Curious to see the missive from your "friend" that you mention in the newsletter. You know the poor guy has probably been on statins for decades. I have a bunch of friends like that, sadly, many of whom are still practicing doctors. Sucks when our friends lose it, I know.

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Top shelf as usual.

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5 YEAR GLITCH IN MILIRARY COMPUTER, In a statement to Reuters, the agency said that it made “adjustments” to its Covid Data Tracker’s mortality data because “its algorithm was accidentally counting deaths that were not COVID-19-related.”


Which just reinforces RFK JR assement of the 55,000 page drop of Pfizer documents with 38 pages of side effects. https://pa.childrenshealthdefense.org/news/pfizer-covid-vaccine-has-1291-side-effects-reveals-official-documents/

Fauci is not ready to give up yet https://www.patrioticviralnews.com/articles/fauci-tells-americans-to-prepare-for-the-return-of-covid-restrictions/

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Insurance indurstry reports a 40% increase in non-covid deaths, as people avoided routine medical checkups for 2 yrs. I know I did all but my required ENDO every 6 months visits. Hubby's Glaucoma visits were a 3 hr nightmares, made for 3-6 months apart, I had to sit through as I had to drive the 2 hour round trip. Biden administration changed the speech requirements to hide the disastrous affects masks had on Pre-K, Kindergarten. 1st grade, when children are learning speech correctly, they depend on sight of the human mouth to learn to shape words. Hearing Impaired in Hearing Aids had the harder time as teachers turn away, we need direct sight. As an adult who lost most of my hearing to a progressive ear disease, I share some of their problems. They now need speech thearpy. We don't make this stuff up, we are open minded, use our brains, and are varoucious, Dogged readers.

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