
I forgot to add the obvious—chemo and radiation “therapy” have NO effect on the number of days breast cancer patients live. These were only approved using fraudulent measures such as tumor size reduction.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

It's a crime, really. SOC oncs prey on sick and desperate people while they take kickbacks from Big Pharma and the insurance companies.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Doctors should ask, “Are you aware that I am controlled by a corporation and will be treating you out of the corporate handbook (cookbook)?”

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

As a current 57 year old post-menopausal breast cancer patient (Stage 1a), the first thing my assigned Nurse Navigator said was “I see from your history that you’re on Progesterone” to which I responded yes. Her next statement was “You know progesterone causes breast cancer”. Setting the wrong tone, I left and did not go back. (I’ve been a practicing RN for 36 years and was appalled at her comment.)

My first oncologist said “Your MRI looks like you may be a Stage 1a or b but I’ll treat you like a Stage 3 to get the best response and if I don’t like how the tumor behaves after ACT, then I’ll hit you with two other types of chemo”. Again- I left and did not go back.

I have an oncologist at Mayo who was much more aligned with what I was willing to do and on board with my supplement regimen as recommended by my FM doctor.

Regarding what a physician should ask first (but none of the docs I’ve seen during and after my diagnosis ever did except my FM doc- I think would be “What stress have you had in your life over the past year?” (Remember- I’m still working full time as an RN and have been for almost four decades). It was at the end of an ever increasingly stressful and burnout situation lasting four years that I went for a routine mammo and eventually was diagnosed.

My takeaway…. I left the stressful job immediately after the diagnosis, worked with my FM doctor and eventually found on oncologist that I didn’t suspect would kill me with treatment, and found a new job.

Thank you for your post as there are many takeaways I will incorporate into my current treatments and goal of preventing or capturing cancer stem cell damage.

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The other thing you got right. Progesterone and testosterone suppress breast cancer.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Good- because the systemic effects without hormones while taking four rounds (just finished) of TC are causing havoc.

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chemo is useless for extending life except for about 5 diseases

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What are your thoughts about "immunotherapy"? My loved one (Neil) has non-small cell lung cancer (squamous). We're waiting for biopsy results on the staging to determine next steps, which will probably involve a sleeve lobectomy. The Duke surgeon clearly has a preference for immunotherapy over chemo. Meanwhile, Neil is receiving coaching from Dr. Makis via Zoom and is using his suggested protocol.

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Wrong answer. Follow the comments to learn why.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Will do.

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Agreed- but I was not as educated when I agreed to it and could not find an oncologist to implement Seyfried’s Press Pulse protocol feeling like the clock was ticking after the tumor had been punctured by the biopsy. Made my best choice with info and options I had at the time. Hopefully- live and learn or teach others from my experience.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)


Bravo Doc! Excellent piece and you are doing good work. Your site is going to be so busy over the coming few years, unfortunately, because I will be (among many others) directing many a stage4 cancer diagnosis, to this stack and others.😐

But I thank you on behalf of future patients, for having the courage of your convictions and for allowing free and open access to critical health info.

You done good sir😉

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I'm a fan of the BFH

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you so much for your writing and your willingness to expose the monster that is modern medicine. After 30+ years in healthcare I have never been more appalled by The System and all the mind-numbed participants in it. If patients only knew that their well-being is at best, and very rarely at that, a side effect of the business of making money off people’s poor health, as opposed to some sacred purpose of the doctors and hospitals, they would have their minds blown.

As the system of industrialized allopathic medicine has successfully implanted fear as the primary emotion connected to our thoughts about our health, most are too scared of the thought of taking responsibility for their health and prefer to keep their eyes closed to what should be obvious, and keep believing in the religion of toxic drugs, radiation and knives as paths to good health.

The voices of people like you are so important. Thank you!

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agree and I'm freaked out too

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Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are keeping my stage 4 lung cancer at bay... Miracle drugs.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

As someone who had two root canal teeth removed, I would highly recommend that Katrina think about removing the first, worst tooth. I used a CA oral surgeon, Dr. Robert Jarvis, I think he's still practicing.

The pathogens are leaking into your gut, lungs, and lymph. They may have caused your cancer. I kept getting bronchial infections. After the removal, I have not had any bronchial infections, despite swimming around Malibu in relatively contaminated water. Before, I blamed it on the swimming, so did my doc.

First: Get or borrow an infrared camera. If there is a hotspot on the jaw, that is the infected area. This is safe. A biopsy would risk contamination spread. Many homebuilders have infrared cameras, btw, for heat leaks. Just tell them you want a few pics. My friend handed someone a $20 for this at a job site.

Flir is the make of camera I got.

Second: Apply iodine and try laser delivery of essential oils and herbs on the exterior of the area to try to manage the infection. You've seen the research on bitter orange, for example, for fungal and bacterial infections? The natural perfumer at Aftelier provides high grade essential oils.

Third: Since you know you have the root canals, avoid sugar and anything with pesticides.

Fourth: Do you have amalgams? Remove one quadrant at a time.

I flew to CA to an oral surgeon has much experience with the dental issues. I'd been hesitant to remove the tooth, but then my right eye started to have some unexplained redness and irritation, and an infrared camera showed hotspots at both root canal areas.

After the first root canal tooth was removed, I mailed it to a DNA testing lab. The results were horrific with everything from parasites to streptococcus and mycoplasma pneumoniae.

The evening after the removal was the first time my very low grade fever normalized, despite the fact that I had one root canal tooth remaining, and the hot spot on that side of my jaw went away. I used many interventions such as Chinese herbs for direct application and systemic support, injected ozone (I did it), and essential oils (for strep, etc) on the exterior via Dr. Greg Lee's laser delivery method (glad to send details on the latter as it's cheap and relatively risk free).

Say, a small bit of low-hanging fruit: You could buy lighter, smaller eyeglasses. The heavier, fashion ones put extra pressure on the area of your face especially sensitive when you have an infection. I got mine at Firmoo, but many new sites list the frame weights and dimensions.

I wish you luck!

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I read part of the article when Katrina commented that she was never prescribed a CPAP machine....WHAT?! The basic lung mechanics would dictate something to keep the fluid from the lungs out so she can breathe easily for sleep and let her body REST. Has respiratory therapy declined to the point that is no longer considered as therapy for any and all disease processes??? I am really angry she had to suffer and beg for a CPAP machine. That should have been one of the first things prescribed as it mechanically will "push out" the excess fluid and maintain enough surface area to maintain respiration in the lung tissue. It's not a cure, but I think it would have been an excellent therapeutic for the symptoms she describes.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

The fluid wasn't in her lungs, it was in the lining of her lungs.

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Cpap helps tho

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

It is better not to cause the problems that it overcomes, it being a beginning to the need for a ventilator.

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She should see a chiro to eliminate the sleep apnea. Address the cause, not the symptom.

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her lungs are heavily compromised and cpap helps

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4 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Dear Doc Yoho, someone just sent me this INSTAGRAM of Dr Ardis passionately informing anyone who will listen about the DANGERS of OZEMPIC/WEGOVY the "weight reduction" drug. It's a 2 minute listen: (You don't need an Instagram acct to view it) https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAdPLdjybu_/?igsh=MTltbzcxdDIzYmFkdQ==

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

My dog has a tooth that was turning black. We started giving her one pump of 3000ppm CDS daily and it seems to be healing nicely. It's worth a try to do the same on root canal teeth.

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human dose is three times a day, hold in mouth for 4 minutes

see the Epilogue of Judas Dentistry for Kalcker's protocol

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You may have finally convinced me to read it. I know enough dental horror stories to probably get the gist. I see my dentist every several years, primarily because she wants to do annual cone beam X-rays. That is absolutely not necessary. She's better than most dentists I've known, but she seems to have succumbed to the corporate dark side a few years ago...

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Is it possible your house has mold? Many houses built in the last 40 years use a building system that creates mold in the roof and walls. One test is to see if mold grows in your shower or in damp areas. That is a sign of excessive spore growth indoors -- mold in the shower is not normal, but it has become normalized.

I had my neighbor go sleep in her field in the back of her pickup truck when she couldn't breathe (and had no insurance for CPAP). I had her use her garden hose to shower (avoiding a potentially moldy shower), then wear new sweats and use a new sleeping bag. She felt a huge difference, sleeping through the night for the first time. This is a cheap, risk free test, lol.

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not much of a prob in CA but Kat lives in Florida

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

After reading your very informed article, it seems a doctor should ask if the patient has ever had any root canals. Thanks to Dr. Katrina for informing everyone of how she did things and learned from her mistakes. Thanks for all you do. You provide such good information that we cannot get elsewhere, especially from out primary doctors. Blessings to you. Dorothy

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yes that is close enough; you win. What doctors should ask first is WHAT IS IN YOUR MOUTH

send your address by replying to this email and I'll send you whatever book you like

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

The first question should be: Have you had any root canals?

Thanks for this informative piece!

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third place and as above

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

First question should be:

“Do you have root canals?”

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7 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you doctor! I will admit that all of this seems overwhelming. Hopefully there is info on a website that condense it down to easily follow it. The folks over at FLCCC.net have had to figure out how to transfer a lot of into a small section. However they don't go into details about what each item does or how it works. (at least when I last looked a few years ago). That's good info to include for individual study and enlightenment. People getting the news about cancer are going to be in a state of shock, and they'll need something like a list to go through, with links to the side effects or considerations. Reading through all this has been good for me to understand what has been happening to my wife. Unfortunately, as a nurse, she wants a quick fix in pill form, and is not receptive to more natural paths to follow. Thank you doctor! And curses to this app that doesn't allow for paragraph separation.

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yes curses ha

FLCCC.net dudes completely ignore the elephant in the treatment room, chlorine dioxide. I do not know whether they know about the dentists. They do well with the rest.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Why would beta carotene be a choice to prevent eye problems when it is, at best, a precursor for the retinol that the eye needs?

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Are you ignorant of the biological functions of retinol?

Beta carotene only gets turned into retinol by the bodies of those who have the requisite chemistries. It is easier to take retinol than to count on chemistries that may not be present.

Kate Rheaume-Bleue explains in Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life how vitamins A and D3 are complementary, preventing large doses of each from causing toxicity.

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