Everyone is glyphosate positive, and I read vegans and vegetarians are often higher than omnivores. Why? Because they eat a lot of grains, pasta, beans and bread. Glyphosate is a desiccant, so farmers spray extra on wheat, etc. shortly before harvest to speed up their readiness for harvest (because small farmers have to RENT harvesters, so they have to schedule their rental period way in advance). Glycine powder is inexpensive and tastes sweet, so everyone should take it.
its everywhere. The bible states after the millenium, the Lord is going to burn this place up before He establishes the final kingdom of Jesus Christ--a new heaven and new earth established in righteousness.
I keep getting texts from CVS to take more vaccines. Since when does the pharmacy recommend Vs your physician? I’ve also been receiving calls from my insurance co. For consultations with a “health advisor”. They’re doubling down their efforts to “capture” my “health”. 😹
vxx agenda from top to bottom is all about making large sums of money that grease the entire medical-complex (CVS and others are the tip of the spear). they dont realize its killing humanity which is what the few at the top know (depopulation Satanists).
Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. I had to leave the pharmacy because of this, I was out with a broken hip and after 38 years of being screwed over as much as my patients, a brief spell back and I was done, finished, I refused to administer vaccines of dubious quality (shingles) and was done.
I didn't renew my license, and this was before Covid.
(For anyone's information, I was very popular in the Diabetic clinic, I gave about 50-100 shots a day.)
Go deeper. Interview Dr. Zach Bush. He goes beyond your glycine protocol to actually REPAIR THE DAMAGE TO THE CELL LINNG OF THE GUT FROM.GLYPHOSATE; not just excrete the toxin. But even more importantly he understands the relationship between soil and gut microbiomes/ integrity. Developed cancer strategies. Grasps the micro/macro relationship between body and environment. RFK Jr, while bright, ambitious and likeable, is a limited hangout on this issue.
RFK is brilliant, likable, and makes sense. He is taking a stand, and I might support him for President. His pro-choice stance and his previous and avid unquestioning support of the Clintons, Obama, and Biden is what's holding me back as yet. I have a hard time believing that he would make any inroads on fighting the shadow government. RFK is the Democrat's Trump, IMO, and would be undermined every step of the way; he is a threat to the establishment and the WEF.
All true, but he is the only leader who sees the whole dystopian picture. I believe he has grown, and like Trump, (hopefully) his views were/are partly realpolitik.
I agree completely. People do change their minds based on the information they take in if they have an open mind. I do believe RFK fits that bill. He is keeping an open mind as evidenced during his geoengineeringwatch.org interview.
He must know all about that situation. In this case, I speculate that his stance was theater designed to increase Dane's credibility. This is one of the worst stories of all, but we have to keep marching and keep our heads together. Forty-two countries are supposedly participating, but I can't cite a good reference.
As a poor man maintaining his rural residential property of less than two acres, with a gravel 500' lane from road to house, I carefully sprayed between one and three gallons of Roundup every year for 30 years, until last fall when I developed many tumors of "high grade B cell lymphoma", one of the cancers linked to glyphosate exposure. Six courses of RCHOP chemotherapy resulted in "remarkable complete resolution", until a follow-up CT scan last week, followed next day by an MRI, that showed there to be three meningiomas, a common brain tumor that can grow big enough to kill you.
I filed a claim against Monssnto/Bayer when I began treatment. I am led to expect a settlement offer, which has yet to be negotiated. Maybe I'll get compensation and be able to cover the extant bills from months of being dysfunctional from chemo and Udenyca, a wicked pain-creating immune booster injection given with each RCHOP course, before I become braintumor-batty, or die.
The stuff is poison. I was a home weed control user, applying as instructed on the jug.. No matter how careful I was spraying I could always taste it and feel the fine sprayed mist in my eyes and nose. I was well stocked with N95 masks I bought for Roundup when the Covid hysteria required masking to enter many buildings. And even being that careful I
still I got Non HodgkIns lymphoma tumors all over me, from a visible egg-sized tumor inside my jawbone, to a painful one near my kidney and several in between.
And still, Roundup was prominently displayed at the bigbox home store I was in last week. Settlements with the likes of me are just "the cost of doing business", to Monsanto/Bayer, selling a highly profitable product that kills people(and weeds), only $14.97 a gallon, ready to spray.
Dr. Nasha Winters, coauthor of “Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology,” reviews some of the benefits of mistletoe in the modern world of oncology.
I'll have another report in a couple months when I get scanned again, expecting tumor shrinkage from the fenbendazole and Ivermectin I'm currently taking, with likely additions to my self-prescribed treatment.
What is so confusing is apparently the susceptibility to Roundup damage is variable. Most users don't become ill. I use the stuff but a gallon might last three years. I avoid use if there even is a slight breeze and don't go near useful plants. Can't recall any mist in my face.
I like many of RFK Jr’s ideas. My house sits on 3.5 acres. I use < 2 gallons of Roundup mix (95% H2O) annually to kill weeds because it’s nasty & does a great job. I wear gloves & sometimes, a paper mask. Given that Roundup kills every plant it touches, why would farmers use it on a massive scale for food? I am evidently clueless on glyphosate despite being well-versed & mostly anti-vax. Please advise. Thx
A bush or poison ivy with a big root system no, but garden weeds, small vines, and even your lawn and cherished flowering or vegetable plants. (be careful what you spray)
monsanto doesn't want you to know because they need to sell patented garbage.
Agree. <Mal> one is a potential insider for the Empire. I have blasted RFK too, but he must have to play politics to survive, since he is in the spotlight.
Great information and glad for detox info too 🙏 At the risk of poking the hornets nest, I would like to point out the role of these pesticides in deranging plant hormones (how they work) and then up the food chain with terrible consequences in livestock husbandry and human fertility ... and I believe perhaps the rise in gender dysphoria for some. It’s been a huge problem and Dr Joe Mercola has been tracking it with distinguished researchers for a long time. I saw the 2012 interview w Prof Don Huber and Dr Mercola where they discussed Hubert’s efforts to inform the federal administration to no avail. A who’s who of the Monsanto board shows uniparty representatives and big names for decades. Why wouldn’t we think that a disruptor of plant hormones would not go up the food chain? A similar question: why wouldn’t we think injecting the toxic spike making apparatus would have toxic effects-- especially when it’s sheathed in pseudouridine and BBB transporters? Or maybe, opening our borders to the world is going to invite in drug resistant TB and a host of infectious diseases we haven’t faced in generations? Dr. YoHo, you are right that RFK gets the entire sweep of the dystopian crisis. People need to understand that he doesn’t say everything he knows and has known about the intelligence complex and the horrendous assault of human life. If one thinks RFK is limited in his knowledge about one of the vital issues of our time, get past the sound byte the media planted to control your perception... they did the same to Trump in a lot of areas. Then, go read about “confirmation bias”.
People need to understand that he doesn’t say everything he knows and has known about the intelligence complex and the horrendous assault of human life. EXACTLY
Probably multi-factor, yes. I have seen maps of CWD outbreaks and they are heavily concentrated in Ag areas of wild deer, plus deer farms (like mad cow was). The wild deer and farmed deer are basically eating similar grains that are exposed to similar chemicals. Humans too…but if my theory gains traction, Big Ag stands to lose a lot of money….Big Pharma too.
I hope Mr. Kennedy achieves his goals in choosing to run for president.
I am offended when I even see the words Democrat and Republican uttered in the same breath with the terms “pandemic”, “the virus”, “COVID19”, “vaccines”, and public health.
When I see the condition of my country and the world at this time, when I see the condition of every aspect of my country, public health, the practice of medicine, education, family, parental rights, free speech, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, law, sovereignty, military, religion, war ….everything, I am determined that being not conformed to this world system and placing my life, heart, and soul in the Hands of the One Who is Truth, is the only hope for me and my country and the people of the world.
Here are two video series I have recently watched on YouTube that I recommend.
2014 is upload date. Date of original broadcast was about 1992.
25:42 video runtime
And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.
Haven't looked but have experiments been conducted on soil damage and Roundup? I am aware that some farming practices have resulted in poor soil and plants that are less nutritious (we think). There are efforts to promote sustainable farming to improve soils, not sure of adoption rates. See efforts at vertical farming in enclosed greenhouses where there is little need for weed/pest control but the economics are not fully developed yet.
I assume the water can be cleaned of those pesky forever chemicals. I see that most are recycling the water and some are using fish in open tanks. I might hope the water issue has solutions. It does seem we are in an experimental era for these kinds of greenhouses. I might question the nutritional value of the plants and am not sure we bother to test much at all. I understand that current produce from depleted soils might be an issue.
I have problems with the RFK's following point on glyphosphate:
> The widespread use of glyphosate has therefore contributed to soil degradation and climate change.
Seriously vapid comment that every issue should relates to climate change. this is hoohy. [fyi...the climate changes all the time. God turns one favorable land into a arrid waste due to the sins of the people, while one parched place becomes a fertile basket because of righteousness within a society.]
RFK, is this what we should expect if you become President to kowtow to the climate change hoaxers? We ask for real science, not propaganda and socialist redistribution of wealth which is all that green new deal is all about.
the reality is he is swimming in the democrat swamp (sorry if that comment offends democrats on this thread). He needs to abandon that ship and shake up the Republican party or to create his own independent party called Life + Liberty party. He needs to turn away from this democratic party of open abortion and the politics of social division.
A 2019 Washington State University rodent study from Dr. Michael Skinner’s lab found adverse effects in the grand-offspring and great-grand-offspring following their ancestor’s exposure during pregnancy to the world’s most commonly used herbicide:
“Using a transient exposure of gestating F0 generation female rats found negligible impacts of glyphosate on the directly exposed F0 generation, or F1 generation offspring pathology. In contrast, dramatic increases in pathologies in the F2 generation grand-offspring, and F3 transgenerational great-grand-offspring were observed.
The transgenerational pathologies observed include prostate disease, obesity, kidney disease, ovarian disease, and parturition (birth) abnormalities:
- Prostate disease in approximately 30% of F3 generation glyphosate lineage males, a three-fold increase in disease rate over controls.
- A transgenerational (F3 generation) obese phenotype was observed in approximately 40% of the glyphosate lineage females and 42% of the glyphosate lineage males.
- An increased incidence of kidney disease observed in the F3 generation glyphosate lineage females affecting nearly 40% of females.
- A significant increase in ovarian disease observed in the F2 [48% vs. 21% for controls] and F3 [36% vs. 15% for controls] generation glyphosate lineage females.
- During the gestation of F2 generation mothers with the F3 generation fetuses, dramatic parturition abnormalities were observed in the glyphosate lineage. The frequency of unsuccessful parturition was 35%. To further investigate the parturition abnormalities an outcross of F3 generation glyphosate lineage males with a wildtype female was performed. There were parturition abnormalities observed with a frequency of 30%.
Classic and current toxicology studies only involve direct exposure of the individual, while impacts on future generations are not assessed. The ability of glyphosate and other environmental toxicants to impact our future generations needs to be considered, and is potentially as important as the direct exposure toxicology done today for risk assessment.”
Why isn’t coverage of this study the top story of world news organizations?
Thank you for sharing this valuable information! The video, the article, the detox info - essential knowledge that everyone should have, but unfortunately do not acquire . 😕
Everyone is glyphosate positive, and I read vegans and vegetarians are often higher than omnivores. Why? Because they eat a lot of grains, pasta, beans and bread. Glyphosate is a desiccant, so farmers spray extra on wheat, etc. shortly before harvest to speed up their readiness for harvest (because small farmers have to RENT harvesters, so they have to schedule their rental period way in advance). Glycine powder is inexpensive and tastes sweet, so everyone should take it.
its everywhere. The bible states after the millenium, the Lord is going to burn this place up before He establishes the final kingdom of Jesus Christ--a new heaven and new earth established in righteousness.
Amen. But until He returns, Jesus wants us to improve our health and serve others.
I keep getting texts from CVS to take more vaccines. Since when does the pharmacy recommend Vs your physician? I’ve also been receiving calls from my insurance co. For consultations with a “health advisor”. They’re doubling down their efforts to “capture” my “health”. 😹
vxx agenda from top to bottom is all about making large sums of money that grease the entire medical-complex (CVS and others are the tip of the spear). they dont realize its killing humanity which is what the few at the top know (depopulation Satanists).
My insurance company does an annual “ wellness check “, it replaced an actual physical exam. Useless to me but makes $$$ .
Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. I had to leave the pharmacy because of this, I was out with a broken hip and after 38 years of being screwed over as much as my patients, a brief spell back and I was done, finished, I refused to administer vaccines of dubious quality (shingles) and was done.
I didn't renew my license, and this was before Covid.
(For anyone's information, I was very popular in the Diabetic clinic, I gave about 50-100 shots a day.)
You caught on long before me.
Well, not that long, doc.
Go deeper. Interview Dr. Zach Bush. He goes beyond your glycine protocol to actually REPAIR THE DAMAGE TO THE CELL LINNG OF THE GUT FROM.GLYPHOSATE; not just excrete the toxin. But even more importantly he understands the relationship between soil and gut microbiomes/ integrity. Developed cancer strategies. Grasps the micro/macro relationship between body and environment. RFK Jr, while bright, ambitious and likeable, is a limited hangout on this issue.
RFK is our best hope... But a great ship is not held by a single rope nor our lives by a single hope.
I'll look thanks
RFK is brilliant, likable, and makes sense. He is taking a stand, and I might support him for President. His pro-choice stance and his previous and avid unquestioning support of the Clintons, Obama, and Biden is what's holding me back as yet. I have a hard time believing that he would make any inroads on fighting the shadow government. RFK is the Democrat's Trump, IMO, and would be undermined every step of the way; he is a threat to the establishment and the WEF.
All true, but he is the only leader who sees the whole dystopian picture. I believe he has grown, and like Trump, (hopefully) his views were/are partly realpolitik.
I agree completely. People do change their minds based on the information they take in if they have an open mind. I do believe RFK fits that bill. He is keeping an open mind as evidenced during his geoengineeringwatch.org interview.
He must know all about that situation. In this case, I speculate that his stance was theater designed to increase Dane's credibility. This is one of the worst stories of all, but we have to keep marching and keep our heads together. Forty-two countries are supposedly participating, but I can't cite a good reference.
You can't search the term "geoengineering" because that's a "conspiracy theory". The term "cloud seeding" is the benign word used to sell the spraying of aluminum, etc., that's really poisoning our world. According to this article, 50 countries are participating. https://cleantechnica.com/2017/09/27/cloud-seeding-efforts-now-discreetly-underway-50-countries/
As a poor man maintaining his rural residential property of less than two acres, with a gravel 500' lane from road to house, I carefully sprayed between one and three gallons of Roundup every year for 30 years, until last fall when I developed many tumors of "high grade B cell lymphoma", one of the cancers linked to glyphosate exposure. Six courses of RCHOP chemotherapy resulted in "remarkable complete resolution", until a follow-up CT scan last week, followed next day by an MRI, that showed there to be three meningiomas, a common brain tumor that can grow big enough to kill you.
I filed a claim against Monssnto/Bayer when I began treatment. I am led to expect a settlement offer, which has yet to be negotiated. Maybe I'll get compensation and be able to cover the extant bills from months of being dysfunctional from chemo and Udenyca, a wicked pain-creating immune booster injection given with each RCHOP course, before I become braintumor-batty, or die.
The stuff is poison. I was a home weed control user, applying as instructed on the jug.. No matter how careful I was spraying I could always taste it and feel the fine sprayed mist in my eyes and nose. I was well stocked with N95 masks I bought for Roundup when the Covid hysteria required masking to enter many buildings. And even being that careful I
still I got Non HodgkIns lymphoma tumors all over me, from a visible egg-sized tumor inside my jawbone, to a painful one near my kidney and several in between.
And still, Roundup was prominently displayed at the bigbox home store I was in last week. Settlements with the likes of me are just "the cost of doing business", to Monsanto/Bayer, selling a highly profitable product that kills people(and weeds), only $14.97 a gallon, ready to spray.
Dr. Nasha Winters, coauthor of “Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology,” reviews some of the benefits of mistletoe in the modern world of oncology.
Mistletoe cancer book Anthromed.org
an idea for you not a recommendation
I'm sorry Fred.
I did a podcast with Fred about Fembendazole treatments for cancer.
I'll have another report in a couple months when I get scanned again, expecting tumor shrinkage from the fenbendazole and Ivermectin I'm currently taking, with likely additions to my self-prescribed treatment.
also possible protocol:
Thanks, "2nd smartest guy" is one of the substacks I try to get read as they appear. He's recently chasing down the vaccine AE data story well, too.
What is so confusing is apparently the susceptibility to Roundup damage is variable. Most users don't become ill. I use the stuff but a gallon might last three years. I avoid use if there even is a slight breeze and don't go near useful plants. Can't recall any mist in my face.
I like many of RFK Jr’s ideas. My house sits on 3.5 acres. I use < 2 gallons of Roundup mix (95% H2O) annually to kill weeds because it’s nasty & does a great job. I wear gloves & sometimes, a paper mask. Given that Roundup kills every plant it touches, why would farmers use it on a massive scale for food? I am evidently clueless on glyphosate despite being well-versed & mostly anti-vax. Please advise. Thx
30% vinegar mixed with table salt is equally effective with ZERO risk
For what
For killing any plant with leaves.
A bush or poison ivy with a big root system no, but garden weeds, small vines, and even your lawn and cherished flowering or vegetable plants. (be careful what you spray)
monsanto doesn't want you to know because they need to sell patented garbage.
re: farmers. listen to the podcast and videos.
Gotta qurstion WHY RFKJr. ("He is so [smart] and sees the full scope of the dystopia") Is so hip on his hipster Sherpa-pal and has him front and center w CHD. How far will Bobby go to restore medical freedom/ choice with this dude on the 'team'? https://open.substack.com/pub/sagehana/p/well-established-norms-sometimes?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android
Politicians do not insult anyone and RFK is beloved
Agree. <Mal> one is a potential insider for the Empire. I have blasted RFK too, but he must have to play politics to survive, since he is in the spotlight.
Of course. Definition of 'politics'. But...the (close) company one keeps can be telling...
<Mal> One's affidavit. He's in quite the pickle. Affidavit he filed in Federal Court in the Middle District in Florida on November 10th, 2021. https://ia802509.us.archive.org/27/items/gov.uscourts.flmd.395057/gov.uscourts.flmd.395057.30.6.pdf
read page 3 and 4 of the pdf.
Great information and glad for detox info too 🙏 At the risk of poking the hornets nest, I would like to point out the role of these pesticides in deranging plant hormones (how they work) and then up the food chain with terrible consequences in livestock husbandry and human fertility ... and I believe perhaps the rise in gender dysphoria for some. It’s been a huge problem and Dr Joe Mercola has been tracking it with distinguished researchers for a long time. I saw the 2012 interview w Prof Don Huber and Dr Mercola where they discussed Hubert’s efforts to inform the federal administration to no avail. A who’s who of the Monsanto board shows uniparty representatives and big names for decades. Why wouldn’t we think that a disruptor of plant hormones would not go up the food chain? A similar question: why wouldn’t we think injecting the toxic spike making apparatus would have toxic effects-- especially when it’s sheathed in pseudouridine and BBB transporters? Or maybe, opening our borders to the world is going to invite in drug resistant TB and a host of infectious diseases we haven’t faced in generations? Dr. YoHo, you are right that RFK gets the entire sweep of the dystopian crisis. People need to understand that he doesn’t say everything he knows and has known about the intelligence complex and the horrendous assault of human life. If one thinks RFK is limited in his knowledge about one of the vital issues of our time, get past the sound byte the media planted to control your perception... they did the same to Trump in a lot of areas. Then, go read about “confirmation bias”.
People need to understand that he doesn’t say everything he knows and has known about the intelligence complex and the horrendous assault of human life. EXACTLY
I am convinced that Ag chemicals like glyphosate are responsible for Alzheimer’s, Chronic Wasting Disease, and Mad Cow. If not, what else?
prob polyfactoral
AS, PD, AD, autism are similar and related to toxic exposures
mercury and glyphosate and aluminum are top candidates
and maybe Lyme
sorry to make it complex
Probably multi-factor, yes. I have seen maps of CWD outbreaks and they are heavily concentrated in Ag areas of wild deer, plus deer farms (like mad cow was). The wild deer and farmed deer are basically eating similar grains that are exposed to similar chemicals. Humans too…but if my theory gains traction, Big Ag stands to lose a lot of money….Big Pharma too.
Chemtrails also.
Here is a link to some glycine powder products.
I hope Mr. Kennedy achieves his goals in choosing to run for president.
I am offended when I even see the words Democrat and Republican uttered in the same breath with the terms “pandemic”, “the virus”, “COVID19”, “vaccines”, and public health.
When I see the condition of my country and the world at this time, when I see the condition of every aspect of my country, public health, the practice of medicine, education, family, parental rights, free speech, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, law, sovereignty, military, religion, war ….everything, I am determined that being not conformed to this world system and placing my life, heart, and soul in the Hands of the One Who is Truth, is the only hope for me and my country and the people of the world.
Here are two video series I have recently watched on YouTube that I recommend.
THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: The OSS and the Birth of American Intelligence
4 separate videos in series, no playlist.
Friday, July 7, 2023
Crisis in the Church links to 4 part You Tube video series
Father Kelly and Father Sanborn. Now traditional bishops.
Crisis in the Church Part 1
25:55 video runtime
2014 is upload date. Date of original broadcast was about 1992.
Crisis in the Church Part 1
What Catholics Believe - Holy Mass Livestream
Feb 27, 2014
Date of original broadcast was about 1992
Crisis in the Church Part 2
What Catholics Believe - Holy Mass Livestream
Feb 28, 2014 2014 is upload date. Date of original broadcast was about 1992.
24:13 video runtime
Crisis in the Church Part 3
What Catholics Believe - Holy Mass Livestream
19.5K subscribers
Mar 1, 2014 2014 is upload date. Date of original broadcast was about 1992.
25:52 video runtime
Crisis in the Church Part 4
What Catholics Believe - Holy Mass Livestream
2014 is upload date. Date of original broadcast was about 1992.
25:42 video runtime
And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2
Haven't looked but have experiments been conducted on soil damage and Roundup? I am aware that some farming practices have resulted in poor soil and plants that are less nutritious (we think). There are efforts to promote sustainable farming to improve soils, not sure of adoption rates. See efforts at vertical farming in enclosed greenhouses where there is little need for weed/pest control but the economics are not fully developed yet.
Like the human biome, we are learning a lot.
problem w greenhouses is water supplies are contaminated
I assume the water can be cleaned of those pesky forever chemicals. I see that most are recycling the water and some are using fish in open tanks. I might hope the water issue has solutions. It does seem we are in an experimental era for these kinds of greenhouses. I might question the nutritional value of the plants and am not sure we bother to test much at all. I understand that current produce from depleted soils might be an issue.
I have problems with the RFK's following point on glyphosphate:
> The widespread use of glyphosate has therefore contributed to soil degradation and climate change.
Seriously vapid comment that every issue should relates to climate change. this is hoohy. [fyi...the climate changes all the time. God turns one favorable land into a arrid waste due to the sins of the people, while one parched place becomes a fertile basket because of righteousness within a society.]
RFK, is this what we should expect if you become President to kowtow to the climate change hoaxers? We ask for real science, not propaganda and socialist redistribution of wealth which is all that green new deal is all about.
I think this vid is 2 years old
He's imperfect on guns too
the reality is he is swimming in the democrat swamp (sorry if that comment offends democrats on this thread). He needs to abandon that ship and shake up the Republican party or to create his own independent party called Life + Liberty party. He needs to turn away from this democratic party of open abortion and the politics of social division.
A 2019 Washington State University rodent study from Dr. Michael Skinner’s lab found adverse effects in the grand-offspring and great-grand-offspring following their ancestor’s exposure during pregnancy to the world’s most commonly used herbicide:
“Using a transient exposure of gestating F0 generation female rats found negligible impacts of glyphosate on the directly exposed F0 generation, or F1 generation offspring pathology. In contrast, dramatic increases in pathologies in the F2 generation grand-offspring, and F3 transgenerational great-grand-offspring were observed.
The transgenerational pathologies observed include prostate disease, obesity, kidney disease, ovarian disease, and parturition (birth) abnormalities:
- Prostate disease in approximately 30% of F3 generation glyphosate lineage males, a three-fold increase in disease rate over controls.
- A transgenerational (F3 generation) obese phenotype was observed in approximately 40% of the glyphosate lineage females and 42% of the glyphosate lineage males.
- An increased incidence of kidney disease observed in the F3 generation glyphosate lineage females affecting nearly 40% of females.
- A significant increase in ovarian disease observed in the F2 [48% vs. 21% for controls] and F3 [36% vs. 15% for controls] generation glyphosate lineage females.
- During the gestation of F2 generation mothers with the F3 generation fetuses, dramatic parturition abnormalities were observed in the glyphosate lineage. The frequency of unsuccessful parturition was 35%. To further investigate the parturition abnormalities an outcross of F3 generation glyphosate lineage males with a wildtype female was performed. There were parturition abnormalities observed with a frequency of 30%.
Classic and current toxicology studies only involve direct exposure of the individual, while impacts on future generations are not assessed. The ability of glyphosate and other environmental toxicants to impact our future generations needs to be considered, and is potentially as important as the direct exposure toxicology done today for risk assessment.”
Why isn’t coverage of this study the top story of world news organizations?
they are captured
“Assessment of Glyphosate Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Pathologies and Sperm Epimutations: Generational Toxicology”
Thank you for sharing this valuable information! The video, the article, the detox info - essential knowledge that everyone should have, but unfortunately do not acquire . 😕