Another great substack! Glad you are still doing your thing and not staying in your medical lane (as suggested by another substacker -focusing/limiting to medical). Knowledge and mitigation of all these harmful manmade things equates to overall better health and longevity; ergo potential causes of “dis”ease, that docs should take into consideration before do no pharm. Keep it coming!

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does sleeping on a metal-framed bed make a difference (beneficial or harmful)?

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I believe it should be grounded but have to defer to the Wizard

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Your bed is like an iron maiden?

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far from it. It is an entirely metal frame with an open, wire-spring base on which the mattress rests. A lot of metal. Very comfy.

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When I was a kid, I used the metal frame of my bed as a dandy antenna for my crystal radio set.

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I haven't needed such since 1985, when I moved into a van.

All I've needed is a piece of foam rubber, no frame required or desired.

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A cell tower is proposed on the church grounds nearby. The neighborhood is protesting and fighting it. Outcome is unclear. I wonder if my husband will move with me if the tower goes in. Its a steep learning curve.

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M this may not be a disaster. Figure out your meters and measure what happens if it goes in.

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This is really helpful. Thanks Bob. Gonna check into this and take care of my family.

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Teri is my novia!

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I’ve had big problems in the past. If you have metals in your body it makes you more susceptible.

I could also sense emf changes before the piece of surgical rod in front of my spine was removed.

When I got back to work in 2015 I had to get a smart phone. I left it switched on next to my bed.

If I received a text while I was asleep I would wake up about 10 seconds before the text notification arrived.

It gave me time to put it on silent before the notification so the wife wouldn’t get woken up

I also had to get my smart electricity meter replaced with an analogue meter as I could hear it.

In the morning I’d get up and go to the living room and lie on the couch all day. After 10 minutes I’d hear a faint noise like a faint high pitch scream.

As the day went on the scream got louder and louder until by the end of the day it hurt my ears it was so loud

But if I went to my bedroom and shut the door the noise would stop after a few minutes and I felt better. But then it would start all over again the next morning.

After removal of the smart electricity meter it stopped happening immediately

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I had a bad scare couple of years ago. Had a small electric pad, wanted to warm my toezies, turned it on, and fell asleep with my calf on the switch. Woke with pain and redness in the area, put some iodine on it, and forgot about it. Several days later, I had a full blown leg ulcer that has taken 2 years to fully heal.

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Thanks Dr. Yoho. Informative, alarming too. But the fairly simple remediation & or reduction steps are invaluable.

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Your article was very informative and researching these topics take a great deal of time and energy.

Alternating Current (AC) power can be complicated. Electrical power is distributed as kVA or 1000 Volt Amps. Most house power is single phase 220-240 V. This incoming power is dirty. I looked house power with an oscilloscope many years ago, it was not a simple 60 Hz sine wave but an 60 Hz wave full of noise. Other issues associated with AC power are system impedance and harmonics (current and voltage distortions). Switching power supplies that produce DC and low voltage AC provide dirty power. I have always preferred linear transformers for my research but most power systems have gone to switching power supplies as linear transforms range from heavy to very heavy and more expensive to make and produce heat. Through my research I found that linear power supplies provided superior results to switching power supplies.

I am not an electrical engineer but have worked with AC inverted DC power for most of my professional life. This includes consulting on electric fish barriers designed to keep Asian Carp out of the Great Lakes.

None if this is simple so do not expect simple solutions. One can install whole house or sub panel power conditioners. But you will need a qualified or a licensed electrician to install them. This is only part of the solutions along with proper grounding.

Just be careful and well informed prior to spending a lot of hard earned cash on expensive solutions.

Many times complicated problems require multiple solutions.

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I interviewed G for the last podcast.

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Personally, I think most of the cautions expressed by the author are unproven and don't have any merit from a science perspective. It takes a lot of energy to break apart or damage cells, and all of the mentioned devices do not project such energy, even the 5G (and soon 10G) networks. I notice that the author didn't offer and evidence of effect on humans, other than some subjective assessments of better feelings. This is not science. Better evidence is required. All those who think that this article has any merit probably think that the vaccines protect us. Look for EVIDENCE. There isn't any because there is no danger. 30 years ago it was living near high voltage power lines. Where did that go?

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This is an important comment because these are exactly the industry strategy and talking points, and they mimic what has been done for vaccines, other drugs, glyphosate, and in the recent past for tobacco. The science is being actively suppressed and distorted by these monster corporations. I do not know how anyone who had their eyes open the last three years can dispute this. Have a look at the references I cited in the last post and see if you think these are convincing. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/235-ghostbusters-2-an-electrical#details

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The JA above this post is 100% proof positive of my latest alarming post.


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Nice images

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There was one in this house when we moved in, it tattles when I water my garden in 110 temp heat, little to no rain in weeks. I put in rain barrels this year, but they won't cover the water needed in the expanded garden. And carrying water in a can is hard on my bad back, even with a back brace. We simply can't afford the HUGE price increases at the grocery store. For crappy produce that is molded or soon molds. Dog/Cat food for decent brands at 13 lbs is now nearly $30.00. Even at Chewy.

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Stetzer has a very profitable scam going.

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see the studies quoted in this stack for a rebuttal

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Stetzer is an electrician, I was a broadcast engineer.

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ditto the quotes in this post

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those school studies are convincing. they are single blinded

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All electromagnetic fields have always been electric and magnetic.

Spirits are not electromagnetic.

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Per our friend Maxwell, wherever there is an electric field there will also be a magnetic field.

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That is not what his equations were about.

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My point relates to the coupling of electric and magnetic fields which imply some movement of electrons (energy). If there is an electric field there will be a magnetic field in free space.

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Not if it is a static electric field.

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I appreciate your comment, but you are sort of a literal thinker ha

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It came with my FCC licenses and a decade in broadcast engineering.

I've spent years in volts per meter medium wave antenna fields to no harm.

If it isn't ionizing, it isn't biologically relevant.

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Read the references and see for yourself. You do not want to be labelled DFR or DFL

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I don't even know what they are.

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Shouldn't DO NOT FREAKING LISTEN be DNFL instead of DFL?

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My look into various risks is still incomplete, but EMF seems like one of the biggest problems to me now. Mercury amalgams are important for many. Smoking dwarfs these issues, and fluoride and pesticide poisoning is lower on my list. We will tell your story soon.

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With my first implant allergy that had a galvanic reaction with my amalgam fillings I had tinnitus. Didn’t have a cellphone back then

But as soon as the implant was removed and the galvanic reaction stopped, the tinnitus stopped too.

I’ve noticed this with many patients but not all. Interesting to see what happens when your amalgams are removed. You won’t be as sensitive to emf once the galvanic reaction is stopped and it may very well stop the tinnitus

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I have tinnitus and let's hope for the best with 17 amalgam removal!

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Jun 15, 2023
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Use the doctors but don't rely exclusively on them. If you have mercury amalgams, mercury toxicity is likely. Smoking is the biggest risk. EMFs are under appreciated. Other problems like fluoride and pesticide poisoning are down the list. Keep your eyes open and keep learning.

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Jun 14, 2023
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the switches plug in to the outlet and can be turned off with a remote device.

But you have to learn what the E fields are doing inside the walls.

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Jun 16, 2023
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Try to understand the four types. You need several meters totaling $300. Oram had a $2000 meter but that is not necessary. See the downloadable doc for more specifics. I am going to have the Wizard back.

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