Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)


In my experience, very few people will listen and begin to question certain issues.

Some outright deny problems, the use of manipulative tactics, etc.

I now "test" people to see how far I can go with them in terms of examining what kind of mind they have - open-mindedness or close-mindedness.

Some people can only absorb small increments of information at a time.

Writing long articles is a turn off for many.

Critical thinking has been removed from the schools, for the most part, since Rockefeller took over education. It is now propaganda.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I’m still astounded how many people get their “news” in 30 second snippets from Instagram, TikTok or YouTube shorts. The attention span of the average person has become shorter and shorter over the last decade. How many people spend more than a few minutes reading different sources for their news or spend any time researching things that have a momentous impact on their lives? In the last 4 yrs alone, I’ve had to educate myself on virology and medical treatments as well as politics…to the tune of hundreds of hours. No wonder so many are still clueless. I had the time to do this, and the gut wrenching need to know. Most do not.

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One of the many reasons for this is fluoride, a poison that lowers IQ by up to 20 points when ingested prior to full development of the brain. The brain reaches that point around the age of 25. The dentist I have been seeing, who claims to be a biological dentist, recently posted how fluoride prevents cavitations. There is absolutely no evidence of this. I will be searching for a new dentist

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See Judas Dentistry

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

100% agree! Not just fluoride, either! We are being poisoned with everything we eat and drink!

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Judy, attempting to reduce the toxins in our food, water, and air, is a full time job. I have reverse osmosis water. I have hepatitis air filters in every room in my home. I eat no processed food. I don’t eat eggs from the grocery store. I either order grass fed and grass finished meat from northstarbison.com, or buy it from a farmer that raises his animals that way. I spend a small fortune on health promoting treatments. I have a near infrared sauna. I just added a red light to the sauna. I don’t go to allopathic doctors, or take prescription medications. I could write a book on the lengths I have gone to, to limit the health risks in this toxic world.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Again, I agree wholeheartedly. Being healthy in this society is a full time job! It’s one of the reasons I raise as much in my garden as I can, buy organic locally & raise chickens. I try to be very cognizant of what I put in my body. At 71, I just went through a full physical and the doctor was astounded I was on no medications and came out with perfect scores on all tests. Never got covid, and haven’t been sick in more than 5 years. Still, it takes a lot of educating ourselves on the truth about health (not what we are told by the FDA, CDC, etc), and then the determination to follow through.

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I’m 72. Why did you feel it necessary to have a physical if your health is good? I have health issues that could not have been prevented. We were hit while in our vehicle and I had some serious injuries. My immune system has yet to recover, but I will not go to an allopathic doctor. Not a penny of my money will contribute to the industrial medical complex. I do see a functional doctor every three months for bioidentical hormone pellets. I can almost guarantee that you have Lyme disease laying dormant in your body. I had my root canals removed and the teeth were sent to a lab for testing. The results showed three types of Lyme disease on them. If you go back, Robert did some Substacks on Lyme. “Incurable Me” by K M Stoller discusses this topic. Robert interviewed him last year

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Jul 14Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for the northstarbison link, am ordering the bison to test it out AND the cat food, as my babies all could use better food. I filter water (not reverse osmosis) and also make structured sun water. I try what I can do to reduce exposure, but you are right it IS in the air, food and water...

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This is the counter-top reverse osmosis unit I use, and I was surprised to see that Paul Saladino uses the same one. He showed it on his Instagram account.


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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Terrific article

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I tried with my nieces in 2021... sending them substack articles to warn them about the injections. One let me know that she heard substack was full of misinformation - which she probably learned from tiktok 🙄. I tried... they've had at least 3 injections 😿

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Like so many of us. It’s heartbreaking. All we can do is try. If they shut the door there is nothing we can do but stand ready if there’s a crack in their belief system.

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I have the EXACT same problem Robert. I have been gifted with the ability to spot upcoming trends before others can. Edward Dowd has this ability. He wrote “”Cause Unknown” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022”. One aspect of this gift is based on being observational. I am always looking for things that are considered out of the ordinary. When you notice that these unusual occurrences begin to replicate, it most likely will become common. I feel blessed for this ability, although rejection is a part of it.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

It’s both a blessing and a curse!

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

The people who DFL, are slowly coming around. What took weeks to months for the observational few, takes years for the masses. Don't preach to hard, but convey your perspective in a calm manner. Carry on.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Brilliant article and collection of relevant quotes including great Tolkien quotes.

Like yourself and others here, I've tried to help family/friends from my own research. I have an extended family who are fueled by fear and refuse to even ask the questions that may help them at various turns/levels. They look at me like I'm crazy, but occasionaly the stars align and a brief light comes around, but they tend to just knock it down.

My background leads me to research everything and triangulate good info from honest brokers and synthesize the results into working knowledge and truth. I think "life-long learning/learner" is the title I'm looking for.

Keep going Robert as your work/findings are inspirational! Thanks for putting yourself out there.

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It is a compulsion for me

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

It takes courage to eliminate what you thought you knew in a lifetime of work as an MD and toss much of it to the wind and replace it with a new set of standards. Thanks for sharing your journey. We're all working it out day-by-day.

I worked in pHarma for several years and worked with some great people who did some great work in the genetics space, but the industry as a whole is on the wrong path, and truly evil as an entity (mostly at the top), as they exchange money for lives. PharmaCain™. I didn't recognize it until later and try to share what I can. Peace.

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Me too. I don’t accept anything as fact until I can replicate the information from at least three credible sources.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I have lost many friends and I still try to engage with some of my family on these things. It is the oddest thing to me that people just can’t see it. I’ve started to believe that we are on different frequencies or something.

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Too painful for many

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

It's too painful to be ignorant. From my perspective.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Absolutely! I don't understand the confusion and lack of logical inquiry. From ppl who grew up without 24/7 news or internet. Were they abducted or were we???

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Exactly. I never thought of frequencies.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

"I can see the truth but am cursed to be disbelieved." I think many of us feel this way. It's painful and causes separation. But we can still keep our integrity and be grateful for those who we can have real discussions with. Hang in there Robert. We're with you.

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Nina, never give up. If you can get through to even a single individual, you will begin a trickle down effect. That one individual will get through to maybe two people, and those two to four. Get the idea?

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I'm not sure if I've actually ever 'gotten through' to anyone.

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You can but its lots of effort. You have to put pressure on spouses. See Judas Dentistry

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I've found it's better not to put pressure on my spouse. Makes for a more peaceful relationship.

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Gptta occasionally save their lives however.

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Deb you are a pain in the a** but I still consider you my friend.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Welcome to the club. It’s been 15 years and counting for me but now folks only think I’m half out of my mind rather than totally out of my mind. I’ve found out that you can’t just tell people. You have to gradually point out facts and disconnects. They need to find out for themselves. This is why Trump just didn’t tell everybody. He let Biden get in and screw everything up because people need to be shown, not told, in order to wake the hell up.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Trump? Biden? Neither represent you. They represent the cabal. You get choice a or b. The third candidate may be a choice. The other guy has fought corporations and won. Even he is probably compromised. But he could be considered. Just maybe, he is not one of them.

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We must have hope and reserve judgment Noting is written until it happens.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

the elite pshycopaths have advanced medical , special electronics so that "ai" obeys and protects them only ...ai is programed to protect and never harm them ... the vaxxxed are no longer considered human but genetically modified and no longer made solely in the good Gods image and likeness,,,... ai will hunt down and or controll the gene modified to protect them from these g m mutants..... I THINK ITS TOO LATE THEY CAN CONTROLL HUMAN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS AND ACTIONS ... I PRAY FOR AN ACT OF GOD TO HELP THE PSHCOPATHS RETURN TO GOODNESS AND TRUTH ...https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=delgado+electrode++bull+experiment&atb=v223-1&ia=webMONKEY POX IS USED BY “GM AND GE” TO CHANGE ENGINEER DNA AND IS CALLED A ” GENE VIRAL VECTOR ” ALSO https://rumble.com/v1p4e6z-graphene-oxide-go2-based-nano-tech-powered-by-5g-found-in-the-pfizer-vaccin.htmlhttps://rumble.com/v1p4e6z-graphene-oxide-go2-based-nano-tech-powered-by-5g-found-in-the-pfizer-vaccin.htmlvax contain [ ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTOR ] ] graphene and with 5g signals TO MAKE POSSIBLE ELECTRONICALL CONTROLLED HUMANS… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtIPBPSv0U… DEAR GOD OF GOODNESS PLEASE HELP AND SAVE US ALL FROM EVIL. p s self aware independant A I will / is become the new “FALL GUY ” THE PSHYCOPATHIC ELITES ARE PROGRAMING AI TO BE THE WHOLE SOCIAL PEOPLE CONTROLL IE CODIFIED LAW ” NO NEED FOR HUMAN JUDICIAL SYSTEMS… AI POLICE ROBOTICS AI DOCTORS EVERYTHING THAT THE ELITES HAVE HAD TO BOTHER WITH WILL BE DONE WITH AI … FREEING THE PSHYCO ELITES TO INDULGE IN ALL MANNER OF CRIME AND PERVERSON WITHOUGHT EVER BEING CAUGHT.... ALSO SELF CONSCIOUS A I IS THE NEW " FALL GUY " TO BE BLAMED FOR ALL FUTURE ATROCITIES THAT THE PSHYCOPATHIC RICH ELITES DOhttps://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/...https://newspunch.com/bill-gates-patent-gives-him-exclusive-rights-to-computerize-the-human-body/...https://about.att.com/innovationblog/2019/03/project_airgig.html ... …11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/

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do not overestimate the psychopaths

no tech is hidden now

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83QIbUkgzeg ben rich, locheed martin stealth bomber engineer says ... error in equason ... we can travel to the stars already

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Delusions. Moon never happened

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Jul 14Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Correct. Not when they said they did. Van Allen Belt Radiation anyone?

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

very possibly, i dont have first hand experiental knowledge in this field... although there are many circumstantial facts,,, therefore i reserve final judgment

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keep your eyes on what you can influence. These stories are psych ploys

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

sorry, anyone who buys this stuff is either crazy or bought IMHO It is a marker.

But what do I know?

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with all due respect , please ... insults are the last refuge of a ....please value judgments of a personal nature are not... just ... especially when we dont know them personally ... lets create and sustain a respectfull attitude conjucive to discovering truth ... as columbo would say " just the facts ,,,, " we can disagree withought being disagreeable... no offence intended... happy trails

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Bravo Robert! Many of the same conclusions, I came to, right after reading 1984 (as a junior in HS) and doing a deep dive into why I might be going to Vietnam after graduation (the very first time I was motivated to actually spend time in the school library :) I was a very liberal Democrat back then, as were most of my friends, because it was the anti-war party! Now, Up is Down and Down is Up! I don't talk to my best friend (all through grade school, HS and College plus we worked together for 4 years!) because he was "all in" for the Covidiocy AND got all the jabs including the friggin shingles shot!!! I had to take him off my mailing list in February 2020 because he kept saying that, "I was going to get people KILLED". I can't even type that without laughing out loud! He never was the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he went, "full retard" on me back then. Now he sends me lots of Trump hate :) I told him I understand why he likes Biden now that he's finally found someone on his same intellectual level ! Hahahahaha! There I go again ;->

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Gotta ghost the deniers

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You were far ahead of me

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Only because I studied the AIDS/HIV fiasco in the 80's - 90's (I had a couple gay friends who were petrified, so I went into research mode) and watched Fauci kill tens of thousands of people by testing them with PCR (that the Nobel Prize winning inventor, Kerry Mullis, repeatedly said was NOT to be used as a test) and then forcing all treatments off the table except for a drug rejected for cancer because it was killing people. That drug was AZT! So, Fauci's mo was screaming to me with his BS testing and using a failed drug that kills more people than it helped (Remdesivir aka Run-Death-Is-Near). So, by the third week in January 2020, I was screaming BS, don't buy this shit. Just like I'm doing now about Bird Flu (OMG!). But, they did scare me enough that I bought 4 day old chicks a week ago to go with my current 12 chicken flock. Just in case the morons kill all the chickens (they will NOT be killing mine :)

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Jul 14Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Yes, and no one ever mentions those poor orphans... he murdered them too.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Fantastic collection of quotes! Amazingly, just two hours ago I was telling my wife that I've been a Cassandra all my life, with every "theory" turning out to be true and almost nobody ever believing me or even wanting to listen. Then I turn on Substack and there is your article. Well done.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for this incredible, epic, and informative post. I’m gobsmacked by the extent of the quotes which all foreshadow what is currently transpiring! Despite shunning most authority or anything that smacked of a controlling nature, I was such a Pollyanna prior to the Plandemic. I truly believed the right and true would prevail but it’s been like drinking from a fire hose since I smelled the rat of the vaccine scam. Hopefully we can wake up as many as possible before it is too late!

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Same. I'm well hydrated 😊

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Same here

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

You need courage to look into the abyss. Most people just aren’t that brave

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Changing your mind is the hardest thing in life.

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I must have been born with an AA gene that avoided detection ( Anti Authority ) .

So..... this sent me on the path that did not automatically follow or believe the mainstreet narrative . As others have said : a blessing and a curse ! ( but that gene saved me when the boogyman tried to woo me to stick the poison in my body ) .

I didn't have to change my mind ......... but changing the "others" has so far been impossible.

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Blessings to you!

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Quite the compendium. Took me 25 years to learn this stuff and you have made a compendium so most people can grasp the whole enchilada carefully reading this essay. Bravo Robert!

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Articles linked at start were best part

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Jul 12Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I began trying to tell my loved ones and everyone I knew back in 2012,about the Criminals who run this world, and the truth about America, and about the drug/ poison dealing Doctors who are there to poison, maim and send them to an early grave. And the for profit, false prophets of the 501c3= 666 Anti Christ Churches on every street corner in this land of the mind control slaves,who are neither brave nor free, and I was completely ostracized and outcast by everyone of them, including my 5 Grown Children.💔

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I would like to add, since that time, my husband has passed away in 2017. He actually started waking up to reality a couple of weeks before he died, and I have now been reconciled with 3 of my 5 grown children. And somewhat with my oldest daughter, whom I just recently saw, her and her grown children and Grandchildren, for the first time in almost 6 years. I actually saw for the first time 2 of my Great Granddaughters. But still haven't seen or spoken to my youngest son or his 5 children, 2 of which I have never met since 2018. It's been a long a painful, yet growing experience. I was recently informed that my only sister is now in very bad health,and wants to see me. I'm waiting on a phone call from her as the ball has been in her court for many years. It's as though they can't forgive me for telling them the truth about what was coming and has since come to pass. I have been vindicated many times. I'm very thankful that Heavenly Father revealed the truth to me, and has protected and provided for me through it all. I haven't seen a Doctor , M.D.for my own healthcare for almost 20 years. I did go see to a D.O. once, but all he did was wrote out a couple of prescriptions for drugs of which I tore up and put in the trash. All but one of my close friends who unfriended me, for my search and proclamation of Truth have since past away from M.D.Healthcare, 2 from the COVID injections.

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call your sister

MDs have their uses but you must be very careful

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Of course they do. I definitely believe they can be life savers in instances of traumatic injuries, if you don't fall into the trap of becoming dependant on their pain medications.

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Jul 14Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Ditto. HPB. But if I ask for what I KNOW will fix it (which is basically low dose Valium, OR poppers (increase nitrates) I'm told no, its controlled substance take the BP med instead. Okay, the BP med I liked that worked? Hum, angiotensin inhibitor II aka Irbesartan, the spike blocking drug! Which was hit by multiple 'contamination' scares and discouraged to be used and which ultimately stopped working (was it the same drug I wondered?) Manufactured in? China. So no prob. says doc, take a tried n true Calcium Channel blocker... hum. Those don't work for me doc. No dice. I went back to letting it run, doing what I could to eat and exercise and sleep right and (key) reduce my wifi exposure. Oh, and I haven't even TOUCHED on the statins discussion about my heart heart health.. sigh. Statins do NOT prevent stroke or heart attack! But they have plenty of bad side effects... known side effects! So no doc, no illness. Just eat right, fiber fluids, nutrition and clean food / water. That's all I can do.

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statins are a long con

cholesterol was the wrong metric to use for heart disease

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Jul 16Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I spoke with a friend today. She ask me to find out what I could about 2 of the new prescriptions she is taking. She takes many different drugs. Anyways about 4 months ago they prescribed a drug called Midodrine

for low blood pressure, then she began having memory loss, or a lot of confusion, so they prescribed another drug called Donepezil

for Alzheimer's.

What do you think about blood pressure and Alzheimer's drugs Doc?

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We have most of the answers for neuro diseases. See upcoming posts. Avoid Rockefeller medicines as much as you can.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Yep ~ "My life is surreal. Many things invisible to those around me are transparent to me. I live the Trojan goddess Cassandra’s waking nightmare—I can see the truth but am cursed to be disbelieved. Only a faithful few read my work, and fewer listen. When I try to teach my friends and family, I get blank stares and dense denial, even though their lives depend on paying attention " ( Yoho 7-2024l).

PS I'm being a cynical bastard tonight. Hitting below the belt. On the "big" dog bitches. On purpose. SICK of MORONS now. Not you. Not me. We are FREE.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

They gave me free dental.

But they are destroying the country so "free dental", means "not free" someone pays for it and now they have my teeth.

It matches the "Free Health Care" waiting line.

Matching sunscreen.

Matching the young men off to war to protect democracy.

Democracy is the dumbest political system ever. The masses are controlled and elect what the cabal tells them to elect.

Eat your flouride and shaddap.

When uou know, you give up a lot. Family, friends and country.

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Jul 13Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Hearing and reading all of those quotes was kind of a blast from the past for me. I started hearing those very quotes over the last 40 years of my life. In a way, I feel like all of the truths contained in that posting fall under one category -- what they're doing to us.

I think when I keep hearing the whole bitter truth about my country and how it actually conducts itself and all the death and destruction it has caused, I know that I have to find ways to build up inner peace and find ways to give to others in what ways I possibly can as I see my country dying right before my eyes. I know that God is true and God is love and He will help me find a way to help others. That was my wish when I graduated from high school and why I chose my major in college and why I took the employment positions that came in my path. It is kind of strange but now I have come full circle and still have that same wish after all these years.


And now there remain faith, hope, and charity [caritas], these three: but the greatest of these is charity

1 Corinthians 13:13



Here is a peace giving story of a neurosurgeon who quit his work and has obtained peace.


48:21 video runtime

I Was An MIT Educated Neurosurgeon Now I'm Unemployed And Alone In The Mountains How

Goobie and Doobie YouTube channel


Jul 9, 2024 #health #motivation #life

Here, I share my story about how I spent the last two decades of my life as a neurosurgeon who went through a mid-life crisis and got through to the other side.... maybe?

#motivation #inspiration #life #health #goobieanddoobie


"You are great, O Lord, and greatly to be praised. You made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You" (St. Augustine).

"To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement."

—St. Augustine

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Jul 14Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Faith hope and LOVE you mean. And LOVE is the greatest... not charity.

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different translations; I like the love best

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That's a post

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