Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you. Universal health care! What is it good for? Absolutely nuttin. Say it again

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Went through the "science". They can fix a broken leg. Everything else is probably bullshit. The pills are a spiraling out of control death trap.

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Tho half of what docs do is BS, ignore them completely at your peril.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I would agree. Trust is completely gone from Canada. I witnessed 2 of these "putting them down for their own good." Both inlaws. One at 46. He was a well loved schizophrenic who pushed a food cart. He developed lung cancer in one lung. He was put to sleep because he could not catch his breath. While he was gasping the nurse asked to leave. He said he was scared and asked if he was going to die. His dumbass sister who worked in hospitals said yes. The nurse said, dont worry he won't feel a thing. He will just sleep. The family ever afraid of questioning the professionals, let him die. I am ashamed for doing nothing and letting a sociopathic system murder a helpless man.

My wife's brother who suffered from a severe case of sleep apnea was ignored by his doctor and died choking in his sleep.

My wife's mother was put to sleep after suffering a stroke.

My wife was experimented on with drugs from A toZ to treat crohn's. It only took a diet switch.

The vaccine. Doctors are now doing phone consultations. Consultation a was a Astrozeneca recommendation. We were hesitant because the media said side effects were bad. A couple of weeks later, during yet another phone consultation, Take the Pfizer" were his exact words. Forget the other one. Seriously, trust them?

So really, what are my risks ,ignoring these so called professionals.

I also recommend to stop all organ donations. End up in an accident and doctor gets paid 50k for your kidney, you are dead. Especially over 65 in reasonable health.

I think the Health care systems commit murder to harvest organs.

Be careful what you sign over to government. Pretty bad to have that much distrust of your fellow man, isn't it.

Oh and my Dad is so afraid of dying of COVID wears 4 masks when he goes out. He has had 5 shots. After shot 4 he started bleeding from his rectum. Never had that problem. Listed as a side effect.

Hopefully, I die in bed. We moved to Central America. I dont trust the system, doctors or any science.

If I break something, they can set it. I will never sleep in a hospital or old age home.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for sharing this, however upsetting.

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"We moved to Central America".

May I inquire where in Central America?

Am a dissident Canadian, completely fed up with the state of affairs in this godforsaken country of fast-food fools and medically controlled consumers of MSM news and "Health Recommendations" and "health mandates".

Bought and Paid For with tax dollars, by the Canadian Government.

They have NO authority over me.

Am getting out.

I'd appreciate knowing where you escaped to, and how that's going.

Thanks. ❤


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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

But can a layperson tell the half that's BS from the half that isn't? All vaxxes are BS. Most, but not all, pills are BS.

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Read Butchered by Heakthcare for a start. https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4kliod8a9z

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Absolutely. There are books written by doctors on the sham of all vaccines. They are not responsible for stopping the spread of diseases - clean water and living conditions were (See books, “Dissolving Illusions” and “Turtles all the Way Down”). I would also not put it past them if these diseases are/were caused by chemicals in our atmosphere (polio/DDT).

I’ve read a ton of stuff about vaccines but one thing I read was that if a vaccine generates $5 billion in sales, the diseases caused by them generate an additional $50 billion. These are figures for illustration, but it was similar to that. How is it that cancer - very big business - still does not have any cures after 100 or so years of collecting money/donations? And any doctors or indigenous groups that do have cures are sent packing. What a sham.

Also, the cholesterol sham and statin drugs. Same old. Just wish people would do their research. Those doctors being slammed/vilified are the ones worthy of our ear. Love Vernon Coleman. Everything he says is true. He’s tired and he’s right pissed off but he still goes on. A hero!!!

I have Crohn’s which I believe was from a hep B vaccine. I only clued into this when I read others did too. That’s why it’s always good to speak out. You will piss a lot of people off but 1 or 2 might just get it. Thanks Dr. Yoho for all you do as well. You’re a rare hero in a sea of willful compliance. If I have a flare of the Crohn’s, I’ll definitely try the carnivore diet. Thanks, Dr. Yoho, for mentioning that to me.

As an aside, ever notice how your keyboard/spellcheck changes with these “updates”? Who knows that they are doing with our stuff. Fauci and Covid spellcheck, and have for some time.

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Peterson Mikhaila carnivore diet




Several other keto and carnivore videos are also on the same Fit Rx podcast (on buzzsprout) Greg Denis

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Thanks so much!

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Can you say more about that?

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Probably most of the "health" (sickness) profession should at least be in jail, for de facto committing assault and murder, including by numerous other means too, including needless damaging activity and negligence!

I didn't get why most people applauding NHS staff, every Thursday, for merely, allegedly, "doing their job", during the lock-downs. They obviously weren't doing their job much, or at all, became curious people discovered that many hospitals were mostly empty, which was also evident, because many, obviously bored, hospital staff, were messing around at work and posting videos of this on Tik Tok.

I thought that my neighbour's loss of a parent in a nursing home, I think in 2020, sounded suspicious and mentioned the deductive certainty of midazolam "good death" mass murder, but they didn't want to know.

My mother, seemed quite lucky to have survived a week-long, do-not-resuscitate, hospital stay and a two-week, nursing-home recovery-stay, after a fall and stroke about a year ago; probably caused by C19 jabs and statins, both of which I had strongly warned her against.

I am now even more loath to trust any medical staff, or the safety of donated blood and organs, because of probably some contamination by the C19 jabbed.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Please note that the state of California is continuing to give grants (our tax dollars) to physicians to push the COVID shot on children. https://www.phcdocs.org/News/kidsvaxgrant-30-in-supports-vaccines-for-children-providers-with-10000-grants

This is just the latest in a series of financial incentives--the first round was $50,000. to doctors to incentivize their pushing the COVID shot. Please share this information. Most people have no idea this is going on. I for one, will never trust the medical establishment again. No one should.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Dr. Coleman is a gem. I have several of his books. The first one I bought was "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines are Safe and Effective, They Are Lying." I have given copies of it to several people, doctors included. It's only $3.99 for the paperback edition. Here's the link: https://a.co/d/4E05XL7

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I love Dr. Coleman. He tells it as it is and doesn't mince words. I value him as much as I do you, Dr. Yoho. We need to read/hear all your voices.

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This scares me to death. In 4 days my eldest who is 52, will be under going a Heart Cath. He has made his wishes known verbably, but can't see, to get to the point of doing a Living Will and a DNR. As his mom, I'm tasked with making decissions should he not be able too. I've already lost 2 of my 4 sons.

My granddad was a victim of Medical Malpractice when I was a teen. Grandma had no idea it was medical malpractice, she was like many women of her generation illiterate.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you Dr. I never imagined this in my lifetime.

Their plan was to kill 7 billion people.

I am grateful for the militaries around the world who are taking this corruption down.

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An excellent summary of the euthanasia program now in effect!

Songs about the dangers of vaccines and the Covid tyranny.

THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues

JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. “Straight shooter” advice on vaccination for the brainwashed


“Country” stands up to Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s “THEY TRIED TO KILL COUNTRY (BUT COUNTRY FOUGHT BACK).” https://turfseer.substack.com/p/they-tried-to-kill-country-but-country

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I've followed Dr. Vernon Coleman (Old Man in a Chair) for 2 years now and he called it a genocide way back then. He saw the inordinate amount of Midazolam usage in the UK ....three year normally supply run through in six months, and then the massive ventilator use, blasting the lungs of fragile elderly people as well as anyone of any age turning up that the hospitals could snag and test and send to the Covid ward ! Matt Hancock's ( Health Minister at time ) conversations with others show him calling what they plan as 'a good death' when ordering supplies of Midazolam. As well, his twitter revelations show his incriminating conversations depicting how he was manipulating the public with his comments...https://iceni.substack.com/p/matt-hancock-revelations?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Doctor, NO I’m telling you, you are only understanding this Genocide from one stubborn viewpoint, just the same as thousand of other researchers and doctors are doing, and all of you are only “partly” correct. The problem all of you have is “not putting it all together.” This misunderstanding and stubbornness is NOT an anccident, region by region, and it’s NOT YOUR FAULT!!! All of you believe you’ve got it figured out, meanwhile stepping on each-other in the process. Hear Me Doctor: I believe you are absolutely correct: This is a mass Genocide. But it’s all of the above, as far as the methods and media coving it up and misdirecting everyone, especially the scientists.

The Vaccines, the multiple varied Viruses, the way it was created and spread, the deadly treatments rather than the cheep simple solutions—which don’t work and/or kills people, the media coverage…all of it it Military Grade (CIA, Maddad, MI-6; the media they control), and all of it is part of the Whole Genocide Story nobody is supposed to completely figure out. There are thousands of doctors looking at this from one angle or another rather than all together. It’s a multifaceted method of killing, not just your one view. Can’t you get this in your head yet?

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Read Cassandra download here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/t2feeen29q

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I think he did. Follow the links. The drug therapy rarely works. The side effects are outrageous. Death is following these monsters. Oh you are going to die. They just make it painful.

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…all of it is (CIA, *Massad, MI6; the media they control). I’m not a nut. What I’m telling you is the REAL.

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Run by Department of defense

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Run by War Bankers and Lawyers. It’s a steep pyramid with an almost endless climb, but Not impossible to destroy before it destroys humanity. I swear, doc.

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Tiny minority thankfully and we have our strengths and heroes

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I don't doubt what you say. Who do you think is capable of coordinating so many different government entities so that it is all happening at the same time.

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It’s truly massive, the organization. You get it, as much as “they” allow everyone to understand. Endless fractions; Not conspiracy, and we can dispense with theory, too. I’m about to open my substack to individuals who actually desire real democracy, without the bullshit wars, political and military. Please consider reading, not just my publications, but others I recommend in publication, and please consider subscribing to those I subscribe (left and right—whom I’m trying desperately to center). [This message is also for Dr. Robert.] He keeps people thinking.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Sent chills down my spine! They way presumably "normal" doctors and nurses were brought to conspire to "terminate" seemingly uneconomic bed-occupiers. Shakes me to the core! Knowing that we have a pathocratic "elite" driving this inversion of morality from the "top" of the power hierarchies... We must find ways to go free of rule by these creatures.

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Why doesn't he put his stuff on substack?

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Joel: are my efforts to expose these other writers to my readers useful or should I just publish my own work?

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I worked ICU and ER for 15 years and got out in 2016. I sadly will say this:

"Conventional healthcare and especially Big Pharma are the biggest farce ever perpetrated upon humankind"

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The case described by Dr. Coleman (in Britain) is precisely how my uncle was euthanized, in Italy.

In his case: It only took 22 minutes from administration of the drugs until he drew his last breath. December 23, 2022.


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Worth watching. Back in 2020 this respiratory therapist tells the truth


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Thank Dr. Yoho. Dr. Coleman, your good self & just a few others truly are Living Saints.

That's not heresy. Not a mockery, derision, or insult to anyone's personal beliefs.

They are Living Saints. FACT.

We should all be grateful to be alive to hear & see their graciousness.

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Doc, my initial thought, in answer to your end question, is that you should only post your own. On the other hand you do a service by opening folks up to other viewpoints by re-posting another's substack articles you feel are exceptional examples. So, yeah, keep 'em coming please, and thank you.

Have your kids gotten the memo yet?

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