I looked in the nano-bot thing extensively (and was open to the possibility it could be true). My overall assessment was:

•Most of the evidence put forward for it was misinterpretations of microscopic observations made by people with limited experience in the area.

•I was not able to find strong supporting evidence for it.

•I was able to find strongly refuting evidence (e.g., mass spectrometry showing it wasn't there).

•Most of the people putting it forward did not understand that nanotech is too small to see under a light microscope.

•The people I trusted who looked at a lot of vaccines did not feel nanobots were there.

•A lot of people advancing it were attached to the idea knowing this made them superior to people who didn't know it, so a lot of the arguments ultimately boiled down to the psychology at play rather than any data. There may be some bad actors as well who are being sponsored to promote this, but everyone I've spoken to was more just pushing this for ego reasons.

•A lot of the more sensitive people I've talked to feel there is a yet unidentified toxin in the vaccines they label as "graphene oxide" that some people are sensitive to, particularly in regards to shedding. I don't think that's the primary shedding agent or that it's actually graphene oxide, but whatever it is is something I want to identify in the future.

•I've looked into this a lot and I do not think we have the technological capacity to make nanobots.

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Latypova thinks its a psyop

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3 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

As always in medicine, follow the money. Nature was used for thousands of years. Besides Hippocrates saying first do no harm, he said nothing in excess. Seldom mentioned is "One who does not understand astrology should not be a physician." Time can heal.

Going through my Saturn Return now. It occurs every 29 years.

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Real medicine—natural medicine—is endless. I'm scratching the surface.

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That makes some sense. The notion can be used to make one appear to be unreliable or ignorant.

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Just like the existence of viruses "being a hoax"!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Sensational report Dr Yoho and much over my head however the info has made an impression. I follow A Midwestern Doctor's substack and prize his opinion, altho I never come to any conclusion permanently bec the so called 'science' changes too often. I know of Dr Mihalcea and have followed her since her very first substack exposing the nano's found in vax'd and later unvax'd blood. Quite scary what she's found. I also follow Dr Bryan Ardis too and his dictum that nicotine (patches) have some merit in interfering with the nano's penetration of the cellular membrane. Mihalcea urges the use of EDTA and Vit C..... I'm pretty certain we all have nano's in our system thru a variety of sources. The regimen your Doc Sam uses is too much for me to comprehend let alone implement but as far as I know I'm not one of his patients either. I'll have to twist in the wind for awhile. Thanks for your research!

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You worry too much

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Ardis seems captured to me. I crossed him off my list, but i have a low threshold for that. The CD stuff was insider baseball if you haven't studied it. I think i convicted M of being unreliable. Also look at my older articles that i linked.

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1 hr agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Years ago I read Eric Drexler's book 'Engines of Creation'. One can imagine what the future holds when mankind becomes adept at molecular manufacturing. Then all of

these self replicating nanobots will change the world but we're not there yet. Thank god!

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Not even close. Spend your time on what is real now.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I read a recent post about this:

"Filamentous, helical, and tubular microstructures during cholesterol crystallization from bile. Evidence that cholesterol does not nucleate classic monohydrate plates"


Or as the poster put it: "Cholesterol Crystals in Jabs give us Filaments, Needles, Spirals, then Plates", Which can be found here: https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/cholesterol-crystals-in-jabs-give?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#footnote-anchor-2-148629948

He posted some time-lapsed images from the (32 year old) study that showed this odd "self-assemblage".

I followed Ana Maria Mihalcea for a time until it became obvious that something was off about her info. The same goes for so many people out there. They can lead you to many intellectual places that are, at best, wastes of time; at worst, wastes of your peace of mind, your enjoyment of life, your sanity, and your ability to use what valuable information there is out there to actually help your health.

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Exactly. She's likely a paid op

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for your insights. I was unfamiliar with her works.

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No reason to look noe

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Excuyse my over long comment - I just kept writing.

Be careful, or do more research on the clay GI 'cleansrs'., such as Zeolite, bentonite etc. I saw a comment from a nurse on Earth Clinic - here is the comment... "I've worked with dialysis patients for years, and bentonite clay has come up many times. It destroys your kidneys over a few years. The clay sticks to the inside of your nephrons. As the kidney disease advances (slowly), the nephrologist will ask you to allow them to perform a kidney biopsy. It is then discovered that clay, actual clay, is stuck inside the millions of tiny nephrons in each kidney. Although you may see positive results, kidney disease, and eventually dialysis, is the end result."

I don't know the truth of the clays but maybe better off avoiding, since kidney damage becomes a big problem, and not easily ,or at all fixed. Leaky gut is key, so find out why it is leaky for you. Modified citrus pectin (pectosol) is good to clean the GI, or charcoal. TUDCA for liver and biliary. Herbs include milkthistle, globe artichoke. Glutathione, or NAC, or whey protein (for cystiene) for liver/ GI antiinflammatory. Curcumin aslo for GI and systemic antiinflammatory, as it inhibits both COX, and inflammatory prostaglandin pathways. Nettle seed (not leaf as this is diuretic) to help restore kidney function, or at least the studies show improvement in creatinine clearance. Check out Dr Sandra Cabot for liver cleaning. When thinking about fungus, and parasites remember their biofilms, nattokinase or proteolytic enzymes taken between meals can help. For healing the gut lining, bone broth, collagen, glutamine, & zinc carnosine if H.Pylori is present. Dr Ohira probiotics have a good reputation.

You have probably already done this, but check for H.Pylori, it causes a host of problems, including increasing stomach, pH, which not only compromises digestive enzyme/ bile secretion further down the line, protein and B12 absorption, but GI pathogen balance, since HCl kills microbes in the stomach. Additionally, less bile production not only results in higher body toxin load, but also GI pathogen load, since bile, among other actions, performs antibiotic function in the colon. Check via GI map stool test or breath test (not quite as sensitive). A GI map would also show other pathogens whicvh may be out of wack. Perhaps consider an Organic acids test (OATS) which shows many urinary metabolites, which can indicates which energy/ detox/ vitmain/ pathways are compromised.

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From what little lve seen about zeolytes they don't work

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30 mins agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Bob, zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicate materials. ALUMINUM will be left, once they decompose.... That's one of the causes of Alzheimer disease..

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Among other problems. This is my friend BAC

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There is an MMS fungus/mold procedure using

bentonite. I started it.

What are your thoughts? I don’t want to damage my kidneys.

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Hi Diane. Your comment this morning is very helpful to me. I went to a party last weekend and have had diarrhea ever since!! This has never happened to me before so I’m going to take some collagen and Modified citrus pectin (pectosol). Is there anything else you’ve tried? I know you can’t advise but I’d like to clear this up stat. I go to my Dr on Tuesday but I’d like to start working on this now. Thank you.

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Since you got diarrhea acutely and can seem to pinpoint the event, you probably got food poisoning, and now have a gut infection, either bacterial or parasite. The doctor should be able to do a stool test to check for obvious pathogens. You can try Enterogel, it is an adsorbent and helpful with lessening bacterial load. However, you may need to be more active in eradicating it. Look for a product that contains oregano, thyme, clove - essential oil is best (but only take in a capsule form), berberine (compound found in oregan grape, barberry, phellodendron, or goldenseal), black walnut hull, wormwood, and maybe Pau D'arco. Pomegranate juice is antimicrobial, extract is stronger if you can get it. Eat lots of garlic which is very antimicrobial. The kill phase might go for 2-3 weeks. Dr Ohira probiotics should help to rebalance. Start the probiotics about halfway through the kill phase, but at different times of the day to the plant antibiotics. Keep the probitoics going for several weeks after. You may need to take a break and go in again with clearing, and probiotics if not all resolved. All the best!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Regarding the Hudson Institute...the insanity of today (inability to define what a woman is, men competing in women’s sports, transgenderism, unchecked illegal immigration, manufactured racism, all the economic lies ((prices are low not high like you think) etc) is part of a plan to get us to accept things like rationing, freedom restrictions, house sharing, and whatever nonsense the Democrats cook up on behalf of China to weaken and undermine our sense of nationality and patriotism. China is at war with us, we don’t see it yet. Through corrupt, bribed politicians who do China’s bidding we are being slowly destroyed as a nation. China will stroll through the northern or southern border soon.

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China is an opportunist rsther than a prime mover. It has little history of being kinetic

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I say the coup happened in 2020. The election will be given to Scamala.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I don’t like the way she keeps smiling like an idiot when she’s talking about us being full of nano bots or whatever. It’s crazy that smile. Is she peeing herself laughing at us ?

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I think she, like Michael Gregor, can't believe she's getting away w it

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What’s wrong with Dr McGregor?

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9 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I think the word 'robots' isn't the best choice that Dr. Ana uses. The activity seen under the microscope and the structures formed aren't reassuring. However it all comes down to patients who don't feel well and feel better after attaining cleaner looking blood.

As to what concoctions the Defense department is using on the populations, depopulation seems to be the order of the day. All the better to use less resources, resources like oil and gas that the elites want on tap for centuries.

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Its a satire

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7 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for telling me that. I thought you were serious.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I am able to track who got the shot and who didn't with my cell phone in developer mode and scanning for local Bluetooth codes. It's 100% accurate.

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Believable but who knows what it means

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I agree. There's a bluetooth hex code generated that doesn't match typical device codes. Tracking them occurred exactly the way your friend described. Sometimes there would be more than one code per person and when I logged the codes, they could be different days later when checked again.

My Galaxy S8 was more sensitive than the S10 model I have now.

It was interesting to watch the codes show up in traffic as cars got near me. At a traffic light, the codes would pile up.

I was a worship pastor and tested it at church often. You could detect when someone showed up and when they left.

Your writing is amazing! Thank you for all you do!

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I would love to see a video of this. Can you do that? Does it work if you’re not in developer mode?

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A video would be a good idea. Didn't think of that during all the madness. I do have screenshots.

Must be in developer mode.

You can get on principia-scientific.com and search for: Bluetooth codes

The original article where I learned about it will come up (Test It Yourself: See How Covid Jabbed Are Emitting Bluetooth Codes)

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I learned a few things fron the transcript. Don’t trash the interview

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This post is a bridge too far for me. As an allopathic physician for over 45 years and a plastic surgeon for the past 35, I have always sought to practice evidence-informed, Hippocratic medicine while maintaining a healthy skepticism regarding our medical institutions and so-called "consensus". for example, I was on board very early in the Covid pandemic questioning the policies and measures taken by our public health "experts." Althoung not an anti-vaxxer, I have not taken any of the Covid vaccines, have had Covid twice, and will never trust the CDC, FDA, or NIH again. I try to avoid conspiracy theories that just sound too unhinged and this one crosses that line. Robots in our blood? Seriously? It calls in question Sam's credibility in all areas, not just this one. The premise that chlorine dioxide is some sort of miracle elixer that cures everything is a one that I have heard too often and disbelieve without credible confirmation from other sources. It is a disservice to the general public. I looked up Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea (I had never heard of her) and both enough in her videos to discount her as a credible source of information. I do not favor censorship or cancellation, however. Even nut cases have a right to their opinions. I have seen too many people whose lives have been made better or saved by traditional, modern medicine to throw this out for unproven alternative methods because of testimonials, and I have seen people die because they clung to alternative treatments when proven traditional medical treatments were available to them. R. Bosshardt, MD, FACS

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I like to make up my own mind and think you should have posted the whole interview. We’re already being fed redacted and censored information from all sides. One thing I know for sure is, that just because I haven’t experienced it or come across it yet, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I think we live in a universe with endless possibilities which I know nothing of yet and different people have heightened abilities to perceive things that I might not understand or see yet, but will eventually become clear. You might have had such experiences in your life, when all of a sudden a light went on. I’m interested to learn more about his chlorine dioxide and liver cleanse protocols and would appreciate to know how to contact him or his website

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Regarding constipation on a carnivore diet- this is likely due to insufficient intake of fat.

No doubt you are aware that statins are the most profitable drugs of all time*. Yet, at most, they have been shown to extend lifespan for four or five days, while creating harmful effects, (not only to the 'side'), in a significant percent of people who take them. Negative effects of statin drugs are often brushed of as due to age, or otherwise ignored & not reported.

*Surpassed only by the injections apparently fraudulently marketed as 'COVID-19 Vaccines'.

Dr. Paul Mason explains how 'the lipid hypothesis' of CVD disease was created & maintained, with references: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-nq60_oEIc

It's long been known that consuming meat without enough fat is a problem. Explorers, fur traders and others generally took with them bacon, which was mostly fat streaked with lean. Since the '70s, livestock have been bred & fed to be leaner, depriving the public of this essential macro-nutrient, while sugar & grains have been promoted as 'healthy'- though these promote glycation damage of tissues, generate oxidative stress, and inflammation. Burning fat for fuel instead of sugar/starch greatly reduces or eliminates this damage. People on high animal fat diets often appear to age in reverse.

Fat, like cholesterol, is essential to life. Every cell membrane, both within and on the exterior of the cells, key hormones, nerve sheath, and the brain all require fat & cholesterol for their structure & function. Not seed oils (deceptively marketed as 'vegetable' oil), or fruit oils- but animal fat is the key nutrient for health, along with animal protein.

Dr. Peter Ballerstedt, PhD explains that much of the 'protein' content attributed to plants is NOT protein & other facts about meat as food (and no, cattle are not harming the planet):


Fat liquid at room temps are prone to rapid oxidation. Tests (reported by Mason) show this begin within hour or days. Cooking oils are chemically treated to keep them from smelling rancid. Coconut oil is more stable, but contains plant sterols, similar enough to cholesterol to be mistakenly incorporated into tissues in place of that essential molecule, with less than optimal results.

High fat, adequate protein, and very low carbohydrate diets have been successfully & safely used to treat epilepsy for over 100 yrs, but largely ignored when profitable drugs became available. https://charliefoundation.org/diet-plans/

Nutritional ketosis has also been found to benefit patients with other brain conditions: Alzheimer's disease (aka 'Type 3 diabetes'), various mental health conditions, brain trauma, and proven to reverse Type2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, normalize weight & body fat percentage, and optimize some aspects of physical performance. Dr. Thoma Seyfried, PhD of Boston College is among those who studied nutritional ketosis to treat cancer.

Some use nutritional ketosis to optimize physical and/or mental performance. Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, PhD has been conducting research for various applications of nutritional ketosis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_blupWpZ5F4

A carnivore diet is a sub-set of the ketogenic diet. By eliminating phyto-chemicals which the human GI tract is ill-suited to handle, it provides additional benefits beyond nutritional ketosis.

Dr. Andrew Chaffee, MD, former professional athlete, neurosurgeon & long term carnivore, on 'Why We Are Carnivores': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-WUb3mJEso

On fiber, I'll loosely quote the FDA's comment about another product: 'You're not a cow. You're not a horse. Stop it, y'all!' Dr. Paul Mason shares the research on dietary fiber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqUO4P9ADI0

'The Corrupt History of the Food Pyramid' - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dr+paul+mason+food+pyramid

Conclusion- by giving our bodies the building materials it needs, reducing damage from metabolism & external stressors, and fasting and/or mimicing fasting enough to trigger autophagy of damaged cells & tissues and rebuild, we optimize health & healing.

We were all designed to thrive.

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I don’t know if Dr Ana is correct or not but someday I might have to follow her advice: “ Get a microscope and take a look, then you can have an opinion.”

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Thanks Robert for this post!!! As a professional macromolecular crystallographer, who worked for years looking at growing protein crystals, analyzing them, etc., all I can say is this:

tried to collaborate with Dr. A. Mihalcea (lets call that character AM) and her international team, and as soon as I asked for 100% CONTROLS (like the ones in vaccines where you compare pure saline solution with whatever concoctions injections contain), the collaboration evaporated.... The controls are essential in particular since these days LOT of stuff is floating alone in the totally contaminated AIR.... Not to mention the phosphate buffers in the ModE-RNA and Pfizer injections, which crystallize in seconds, that including cholesterol, which btw. crystallizes NOT in the form Dr. Cole claims! Anyway, ever since I never heard from AM, AFTER sending her ~4000 pages long Synthetic biology book and giving all the info about covid from my experience and bioinformatics work, I started to hear from others, which only confirmed my suspicion, a medical doctor who does NOW KNOW what mod mRNA does??? Something is wrong here.

There are many VERY suspicious characters out there, including the s.c. MIdwestern anonymous doc, just my opinion.. The inter-net is FULL of 'specialists' who strangely appeared only during the biggest scam on this planet, the 'covid' times... There is yet another lady, who is VERY sceptic about AM, her incredible story about AM is here:


and here:


To the latest I need to add, there wouldn't be ANY crystallography of a single protein if it was not for EDTA. That's why I summarized my still limited findings on it here:


SInce I'm NOT MedDoc I'm learning with own thinking from the good ones, like Dr. Thomas Yanossy:


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Why does no one ever mention Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea HUGE ass thyroid gland?!?!? I've left comments under her videos before and they always go ignored... But I can't even focus on what the hell she's saying with that half a softball sized lump bobbing in front of me! Being someone who notices everything is a lonely place sometimes :(

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Dr Yoho....pls, check out JJ Couey...he is a biologist and has sacrificed a lot during this pandemic....he calls out ALL the meddlers and proves which ones are part of the psy-op..... you might be surprised.... https://gigaohmbiological.com/scooby


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I mistakenly posted my comment of today in an older posting of Dr. Yoho.


Dachsie’s Substack

just now

So good to hear from the good doctor this lovely Fall morning.

Kept thinking of some of my favorite quotes and bible verses as I read this.

Such as...

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader."

Plato: The Republic. 380 BC


One line from the "coming out document" of the "American neocons" in year 2000, the document "Project for a New American Century" stated as follows.

"And advanced forms of biological warfare

that can “target” specific genotypes may

transform biological warfare from the realm

of terror to a politically useful tool. "


This verse why I kind of believe that there are aliens and flying saucers. There are different spiritual realms and some are of Lucifer, aka Satan, the "light" bearer.

'In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.' -- John 14:2


Saint Paul's epistle to the Ephesians. Chapter 3, verse 20.

Now to him who is able to do all things more abundantly than we desire or understand, according to the power that worketh in us.


God bless us each and every one in the Name of the One Who is Truth.

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