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Get labeled to enrich schools as ADHD, or other Hyper Active, you get drugged into an addictive Zombie. My G. Nephew has early onset Duchene's, MD. He was the target of his dad';s dope/drunk fueled anger, and school bullyling, no one cared to do much about. He is very intelligent, but has a speech impediment, and the typical Duchene's disabilities. He was put on PTSD Med. Makes him more controlable, from objecting to the court ordered Dad visitations he Feared. The divorce was messy. He slept with a knife he snuck out of the kitchen, fearing his dad would break in and kidnap him. Computer learning for school ended the bullying, he excelled at it. Now he is 16, he can refuse the visitations. It is totally inconceivable our government treats the Dying Disabled so badly. Yes, I said dying, he knows he has only a few years before the wheelchair stage and death at around 40.

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