A note from a reader:

Hi Dr. Yoho, I've benefited from CDS quite a few time, here's a short summary of a few related things you may appreciate:

In 2014 after being given 2 years to live my bank froze my life savings leaving me homeless. Jim Humble saw me walking past his home one evening and said 'you look like you could enjoy a little barbeque, won't you join me?' I was indeed hungry, and he took care of me for a week. Never once did he say or do anything remotely flamboyant, in fact, he didn't mention a single one of his many accomplishments, simply offered to help with my condition. We talked at length about it (I'd had many episodes of a short term coma) and he said the verdict was still out on a few things I was working to overcome, including a severely Lyme infected brain.

He said there were several less demanding Lyme folks making progress, but at that time it was looking like it wouldn't be able to tackle Lyme and they hadn't worked out exactly how to protocol it. When Wells Fargo finally freed up my funds, I went out of America to use medical ozone from someone highly skilled in it. It also was phenomenal, especially EBOO.

Jim and I remained in contact for a while so I tried it for chronic sinus infection, food poisoning, scalp and skin issues, and flu. I'm

presently using it for what's either leishmaniasis or infected fascia, it's working, where nothing else had. I did end up using it for Lyme, and for years tested negative to Lyme and all co-infections that labs had previously found. It was not able to rid some parasite species nor bartonella henslae, but I didn't know the more complex protocols then. I just learned them.

To this day I kick myself for not figuring out who Jim was and taping his incredible heart and picking his brain during the week I was with him. We'd say a prayer and eat BBQ, that simple. I didn't learn how many people he'd saved nor how significant he was till a few months later! He was just a truly caring humble dude helping a random sick raggy stranger.

The parasites protocol requires considerable savvy for some of the trickier critters. I'm presently gearing up to do a carefully designed parasite protocol. I'd had lots of exposures as an animal rescuer and had traveled plenty. Dr. Kalcker's parasite insights are excellent, as are Dr. Simon Yu's and Dr. Dietrich Kinghardt's at Sophia Institute. Dr. Yu was an army doc, no nonsense, has a ton of lit, as does Dr. Klinghardt, who just did the single best video series I've come across, that if you ask he'd probably share it out to you. (It's confidential). I've got parasites above my left eye so I'm trying to have the absolute best approach cause I'm thinking I'll still need my brain for a long time yet. I really love Dr. Kalcker's little protocol book for quick reference.

One handy point to know, because of it's effectiveness, some complex uses can release a sizable flood of die-off toxicants creating intense herxing. In such cases, doing careful pulses tag teamed with detox binders and flushing can make all the difference. The interesting thing about CD/CDS when it comes to herxing, is there's even a boost to the detox cycle so if a person can't bind/detox/flush with helps, the herx peaks aren't as high or long as with other herx intense meds. Still, I'm at the point that I think whenever possible, it's best to plan and remediate a herx beforehand.

Well, I just totally loved your article, every word counts and you hit all the peaks in a concise powerhouse. I'm forwarding to a bunch of loved ones and friends and will use the hefty new references I didn't know about. Thanks for a masterpiece designed well for life saving! Oh, and there's boatloads of people already using it front line for a great many things, just not in Rockefeller Oil Snake Medicine countries just yet.

Many Blessings, Best to you and all your loved ones in all things!

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Please thank this man, very much, for his testimony, and if he is here, reading this:

❤ and I do so hope your remaining health issues can be successfully resolved.

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Will do

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We'd love to chat with you! Valerie Alliger-Bograd (daughter of Howard Alliger, the founder/creator of Alcide and Frontier Pharm) and Michelle Herman. We make Chloride Dioxide products that are fabulous and take out all the guess work!

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Wow. Usa link? Thank you.

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www.frontierpharm.com - all products can be purchased here. thanks!

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How to mix the proportions of your product or how much do I take every hour daily for 10 hours for 6 months? Which is the best value you sell for this? Thanks

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Do u have an Australian outlet ?🙏🙏

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Try mmsdetox.com.au

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Yes , they are good 👍

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Hi - not yet! we do ship overseas and we have lots of happy customers in Australia! :) Love to have you give us a try! Michelle

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God bless you Michelle....it may happen but....I was cancelled long before it was fashionable ( long story ). Recently I cancelled my credit card and now have only debit card. What is happening here is beyond description and had literally permeated our society. You live in a very different culture and may struggle to appreciate what Aus cancellation means ?

That said of course I’m interested .

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Love to see chlorine dioxide being discussed like this! excellent! I own Snoot! Spray... the nasal spray that you linked to in the essay. We'd love to chat with you! Michelle Herman, CEO of Snoot! Spray and business partners with www.frontierpharm.com

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Reply to this email w your phone or email me at robertyohoauthor@gmail.com

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done! :)

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Shoot spray is amazing!!!! I can breathe again.

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so glad it is working for you! thanks for the kind comments! :) Try the mouthwash - www.dioxirinse.com. the two together are incredible! Both with Cl02!

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My husband had Covid and he used the snoot spray. How can we keep using it? Do I sterilize the nose part with boiling water?

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not necessary

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Hi - since chlorine dioxide is a disinfectant, just make up a new batch, and spray some onto a tissue and wipe the tip. We also sell extra sprayers so everyone in your house or office can have their own. Thanks for using it!!!

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Hi Michelle…Gastroenterologist Sabine Hazan said yesterday on Twitter (which I’m calling TwiX now :-) that she is putting together some research on nasal irrigation solutions that may affect microbiome integrity. She hasn’t mentioned Chlorine Dioxide specifically but perhaps you might want to look up her Twitter account and see what she’s says about this topic in the future? All best regards from a Snooty friend!

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Thank you for the info! I’ve reached out to her.. and saw her early comments... but will get ahold of her!!

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we are attending her www.malibumicrobiome.com event this saturday, August 10th, along with a crew of Cl02 advocates. This is going to be interesting !!!

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That is outstanding, Michelle! Not able to attend myself, but many thanks for letting me know. Will look forward to hearing your comments about the meeting!

All continuing best to you…


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Great event! However, at every mention of some horrible issue medical problem, the words "chlorine dioxide" instantly popped into my head. The over complexification (is that a word?) of "medicine" just continues to annoy and astound me. So many of these issue could be knocked out by our favorite compound, yet so many are not yet ready to admit it...

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So great to hear, and I am immediately adding your brilliant term “complexification” and it’s naturally occurring follow-on “over-complexification” to my lexicon. 😊 I agree that it’s quite astounding indeed.

Thanks so much for letting me know your impressions, Michelle! I’ll ping you at your Snoot email so we can continue to stay in touch. Cheers!

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Thank you Dr. Yoho for this excellent essay on chlorine dioxide! Its time the world knows about this amazing compound.

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Hi Valerie,

I sure won't stop until the world knows about it!

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Your contributions to this cause have been extraordinary. Thank you so much for all you have done!

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Check ✔️ it out on Telegram 👍

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Wow! Amazing story!

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It's stunning. You need to study it to get the full implications

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If people knew how to use this in all of its variety of applications, it would eliminate the need for 80% of healthcare

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that is my position

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Another note from a reader:

You got me interested in Chlorine Dioxide

I cannot, however, find a single PubMed study which supports it's benefit (other than COVID)

Could you send me a link to a single " good" study?

My reply:

Respectfully-- and I respect you and your work--you don't get it. There are no "good" studies published recently. All are faked. We are left with "anecdotes". These are more robust than the garbage passing for NEJM, lancet and other journal "evidence." All has been eaten by agenda driven science.

Review my Butchered book and the end of this post.


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There are hundreds of studies, papers and clinical trials. Howard Alliger, mentioned in the essay... he started Alcide based on his first patented formulation using Chlorine Dioxide in a wound gel. Even the CDC said it out performed the standard then, in 1976. Look up Howard Alliger on the USPTO... you'll see he started it all in the topical world. Now a group www.comusav.com has pulled together over 70,000 people, over 12k of them doctors, to share, learn and help people with chloride dioxide via the CDS method, oral ingestion and topical sprays and treatment.

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"There are no "good" studies published recently. All are faked."


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Thank you for this I'll give it a try. It's water purification properties alone might make it useful in a grid down scenario. I think there are cures for what ails us but dismantling the medical mafia will take some time...

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It's a lot more

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Its water purification qualities were the reason Jim Humble stumbled upon this cure for malaria, in that South American jungle. He saved his workers, and his inquiring mind went on to develop the MMS protocol.

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I love learning and am in awe as I immerse myself in this info.

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You and me both

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Free training comprehensive chlorine dioxide course here: https://https://theuniversalantidote.com

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Thank you Robert! Very interesting! I have had people mention both MMS & CDS to me for years, but no one had given me any scientific info on it until now. I had no idea they were the same thing either. You have peaked my interest especially with the Autism connection because Autism has long been known to be a condition of ELEVATED levels of serotonin - exactly what the antidepressants were designed to create & which can also produce Autism. So this may be something that can help those trying to recover from the high levels of serotonin produced by these serotonergic meds. I will need to dig deeper into the research.

Also since much of what I do with educating about the whole serotonin scam with the antidepressant drugs & the antipsychotics comes from our Real Life Laboratory - the general public, I often discuss how vital & valid such info is so I thought you might like this quote to use from Dr. Jonathan Cole, the father of Psychopharmacology when referring to such anticidotal research:

“People often dismiss patient reports forgetting that peer reviewed research is NOT what causes drugs to be pulled from the market. Its purpose is to get drugs approved, not removed.

What got Thalidomide removed from the market? It was the cases of missing arms and legs of the babies born to the mothers of those who took the drug.

This statement on the importance of anecdotal evidence as opposed to peer reviewed double blind studies is from Dr. Johnathan Cole, MD who is considered to be the father of Psychopharmacology:

“The real world is not perfect. Drugs can and do cause adverse effects which can resemble the manifestations of the illness and arguments about the causes and nature of these adverse events, including suicides, must rest on case reports [anecdotal evidence] and data collected in small studies for other purposes. . . If some cases stand out strikingly, there are logically others where the adverse effect is more subtle.”

. . . Dr. Jonathan Cole, MD

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I'll use it

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Austim is also linked to heavy metals in the brain. Have a read of The Brains Saver book by Anthony Willliams the medical medium. He also has a lot of free info on his website.

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And aluminum.

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Wow. I have never heard of the Autism serotonin connection. Very interesting.

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I insert myself into this conversation not to disrupt or intrude but to say thank you. Thank you all.

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Now I’ve lost the remainder of the conversation which was really important.

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Can CD help a 36 year old(my son) just now diagnosed being on the Autism Spectrum? He struggles with ADHD, anxiety, depression & is allergic to dogs which can lead to asthma if he doesn’t take allergy meds. He was born 1988 so yes, he got all the childhood shots as I was unaware of the harms shots could cause. Unfortunately, my son also took 3 Moderna Con-vid shots despite my warnings not to take them. Since my son lives with us due to struggling to find work, I am aware of his medical insurance records and have seen that he now gets flu shots, took pneumonia shot, and Tdap shot recently. His doctor keeps offering shots and he trusts him and accepts the shots, though he stopped taking Con-vid shots after we talked him out of getting a booster. He is seeing a naturopath doc also and will only take few supplements and did testing with Dr. Goodenow for plasmalogins. So he is also taking Dr. Goodenow’s Prodrome supplements in the morning and evening. So far I don’t see much change in my son after 3 months. Waiting to see after 6 mos.

Concerned mom looking for help and solutions.

I also have a 33 year old son who is diagnosed bipolar 1 who keeps going into mania, delusional thinking & psychosis. Mostly due to substance abuse is what we keep witnessing. So unfortunately he keeps going in and out of behavioral health units, being put in meds, then he hates the how he feels so he stops them abruptly and the merry-go-round continues. The psychiatry world is insane and inhumane.

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The "vaccine" proposed by Donald J Trump when he was President and came back from the hospital was CDL- Chlorine Dioxide

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Is this documented? Post it

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I remember early in the psyop trump mentioned a bleach solution. Of course, the knives came out and inferred he wanted us to drink household bleach. The blowback was merciless. Including me at the time. I knew nothing then. Now, I wonder why everyone who hated trump lined up for HIS jabs. Probably the nice hypnotic tones of dr. Anthony (Mengele) Fauci.

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I remember his mentioning it in a press conference - the media joked about his recommending people to drink bleach……

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Yes, he got lambasted for it - massive ridicule or “he is so dangerous!”

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It was in March of 2020 I think when Trump talked about HCQ also and Fauci muscled him aside to say there is no random controlled trial that shows this and it would be dangerous to do so without a peer reviewed study...etc.

I do not know if that press conference is available on you tube anymore, but would try bitchute, banned video etc.

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Yep. Hydroxychloroquin. That's one of the medications that was used on him when he was hospitalized for Covid.

He was back on his feet within a couple of days.

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Thank you so much Dr. Yoho for all of this information. I’ve heard about this for a few years but wasn’t sure how to go about buying or making it myself. All of the links you posted are so appreciated. Again, thanks!

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Love your mind 💕

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I thought Dr. Zelenko prescribed it to him, but I have no documentation.

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Nov 19, 2023Edited
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Yes, I recall that Trump comment, too, about chlorine dioxide, and the ignorant, puerile fake news having a heyday with it once they were done pushing their RussiaGate and vile Hilary "ahead in the polls by 8 gazillion % points" BS.

I also recall the perhaps even more vile Chris Cuomo, where his wife was dissed for using "bleach" for her healing (we all recall Chris Cuomo leaving his home and being caught by a bicylist). I have to assume the was chlorine dioxide. I don't have links for either Trump or Mrs. Cuomo (poor woman! Married to a corrupt BS-er like Chris), but I can tell you I definitely, 100% remember hearing comments from the fake news on them both touting "bleach" (of course, being too ignorant to know that it is a totally different molecule... but hey! That's the vile fake news for ya!

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I did look up that press conference. He did not recommend that people drink bleach. His words were badly twisted. I don't recall any mention of chlorine dioxide in that press release either.

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Covete. I remember that now. Interested.

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In a foreign language covfefe means "I will rise", I think its Arabic but don't remember for sure.

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Amazing comment because here in Australia as I search for the ingredients I am continually told that “ we are no longer allowed to sell “ or “ what do you want it for”. I stumble around trying to answer coherently because even pronouncing is challenging much less translating what is written on the container. Fouci must have found it so easy to make Trump look like an idiot……and to then convince him not to use “ bleach “.

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Persist. The ingredients are everywhere

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Indeed I will enter into the 21st century and join the dreaded Amazon. I firmly believe that there are some things that is/are or should be ( men stuff ) or as we say in Aus , it's a bloke thing. Long live the difference's between us ! Thanks for taking the time and blessings to you and those you love.

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Yes! I don’t consider myself a “trumper,” but I tried to tell people he was talking about something that is valid, he just said it wrong, and Fauci and Birx wouldn’t clarify, they just wanted him to look bad.

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My take on that whole "drink bleach" episode, from watching the interview, is that he was set up. Dr. Birx was there and apparently had briefed him on various solutions for Covid, and it was intended that he mention some "disinfectant" that one could drink, which Birx or someone else had told him about. You can see this because each time he mentioned something he turned toward his right, where Dr. Birx was sitting (off camera) and asked, "isn't that right"? This was all done so that he could be attacked as saying to "drink bleach," in my opinion. Political nastiness.

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Birx / Fauci knew

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That info from POTUS TRUMP that day was from Dr. Zelenko..!

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I heard he was also treated with hydroxychloroquin. I remember him promoting its use, and being vilified by the MSM.

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I have heard of this from Dr. Sircus. I would try this before any drugs if I had a need. You can bet that if it is cheap and cures numerous medical afflictions, your modern stone age medical mafia will never use it.

Why would they use a cancer cure costing less than $100 when they can use expensive chemo drugs that are more likely to hasten your demise costing $200,000-300,000?

It is all about money, revenue and profit and never about preserving your health. You have to have rocks in your head to believe otherwise especially after the last four years of fake covid nonsense.

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I agree!!!!

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Excellent Post - Glad You Changed Your Views On CDS - Jim Humble, Friend To Humanity, RIP & Thank You So Much For Everything You Did For Us

I've Used This Personally As A Month Long Cleanse & Again When I Felt I Had A Scratchy Throat & I Found It Excellent, Fast Working & Extremely Effective

I've Recommended It To Ppl For Them & Their Pets Who Were Diagnosed With Cancer Tumors On The Exterior Of Their Body, After I Saw That Series Of Photos Of The Husky With A Mass Tumours Covering It's Face (I Believe It Was A Telegram Post By The Dogs Owner), Being Gradually Transformed Into A Beautiful Happy Dog Again - Amazing

Everyone Should Have This - No Excuse!!

You Cannot Trust The Vast Majority Of Dr's/Vet's/Dentists Anymore For Various Reasons - They're Not Clued Up Like the Ppl We Follow On Substack etc

You'll Have To Diagnose & Treat Yourself As Much As You Can - Don't Miss Out, God Gave This To Us That We May Be Healed.

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Amen. Perhaps He uses this to remind us of His original, snake on a pole.

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Very interesting, first time I heard about this. Lucky I don't need it right now but I looked it up and there is a safe homeopathic version for those who are reluctant or ask your local homeopathic doctor: https://homeopathicremediesonline.com/product/chlorine-dioxide-2-dram/

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Thank you so much for that link! Many really good natural health products available there at good prices. Far more than just homeopathics. ❤️

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I just used duck duck go and put in chlorine dioxid homepathics and that's what came up, I am sure there are others. So glad to share good health products. I don't live in US so cannot use the site to buy but I have one I can buy from.

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Duck Duck go is compromised. I've used Brave as a search engine since the beginning of the pandemonium.

People have been saying that search engine is compromised too, but, oh well!

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Yandex is Russian search engine no compromise known

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Unfortunately, filled with porn but no compromise.

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Thanks Robert. I know about it but haven't had the guts to switch.

Like Telegram owned by 2 "Russian" bros ... 😉

Have you had success with Yandex?

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They probably all are, Duck Duck slightly better than Google. I don't have much luck with Google anymore when it comes to "alternative" topics.

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The difference in search results on chlorine dioxide on Yandex vs Google or Safari - WOW.. what a difference. Google is so compromised and biased now, you can't find crap. Like I just easily found this study from 2008, where Japan tested a very low ppm in school rooms, and found it reduced absenteeism substantially. Went thru 5 to 8 variations and numerous pages on google, then just gave up. I knew it existed, and it was the first result on Yandex. Insane.

Here is the study: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Norio-Ogata/publication/228351686_Effect_of_chlorine_dioxide_gas_of_extremely_low_concentration_on_absenteeism_of_schoolchildren/links/548968ba0cf268d28f09625a/Effect-of-chlorine-dioxide-gas-of-extremely-low-concentration-on-absenteeism-of-schoolchildren.pdf

Here is the summary: "We happened to use a commercial tabletop deodorant canister that releases extremely low-concentration ClO 2 gas in a school classroom as deodorant. We found retrospectively and unexpectedly that during a period of 38 consecutive school days the rate of school children absent from the school was markedly lower (1.5%) in a classroom where the ClO 2 device was placed than that (4.0%) in a classroom where it was not placed. The percentages of absenteeism between these classrooms (1.5% vs. 4.0%) were significantly (p < 0.00001) different. The predominant causes of absenteeism during the period were common cold and influenza. Judging from the known virucidal activity of ClO 2 , our unexpected finding in the school classrooms strongly suggests the usefulness of extremely low-concentration ClO 2 gas to prevent respiratory viral diseases in semi-closed areas, such as theaters, hospitals and aircraft, without necessitating evacuation."

ask your schools, hospitals and everyone why they are not using this in the ventilation systems.... there are dozens of companies who make commercial and industrial Cl02 generators... it is a no brainer. Here are three:

Of course EcoLab's Nalco Water division - they bought Alcide in 2004: https://www.ecolab.com/offerings/cooling-water-bio-control/purate-chlorine-dioxide-systems

Pureline: https://www.pureline.com/equipment/

Twin Oxide: https://www.twinoxide.com


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Peruse Telegram. Use Key Words.

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I've recently read about Opera and Vivaldi web browsers; but I can't work out the difference between a search engine and a web browser.

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I use this one. Super easy. Comes with a kit. you just put one of each tablets in the bottle that comes with it and you are finished. Then I put the bottle in the refrigerator. Its super concentrated. It has an A table and a B tablet. When you put the tablets in the included bottle it will turn yellow.

Also safrax.com They are back logged right now because they did an interview with Mike Adams and they are getting slammed with orders. One tablet to a liter of water is 100 ppm.

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Mike H - on Nov 21 post (Dr. Yoho, CDS) you said "I use this one" but I'm not seeing any link - which one has the two tablets you utilize? Thanks!

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