Frodo: 'I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.'

Gandalf: 'So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides that of evil

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Amen and thanks for the reminder.

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Thank you for sharing this. Hope, I tend to repeat, is the last thing we should lose and the one thing we can keep from being lost to the very end.

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"Elon Musk has purchased Twitter and turned it into X, for the sole purpose of exposing the diabolical agenda of world tyranny, effectively shattering the mind control grip of the elites over hundreds of millions of people."

Elon Musk purchased Twitter, ostensibly for free speech, but also said he wanted to turn it into the equivalent of the Chinese "everything" app - part of the planned digital gulag. He is a government contractor, not an "independent billionaire" who showed up to the Met Gala in 2022 with a white jacket embroidered with New World Order in latin on the back. He was also part of the WEF young global leaders program. Snakes move left and right to move forward, kind of like our political parties. Same end goal, different flavors.

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Yes Rochelle. We must remain cautious of Musk for the reasons you mentioned.

He claims to be a “free speech absolutist”, however it seems he follows CCP/PLA orders about censorship of anti-CCP tweets.


And is the free speech stance to corral people into the platform and platform , then drop the gate?


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China gave him his first Tesla plant in a record number of days, correct? "You have to dance with the one that brung you" as we say here in the south. For an independent 'free thinking' guy he sure has a lot of governments he's beholden .

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Let’s keep in mind Tesla isn’t his only business venture.

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Nope, Starlink and Boring are also heavily supported by gov't subsidies.

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I could explain how misguided you are but I’m not going to bother. You are so blinded by bias you are a waste of time. Bye.

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oh, wait. nvm, you are an elon fan. you could check out a more

detailed history of elon at james corbett's site: the corbet report. he has a documentary about him.

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what.the.literal.bob?! i'll have to go back and track where the bob you might be coming from as you have provided no context. if it's somewhere else in the thread, i might look for it later.

i'm always curious about my biases...

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I remain cautious of the whole Twitter experience..after being shadowbanned..received suspension and then the boot for just saying some true facts. I was invited back after 3 years but I do not trust anymore!

I am also wary of this platform as I am hearing about super surveillance going on..some posters have they reply buttons not enabled? Why? And how can you actually interact here with others? 🙏🏽 Keep Faith Always..🙏🏽

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Absolutely. Elon talks out of both sides of his mouth. Tests started recently with his StarLink. He wants to tell you the truth while he’s microwaving you. He’s not to be trusted.

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nope. neurolink? you've got to be kidding me. his father was a transhumanist and left canada because it was against the law. elon's a chip off the ole block.

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The opposite of a self made man, Musk. Folks swallowing him as a hero, hook, line and sinker.

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The irony is all those self-made men: Branson, Bezos, Gates, and Musk would be nothing without their government ties. Con men, all of them. With their shiny spook made Wikis they look like absolute geniuses and philanthropists. Money launderers, intelligence assets, and eugenicists.

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Dec 16, 2023
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you know, making lemonade out of life's lemons

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Dec 16, 2023
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no kidding (that's sarcasm). if you think a little longer maybe you'll get it. if you don't i don't care.

good luck on your truth journey.

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Good to read your words I enjoy having my own instincts validated.

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Agreed there. I’m wary as most people, of these dualities being outright spoken by the very same people about themselves. It’s ironic to me how certain subjects are being discussed at different times, then the ‘bad stuff’ is somehow forgotten or dismissed later on. It feels like it falls under the same umbrella of masking truths or eliminating them altogether. Therefore, my trust is not upon these people who claim to serve humanity. Even after decades of showing that our rights are protected, it will take so much to prove their standing.

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Zero confidence in glitzy Stopworld.com.

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Very well put. Still, there are cracks in the ugly barren WEF concrete wall.

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yes, the motherwefers are a bit more panicked now, aren't they?

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The Communists control everything. ALWAYS

The center of Communism moved from the Kremlin, to Beijing, and now to Washington DC.

Protect yourselves, never let them take your guns.

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Sorry to see that you still believe the "communist conspiracy" bs. This propaganda has been used since WWII ended by the US oligarchs, and you are still falling for it, sad. It's not the communist, it's the nazi/eugenicist ideaology that is the real problem that these controllers all hold.

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Like the Communists wouldn't have thousands of MIRV warheads aimed at us, would they. Pro-ordained to hit our cities (whereas ours are targeted on empty ocean ordinarily). What kinds of weapons do your NAZI/eugenecist have?

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Are you talking about the authoritarian states of China and/or Russia? It is the USA that has the zillions of warheads, 800 military bases around the world,, etc. The nazi/eugenicists are the people who control the US government, the CIA, the governments around the world. Please brush up on your history. Who funded Hitler? How many nazis were given high positions in the US gov't. after WWII? Who was the x big nazi who headed NATO?

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Sorry, the 800 Military Bases are our job as World Policeman.

Who funded Hitler, Stalin saved him in the 30s.

The world, like the UN or the WEC or the WHO. Get real. Pro Commie.

It's the NAZI all over again, only this time they are Marxist!

Again, these states (Russia & China) have us badly outgunned, and you are complaining about our warheads, all given serial numbers by Obama, and released the into to the world.

Our warheads, shame we didn't buy more W88s when we could make them.

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Believe whatever you like. You have zero influence I should imagine.

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You should imagine, but you're wrong!

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You ask...What kind of weapons the NotSees have ?? THEY are heavily armed with

BIOweapons of mass destruction! Needles, GMO Food loaded w/ pharmakia ....

MRNA for Christ's sake! We hardly need the hoax of nukes to get this eugenic party started!

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Militaries in the western world are already decimated from the vax and the trans movement.

The good fighting men and women were dishonourably discharged if they refused the vax. The (covered up) deaths and injuries are enormous - many are unable to do what they were trained for anymore.

Recruiting is way down across the board and existing members are getting out however they can and as soon as they can.

Don’t worry about whatever arms you have or do not have. There will very soon be nobody to use them.

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I Agree strongly on EVERY point you so eloquently stated.

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It 8s not communist conspiracy. Upen your brain for chrissakes

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Yes..it was ‘certain men’ from US who set up China in first place as a model for the final agenda..

‘My People Perish for lack of knowledge’(deut:)🙏🏽

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Just look to North in Canuck land..it has been hermetically sealed off..ppl there not receiving any news at all..only one Pravda allowed..What are they doing there?

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" There is a worldwide network of child trafficking called PizzaGate, where millions of kids are sold to politicians etc. for sexual abuse."

Here is an important news story that needs much more attention.


LAWSUIT: Meta is a child sexual predator

excerpt of article...

"In case you missed it, the Attorney General of New Mexico launched a major lawsuit under New Mexico’s Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices Act against Meta (which includes Facebook, Instagram, Occulus, WhatsApp and Messenger) accusing them of being a public nuisance.

Investigators posing as minor children set up fake accounts which revealed how Meta has been lying about making the platforms “safe” for minors and that they are “policing” child porn content. According to a recent substack post by Attorney Jeff Childers, the complaint:

“…goes on to describe how investigators penetrated a dystopian world of transactional child porn and even live human trafficking, all seemingly facilitated by Meta’s software, which not only permitted the posts but helped pedophiles find each other, the content, and kids. Facebook and Instagram persistently pushed ads for adult sexual content to accounts that New Mexico investigators created posing as children.”

The 228 page lawsuit states: ..." SNIP


Have a blessed Advent.


Dachsie Does Drums


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May we all have a blessed Advent.

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That’s so insane to see how this continues despite efforts to expose what is a real and serious threat to our children. Never mind the nation. This is what I cannot accept as “normal behavior.” Such investigations and reports being shuffled into stacks of problems certainly doesn’t make it go away. I’d love to see these huge rings of pedophiles and those who facilitate their actions- condemned to lifelong imprisonment and suffering without any pity taken for them. Just as military operations allow for torture in the acts of war, this is where no mercy should be applied. It makes me sick and I know I’m not alone in hoping for a push in that direction to be swift and complete. And to be clear, I am against purposeful violence to cause harm. But, in self defense and the defense of others, we cannot allow this type of evil to continue in our world. This is where humanity has failed the rest of us.

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A great thing that's coming out of the lies the poisoners blast at us is that we are seeing who loves truth, and finding one another. Even once relatively mainstream men like Tucker Carlson have now experienced it. Speaking with Jimmy Dore this week https://youtu.be/FTbLQhEXpXM?t=5787s

Tucker Carlson said: (around 1:37:00, linked above)

> You couldn't have predicted who the people were, who were just like:

> "No, I'm not going to lie - I'm just going to tell the truth. Period. I don't care what you do to me, I'm telling the truth."

> And there was a percentage of people who decided that, and I just think they are wonderful people!

> They are the best people I ever met in my whole life.

> I really mean that!

> I probably have a lot fewer friends than I once did, but I respect them much more.

> I learn much more from them.

> I'm in awe of some of them. Their bravery, their integrity.

> I've never had friends like that...

I've met really good people thanks to this war. Our enemies have helped us find one another, and together we may yet put an end to their parasitism and strive for our full potential.

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My experience also.

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Such a perfect example of God using very bad stuff for His own good purpose.

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That all sounds like the most wonderful and reasonable way for humanity to live. How joyful our world would be if deception wasn’t a part of it. If world control would never have escaped the sick minds who envisioned it. If we could only turn it all around and never have to answer to anyone about personal choices, such as healthcare. My only question is: who can we really trust? It’s been difficult to accept that anyone with government affiliation/backing nowadays is to be trusted.

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The human haters just appear out of nowhere and are never censored. The alternatives must be sought out and are often censored. The anti-humans seek to destroy all others. The others seek to survive. Stopping world control can be done by one person resisting and then another and another. Form a gang called Stop World Control, and the control freaks know right where to go to censor it.

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Thanks for sharing, I have been sharing this website for some time now. The more people see it the better.

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What a breath of FRESH AIR...I fell 10 pounds lighter. Thank you for the positivity.

Accessed website and subscribed via Microsoft Bing. (?!)

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So in the past few days, since Alex Jones, there have been some oddly named X spaces about AI, Optimus, etc. The host is one @AdrianDittmann. He infrequently talks, but I am convinced that this is an alternate account for Elon (my spouse thinks it could be an AI version) because it sounds exactly the way he speaks. People keep referring to him as Elon as well. Wondering if this name is some reference to a sci fi or game character?

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Interesting point. I keep running into what I believe to be “ an A.I. Version of various people and associated associations.

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Additionally, creepy and even more frightening when we consider how these bits, robots and other AI creations are working their way through everything we know as currently existing among us humans. I don’t buy it as necessary, intelligent to infiltrate amongst us and much less, “urgently needed.”

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I SO wish we could coordinate a day or 3 to ALL post some of the more persuasive arguments onto ALL our social

media No matter how firmly sheeple dog in their heels, if they notice dozens of people posting the same beliefs, many of them WILL begin to question their blind belief. Steve Mitch or maybe Jeff Childers could dig up 8-10 studies that really pull back the curtain, and Tucker/Joe/Elon could name the

date for everyone to go berserk posting.

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Dec 15, 2023
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Jeff Childers is on Substack and is an attorney located in Florida. It is worth checking him out on substack because he not only covers a lot of relevant news, but can make you laugh while he does it:)

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Oh yes - I love his sarcastic writing style. Informative and entertaining.

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Hi Robert, I suscribe to Stop World Control and was able to click on the online link to view the article. Here is the link it took me to.


Hope it works for you and thank you so much for all the spot on articles.

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Me too##

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Brave Browser - https://stopworldcontrol.com/

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Actually Noah of the Bible is the father of conspiracy theories. When Noah was commanded by God to build the ark it had never rained before. The people probably thought Noah was a nut or a conspiracy theorist and then it started to rain an rain an rain. Only 8 people survived the flood.

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Love this robert yoho. Thanks for this. Sending itvyo the awake people.

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Robert, I’m surprised you’re praising Elon Musk just right after Dave Patelle interview. He clearly outlined why the moon landings are a hoax. Musk’s propaganda (a very serious substantive, in our times) includes a heavy dose of “humanity must become an interplanetary species” meaning us becoming Mars colonizers. Pray tell you and him: how are we supposed to become am interplanetary species when science has confirmed there’s zero chance of human life surviving a trip through the Van Allen Belts?! Musk is nothing more than a puppet (shill) of the psychopathic elite whose 200-trillion wealth allows them to fill the world with never-ending lies. Please open your eyes even wider, to the sad reality humanity is facing now. Best wishes to you and a big “thank you” for your courage & exhaustive, non-profitable dedication to The Cause

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