Then act on them. It’s the only mantra I know, the only doctrine I have to offer you, and it’s harder than you’d think, because I swear humans seem hardwired to do anything but. --Quellcrist Falconer
embedded video with Dr. Jessica Rose and Dr. Kevin McKerman PhD.
At 35:01 find important message - everybody stop taking anymore COVID shots right now.
major newish discovery regarding the two major mRNA Covid Vaccines. This APPEARS to implicate anomalous manufacturing processes. But I always look at intent. What did they know and when did they know it.
2. In short, ditch the digital.
Here are some suggestions from Dr. Michael Yeadon PhD on how to fight and DELAY the one world death and slavery system attempting to be installed.
Dr Mike Yeadon: Why the Depopulation Agenda is Real and What We Can Do About It (
First published at 15:14 UTC on March 29th, 2023.
Jim Fetzer
FABULOUS interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon in which he gives his recommendations how we can best go forward in defense of humanity against the planned digital slavery and genocide! Yeadon has signed on to the “virus challenge” to virology labs and says that he’s not even sure that it’s possible to have a global pandemic of a respiratory virus. “It’s my job to look at the data. I did start by believing that there was a virus that probably escaped from Wuhan, but I no longer think that. It’s not a question of whether I believe in viruses or even a question of do I believe in this virus — I’m only asking the question, “Is the epidemiological data consistent with a novel, lethal pathogen spreading rapidly through the population?” — and the answer is NO."
Wanted to say thank you for your synopsis. My ex husband's best friend in college also climbed El Capitan with a partner at age 16.
I owe my ability to still be here to Jesus Christ. He is the Truth. The Way. The Life.
We all suffer the first death. (except Enoch and Elijah, who will be the two witnesses, and they will also die)
I went back and looked up your info using simple Google search. Just wanted to say that yoga poses are an open door to demonic influence because they are poses of worship. You can see my response to Cat below. I was a physician but developed POTS before I could finish residency and became very ill. I am now well but cannot work in the medical field and remain silent. Every human will stand before Jesus (Yeshua) and every knee will bow.
May the Lord who led Abraham out of the land of the Chaldeans bless you and keep you and grant you peace that surpasses understanding in Jesus name.
It is hard to know exactly how to act on the facts.
Honestly ,pharma is totally controlling medical studies, benefits etc. and somehow Doctors are willfully blind to the fact that all those medical studies that show up in the "big" journals are compromised . It has has been revealed in court the drug studies are done for marketing purposes and all the data is theirs, meaning it can be manipulated and it can not be independently verified.Additionally all that "evidence based" medicine that totally controls the protocols that your "health care provider" has to follow because their prescribing etc. is monitored are created by people with financial conflicts of interest.If you want to keep getting grants then you are not going vote the wrong way. Of course we know how they have that whole NO LIABILITY and childrens' vaccines locked up but pharma also scored with the inflation reduction Act because "free" vaccines were very limited under Medicare to flu,Peumonia,Hep B if you are high risk(and oh the irony there with mass vaccination of well,no risk newborns) and of course Covid. Now Part D will have to provide "free" any ACIP recommended vaccines such as shingles and of course they just so happen to be rolling out RSV etc. A big,big win for pharma and big loss for consumers. So look for sky rocketing D premiums. I could go on and on about how pharma is devastating the US. I truly do not know how I can alter what Sasha writes about.My circle of influence is who I can make aware of how deeply pharma is controlling everything about health care.We pay the most and our life expectancy has actually gone down since Obamacare put more people on health insurance. Not sure what that says about our healthcare system.
I had just wanted to add that I read Robert's "Butchered by Healthcare" and so have read several other books about healthcare to try and understand the system.As a nurse of over 30 years I could see things change in a negative way ,but never could understand what was going on .So thank you for that book. Made my husband read it too.
This was a masterpiece. A great synopsis of what has happened. Thank you for the exhortation we all need. We must not give up. Even though things look bleak at times, when I see all these people rising to this occasion I can see a very bright future taking shape in the midst of this most unusual war.
Thank you for this post. Even though I read a lot, I had not seen this post by Sasha. I appreciate your work for helping me to know what is on task, and what is not. Please, keep writing, it helps.
Very simple. There may not be a 2024 election. Consider a war. Consider another plandemic. Consider white racist nationalists. Consider climate crisis. All media made crisis. Here in my tiny town in Nova Scotia I had a brief discussion with a young lady. She said it was hot. I said itcis 25 degrees C. So, not hot. I said, stop letting them convince you. She looked at this old man like he was crazy. Lol. Trudeau said he learned a lot about how to deal with these problems from his actions during the pandemic. I am guessing climate lockdowns. You cant vaccine against a beautiful summer day.
We are screwed. And there isnt one thing we can do about it.
Ireland Wants to Kill 200,000 Cows to Save the Weather
I've never seen the storms we've been having in my life time, many are 100 year old more events.
You’ve probably seen the protests by the Dutch farmers in the Netherlands by now, where they are up in arms because their government is forcing them to kill 30% of the country’s pigs, cows and chickens to save the weather.
Ireland is now getting in on that same action, after it announced a plan to kill 200,000 cows in the next three years to save the weather.
"As an homage to the White Rose, the Art of Liberty Foundation has created a free file of POSTERS exposing the organized crime “government,” the theft of fractional reserve banking, the monopolization of the media (and everything else). "
Very funny. I live in south Florida and just had a similar discussion with one who was touting the "extreme heat index"...I pointed out that regardless of what "Accu-weather" is screaming in big red letters, it is no hotter this year in summer (mid-to high 80s F) than it has been for the past thirty years in summer, with a few years hitting 99 or 100. North central Florida has hit 110 in the past! My degrees are in environmental science, btw...but what people here should be concerned about is sea-level rise, because that IS happening, and rather quickly. Even 20 years ago Brickell Avenue in Miami would flood to my knees during summer with rains and king tides, it's a river. G-d only knows was the geoengineers are doing with HAARP....
Okay, I have more thoughts and ideas, but want to get this out as the general feel seems to have gotten more severe from two days ago, just my luck i had a problem yesterday and so didn't check on things here yesterday. Don't mean to come off the wall with all this violence, but it's gonna come to that sooner or later, and better to be the initiator on the offense than sitting ducks on the hopeless defense are my thoughts! Let me know what you all think. I'm jabbed, 1st/2nd Moderna Super-Jabs in mid-21 and feeling very bad after getting whatever variant was floating around a couple months ago. had me thinking it was over, couldn't hardly lift myself out of bed, buckets of green goo coughing my brains out and a headache like Ive never had. I took D3, C and Zinc and gallons of orange juice, all i had and two weeks later i was feeling worse for wear, but my immune system kicked its ass with just vitamins and juice, cheap sugar laden juice, lol! Oh, also, I haven't heard of anybody having a live patient to mess around with the clots things. I've been getting bad nose bleeds for over six months now and from just blowing my nose real hard. never happened before, but yeah, the last one i was on my computer and it just came gushing out so i had to roll some TP quick and shove it up there to finish what i was doing. so 20 minutes later i get this weird feeling like something is draining down the back of my throat and oh crap yeah pull the plug its overflowing! Pulled it out and felt the weirdest thing. i pulled out a 4-5 inch by 1/2" rubbery dark-red banana slug looking creature it took me a good five minutes to believe it wasn't alive, it was actually moving on the paper I set it on, but it was just it settling, I'm mostly sure! It had actually kind of grown into the4 TP and had a lighter colored center. I got some crappy cell phone photos that are pretty crazy to look at and I've saved my little blood buddy on the piece of printer paper. It's seriously dried out now and hard like glass, but shatters pretty easily. The weirdest thing is where it cracked off a chunk you can see the the cross section of this thing looks just like ceramic, like it was powder that was mixed with fluid to do whatever, but then dried out and it looks like pottery clay might look but a light-ish purple-red. I've got it stashed in my old Tonka collector's Lunchbox! It's metal and has a metal latch, you can't even imagine the nightmares i've had about that thing coming for me!!! So, yeah, maybe someone want to do some tests or something before I die or get killed and maybe figure a something out to put people right again quickly. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to find anything that will help us, including if it comes down to me or everybody else. I'll go if need be. All I'll want is a good organic hot meal. Oh and if you want to do testing, lets make it fast because the banana slug was a month ago and the level of clotting and my overall feeling is saying its not gonna be too much longer. But there's this real thing that anyone who knows me will attest to completely. I should have been dead like 4 times already. I mean like driving off a 250 foot cliff trying to avoid hitting a child and sailing out 80 feet and then hitting the only tree for a quarter mile in every direction, and the fact it was big enough to hit and stop my truck and so i slid down it and then was somehow pinned by the steering wheel and my legs pretzelled around the stick shift and it landing on 100+ years of dead leaf buildup and y electronic fuel pump not being ignition key activated and so broken it kept pumping out the 18 gallons i just filled up on my way to work and of course ignited and got very hot very fast and im down a near sheer cliff up on skyline blvd on the San Francisco peninsula and nothing and nobody for miles and cant get out of the now flaming truck. i managed to smash the driver door open and reach out and scoop dirt with th4 cover of the center console like a small shovel and fling it under the hood and didn't get it to go out but was holding it to a small campfire. did this for two hours while trying to stay conscious because th3e cab was filled with burning plastics and leaves and everything. then heard a car way up on the road i flew off of, driving by with his music blaring. I screamed help like I never have and somehow, through all the distance, music car moving and more he heard "something" he later told me. Not so much heard it like me screaming but something telling him to stop and look and listen. he yelled down from the road abive and i screamed back nd down he came. called help, got air lifted aft they chopped the entire top of of my truck and i got to fly underneath a helicopter strapped to a backboard gasping for air and hacking up gobs of black burnt plastic goo! it was fun even with everything. got to Stanford medical center and three hours later everybody, including myself couldn't believe i was uninjured, completely unhurt, not even a bruise or scuff mark. My nose hurt from the airbag hitting it! that's it. i walked out of Stanford four hours after i was air-lifted from certain mutiple-certain-deaths like it didn't happen! That was the least brutal of the bunch. I have the worst luck with every other thing in life, but it's like I just can't die. And it's been spread out over 35 years so it's not like its all the time, but always walk away from the impossible with everyone calling me a liar, lol! It could be pertinent, because it's truly freakish, and so I mention it.
Okay, done. I know, i try to be brief but was seriously pursuing a novelist career and got stuck in novel mode writing - lots of well described details, etc! ;-) You'll never be not completely understanding me, though, mostly! Okay, here ya go!!! (end)
Hey all, been following for some time now, but being a free account, I'm most often limited to not posting replies. Hope this one goes.
Have re-read the Constitution, and what stands out, and more so because they are in the process of taking said away asap, is the fact that I don't see any changes to each state's right to a.) bare arms b.) organize and regularly train militias. Thinking they're so hell bent on the means of being immune to do as they please they didn't pay much attention to any of the other means and laws and rights, which is a good thing. the legal means and ways may have some more avenues available if searched for in other than what they are using to have authority over the constitution.
Since this is an act of war, I believe special rules apply to certain persons and offices within the civil branches, IE: Civil Defense! I still get emergency broadcasts from the scratchy old transmitted alerts, and that could possibly be a means of appearing legitimate and reaching EVERYONE. A well thought out message of an emergency throughout the country would wake up everyone pretty quick i imagine, and with that we would have the full compliment of veterans, lawyers, and the use of all those 2nd amendment weapons to practically and simply take back the offices and departments the bogus laws enabled them to act under. We're going to have to seriously consider using force as time is on their side. But these possibilities are workable I believe, and I'm certain when the dust settles and we are in control and have placed loyal Americans into the proper offices, things will take a sharp turn and most f those towing the line because they have no choice will suddenly have that choice and at a minimum the resistance to keep lying will fail. that's a big getting back to normal that I'm sure so many want to feel and see and hear, and when they do and know the truth, they're going to be mad as hell, too. One thing that's both good and bad is that our military has been jabbed too, limiting their ability to overpower, and i'm thinking that most the grunts are just waiting to fight for the right team. they're in the same boat as us. The bad is probably most officers are not vaxxed and they make up the strategists and command, but they are as a whole in the same boat as us, but I wager we have more unvaxxed on our side. If we can get the Emergency Broadcast system to play in barracks we stand a very good chance of getting a ton of active military to join the fight. I'm thinking cell phones have the same built in to them, emergency alerts, but in the form of texts with a primary alarm getting the attention prior to the txt arriving. If we could get hold of enlisted personnel's cell phone numbers, i know we could direct the emergency messages to them only and come up with an optimal time to send them so officer staff wouldn't be aware. That would give them time to get armed to the teeth, disable as much "big" hardware that could pose a threat to our side and have the element of surprise to take their facilities from the typically non-action-seeing officer staff, etc, etc, etc. this is just a rough outline of a possible means for gaining the civilians, former military and as many active military as possible. Because if i'm not mistaken, all those illegal immigrants are going to be raising holy hell very soon, and so we're gonna need to have our boys in all the branches asap to even stand a chance in hell of surviving. the Civil Defense emergency broadcast is gonna have to be either worded in some sort of American jargon code or sent out after the military txt messages. If the immigrants get wind of our plan before we can get some military bases with tons of arms and a place to coordinate some sort of offensive on the immigrants, a lot of the civilians are gonna be caught unaware and pretty well slaughtered outright. Pretty sure that's in the works at some point already, and either way we have to proceed as if it is imminent. It may well be. high priority is the millions of weapons, many in the hands of total gun nuts and probably fully automatic with tons of ammo, god bless their crazy hearts, and getting them to be aware of whats happening, when and to simply prep and be alert fr any signs of attack from immigrants, also to get the true non-combatants to a safe place where we don't have to worry about them being used against us as bargaining chips! (cont)
That person is the antichrist. Jesus said do not be deceived. Maybe you need to read the Tanakh and then the new Testament. The Jews are pushing for an individual to come forth, but he is not the messiah who already came. By Jesus stripes I was healed. I came to Christianity late, having been married to a Jew, taken college courses in philosophy of religion, and Zoroastrianism and Islam... Also took classes at psychic energy center in Tacoma WA in the 80s and had to write a report about Hinduism in high school.
You are mistaken. Whoever this being is, he will be inhabited or controlled by Lucifer, aka Satan.
The prophet Daniel gave the time of Jesus. The prophet Isaiah said who he was as Everlasting Father yet a child born. Maybe go back and reread the Tanakh in light that it points to the nature of God as being more than what you think. I was married to a Jew , but came to understanding of how Jesus Christ fulfilled prophecy late. Be blessed.
YT requires a sign in. so rumble link:
Salty Cracker (8 mins) -
Here is the comment I made to Sasha Latypova's original Substack thread.
Writes Dachsie’s Substack
Jun 26
·edited Jun 26
Liked by Sasha Latypova
Want to throw in this ....
embedded video with Dr. Jessica Rose and Dr. Kevin McKerman PhD.
At 35:01 find important message - everybody stop taking anymore COVID shots right now.
major newish discovery regarding the two major mRNA Covid Vaccines. This APPEARS to implicate anomalous manufacturing processes. But I always look at intent. What did they know and when did they know it.
2. In short, ditch the digital.
Here are some suggestions from Dr. Michael Yeadon PhD on how to fight and DELAY the one world death and slavery system attempting to be installed.
Dr Mike Yeadon: Why the Depopulation Agenda is Real and What We Can Do About It (
First published at 15:14 UTC on March 29th, 2023.
Jim Fetzer
FABULOUS interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon in which he gives his recommendations how we can best go forward in defense of humanity against the planned digital slavery and genocide! Yeadon has signed on to the “virus challenge” to virology labs and says that he’s not even sure that it’s possible to have a global pandemic of a respiratory virus. “It’s my job to look at the data. I did start by believing that there was a virus that probably escaped from Wuhan, but I no longer think that. It’s not a question of whether I believe in viruses or even a question of do I believe in this virus — I’m only asking the question, “Is the epidemiological data consistent with a novel, lethal pathogen spreading rapidly through the population?” — and the answer is NO."
3. Here's a little music and comedy for your entertainment.
Something’s Gotta Give - McGuire Sisters 1955
Peter Hotez - Vaccine Expert by Matt Orfalea
video 5 minute runtime
And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28
Like (3)
Congrats on your Substack milestone award! You deserve it!
Robert...a yeoman's summation. Posting it everywhere I can.
Thank you so much for doing this.
I wasn't sure it came off and thanks for your feedback...
Wanted to say thank you for your synopsis. My ex husband's best friend in college also climbed El Capitan with a partner at age 16.
I owe my ability to still be here to Jesus Christ. He is the Truth. The Way. The Life.
We all suffer the first death. (except Enoch and Elijah, who will be the two witnesses, and they will also die)
I went back and looked up your info using simple Google search. Just wanted to say that yoga poses are an open door to demonic influence because they are poses of worship. You can see my response to Cat below. I was a physician but developed POTS before I could finish residency and became very ill. I am now well but cannot work in the medical field and remain silent. Every human will stand before Jesus (Yeshua) and every knee will bow.
May the Lord who led Abraham out of the land of the Chaldeans bless you and keep you and grant you peace that surpasses understanding in Jesus name.
It is hard to know exactly how to act on the facts.
Honestly ,pharma is totally controlling medical studies, benefits etc. and somehow Doctors are willfully blind to the fact that all those medical studies that show up in the "big" journals are compromised . It has has been revealed in court the drug studies are done for marketing purposes and all the data is theirs, meaning it can be manipulated and it can not be independently verified.Additionally all that "evidence based" medicine that totally controls the protocols that your "health care provider" has to follow because their prescribing etc. is monitored are created by people with financial conflicts of interest.If you want to keep getting grants then you are not going vote the wrong way. Of course we know how they have that whole NO LIABILITY and childrens' vaccines locked up but pharma also scored with the inflation reduction Act because "free" vaccines were very limited under Medicare to flu,Peumonia,Hep B if you are high risk(and oh the irony there with mass vaccination of well,no risk newborns) and of course Covid. Now Part D will have to provide "free" any ACIP recommended vaccines such as shingles and of course they just so happen to be rolling out RSV etc. A big,big win for pharma and big loss for consumers. So look for sky rocketing D premiums. I could go on and on about how pharma is devastating the US. I truly do not know how I can alter what Sasha writes about.My circle of influence is who I can make aware of how deeply pharma is controlling everything about health care.We pay the most and our life expectancy has actually gone down since Obamacare put more people on health insurance. Not sure what that says about our healthcare system.
Don't allow yourself to become discouraged.
I had just wanted to add that I read Robert's "Butchered by Healthcare" and so have read several other books about healthcare to try and understand the system.As a nurse of over 30 years I could see things change in a negative way ,but never could understand what was going on .So thank you for that book. Made my husband read it too.
You are welcome. I get "made" to do things too.
This was a masterpiece. A great synopsis of what has happened. Thank you for the exhortation we all need. We must not give up. Even though things look bleak at times, when I see all these people rising to this occasion I can see a very bright future taking shape in the midst of this most unusual war.
You are one of the generals.
Thanks for your encouragement. I'm never sure about pieces like this one.
See if you like this
Thank you for this post. Even though I read a lot, I had not seen this post by Sasha. I appreciate your work for helping me to know what is on task, and what is not. Please, keep writing, it helps.
spreading intelligence is always on task
Very simple. There may not be a 2024 election. Consider a war. Consider another plandemic. Consider white racist nationalists. Consider climate crisis. All media made crisis. Here in my tiny town in Nova Scotia I had a brief discussion with a young lady. She said it was hot. I said itcis 25 degrees C. So, not hot. I said, stop letting them convince you. She looked at this old man like he was crazy. Lol. Trudeau said he learned a lot about how to deal with these problems from his actions during the pandemic. I am guessing climate lockdowns. You cant vaccine against a beautiful summer day.
We are screwed. And there isnt one thing we can do about it.
Ireland Wants to Kill 200,000 Cows to Save the Weather
I've never seen the storms we've been having in my life time, many are 100 year old more events.
You’ve probably seen the protests by the Dutch farmers in the Netherlands by now, where they are up in arms because their government is forcing them to kill 30% of the country’s pigs, cows and chickens to save the weather.
Ireland is now getting in on that same action, after it announced a plan to kill 200,000 cows in the next three years to save the weather.
This is very shocking.
You can do something:
"As an homage to the White Rose, the Art of Liberty Foundation has created a free file of POSTERS exposing the organized crime “government,” the theft of fractional reserve banking, the monopolization of the media (and everything else). "
Very funny. I live in south Florida and just had a similar discussion with one who was touting the "extreme heat index"...I pointed out that regardless of what "Accu-weather" is screaming in big red letters, it is no hotter this year in summer (mid-to high 80s F) than it has been for the past thirty years in summer, with a few years hitting 99 or 100. North central Florida has hit 110 in the past! My degrees are in environmental science, btw...but what people here should be concerned about is sea-level rise, because that IS happening, and rather quickly. Even 20 years ago Brickell Avenue in Miami would flood to my knees during summer with rains and king tides, it's a river. G-d only knows was the geoengineers are doing with HAARP....
Okay, I have more thoughts and ideas, but want to get this out as the general feel seems to have gotten more severe from two days ago, just my luck i had a problem yesterday and so didn't check on things here yesterday. Don't mean to come off the wall with all this violence, but it's gonna come to that sooner or later, and better to be the initiator on the offense than sitting ducks on the hopeless defense are my thoughts! Let me know what you all think. I'm jabbed, 1st/2nd Moderna Super-Jabs in mid-21 and feeling very bad after getting whatever variant was floating around a couple months ago. had me thinking it was over, couldn't hardly lift myself out of bed, buckets of green goo coughing my brains out and a headache like Ive never had. I took D3, C and Zinc and gallons of orange juice, all i had and two weeks later i was feeling worse for wear, but my immune system kicked its ass with just vitamins and juice, cheap sugar laden juice, lol! Oh, also, I haven't heard of anybody having a live patient to mess around with the clots things. I've been getting bad nose bleeds for over six months now and from just blowing my nose real hard. never happened before, but yeah, the last one i was on my computer and it just came gushing out so i had to roll some TP quick and shove it up there to finish what i was doing. so 20 minutes later i get this weird feeling like something is draining down the back of my throat and oh crap yeah pull the plug its overflowing! Pulled it out and felt the weirdest thing. i pulled out a 4-5 inch by 1/2" rubbery dark-red banana slug looking creature it took me a good five minutes to believe it wasn't alive, it was actually moving on the paper I set it on, but it was just it settling, I'm mostly sure! It had actually kind of grown into the4 TP and had a lighter colored center. I got some crappy cell phone photos that are pretty crazy to look at and I've saved my little blood buddy on the piece of printer paper. It's seriously dried out now and hard like glass, but shatters pretty easily. The weirdest thing is where it cracked off a chunk you can see the the cross section of this thing looks just like ceramic, like it was powder that was mixed with fluid to do whatever, but then dried out and it looks like pottery clay might look but a light-ish purple-red. I've got it stashed in my old Tonka collector's Lunchbox! It's metal and has a metal latch, you can't even imagine the nightmares i've had about that thing coming for me!!! So, yeah, maybe someone want to do some tests or something before I die or get killed and maybe figure a something out to put people right again quickly. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to find anything that will help us, including if it comes down to me or everybody else. I'll go if need be. All I'll want is a good organic hot meal. Oh and if you want to do testing, lets make it fast because the banana slug was a month ago and the level of clotting and my overall feeling is saying its not gonna be too much longer. But there's this real thing that anyone who knows me will attest to completely. I should have been dead like 4 times already. I mean like driving off a 250 foot cliff trying to avoid hitting a child and sailing out 80 feet and then hitting the only tree for a quarter mile in every direction, and the fact it was big enough to hit and stop my truck and so i slid down it and then was somehow pinned by the steering wheel and my legs pretzelled around the stick shift and it landing on 100+ years of dead leaf buildup and y electronic fuel pump not being ignition key activated and so broken it kept pumping out the 18 gallons i just filled up on my way to work and of course ignited and got very hot very fast and im down a near sheer cliff up on skyline blvd on the San Francisco peninsula and nothing and nobody for miles and cant get out of the now flaming truck. i managed to smash the driver door open and reach out and scoop dirt with th4 cover of the center console like a small shovel and fling it under the hood and didn't get it to go out but was holding it to a small campfire. did this for two hours while trying to stay conscious because th3e cab was filled with burning plastics and leaves and everything. then heard a car way up on the road i flew off of, driving by with his music blaring. I screamed help like I never have and somehow, through all the distance, music car moving and more he heard "something" he later told me. Not so much heard it like me screaming but something telling him to stop and look and listen. he yelled down from the road abive and i screamed back nd down he came. called help, got air lifted aft they chopped the entire top of of my truck and i got to fly underneath a helicopter strapped to a backboard gasping for air and hacking up gobs of black burnt plastic goo! it was fun even with everything. got to Stanford medical center and three hours later everybody, including myself couldn't believe i was uninjured, completely unhurt, not even a bruise or scuff mark. My nose hurt from the airbag hitting it! that's it. i walked out of Stanford four hours after i was air-lifted from certain mutiple-certain-deaths like it didn't happen! That was the least brutal of the bunch. I have the worst luck with every other thing in life, but it's like I just can't die. And it's been spread out over 35 years so it's not like its all the time, but always walk away from the impossible with everyone calling me a liar, lol! It could be pertinent, because it's truly freakish, and so I mention it.
Okay, done. I know, i try to be brief but was seriously pursuing a novelist career and got stuck in novel mode writing - lots of well described details, etc! ;-) You'll never be not completely understanding me, though, mostly! Okay, here ya go!!! (end)
start a substack! Here's how:
Hey all, been following for some time now, but being a free account, I'm most often limited to not posting replies. Hope this one goes.
Have re-read the Constitution, and what stands out, and more so because they are in the process of taking said away asap, is the fact that I don't see any changes to each state's right to a.) bare arms b.) organize and regularly train militias. Thinking they're so hell bent on the means of being immune to do as they please they didn't pay much attention to any of the other means and laws and rights, which is a good thing. the legal means and ways may have some more avenues available if searched for in other than what they are using to have authority over the constitution.
Since this is an act of war, I believe special rules apply to certain persons and offices within the civil branches, IE: Civil Defense! I still get emergency broadcasts from the scratchy old transmitted alerts, and that could possibly be a means of appearing legitimate and reaching EVERYONE. A well thought out message of an emergency throughout the country would wake up everyone pretty quick i imagine, and with that we would have the full compliment of veterans, lawyers, and the use of all those 2nd amendment weapons to practically and simply take back the offices and departments the bogus laws enabled them to act under. We're going to have to seriously consider using force as time is on their side. But these possibilities are workable I believe, and I'm certain when the dust settles and we are in control and have placed loyal Americans into the proper offices, things will take a sharp turn and most f those towing the line because they have no choice will suddenly have that choice and at a minimum the resistance to keep lying will fail. that's a big getting back to normal that I'm sure so many want to feel and see and hear, and when they do and know the truth, they're going to be mad as hell, too. One thing that's both good and bad is that our military has been jabbed too, limiting their ability to overpower, and i'm thinking that most the grunts are just waiting to fight for the right team. they're in the same boat as us. The bad is probably most officers are not vaxxed and they make up the strategists and command, but they are as a whole in the same boat as us, but I wager we have more unvaxxed on our side. If we can get the Emergency Broadcast system to play in barracks we stand a very good chance of getting a ton of active military to join the fight. I'm thinking cell phones have the same built in to them, emergency alerts, but in the form of texts with a primary alarm getting the attention prior to the txt arriving. If we could get hold of enlisted personnel's cell phone numbers, i know we could direct the emergency messages to them only and come up with an optimal time to send them so officer staff wouldn't be aware. That would give them time to get armed to the teeth, disable as much "big" hardware that could pose a threat to our side and have the element of surprise to take their facilities from the typically non-action-seeing officer staff, etc, etc, etc. this is just a rough outline of a possible means for gaining the civilians, former military and as many active military as possible. Because if i'm not mistaken, all those illegal immigrants are going to be raising holy hell very soon, and so we're gonna need to have our boys in all the branches asap to even stand a chance in hell of surviving. the Civil Defense emergency broadcast is gonna have to be either worded in some sort of American jargon code or sent out after the military txt messages. If the immigrants get wind of our plan before we can get some military bases with tons of arms and a place to coordinate some sort of offensive on the immigrants, a lot of the civilians are gonna be caught unaware and pretty well slaughtered outright. Pretty sure that's in the works at some point already, and either way we have to proceed as if it is imminent. It may well be. high priority is the millions of weapons, many in the hands of total gun nuts and probably fully automatic with tons of ammo, god bless their crazy hearts, and getting them to be aware of whats happening, when and to simply prep and be alert fr any signs of attack from immigrants, also to get the true non-combatants to a safe place where we don't have to worry about them being used against us as bargaining chips! (cont)
Leadership is everything
That person is the antichrist. Jesus said do not be deceived. Maybe you need to read the Tanakh and then the new Testament. The Jews are pushing for an individual to come forth, but he is not the messiah who already came. By Jesus stripes I was healed. I came to Christianity late, having been married to a Jew, taken college courses in philosophy of religion, and Zoroastrianism and Islam... Also took classes at psychic energy center in Tacoma WA in the 80s and had to write a report about Hinduism in high school.
You are mistaken. Whoever this being is, he will be inhabited or controlled by Lucifer, aka Satan.
The prophet Daniel gave the time of Jesus. The prophet Isaiah said who he was as Everlasting Father yet a child born. Maybe go back and reread the Tanakh in light that it points to the nature of God as being more than what you think. I was married to a Jew , but came to understanding of how Jesus Christ fulfilled prophecy late. Be blessed.