"Avoid products with any ingredient on the label that include: alum, alumina, aluminum, or bauxite."

I'm a sucker. I use Berkey water filters to filter our drinking water. Also use their Fluoride Filter. Good news. Until you realize the Fluoride filter dumps *alumina* into the water. I found out this year from some guy who has been testing Berkey filters for a long time. I'll try to dig up his link later. He specifically warned about Alumina. And he stated the companies response was: "Alumina is perfectly safe - leave us alone".

So I called Berkey. They told me the same thing. "Perfectly safe". Very similar to what CDC says about Thimerosal (and every other poison they get into our bodies): "Safe! PERFECTLY safe! Except .. when it's not!"

If you use Berkey Fluoride filters, might want to give them a call.

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Yes that’s right. Alumina is what aluminium is made of and aluminosilicate in dental fillings is causing much harm

Metal salts are just as dangerous as metal. Alumina is aluminium

It’s all a liability game

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Thank you Mark. Checked with someone else early this a.m. and he backs up what you say. Alumina is basically aluminum and to avoid it whenever possible.

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Yes alumina is the cause of my health issues. It’s in the bone cement used during surgery. It’s why removing my aluminosilicate dental fillings cured the cardiac issues and improved all the other symptoms. It’s nasty stuff.

You can buy this device that makes your car run on hydrogen nowadays. It makes the hydrogen and gets its power from a chemical reaction with water and lye and an aluminium cartridge they sell you which is a consumable. The process of creating the hydrogen turns the aluminium cartridge back into alumina. Then you send that spent cartridge back and they turn the alumina back into aluminium again to recycle it. Then sell it as a new aluminium cartridge back to you.

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Interesting, thanks.

So you're saying aluminosilicate is also in dental fillings, along with Mercury?

Damn, if so. A 2-fer. Although, I had mine removed 9-10 yrs ago.

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Aluminosilicate is a common ingredient in white composite dental fillings and other modern dental work

Many composites also release flouride into the mouth

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And the aluminum goes into the air?

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I don’t actually know but I guess it has to go somewhere.

Catalytic converters we’re added to cars because of lead but it just means palladium now comes out of exhausts instead

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re: Simone Gold. Another article by Reinette re: "Dr" Simone Gold.


If even 50% of this is true, it's stomach churning. If possible, read all 4 articles Reinette has written about Simone Gold - she goes to great lengths to back up everything she writes about. After reading all 4, I'd say the 50% threshold has easily been met. Maybe 95%.

Facts/truth. Give me the truth - that's all I want.

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she flipped the switch for me


G. Edward Griffin Issues Emergency Warning Beware False Leaders in the Fight Against the Globalists

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I searched Rumble. Found the links. I'll watch now if I have time:


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Thanks. But: "Video has been removed for violating blah blah". Any other link? Later I'll search Griffen Emergency Warning.

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Holy cow youre saying some fluoride filters put form of aluminum Into the water?!

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Ann, see Mark's reply above. And, yes, I am pretty sure he is right. Talked to another person this morning who's in the biz and he says absolutely avoid alumina whenever possible. Berkey's Fluoride filter does have alumina in it - which seeps into the water.

Their carbon filters do not.

In other words, chuck the Berkey Fluoride Filter over the left field fence.

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Which is your preferred filter?

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Well, somebody from Berkey called me back (again) today and they are as clear as mud re: both alumina & fluoride. So, before I buy a new one, I'm going to get this Berkey tested at a local place for both alumina & fluoride.

If that doesn't pan out I'm pretty sure the one I'll buy is "Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher". Heres the link but they are sold out as of today. Should be back in stock 'soon': https://www.clearlyfiltered.com/products/clean-water-pitcher-filter-3-pack for $245.00 which includes 3 filters (1 yrs worth)

Here is the link for the test results of above Water Pitcher:


BTW, you post some very good stuff that many people are overlooking. A big thanks

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Keep us in the loop. I bought Fiji today and have silicaid ingredients waiting. Best

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Does the carbon filter remove flouride and aluminum? We've been looking at getting a Berkey water filter.

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Berkey's carbon filter does remove Aluminum (supposedly, I'm beginning to trust nobody in this biz - and no test) .

It's the white Fluoride filter that leeches alumina back into the water.

Tricky, huh? :-) They take it out, and/but they put it back in. I'm going to pay to get my Berkey water tested for both alumina and fluoride. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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Thank you for investigating this subject. Berkeys are highly rated among survivalists and (therefore) expensive. It does seem like there are truly few (businesses, corporations or people 😕) we can trust, especially when there's dollars set to change hands. We all await your updates! ❤️

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And, thank you for thanking me. Yes, I realize Berkey is highly rated. And/but, they speak in the lingo of CDC/FDA/Doctors etc etc. Flim flam. I'm polyglot; therefore, I understand the lingo of Flim Flam.

"No but yes. But maybe not even though NO, there is no alumina in Berkey water. Unless of course, your water Ph is too high or too low. And/or maybe your filters weren't cleaning EXACTLY right. But no, NEVER is alumina in our water. Except, sometimes on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays we've had suspicious reports of high alumina in our water. Usually on cloudy days, yes, might be some alumina.

Sooo, rest assured, no alumina in Berkey water. Good to go! Except maybe in even numbered years. So, no - but maybe. Maybe even yes. But, No! none!"

I'll let you know how the test results turned out. If good, I'll keep. If bad, I'll heave it over the left field fence while standing at home plate. I still have a good arm?

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One of chris exley’s more recent comments on substack or in doc Malik interview was that fluoride isnt realing poison its the fact that it chemically binds the aluminum and brings it to the brain.

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Did you take the fluoride filter off your Berkey?

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Yes, for good. Actually I heaved Berkey over the center field fence.

I kept the stainless steel 1.5 gal container and chucked the rest.

Bought ClearlyFiltered Pitcher: https://www.clearlyfiltered.com/collections/filtered-pitcher/products/clean-water-pitcher

Test Results: https://www.clearlyfiltered.com/pages/performance-data-for-the-clearly-filtered-water-pitcher-and-filter

Do I believe their test results? I want to, but probably not. Everyone seems to lie or play with figures/stats/%'s - a lot and often? This is best of the worst?

The only problem with the Pitcher is the upper reservoir only holds around 48 oz. But, it filters very quickly. 5 mins.

The lower reservoir holds around 80 oz. So you fill the upper reservoir 2 x and 80oz is ready in 10 mins. That’s quick.

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Thanks for contributing.

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I went on a major purge in my household over 10 years ago and threw out all plastics, and then realized in horror that my Mr Coffee was sending HOT water through my coffee...OMG! I switched to a French press and of course drink less coffee as a result, too! I store food in glass containers, or stainless steel. And double filter my water (Aqua-tru and then Zero Water)...Oh, and buy organic, non-GMO...all of these changes made a massive difference and fairly quickly considering that I had been unknowingly "toxified" for sixty decades. at the time. I also credit Black Seed Oil with some of the recovery (Andreas Seed Oils is the brand I use.) And now of course, there's a myriad of other stuff we need to take every day, such as quercetin! Stay strong!!!

Karen Kingston, BTW, https://www.bitchute.com/video/H5e1Jk7Z786H/. Send her some prayers.

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"all of these changes made a massive difference and fairly quickly" what happened?

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I had developed insane levels of gut pain, vomiting, etc. But had no idea wtf was causing it. Also removed amalgam fillings, made those other changes and literally within a few weeks to months cleared up...and I had discovered Dr Mercola, Greenmedinfo, Alfa vedic, Zach Bush, and others in my research. The "Disinfo Doz" among them, ironically! Like you, my scientific training starting unraveling as I learned, including the vile history of injections. Thank G-d I was enlightened about that long before these past three nightmare years. Most of my family refused the bioweapon, but a few drank the koolaid even though I warned them at the very beginning. One took it because of that freaking employer BS and nearly died from it. I'm not vax *hesitant*, I'm vax *Hell No*.

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You did better than me.

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Thanks but none of us had a clue as to how deep the bovine excrement really is! I think the key advantage I had honestly was 30 yrs of meditation & yoga and a general mistrust of gubment (talkin' bout my generation)😆

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We use a French Press but heat the water in a metal water heater. Oh well.

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I think stainless steel is ok for heating water. A magnet does not stick to aluminum, btw. You can ask your municipal water company for a DETAILED list of not only what's 'naturally' in the water, but what they put IN the water to treat it, too. I was appalled when learned about that (like 30 years ago!) Besides chlorine & fluoride, the list will scare any sane person. Some actually add arsenic!!!

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yes use a magnet to see if a can is aluminum. it won't stick of course.

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Many pharmaceuticals are not cleared in municipal procedures . I find ALL sorts of stuff in people . Do not drink this type of water 💦 please . Splurge a little and drink Fiji water .

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How did you choose your water filters?

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Mike Adams did some research on them some time ago. And I also tape a paper to the container with a blessing (see Masaru Emoto's work) as well as say a blessing when I pour it to drink! I think we need all the Good Vibes we can get.

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Yes, mile Adams of natural news reviewed some water filters . Brita came out low. https://labs.naturalnews.com/Water-Filter-Test-Results.html

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nice and thanks but link does not work for me

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thanks exactly what I was looking for

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Aug 11, 2023
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Thanks, it sure feels like sixty decades sometimes!!! Seventy now🤣!!

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Love that black seed oil !!

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Great interview! I wonder if it’s possible for someone to make a concentrated liquid that we could purchase for silicade? I would buy it.

Interesting how Crouse thought vaccines without aluminum were perfectly safe. Going to have to disagree there. I appreciate the information he shared here either way.

And I’m thankful I’m not a coffee drinker. And that I don’t eat artificially colored food and I minimize processed food in general. So much toxic exposure. I’m sure that even with all of my efforts to reduce toxins, I’m still exposed to a lot. Because of this, I really appreciate all the discussions on detoxifying, especially the info on selenium. Very helpful. Thanks!

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I wondered the same thing and no, Crouse did not find a simpler way to make silica water

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I did it last summer when I went to France — worked for me. I wrote a post explaining how I did it: https://www.annmariemichaels.com/how-to-travel-with-pool-water-silica-water/

I just make it from scratch at home though — but I’m considering making the solution for home use because it’s easier to make the solution once a month or so instead of making the silica water with the powders.

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Actually, I went to chemicalstore.com and ordered some. The shipping was more than the silicate but that’s to be expecting when you live where I live. Haha! Thanks for sharing your post.

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Lots of great information. Thank you. Do you have a source for the sodium silicate? The only source that I could find doesn’t ship to me address. Thanks again.

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You might want to check out Biosil drops. Orthosilicic acid conjugated to choline. Only need a tiny amount a day in water.

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We did our aluminum overhaul after coming across Crouse -- stopped using anything that puts aluminum into our food or drinks. Made a huge difference right away. Now we never get hot drinks out, only at home, and if get exposed to conventional food products (either eating out or at someone's house or at church--think lasagna in aluminum pans, yuck), we have silica supplements we take to bind the aluminum. The biggest source is just from breathing everyday, and we can't top the chemtrails (though I'm looking into chembusters). So, silica and heavy metal chelation is a must on a regular basis. And sauna.

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Exley says silica supplements wont work but idk why...comments? Crause says they will work.

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Crouse's opinion is more nuanced and ratifies Exley's

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Yeah, who knows. But good doctors like Klinghardt has his patients using them. I figure it cannot hurt. You want to bind the aluminum while it's in circulation before it gets into tissues.

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Time for a new coffee maker.

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yup. I was going to pass Doc a Chainsaw - but he:

"[...] smashed mine with an axe and drank some Costco Fiji water to celebrate. "

I my mind he did this one-handed, while holding up his throwback Body Building pic. Bruh! 💪

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Allopathic medicine drs are not allowed to investigate cause or blame someone else for a patients health.

They know nothing about our biological responses to metals and should not be listened to

IT’s environmental medicine drs who are the right ones to see on this

Of course aluminium causes Alzheimer’s and dementia and adhd and Parkinson. It’s blatantly obvious

But the allopathic medical system, govts and big pharma and big food have been purposely manipulating us to ignore the harm of the metals they put in us and feed us. Putting doubts in people’s minds

It’s time we all stood up and confronted this manipulation. It’s the only way we will stop the harm as our allopathic health system will never blame metals or anything else for our bad health

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it's stunning

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I looked through the research study -- does Dr. Crouse have any comment on Keurig machines? The aluminum cans.. oh wow. I heard this whole argument against aluminum when I was in my early teens - back in the 80's. My grandmother had either Alzheimers or Dementia from aged 83 until her passing at 99-1/2. I appreciate this additional information.

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If you get a Parkinson's diagnosis, it supercharges your interest. His AD info is compelling.

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I heard it all too then “they” said no it was wrong aluminum fine. Now i know these non profits lie as do governmental bodies. Now im listening to strangers like yall with more faith haha

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I remember that Teflon coatings were the supposed AD culprit. I threw out all my non-stick cookware because other household members refused to use only utensils that wouldn't scratch the coating off. I'm sure an entire new article could be written about the dangers of Teflon and other non-stick cookware. I have only cast iron and stainless steel pots/pans now. I avoid aluminum foil as much as possible, too. I like using parchment paper instead.

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And cook with butter or ghee

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Aug 11, 2023
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Yes, bacon grease (YUM!!) and beef tallow are readily available for us. I've got my g-grandma's bacon grease crock sitting on my counter, God bless her soul!

There's a lady in town who makes/sells beef tallow at the Farmer's Market. Lard is good, too. I would like to attempt to make my own ghee. Every time I think about butter, lard and tallow, I can't help to remember how demonized animal fats have been to promote the toxic seed oils. Crisco was originally invented as a machine lubricant. 🤬

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Aug 12, 2023
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Sending you love ! Great comments ! Smart Lady .

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Most anywhere that gets water from mountain sources will have higher levels of silicates. For example, I have lived in Spokane, Washington and the Front Range of Colorado. Both leave silicate deposits in our hot water heater.

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Dr. Soho shares incredibly important information here . I’m asking all my patients to be involved with reading his posts . These are basic ideas that many of us never give a second thought to. And yet , reducing and eliminating Aluminum intake and increasing silica intake is vital in our lives . We don’t have full control over what we are breathing in, but we can alter other areas .

Aluminum is intricately related in the onset of Alzheimer’s , PD , and a host of other illnesses , especially neurological . Big thanks to Dr. Soho for this information !

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Yoho ha and you are not the first.

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Great info Robert

Here is collection of links to back this up and a few more.

These diseases are associated with Aluminum or its descendants.


These diseases are associated with Aluminum Chloride


These diseases are associated with Fluorine Compounds or its descendants.


Water fluoridation, a crime against us all.


Autism The Elephant in the room


When government makes it legal to murder it's citizens


Cancer causing weedkiller glyphosate found in children’s vaccines and in food supply


These diseases are associated with Mercury


Wi-Fi – The Invisible Killing Fields – Bringing awareness to the dangers of wireless technology


We have all been lied to from cradle to grave.


Download more of my documents here


If You're Not Ready To Question EVERYTHING, You're Not "Awake." Period.

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Mercola's post today is about the EU banning fluoride

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that's a huge reading assignment ha

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Dr Yoho--while I think its good to lessen exposure to AL, its basically impossible to do away with it completely. Unless you plan to live on an island and become like the guy on the movie Cast Away. You will still die. I believe it can be a fruitless and empty pursuit in the attempt to postpone the inevitability of death where we go to meet our maker and receive His salvation in Jesus Christ (my opinion) or judgment. And now that they are threatening use of self-spreading vaccines, or vaccine laced musquitos and food, mankinds days are likely going to be numbered to even fewer days and it appears that there is nothing going to stop these crazy deluded demonic individuals from imposing their destruction on the whole world.

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gotta do the silica water thing tho

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Let us know your experience making and drinking it. I ordered the ingredients as well.

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By the way , metal detox is a huge concern in the alternative world .

I am really impressed with the readers of this site ! Good questions and comments !

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Thanks, interesting info. Never thought about all of these potential sources.

Question: What about a Keurig? They seem to be more widely used nowadays.

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gotta investigate all the filters. We have RO and it doesn't seem like another filter step is needed but gotta defer to this guy

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Thanks! :)

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Aug 11, 2023
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Thanks. Good to know!

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Well, it’s September & I’m wondering if you have any observations to share as to how you are doing on the Fiji water.....

Hoping to hear positive response!!

We have started it as well - plus sent Fiji water to our 17 mo. old granddaughter. Praying for a good help for her what with the current Vax schedule. Hoping for fewer senior moments for us.🙂❤️🙏

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my tremor is somewhat better but I'm doing other things for it such as taking glycine for glyphosate and getting my amalgams out. stay tuned and best

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As one who owns 3 Berkeys, I found the fluoride filter information interesting. I do not know if The other top 3 brands that were heavy metal tested via Mike Adams remove fluoride and would pose the same issue.

The topic on aluminum has been interesting but I do think he is misled when he mentioned vaccines as safe if aluminum was removed and that much of the aluminum from vaccines does not circulate, stay in the body. He mentions tap water and yet knowing what else is in many city tap waters, how can it be advised. You can find out the quality of your water at ewg.org. and plugging in your zip. Also as far as I have read a Brita doesn't remove impurities and heavy metals that the brands such as Berkey remove. I enjoyed the discussion but I think he's looking through a very narrow lens.

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Exactly and that's the politic way to put it. My guests know far more about their core expertise than I do, and correcting them on an issue outside of it is rude. I'm hearing through another source that using a purified version of one of the silicaid components eliminates the need for a filter if you already have reverse osmosis water. I'll try to get her to weigh in.

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Great article, thank you.

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