And ditto from me, thank you for the work you do, your persistence, and tireless determination. I've been doing a bit of "research" myself - i'm neither a lawyer, a doctor or a biostatician, just a concerned grandmother seeking the facts for a long time. i got onto McMaster University, Hamilton Canada as a big big force in health researc…
And ditto from me, thank you for the work you do, your persistence, and tireless determination. I've been doing a bit of "research" myself - i'm neither a lawyer, a doctor or a biostatician, just a concerned grandmother seeking the facts for a long time. i got onto McMaster University, Hamilton Canada as a big big force in health research. $millions and hundreds of well trained scientists. some research devoted to covid ofcourse as well as cannaibis, tobacco and pregnant "people". That's the bit that gets me!! If these people are so compromised they use terms like "pregnant people", why should we, how can we, trust anything they say. We can't. It's that simple. Public health is like public opinion - it's just an elusive term that doesnt mean what you think it means.
actually, what i started to say is that i've tried to get some of their emails so i could write to them but then i got blocked. Was i taking too many? Aren't my email messages official enuf to write to people who want to dictate my health choices. Are they all that scared in their ivory towers. I think so. A lot of them don't allow comment on their social media. they must get blasted a lot. Keep up the pressure!!!!
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And ditto from me, thank you for the work you do, your persistence, and tireless determination. I've been doing a bit of "research" myself - i'm neither a lawyer, a doctor or a biostatician, just a concerned grandmother seeking the facts for a long time. i got onto McMaster University, Hamilton Canada as a big big force in health research. $millions and hundreds of well trained scientists. some research devoted to covid ofcourse as well as cannaibis, tobacco and pregnant "people". That's the bit that gets me!! If these people are so compromised they use terms like "pregnant people", why should we, how can we, trust anything they say. We can't. It's that simple. Public health is like public opinion - it's just an elusive term that doesnt mean what you think it means.
Stay on it girlfriend!
actually, what i started to say is that i've tried to get some of their emails so i could write to them but then i got blocked. Was i taking too many? Aren't my email messages official enuf to write to people who want to dictate my health choices. Are they all that scared in their ivory towers. I think so. A lot of them don't allow comment on their social media. they must get blasted a lot. Keep up the pressure!!!!
This Directory is to be used for official McMaster Communication ONLY. Use of this directory for bulk email, spam or commercial purposes is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Our job is to inform. Stick with it!