For those who think this is "too much," and prefer to cower and try to "sit this one out" (and I know a lot), one hint about sitting it out: You cant. You won't.... and they never intended for you to be ABLE to.

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I completely agree with your view that it is a tough road to go through this confrontation of beliefs and evil, but necessary. The breaking down of ones beliefs that were formed on lies has to be done. The realization that there is real evil in the world was new to me this last couple of years, but now I accept that to be the truth. Your article helped me understand that some of those evil people are standing amongst us and able to mask their true nature. That was new. The elite psychopaths are quite easy for many of us to see due to there actions againt us, and their 180 degree upside down comments that are so typically Luciferian. Thank you again for your insights!

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This was a tough one to read, Dr. Yoho. Most of us really can't comprehend the extent of this evil. Katherine Watt's current substack is telling the same extreme story...they want to kill humanity and all of creation. Do not comply to evil agendas. This is the "hill" I will die on for God, humanity, and the Creation I love.

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Hannah Arendt's The Banality of Evil The “banality of evil” is the idea that evil does not have the Satan-like, villainous appearance we might typically associate it with. Rather, evil is perpetuated when immoral principles become normalized over time by people who do not think about things from the standpoint of others. Evil becomes commonplace; it becomes the everyday ... (see full quote at https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/. Jack Maden concludes "Jack Maden writes For 20th-century German philosopher Hannah Arendt, *****most evil is committed by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil. **** "https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/

But there is a class below this, as this fellow. Or as we see in the Soros/Gates/Schwab vileness. Cf. CS Lewis' That Hideous Strength, written over 75 years ago, outlining this fictionally

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This world renowned docuseries exposes crimes so horrible, no normal human can even comprehend them. Yet they are normal day to day practice for the superrich overlords who secretly destroy the human race and the earth, for their own enrichment. and THE SEQUEL

To The Fall Of The Cabal

In this series the cabal is fully exposed. Crime, murder, money laundering, cartels, high treason, all of which under your nose…


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A butchered quote comes to mind,

"There's No justice ..... Just US"

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'I can't wait:' Raping infant was part of Mississippi man's birthday trip to Tennessee, police report says | WSBT

A Mississippi man who thought he was making a birthday trip to rape a baby in a Tennessee hotel room now finds himself behind bars.


Chatanooga, TN is a DEM-run city and county. Memphis is #1 in crime and Murder, including toddlers. Knoxville and Nashville-Davidson Co., which is the capitol of Tennessee.

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Capital Punishment is a valid consequence in crimes such as these.

Is it any wonder why the Left hates CP? Its concern is nearly always on the Criminal and hardly ever on the Victim, especially if it’s a Child Victim.

The idea Justice may demand taking non innocent life as payment for heinous crimes offends Progressives. Meantime, they love taking the lives of the innocent preborn, partially born and newborn abortion survivor.

Killers are like that.

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ACLU. Need I say more? Bush v Dukakis, Willie Horton.

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The evil globalists are planning all the time, from stoptheworldcontrol.com:

✔︎ The pandemic was a criminal operation, orchestrated by a criminal network of so called 'elites'.

✔︎ The US government, CIA and FBI are complicit in censoring truth about the pandemic vaccines.

✔︎ There is a global network of multi-billionaires who have an agenda to control the world.

✔︎ The World Health Organization wants to establish global tyranny under the guise of health emergencies.

✔︎ The World Economic Forum is a criminal organization, with an agenda to control the world.

✔︎ The mainstream news media lies to the public, in order to push the agenda of the billionaires who own these news agencies.

✔︎ There is a worldwide network of child trafficking called PizzaGate, where millions of kids are sold to politicians etc. for sexual abuse.

✔︎ Climate change is a hoax, created to have an excuse for submitting the world to global tyranny.

And much more...

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Great overview of topics.

Spot on.

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Unfortunately these people walk among us, and evil is catching. 'People of the lie' by Scott Peck is a riveting analysis of evil. 'High risk: Children without a conscience' a book not for the faint-hearted, makes the case that caught early enough, and with hands-on physical intervention, children without a conscience can be completely healed.

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Once you find yourself in an intimate relationship with one of these psychopaths, anything seems possible. I guess my introduction to this 8yrs ago was the beginning of my education. He watched reruns of Friends to see how "normal" people behaved. He had two kids that essentially lived in their bedrooms and an ex that was in and out of detox for prescribed meds. Should've seen the chaos but when your in the eye of the storm all seems calm. And denial is less painful than reality. Thank you for this post.

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The ideas of good and evil are ultimately as indefinable as 'infinity' or 'perfection'.

What the ex-con describes is merely insensitivity to the suffering of others. Genetically derived or experientially acquired, that is all I can make of it.

I dearly despise the dramatic "you don't know evil" line. Poshlost Hollywood aggrandizement. The spectrum of behaviors that the author describes is, in the end, just another mutation, one that can only exist and breed in large societies. Small societies see them for what they are and exterminate them. But we have virtually no small societies left, just a few specks of neolithic tribes here and there.

What the author gets right, however, is how our worship of 'goodness' (especially our worship of ourselves as 'good people'), makes us susceptible to wolves acting 'good' in sheep's clothing. One reason you can't cheat an honest man is because a truly honest man knows he's not all that good if at all, merely socially tolerable.

Another caveat: author implies he is not a psychopath yet fails to provide any basis to show otherwise, and I bet a brain scan would show the same frontal cortex aberrations as a classical psychopath.

Final caveat: never ever trust the word of someone who describes themselves as evil or psychopathic.

In my not so humble opinion, that is. What do I know other than everything?


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Excellent points made.

Different ways of looking at the same picture, but if one really analyzes the picture it comes into clear focus.

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This was eye opening and at the same time validating for us who have deduced the last few years showed us the battle of evil vs good.

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The things I've learned over the past 9 years cannot be unlearned. Much of which you write about above. It can be lonely, as if I'm living in "The Matrix". I believe we are in many aspects. But I cling to the richness of a few things my life had before and continues now . Like spending summers deep in the country on the family farm growing a big garden, working cattle and playing cards at night. At peace there with my parents who are 83 years old, have no idea whats going on in the world and do not care. They got all those damn shots despite me begging, and crying for them to just wait. My mom got breast cancer last year. A rare external lump that just needed removal. She's fine. I just don't know how long that will last. She was completely healthy and the only thing she took was the lowest dose of blood pressure medication. I cannot speak of my hypothesis of how she got cancer, as it makes her very angry. Learning all "those truths" has made me a better person. I've become more tolerant of the small things and more appreciative of the small things. Listening to you helps me. Thank you

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Hello Robert... do you know anything about spike protein studies found in sperm? My unvaccinated niece is with an vaccinated dude and I wonder if she may be getting the spike protein transferred to her... I can't find any studies on it online because of the censorship... wondering if you know if any studies... thanks. Jen.

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I think the shedding issue is likely overblown as an intimidation tactic but sorry, I have no direct evidence about this.

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Reminds me of the evil written about in Rodney Stich’s book Defrauding America.

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