottles of ingredients to make it a year ago, but haven't tried it yet. But Snoot sounds like something I need.

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Read my article about CD and watch the videos in the "Make CD in your kitchen" section.

https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/280-nasa-said-that-chlorine-dioxide. You can buy the glassware in the Dollar store.

Snoot is a good place to start, though.

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Dear Robert, you are one of the few doctor in the English speaking world that understands truly about CD. It is fantastic. Actually this is much more know in Spanish speaking countries, they call us "Bleach drinkers", and even the average citizen has heard about It, although the majority thinks it is toxic, given the "Google" recommendations, etc., but at least the word is out, weather for support or censoring, but t is more know.

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Kalcker has plans for the US please stay tuned.

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Deadly Virus Spreading After Bill Gates Released ‘Gene-Edited Mosquitoes’

A massive outbreak of deadly dengue fever is taking place in Brazil right now. The tropical disease, which is spread by mosquitoes, has infected and killed more people in the first five weeks of 2024 than in all of 2023. A few months ago, Brazil released billions of gene-edited mosquitoes that were provided by Bill Gates, in hopes of reducing the frequency of dengue fever. Instead of reducing the deadly disease, the exact opposite has happened.


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this is pure evil. These mosquitoes are already invading the US, having been attacked personally by them the past 2 summers, in Albuquerque, NM. They are so tiny they get thru window screen, and hang out in the house. Bathing in chlorine dioxide was the only way to get rid of the incredibly itchy and red bites, and the histamine reaction that went on for months.

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Goodness, no, Robert! Mr. bridgens doesn't need 500 dollars, he is a RICH man, MPs earn a lot, and he also profited hugely through his crowdfunding for a silly legal case.

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If the crowd here has suggestions or opinions, now is the time. Brigdon seems to be standing against all his colleagues.

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I can reconsider; the money has not hit my account. I will look more closely.

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Good! Bridgen is a millionaire, and despite that, he raked in a money mountain extra from crowdfunding his unnecessary and risky defamation lawsuit against Matt Hancock. If he looses, our dissident status will take a blow. Beidgen will be ridiculed. Hancock will get lot of goodwill. This is the wrong case against a mass murderer. And it could be seen as an attack on free speech as well. The saddest thing maybe, is this "hero" is diverting attention AND FUNDING away from lots of local protest actions, which won't get much support - like money. By the way, as an MP, Bridgen voted FOR vaccinations and lockdowns!! Let Hopkins get his part as well. He has no salary and has risked his freedom for speaking out and pointing at totalitarian rule and globalist tyranny.

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From another person, via email:

The commenter is mixing selective facts with charged language, questionable accusations, and much conjecture and as a result the comment reads more like an attempted character assassination than a cogent argument.

The facts as I understand them:

Yes, Bridgen is apparently a millionaire. So what?

As I understand it from the horse's mouth, he was stripped of his parliamentary pension and most of his wealth was tied up and withheld from him by our renegade government for an extended period. However, since then, when journalists have asked Bridgen for a donation link to add at the bottom of their interviews with him, I have seen him decline such offers on the basis that he has with the help of lawyers since regained control of his funds. Minus the pension, of course. I believe at one point it was basically the good graces of a hedge fund manager friend that were keeping Bridgen afloat. From this perspective, the crowdfunding need would make sense even in your commenter’s eyes. But I see no problem with it either way. Crowdfunding is not only a legitimate means of funding a cause, it is also a way of testing and raising public awareness, among other things.

I do know, again directly from him, that Bridgen willingly took the needle twice, that he was injured as a result and that this helped make him more receptive to the data on vaccine injuries and fatalities that soon followed. And to his great credit Bridgen has been doggedly acting on that data ever since. However, given this backdrop, it does not surprise me that Bridgen voted for lockdowns etc. I certainly don’t excuse this, but I can see how good people could have been duped given the circumstances at the time and I appreciate that Bridgen has since been almost singlehandedly fighting for freedom in the UK Parliament. This is what we want, right? For politicians to recognize past mistakes and transgressions, to own them, to change their ways and to fight for the freedoms of We the People. No? The commenter’s logic would seem to preclude this as an acceptable possibility.

Further thoughts:

I am not deep in the weeds on the Bridgen/Hancock case. However, do I need to be since between these two individuals it's not hard to know where to stand? As to the justification and strategic merit of the case, the commenter makes big assumptions, which, again, he has not backed up. By Hopkins, I assume he means C.J. and his case in Germany. Fair enough, but what’s one got to do with the other and why is there not room for both?

It would not surprise me at all if in the entire UK Establishment, Bridgen can count the number of powerful friends he has on one hand. That being the case, it is reasonable to assume that he feels he has to use every reasonable tool at his disposal. In any event, it is his right to do so and why wouldn’t he? Crowdfunding and the court system are both examples of such tools.

As you know, in the 15 minutes I had with him one-on-one, Bridgen made a lasting impression on me. As you also know, I knew many UK Parliamentarians and senior govt ministers for a number of years, so I have a lot of first-hand experience in the environment in which Bridgen is operating. This being the case, if he had tried to pull the wool over me, I believe I would have been able to trip him up and as a result see through it. Instead, Bridgen struck me as thoroughly genuine and the real deal. In the public domain, anyone can easily see that Bridgen is highly intelligent and has a very strong command of the subject matter on which he speaks. In private, it became crystal clear to me that he has a much deeper understanding of the conspiracy than even most freedom fighters - and that really surprised me. Additionally, if what was said was true, and I have no reason to doubt it, I was also able to determine to my own satisfaction that at least some senior officials do indeed know what is really going on and what they are a part of. It also became very clear to me the depths to which the government and the Conservative party have gone to to first attempt to bribe, and then bring down Bridgen for not playing ball. I believe Bridgen has made tremendous sacrifices for standing by his principles and values - more than most people know, and for fighting for We the People and I respect this.

This is not about heroism for me. I don’t like hero-ball at all, actually. I’m sure Bridgen has many flaws. How could he not and who doesn’t? But too many of us are too quick to categorize and characterize people. This conveniently saves us the trouble of having to do our own investigations and homework. In my view, it is far better to dispense with such traps and instead to focus more on the totality of an individual's words and actions over an extended time to better understand their intentions and merit.

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I stand by the facts I mentioned, and also by my opinion. No1 is: He needs no more money. I am entirled to question his defamation lawsuit from a freedom-of-speech point of view (I still honour him for dissenting in Parliament). MiriAF (Substack) recently wrote an open extensive letter to Bridgen, which you might want to read. There are more questions raised in that letter. But Mr Bridgen never replied... I'll leave to you to judge on his character. I won't.

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thanks and I got it no $ for him ha

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I purchased Snoot & when I came down with a horrible sinus infection it was the only thing that could penetrate through the congestion - it was a lifesaver! I utilize saline spray & xylitol daily to relieve mild sinus congestion & thought I’d save Snoot for bad allergies & sickness. Could you tell me the benefit, other than sinus relief, of using it daily?

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Read my whole CD post to understand. You need to watch the videos too: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/280-nasa-said-that-chlorine-dioxide

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A New Standard of Care (Documentary)

On Alternative Cancer Therapies: Interview with Megan Smith


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this is on topic ha

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Kate Middleton Announces Cancer Diagnosis - Truth Press

In a heartfelt video on the Prince and Princess of Wales’ social media account, Middleton said that when she went in for “major abdominal surgery” in January she believed that was for a non-cancerous situation. But test results later showed that she had cancer.


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I suspect Kate got the Jab?then she got cancer .Am I a conspiracy theorist?

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ILLEGALS: Leprosy is spreading in Florida

Leprosy is on the rise in the U.S., with Florida seeing a fifth of all new cases—and experts are mystified as to why.


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All your comments are off-topic for this post.

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This expose perfectly describes my observations working at an Internal Medicine practice. We had to forcefully limit big pharma meals and gifts. It’s very easy to allow the camel one toe and then another. Soon you’ve been stripped of your integrity.

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