Hi Dr. Yoho! Hope you are doing well. Thought I'd pass along some info.
In September a young (35?) reader of my blog told me about her AD experiences. This was about the time of your aluminum post, coincident with me starting to get mild tremors in my right (dominant) arm (I'm a few months younger than you). She said she got out of her ma…
Hi Dr. Yoho! Hope you are doing well. Thought I'd pass along some info.
In September a young (35?) reader of my blog told me about her AD experiences. This was about the time of your aluminum post, coincident with me starting to get mild tremors in my right (dominant) arm (I'm a few months younger than you). She said she got out of her major symptoms using Prodrome products by Dayan Goodenowe, PhD. He's published about 76 papers, primarily about plasmalogens, a subject about which I knew nothing. So I started to investigate.
I bought a month's supply of their glia product using her doctor's JWHITCOMB25 code to get a 25% discount. Tremors stopped after three weeks of standard dosage, so I bought another 90 days of that glia product and 90 days of their neuro product for further testing.
I'm cautiously proceeding. Goodenowe isn't the next Jesus as your wife would say, but he knows more about plasmalogens than any other researcher. Posted the below to introduce my readers to him:
It would be interesting to hear about the 35 y.o. fatty acid consumption patterns from the last 5-10 years. Was it very high in Omega-6 and lacking Omega-3 and other types of fatty acids would be a big clue with AD type expression and clearing the symptoms with a regular supplement non-Omega-6 fatty acid. Many studies report just adding coconut oil to diet can improve AD patient from further decline.
Hi Dr. Yoho! Hope you are doing well. Thought I'd pass along some info.
In September a young (35?) reader of my blog told me about her AD experiences. This was about the time of your aluminum post, coincident with me starting to get mild tremors in my right (dominant) arm (I'm a few months younger than you). She said she got out of her major symptoms using Prodrome products by Dayan Goodenowe, PhD. He's published about 76 papers, primarily about plasmalogens, a subject about which I knew nothing. So I started to investigate.
I bought a month's supply of their glia product using her doctor's JWHITCOMB25 code to get a 25% discount. Tremors stopped after three weeks of standard dosage, so I bought another 90 days of that glia product and 90 days of their neuro product for further testing.
I'm cautiously proceeding. Goodenowe isn't the next Jesus as your wife would say, but he knows more about plasmalogens than any other researcher. Posted the below to introduce my readers to him:
thanks will ck out
It would be interesting to hear about the 35 y.o. fatty acid consumption patterns from the last 5-10 years. Was it very high in Omega-6 and lacking Omega-3 and other types of fatty acids would be a big clue with AD type expression and clearing the symptoms with a regular supplement non-Omega-6 fatty acid. Many studies report just adding coconut oil to diet can improve AD patient from further decline.
She has a recent Recovery Journey blog post with a linked Stack post. They reflect less than a 5-year intake.
TY so much for sharing...
Have been hearing good results with these as well. Keep us posted on your progress. Glad it is helping!
First two weeks: