
from a reader:

Back in the early 2000's, I was seeing a physician who gave out fluoroquinols like they were candy. She gave them to me for sinus infections and bladder infections. I didn't seem to have any immediate problems with them but, one day when I was out walking on my lunch break, I felt something snap in my foot and I lost control of my footing. I fell and broke the fall with my hands. The pain in my foot was excruciating. I went to the same doctor and she said I sprained my foot. I insisted on an x ray and it turned out that I actually broke my foot. Also, I developed scoliosis and rib inflammation. I saw an orthopod and he said that I had scoliosis all my life. I did NOT. I believe that I developed it from the Cipro and Levaquin I was prescribed on numerous occasions.

When I was in the waiting area for a partial nephrectomy, my doctor yelled out an order to give me Levaquin. I yelled out that I would refuse it. That was in December of 2012. I had already seen the literature on what these drugs could do my that time. So, he asked me what I would take and I ordered myself something else.

I always tell anyone who will listen that they should avoid these drugs like the plague.

Thank you for this . I will forward this to many friends and family.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Put it on your allergies list at Dr!

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YES along with all fluorinated inhalation anesthetics. Propofol isn't; let them use that

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Jul 23Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

thx...great to know...

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I was given Cipro and after 1/2 hour I felt hot, my throat got all itchy, I went to look in the mirror and my face was full of red blotches. I called the ER and told them what I took and they said no big deal. The next day when I woke up, I had so much pain below my knees and elbows, I could hardly even use them. I read the paperwork that came with that nasty drug, it said if you have autoimmunity, Cipro can burst your tendons! Holy Crap! I called the doc who perscribed this poison and he just acted like no big deal.. MF! It took me 3 days to walk and drive again. I stopped ALL Big Pharma drugs and refuse to take anything from a lab. I stopped seeing allopathic practitioners in 2018 and will never ever go back!

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you got off light

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

..."My father taught me to mistrust the medical system."...that advice will serve everyone quite well. The great the distrust, the longer the life.

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You people are bitter but I am worse, for I spent my entire life learning mostly garbage.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Wanted to see what I had in my files about the Flexner Report.

Found this:

154 The Police State Road Map (March 2005 Edition) www.policestateplanning.com

Seeing an opportunity, the Carnegie Foundation offered to produce guidelines and qualifications for medical schools on behalf of the AMA. The Flexner Report, named after Abraham Flexner of the Carnegie Foundation, included recommendations to strengthen courses in pharmacology. Rockefeller and Carnegie then commenced to pour money into those institutions which conformed to the new requirements. To date, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Sloan, kellogg and other foundations have showered over a billion dollars on the medical schools of America. (36) According to The Drug Story by Maurice Bealle, an investigation into Rockefeller influence on medicine, the Rockefeller Foundation was the single largest contributor to American medical education:



The Police State Road Map

March 2005 Edition Michael Nield www.policestateplanning.com


"May God have mercy on us, and bless us: may He cause the light of His countenance to shine upon us, and may He have mercy on us. That we may know Thy way upon earth: Thy salvation in all nations. Let people confess to Thee, O God: let all people give praise to Thee. Let the nations be glad and rejoice: for Thou judgest the people with justice, and directest the nations upon earth. Let the people, O God, confess to Thee: let all the people give praise to Thee: the earth hath yielded her fruit. May God, our God bless us, may God bless us: and all the ends of the earth fear Him."

Psalm 66



Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

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Namaste: You have cited Psalms 66. You might have as well cited Psalms 22-7, that underlines the condition of the medical schools, in particular, and the society in general.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I have been given cipro in the past for uti’s which I used to get quite often. I’m now on vagifem (I don’t like taking pharmaceuticals on a regular basis). So far no more UTI’s. Just wondering what your reccomendation would be instead of cipro should I get another uti. I am taking my health into my own hands as much as possible and would rather have a suggestion to bring to the doctor if I need something!

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If I were you I would use chlorine dioxide (preferably) or methylene blue chronically both super safe. read my posts

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Colloidal silver works for me when I get a UTI, knocks it out quick. We make at home & I take 1/2 a cup mixed with water.

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Jul 24Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

You take a 1/2 cup per day mixed with water until the infection is gone? How much water do you mix it with?

What are other options for antibiotics if you get an eye infection which I recently had. I had a very bad one. It was so bad my vision changed for the worse.

We all need options if we get an infection. Any options out there?

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Jul 24Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Yes, 1/2 cup of colloidal silver mixed with water (10 oz) is approximately what I use, last infection I took for 2 days & it was gone. I spray colloidal silver in my eyes too. Castor oil is supposed to help with eyes also, haven’t tried though (have it my cabinet) one drop in eye before bed, it will be blurry.

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Thank you!

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thenaturalhealthlibrary.com has lots of info on colloidal silver & many other health issues that may arise.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for your answer. How often to do you do this ?

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Jul 24Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

2 days, but some people drink it everyday, which I may start doing so I don’t get anymore uti’s.

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read my chlorine dioxide posts by searching my archives using the search bar

this is the biggest healthcare story in our lifetimes

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thenaturalhealthlibrary.com has lots of info on colloidal silver

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

If you're menopausal or post, ask for vaginal estrogen. It'll keep your vagina healthy and help avoid uti's

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If I were you, I would get on oral estrogen as it protects the heart. Read Hormone Secrets for the full story about HRT

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this has no effect on heart diseases and should generally be used along with oral estradiol

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Yes, I'm also on the estradiol patch along with Progesterone

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Hi Jen, good day. I would suggest that you inspect Dr. Mercola's website regarding U.T.I.s. There are a lot of great sources to start from there. Hope that helps.


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I take D- Mannose

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Take D-mannose regularly and double down if feeling any symptoms.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you Rick and Dr. Yoho for sharing this discussion. Sorry for your ER experience, Rick. I agree that ER's are among the most dangerous places for people seeking medical attention during a crisis, and agree with Dr. Yoho that we can't blame all the harmful treatments on greed. The ER staff are often following pre-determined protocols, and the quote near the top of this page attributed to Voltaire is all too perfect: "Doctors are men [and women] who pour drugs of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, into human beings of whom they know nothing."

I have had similar ER experiences. Bitterness is understandable but not an effective state of mind to learn the most from the experience and rise beyond the trauma. Much gratitude to both of you.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for your kind words. At the same time, if walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.... You know? Learn from the experience and rise beyond the trauma. While they keep doing it over and over with no consequences? What about all the innocent people that sooner or later will get the crap floxed out of them for no reason whatsoever? It's a reverse lottery.

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Words or a movie series about my life cannot do justice of my reality. I am a real live Nazi child Holocaust, WW II firebombing and decades off and on "Medical treatments" survivor! I was a teenage slave in America who slept with rodents and over unstable dynamite, without utilities and not even an outhouse!

Stockholm Syndrome must have solidly closed my consciousness to the point that I soon forgot my terrors and tortures that so many people have done to me. Yet, I never thought of revenge and forgave all abusers. Naturally, my publicity keeps getting censored in schools, libraries, churches ...

God is awesome!

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start a substack; here is how:





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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for sharing here. (My friend Irene Jozwiack, her dad was experimented on ).

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Decades ago, I had free access to several glossy medical magazines. Since I was born with an unbounding curiosity, I read/scanned them all. It was obvious that their detailed massive adverts were meant to infuse the brains of medical staff.

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Two ways that these Black Box antibiotics slip in even to informed people: 1) a doctor's lab report for urinalysis showing infection - and recommended antibiotics are listed at the bottom of the report. Doctor does not see any Black Box warning, doesn't have to research them - just simply prescribe from the list. 2) patient in hospital - doctor prescribes fluoroquinolones in IVs without patient's knowledge. Only if patient or advocate ASKS what is prescribed would it be caught. I have witnessed both, as well as an 80+ yr old man prescribed these (supposedly Black Box advises against prescribing for 60+ yrs old) and had severe hallucinations. People have to be vigilant 24/7.

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see above

inhalation anesthetics are all fluoridated, and it gives me an allergic reaction to just think of it, so I put them on my allergies list. Barbituates and propofol can be used instead.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Oh! Good to know!

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Same, I luckily overheard they were going to use this in IV for me for some surgery. My father had his Achilles wrecked from levaquin. Hopefully it wasn’t on other IVs for other surgeries I’ve had. I always ask. Plan on no more injuries/ surgeries for me. They gave my daughter cipro when she was in college for a cyst. After trying penicillin or something first. She needed to soak instead but wouldn’t.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

So, so glad you heard/asked. I'll never forgive myself for dropping the ball on that one. THEY are supposed to inform you. I was perfectly awake but my mind was focused on my difficulty breathing. So I forgot to ask, and the last thing I thought would happen was to get poisoned. I had ALWAYS been ultra-cautious with anything medical. First time I dropped my guard and wham-o, they nailed me! It's almost a given. The second you submit/surrender, you're done for.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Urine test was negative. No fever, no sputum (she lied on report), NO CULTURE, no chills, zilch symptoms of "infection." Just pull out a CAP Dx out of the rabbit's hat and flox away. Works like a charm.

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may substack and those intelligent humans who write here live forever. my mother was treated with one of these. let’s just say the outcome was NOT GOOD.

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Jul 23Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I've had two floxxing incidents...and you are always vulnerable and health compromised if you have ever had a reaction to them.

One thing that most floxxed people don't realize is that you can get another floxxing incident just from eating meat, pork, poultry or fish that have been fed antibiotics. It took me awhile to make that connection, but having paid close attention to it over the past few years, I would bet they are using FQ's for our meat, poultry and fish...just a heads up, in case you have a flare up and can't make the connection. It's not quite as severe as if you were doing the antibiotics themselves, but it is the same - the aching nueropathic symptoms...

My heart goes out to all who have suffered this hideousness...

Here's the stack I did on this subject last March...


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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Very interesting interview. It was personal to me as I ruptured my Achilles and suspect my rupture occurred due to a long history of Cipro and levaquin ingestion as an adult. My hypothesis is the toxicity of the drug wears the tendon down and with a movement that should not warrant a rupture of the largest tendon in one’s body a rupture does in fact occur. I brought this up with my surgeon the first post op visit. I asked could this I injury have happened due to the ingestion of Cipro and Levaquin over my adult life. I asked if she did any type of tissue examination and or sent it piece of the tendon for review? She looked at me was nuts. She said you weren’t on an antibiotic. In my head I said to myself you never once asked if I had been on any antibiotic in the last six months.

I was stunned by some of your comments Dr. YoHo relative to what seemed to be an excuse of a physicians responsibilities to know the ontoward effects of medications they order. Having been trained and licensed as a RN it was drilled into my head my professional

As well as licensure expectations that not only did I know the actions of a medication I was to give to a patient I was equally responsible to know the side effects of a drug and to apprise the patient of both the purpose and potential SE of a drug. Connecting dots and doing a thorough history and physical would lend to good quality of care.

Your apparent dismissal of a physicians responsibility was shocking to me assuming I heard you correctly. To minimize incompetency and a relinquishing of competent practices is concerning to me. As a nurse I had to take an order by a physician then receive it from a pharmacist and then I gave it. In my training we were all culpable if harm came to that patient if any form of negligence was rendered. Excuses were irrelevant if I gave it in error whether it be mine the doctor or the pharmacist error I was the first person held accountable. I am curious how you think a doctor is not necessarily responsible for not knowing SE of drugs because they are too busy or there is just too much info to retain? I hope I have misunderstood your positions as I accept my clinical responsibilities as well as possible potential for error and my need to accept accountability as well as responsibility for my professional actions

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Author

"Your apparent dismissal of a physicians responsibility"

this was not what I said but you have a right to be angry

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Jul 24Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I am not angry at you. I am disgusted with our system the corruption could choke a horse. I simply needed clarification of your message as I am a paid subscriber have bought your books and admire you.

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That's nice...

My interviewee is so pissed that he believed that docs were trying to hurt him on purpose. I understand where he is coming from and I'm angry too. Ignorance or carelessness or following protocols is not purposeful assault. Medical practice is so consuming that I have to even forgive myself for not being more knowledgeable about this issue then.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

" Ignorance or carelessness or following protocols" I'm sure is what got Grace Schara killed. FQs are yet another effective "weapon" in the depopulation "arsenal."

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

For a cardiologist with 27 YEARS of experience to get to a patient's room on the first day of hospitalization, and see a patient with no symptoms of infection, doing fine with no issues aside from a flutter, breathing fine after IV diuretics, noting on the treatment orders that patient in fact is "oligosymptomatic," and w/o there being ONE SINGLE MENTION OF INFECTION OR COPD in the treatment orders over the eight-day stay, and nevertheless allowing the Levaquin poisoning to proceed on a 60 yr old patient with QT prolongation and heart failure... IS ATTEMPTED MURDER. PERIOD. NO ROOM FOR NUANCES OR DISCUSSION. END OF STORY. I was the perfect candidate for the culling: generally healthy and UNMEDICATED. I had to go.

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Nevertheless there *are* evil people in the profession. Her story doesn't surprise me at all.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

They gave my mom Cipro for a bladder infection, thank God she stopped taking it. When my husband had covid pneumonia along with another type of pneumonia in 2021 they gave him such a strong, but short dosing antibiotic that he about crawled out of his skin and up the walls. Only after reading the warning insert did I realize what caused the sudden issue. He stopped immediately and we contacted them for a safer Rx.

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Jul 23Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Horrible, Toni. Rx is poison.

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Over the years, holes of ass agents also prescribed Cipro and anti-depressants for me. Stopping to take those brought be back to normal, except struggling with MSC, against which I can now protect myself.

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Jul 22Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I was given a 10 day dosage of Cipro in March for an infection. After the 11th day, I got extreme pains in my left calf, ankle and foot muscles. Two days later I read on Substack about floxing. I was so angry. I ended up going to a podiatrist and told him what I read, and he was surprised in my knowledge. He did not hide that he knew this is what it was.

I want to get that cipro out of my system, so I’m going to follow the protocol listed in your Substack. Thank you.

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Please begin detoxifying very gradually.

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Jul 23Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

“he was surprised in my knowledge. He did not hide that he knew this is what it was.”

I had this same reaction recently with a veterinarian, and he even offered an alternative for my cat. It’s very disconcerting and I left there wondering what else I’m not being told.

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Jul 23Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

My brother sent me a text yesterday and I have not looked it up yet, but he said look up BEERS criteria. Supposedly when you are over 60 there are drugs that you should not take? I guess we can look at it. I’m sure there’s a lot of things in all aspects of life that we have not been told. We are just mushrooms.

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Jul 24Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

"Almost Everything Scares Me These Days" describes it well when it comes to medicine. I have been prescribed Cipro for UTI twice. The NP only warned about not lifting heavy things or grandkids for a month! I then heard how damaging it was from another NP! In the end, no one is interested in what's behind a condition. The intent is to hook you up on something that requires visits and more prescriptions. Same with "osteoporosis" drugs that are unbelievably toxic but still being prescribed along scare tactics. And then the JAB; you'll avoid covid, won't infect grandma, never get it again! We heard it all. Does it ever end? Realizing how we, humans, are handled like cattle is unfathomable and leaves us little options when health goes sideways. Tragic outcomes for so many! Very sad!

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I discussed osteoporosis drugs in Butchered..

You are right about the system, but many docs are sincere but overwhelmed

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Jul 24Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

If it was life or death I'd rather die than take that poison! Remember there are worse things than death.

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