Amen. Why don't more people talk about the cruel, unnecessary vivisection that happens in labs across the globe ad infinitum? That is a very dark--but wholly necessary--subject that needs light shone upon it. Don't get me started. I could talk and cry for days as well about a whole host of other cruelties inflicted upon non-human animals…
Amen. Why don't more people talk about the cruel, unnecessary vivisection that happens in labs across the globe ad infinitum? That is a very dark--but wholly necessary--subject that needs light shone upon it. Don't get me started. I could talk and cry for days as well about a whole host of other cruelties inflicted upon non-human animals: zoos, factory farms, etc. It's endless.
Thanks so much for your important and compassionate comment.
Amen. Why don't more people talk about the cruel, unnecessary vivisection that happens in labs across the globe ad infinitum? That is a very dark--but wholly necessary--subject that needs light shone upon it. Don't get me started. I could talk and cry for days as well about a whole host of other cruelties inflicted upon non-human animals: zoos, factory farms, etc. It's endless.
Thanks so much for your important and compassionate comment.