The beef at Frank’s looks delicious! For those of us on the east coast who aren’t in his delivery zone, white oak pastures in Georgia is the answer. Support the ranchers who are raising REAL food or else there won’t be any real food left.

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My husband (a veteran of the US Navy’s nuclear program) and I have been microwave oven free since 2009. Don’t miss it at all.

Regarding root canals, cavitations, etc…my mother had a mouthful of root canals and died a horrific death 5 years ago due to mTNBC. The “treatment” killed her faster than the cancer as she opted for “conventional treatment” which was no different than throwing gasoline on a fire. The root canals—I firmly believe—were the source of the cancer. I tell women all the time to get their root canals removed bc of this reason…only one has listened to me as most people a) are too vain b) don’t want to/can’t spend the money or c) simply don’t believe dentists would do anything to harm them so they think I’m nuts.

About 4 months ago my husband was found to have 3 large cavitations where the Navy removed 3 (???) of his 4 wisdom teeth. “bc he was on a sub.” The remaining wisdom tooth was badly abscessed. We discovered this a few months ago after getting a cone beam CT…this is the only thing that will show these problems. My husband began having tingling in his head over a year ago and initially attributed it to Wi-Fi/5G. So we got rid of Wi-Fi in our home(Ethernet only)…bought anti-emf clothing and blankets, a Qi, a true smart meter cover (which works REALLY well), and added a sine tamer at the breaker box in our house. My husband removed the OnStar tracker in his truck and we disabled all bluetooth. Faraday bags for our phones and devices and bought a pemf mat. All is this helped but didn’t stop the tingling. Hence the cone beam CT. right after thanksgiving my husband had surgery to clean the cavitations and remove the abscessed wisdom tooth…all performed by a biological dentist who used ozone, homeopathy, and two days of IV drips with mega doses of vitamin c plus a bunch of other stuff (a dental “cocktail”). He utilized only homeopathy, xlear nasal spray (with the 4 herbs in it), red light therapy, and pemf therapy for post-op healing. My husband’s tingling is 100% gone. Your dental health is paramount to your overall health and well-being. Find a biological dentist and DO NOT trust your health (I.e. your life) with conventional dentists who are all ignorant at best and money-hungry butchers at worst. Read Dr. Levy’s book “uninformed consent” that he co-wrote with dr. Hal Huggins (It’s All in Your Head).

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Gammal's book The Garbage Collector is even better

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Thanks! I’ll check it out.

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Wow ! Great comments.

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The only differences between thermal heating and microwave heating is the range of electromagnetic energy used. "Infrared (IR) has wavelengths λ between 780 nm and 1 mm, which corresponds to a frequency range from 300 GHz to 400 THz," according to infratec-infrared.com/sensor-division/service-support/glossary/infrared-radiation/ . On the other hand "(f)ollowing international conventions, microwave ovens at home or in restaurants operate at frequencies of about 2.45 GHz, i.e. λ = 12," according to sfu.ca/phys/346/121/resources/physics_of_microwave_ovens.pdf.

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Although you are quite a curmudgeon, sometimes you are super helpful. Thanks for this! So to summarize, the only microwave problem we should fear is cooking ourselves, not what it does to food?

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Electromagnetic radiation leaves no residuals of itself.

Cooking is represented by the changes that heating causes in that cooked.

IR heats everything, microwaves cause heating in specific parts of food by causing intermolecular friction. Both kinds of heating can burn food or bodily tissues.

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No , they change foods .

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Check out too my Mommy, What is Bill Gates Putting in my Christmas dinner https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/mommy-what-is-bill-gates-putting and An Open Letter to Whole Foods About mRNA vaxes in our meat An Open Letter to Whole Foods About mRNA vaxes in our meat

And yes, I DO hope you will "steal" anything written here and fold into your own works; as the vile, late fasco-Marxist Abbie Hoffman wrote, Steal this Book, I hope you, too, can use some of the info in these two posts

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Ah, your comment about your college days and the dominant "bulls" getting the most sex made me laugh.

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I was a beta ha

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How do they avoid the vaccines that are getting mRNA put in them? Or Steroids if they get sick or injured?

Blue Ridge Fresh (not kibble) salmonella-listeria recall, Kittens and Puppies


Mexico had to shut down 3 plants for cleaning in the Cantaloupe recall. Changing workers' cleanliness habits needs to be addressed too.

Grocery stores are ignoring mold, bugs, and old products due to improper storage, and the pesticides/fertilizer overuse Heavy Metals and Glosyphate (Round Up) cancer agent. Ushering in Bill Gates Apeel.

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Avoid all vaccines and the problem is solved.

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Remember always...they own the media. And fear is their greatest tool. Lies abound.

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I will finish reading this after the beach but your “ college campus “ sounds like our/my current culture.

God bless you n yours Robert.

PS. Have you ever been to a Traditional Latin Mass ?

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Not yet

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It’s like the difference between aspirin and morphine. Without the benefit to big pharma.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS “… the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

— Romans 6:23

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Dec 25, 2023
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Dec 25, 2023
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My late mother used to save all cooking fat in a coffee can.

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Rendered Lard is needed too in cooking. Just wish I had freezer space.

Clean Chicken can be had at Springer Mountian Farm. https://www.springermountainfarms.com/

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Rendered lard requires no refrigeration because it doesn't support infection or infestation.

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Pigs are filthy creatures. We are told by the Creator not to eat them. They are the earth's garbage disposal systems, as are shellfish etc. I know this for a fact. When living aboard years ago, my husband found a crab in a trap gnawing on a woman's used tampon. They all eat filthy stuff. We aren't supposed to eat them.

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The creator had nothing to do with the wholly human-created bible.

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Apparently you haven't read it and asked the Creator if He wrote it or not. Suggestion...

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Dec 30, 2023Edited
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Deborah, The scripture for this is leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. We are to protect the body, temple, we live in. If we eat sewer cleaners and call it food, our bodies will suffer greatly. Isaiah 65 and 66 also reflects on God's judgment on this. Yes, God the Father. Also Yeshua/Jesus, the Son, Messiah.

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Thank you .

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