I always read your posts and have shared them many times with friends. This is the first time I have commented though. I find your articles and research to be some of the most compelling on Substack or anywhere else. I don't mind that you sometimes repost other's work. I worry that you might burn out. It is a very intense and disturbing time that we live in. It feels like the attacks on humanity, truth, morality, and goodness accelerate day by day. The evil is shocking--it is as if a restraining force has been lifted. And I think perhaps it has. As a Christian I believe in a loving, merciful, all-powerful, and perfectly good God. I also believe He is a God of Justice and Judgement. We, as a nation, have turned our back on Him. I often think we are experiencing some of His judgement--not that He is inflicting pain and suffering, but that He has removed His Hand of protection on a people that have largely rejected Him. Even so, I find a lot of peace in prayer and trusting Him and committing myself, my family and loved ones to Him and His care. I hope you can find a way, if you haven't done so already, to do the same. And yes, I appreciate your posts and scrupulous research very much.

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I’m a two bit dog groomer from the sticks. I net $15000 a year if I’m lucky. On my budget I can support 5 Substack subscriptions a year. I’m trying to trade them up as I go. I feel frustrated by those on Substack that who beg for money or only give a snippet of their post to non-payers. I REALLY want to support everyone I follow on Substack but am just not financially able. I wish more people would offer the buy a coffee option. If you post something I think is awesome I want to pay for that particular article.

Please keep sharing others work; it’s a great way to find new ideas.

Please keep doing medical corruption, current events, and sometimes philosophy. Not the self help. Way too many out there doing that.

Interviews of fringe people is beyond awesome. Please keep doing that.

You are priceless, thank you

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Please never send me a dime. I appreciate your feedback.

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There is no such thing as a two bit dog groomer - any job is important when it is well done! And when it comes to dog grooming, it takes a special person to get dogs to cooperate - God bless you for doing a job that doesn't pay much, but hopefully gives you much satisfaction.

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I love my job. I’ve been doing it for 37 years. It has given me the freedom to set my own hours and a chance to be an artist. Thanks for the props!

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My eldest son's girlfriend works at a no-kill animal shelter, she is allergic to dog and cat dander, so has sinus/ear infections a lot.

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Many of us are Seniors on below-average SS. We try to contribute with a few links we run across. Found one the other day. She does YT. YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO THE FOOD [Apeel and Bill Gates]






And would make an interesting interview. RFK Jr has said this, and more. They are killing us with food, air, and water.

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Robert: I am a fellow physician who regularly reads your work. I read both of your books -- Butchered by Healthcare, and Cassandra's Memo, and thought they both made a huge contribution to the medical truth literature. Your sub stacks are usually helpful and usually add some to my understanding.

My suggestion to you is that you try not to scale El Capitan in record time. Go slowly and safely, one handhold and one foothold at a time, keeping the faith that careful deliberate work will get you safely to the top more successfully than anxiously wondering if you will reach your goal in time. This is a battle with many warriors, and no one fighter can win the battle. We all fight in the ways we can, and together, we will win. You bring huge energy to the fight, but you push yourself in ways that are likely to endanger yourself as a warrior. Slow and steady will win this race. The Chinese have made this their M.O. and it is worth learning from their success. Don't be like Pat Tillman and sacrifice yourself unnecessarily. You are a good man with a good heart. Only do what you humanly can do. Trying to do more than that will not help the cause, nor yourself, nor your loved ones. Thank you for your valet efforts. You are making a difference.

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Will take your advice or try to.

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That's some good advice, allow things to grow organically, don't rush thing's, don't push too hard. Slow & steady. Great advice. I write too & I'll take that advice any time subject matter get's on top of me.

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My favorite subject matter is along the lines of things the “experts” have been telling us that you now know to be lies, especially when it comes to matters affecting human and animal health. I am on to a lot of them but every once in a while a new one comes along that I can add to the list, and it is worthwhile to remember the old ones too, to show that they have been lying to us for a very long time about a lot of things.

I love your work and try to show it by clicking the heart/like button. Often that is all I have time to do.

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I'll use part of your comment in the reviews section of my next book. Thanks

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I don't listen to podcasts, I read.

I love your posts, because I enjoy your writing style.

I'm sorry I can't pay. My money is all wrapped up in bill payments. Life! I'm close to unsubscribing from 2 or 3 of my favorite stacks, because they have been bitching and whining about people not paying them. Then cut you off mid post, because of it. Life! You can't afford it, once you get old.

Reposts are fine, because I can't read everyone's stack.

I love reading posts about veterinary medicine, mostly because all I ever hear is the propaganda from the vet. No one that smart can be that dumb.

I'd love to download your books and recommend your stacks to friends, but I don't have 5 friends and the 3 friends I have wouldn't read a stack on a bet. They either disagree with the meds being useless, they don't want to know, or they're totally asleep to what's going on in the world.

I think your's is one of the best stacks by a doctor. It seems most of the others won't let you read a whole stack, because you don't pay; rehash the same stuff over and over and over; or they're wrapped up in trying to sell you supplements.

Keep up the same marvelous work you've always done, but don't stress not pleasing everyone on everything. It's impossible.

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yeah I ghost the annoying attempts to grab $5 a month from you

No big deal about not paying

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Thank-you for the reply, Dr. Yoho!

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I second your sentiment!

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agree. even 1 article a week would be fine.

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I enjoy your readings. Where I am at right now is I have spent so much time reading & experiencing all the mayhem, feeling helpless, from the last 3 years, what I want to start reading & hearing about is ARRESTS. It has sucked out so much of my time & energy, I just want to read about prosecution which seems to never come!! I suppose since the mega billionaires, maybe trillionaires have most of the control, it won’t happen. We all just become complainers then and its been exhausting. No offense intended!

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Ditto agreed but we have to be patient if none occur. Battles have been won wars have been won with worse odds.

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I was heartened to observe that few took up the boosters. That had to be a serious wakeup call to our officials that we were not following orders from above. Perhaps of even more concern lies with the childhood vaccine schedules. Kirsh has been asking for evidence of their risk/reward estimates and finding we don't have risk data. I like others are in no position to assess that and I am so old that I never got them aside from polio. I got all the childhood illnesses. In the military I got the battery, need them or not; as least I came before the gun but did suffer from resharpened needles. And in due course the dreaded yellow fever shot along with the other dire ones. But I lack data to inform my great-grands who are arriving. An article might be helpful.

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Download cassandra it's in there. And I'll get another out soon. Best

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For some reason numerous ppl have told me we have 15 years before it gets really bad on earth. I don’t know where ppl are getting the “15 year” estimate. Must be some brainwashing psyops convincing them there is more time to not worry about it all or do anything.

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No way to predict the future

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Could be what Suspicious Observer discusses on his You Tube. Poles flipping. He has a ton of followers.

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accidentally deleted post. retry.

Chyna has a 2050 goal of world domination.

Peter Schweizer - China's Influence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_chGSgNPwVc (1:42 hours)

Bustamante - China's Beltway - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5wpzKvPc3U (2:18 hours)

Bustamante - CHN infrastructure in Africa - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kq_357Mfbtg (2 mins)

Might be scary, BUT Get informed. These are excellent vids. Watch and share.

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All true but my view is that they are opportunists taking advantage of the real evil in the West

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update - I'm not sold on Bustamante. he's too general. Read the timestamps and get to the areas you want to see. take with grain of salt.

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Yeah. The Japanese once were going to rule the world with their new wealth until they didn't. OTOH, the Japanese were never as confrontational as the Chinese. Given China's demographic issues, their posturing may be a cover for internal weaknesses. But the Chinese have been notorious about their lust for money often being called the Jews of the Orient (not PC). They have done a great job in screwing others in the Belt & Road but in many places despite adding to corruption, they haven't delivered the goods. The corrupted leaders are getting attacked by rivals leading to internal strife where disagreements often result in death. So a lot of near term noise and war threats. I imagine as money begins to move elsewhere, we shall see.

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You have a point. Focusing on Solutions should be the goal. Need sleepy middle third of people to realize what is Reality, what is Plato's Cave. This is as hard as Deprogramming Cult members. Got psychologist? Heard of Bezmenov and Demoralisation?

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A very liberal friend after 4 shots, didn’t get the 5th, but still as in the dark with no desire whatsoever to open her eyes. Tolerating her desired ignorance has me disgusted with her. But she is 68 yo, so I give her that excuse bc I doubt she couldn’t handle the truth anyways. It is much worse than I could have imagined prior to 3 years ago.

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Where do they find these people? they are everywhere.

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Sorry. Can't help her. Use your efforts elsewhere. See my post above.

Would she be a Good German or a BADASS German?

- https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass

- https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/wake-up-toolkit

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She is actually Jewish originally from Long Island over 30 years ago. Lives in the SE of US now. Sticking to her tribe I suppose. She got covid after 4 shots and couldn’t believe it. Called me crying saying she had been so careful to not get it.

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it is a metaphor for can one see through propaganda, and not submit to the state's Mass formation event / Psyop.

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Please call your US REP, ASAP TODAY! The committee, which is predominantly composed of nine Republicans, successfully pushed the legislation forward. The next stage for the bill is a vote on the House floor, scheduled for Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. 🤬 😈

Manchin gets his Pipeline and is losing in the polls to the Republican governor. But the oil will be sold to foreigners, just as the SOS was. No border control. FREE education, for Gen Z, wasn't taken off the table.

However, the bill did not meet the expectations set by the House Speaker, leading many Republicans to oppose it. Despite McCarthy’s claim that 95 percent of Republicans in Congress supported the bill, Republican lawmakers have come out in droves against the bill because of its lopsided nature. With a vote of 7-6, the 13-member panel narrowly advanced the bill, with only Representatives Chip Roy (R-TX) and Ralph Norman (R-NC) siding with Democrats in opposing the measure.


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Do you do in person speaking gigs? If I heard you were speaking near me I would go. In person engagement strengthens relationships powerfully. I follow a lot of docs, scholars etc, you are among my favorites! Keep writing and to the extent that is sustainable for you go engage w people in person. The more I hear about technology the more I want to open a multiuse dance studio where people gather in person for fellowship, joy and wellness. My best memories are laughing w people I love.

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Great idea. Hadn't considered it.

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I think you have a fantastic voice for podcasts. I wish I had your voice. It’s the perfect radio voice. The one with Scott Schroeder was great. Usually I prefer reading the transcript of videos though so I think it’s always important to put the transcript below. You’ve been doing a great job and yours is one of the Substacks I view most

The last few weeks I’ve been too unwell but starting to feel better.

An article on the Melisa test invented by prof Vera Stejskal (rip) would be a good topic to write on. When working at Astra Zeneca she was asked to investigate why the factory workers making pharmaceuticals were getting strange illness symptoms which would resolve if they took time off work. But then return once they return to work.

She developed the Melisa test which discovered it was the metals in the pharmaceutical products the factory workers were manufacturing that was making some of them sick.

Astra Zeneca now regularly test their workers with the Melisa test.

Vera left Astra Zeneca with a $50000 grant and with the Melisa test she invented and started the Melisa foundation

She was also one of many who proves vaccines get distributed around every major organ in the body within 30 minutes of vaccination. This proves they don’t just stay in the arm muscle. They told the health authorities but were ignored.

I think Vera was also involved as expert witness at the vaccine court.

While Prof Vera Stejskal has passed away from breast cancer her daughter Linda still works at Melisa diagnostics in the UK

I think your readers would find her work and history fascinating. There is a little bit about Vera on the Melisa diagnostics website. The Melisa test is for diagnosing type 4 allergy to metals. It’s a standardised test and the results both qualitative and quantitative.

If every 14 year old got this test it would show what causes autism and how much harm the metals in pharmaceutical products are causing in society.

While Astra Zeneca are happy using it for their factory workers they wouldn’t want the general public finding out about this test.

The amount of data collected if all 14 year olds were tested would be very eye opening and very valuable. But also a big danger to the pharmaceutical industry and many other industries.

If used in a certain way this test has the potential to at least halve the demand for healthcare

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I'll look at all this thanks

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Agreed. Best speaking voice ever!!

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We keep talking about the vax but I'm reading more about injury from covid alone like prion disease, heart issues and demyelination. I would love to learn more about how the spike is affecting us and how to overcome the damages. See Walter Chestnuts new piece. https://open.substack.com/pub/wmcresearch/p/the-spike-protein-and-sads-evidence?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android

And I very much appreciate your work!

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will consider

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I am so glad you take the time to share with us. I have relatives with whom to share your excellent topics. The wives seem the most resistant . The men do not call the shots , any of them

As for friends, one could never find a more close minded hostile bunch than my liberal and confident senior women. I am not the most educated. It is a frustrating walk for me .

You deserve the best . Your knowledge should be front page reading everywhere. We should all be grateful that you exist. I am.

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nice writing and thanks for your praise. Degrees and "education" are an illusion these days and should be ignored or sometimes treated with contempt.

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We must have the same group of friends...

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They turned into " pod people" and lost any semblance of brains , being told they were morally superior was a heady elixer.

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ghost them

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I am currently in the process of deciding which substacks to continue following. I have followed the whole covid debacle closely but am now trying to reclaim my life - haha! You've made the cut so far. I've only paid for one or two, I've unfollowed a few that went to paid only. But I feel like I'm not playing fair and would like to whittle down further and then pay. Sorry, I can't help you much, I'm still trying which direction to go myself, and far I want to go in that direction.

Note to substack: instead of recurring payments, could you put in a tip jar for one time payment?

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Thanks for sticking aboard... I am constantly killing my inputs but adding new ones at the same time. Paid only or limiting some distribution to paid misses the point of the voluntary payment scheme. Pay me last.

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I'm listening.

I don't know how anything works. I assume Amazon retains control of your books, and sets the price for Kindle? I wonder if a special $0.99 price is more enticing than a free copy, perverse as human beings are.

I don't begrudge an author his daily bread; however, since more and more need a slice of mine, I have cut down my reading list. I even unsubscribed from Dr. McCullough and his co-writer because there was so little free content of value. So, my failure (so far) to subscribe is far less about your content's value to me and much more about me husbanding my own limited resources.

The topics that I value most lift the lid on what we have always presumed to be true.

Thank you for what you do. The frequency of your articles should reflect your own self-care.

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I have amazon figured out and don't pay me anything unless it's no big deal. Studies of book distribution vs price are inverse. Free is best. See Ryan Holiday's Trust Me I'm Lying.

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If these doctors truly wanted to help humanity, they would NEVER charge people for life saving information! Also they all now have expensive clinics, websites with new products. Costs an arm and a leg.

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I am ashamed of us all.

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Guest: Michael Yon from michael.yon@locals.com. He has the best info on the true threat to the US, the government led invasion (for real).

Visibility: stop going the small-time route and work at getting yourself on big podcasts or media outlets. The doctor that reveals the truth about medicine is a big draw except for pharma supported media. CHD has many shows. Lots of YouTube channels. Bigger is The Highwire. Bigger yet is InfoWars. Maybe you need an agent?

Subjects: I believe these are the top threats to health/life in order of severity, especially since many dovetail into one another:

illegal alien invasion



food/water shortages and contamination

capitulation of US sovereignty to WHO


everything else: harmful drugs, fluoride, mercury/heavy metal toxicity, emf, carcinogenic ingredients/substances (all slow kill)

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great summary and I emailed Michael. We will chat soon.

I am in contact with this Dog. We communicate by barking.

For a second I thought you were referring to alien invasion from outer space.

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Ask this former medical doctor about that one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSLm__BUnmI

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Your list is on point. All of it could happen in 1 year. scary. CHD is likely now limited hangout, or always was. Getting harder to tell everyday. RFK is a False Savior, just like "defeating the mandates" was. It Didn't get rid of the 1986 Vaccine Liability shield for manufacturer's. 2030 agenda is moving forward as is a 30% reduction in C02 emissions from FARMS (Kerry stipulated the other day).

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RFK has a far better idea of what will help and what is practical than we do. He deserves our support even though his odds seem long. Battles and wars have been won with far longer odds.

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That is sad to hear about CHD but I have had my hackles up the past few months about it, and you have validated some of that feeling...and I prefer reading to podcasts and videos, but maybe that is showing my age (although I am a Gen-X, who isn't not tech savvy, as I tell my kids who thing it is funny to call me a boomer - who are my parents, and ironically, would prefer video and "TV").

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CHD is not designed for your level of sophistication. It is not a limited hangout.

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One of the important things to recognize is that any large group has to be careful what messages it puts out so the group doesn't get torched. People often misinterpret that as it being a "limited hangout" but once you get larger, you have to make sure you can back up any claims you make, which requires not covering things that are on much shakier ground even if you feel strongly about promoting them.

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That's fine. Do me a favor and get CHD to release their 990's from 2021 and 2022. Report back and let me know how that goes.

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update: sry, this was present a while ago in April '22 (990 for 2021)- https://healthimpactnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/12/CHD-2021-Form-990-Public.pdf

Both you Docs do excellent write-ups. thx.

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As Bustamante would say - "likely" but "low confidence" level because I cannot corroborate it yet. Appreciate your balanced approach.

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I still get the Defender newsletter and just fwd the headlines to the sleepy peeps. It has it's use, diversify your info sources.

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Only Congress can reverse that law. What power are you thinking RFK has , other than litigation and speaking out ?

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I think he has been very useful so far. But I think he will get swallowed up by the political machine. RFK has a semi anti-establishment look to him. Not too long ago he was saying "Climate Change deniers" should be jailed. Maybe He's appealing to his base, his Market at CHD.

Congress works for the Corporations.

Corporations/gov/oligarchs are hoarding up the wealth.

Fake Pandemic showed us this.

They will not repeal this 1986 law.

Additionally, CHD 'Hired' 2 of better indy journalists recently, Whitney Webb and James Corbett. Ask yourself why....They ask too many questions!

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RFKJr is still part of the Kennedy Clan and holds to their family values, which sadly include eugenics. I appreciate his work regarding the Covid Psyop but I doubt his overall intentions. He will need to show me he is not a "Kennedy" to win me over. He buys the bogus climate change science. He is still too liberal.

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Weather manipulation too!

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"I think I add more value by interviewing obscure people with something to say rather than celebrities we have all heard before. "...I totally agree with you one that one! I enjoy reading your posts, but do not have time to watch many interviews or listen to podcasts (I have to pay attention to my own work at this point in time!) But, yes, anything to help people wake up!! Your writings are great, especially for people with no background in the good ole conspiracy theories, but many of us have been watching that unfold for decades....

I personally do not mind cross-posts, because I may not read the same posts you do...if I have already read it, I often just give a little heart as a thank you, and move on. I have passed your books on and think they are worth reading, but I am not any better at social media than you are (and soon I will be asking the same question to get my own work out there (in a few months, I'll be leaving the university!! As a post-materialist scientist, staying there has been painful at times....) I am so 'incognito' on these rebel sites these days....:-]

Keep on keeping on!!

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Dane Wigington of Geoengineering.Org. Weather manipulation is an extreme threat as well.

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I'm aware but even RFK and Bigtree had trouble drawing firm conclusions about this one

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Watch 'The Dimming' on the site above. It is insightful and scary. Our own govt admits to it and is certainly persuaded by Gates and his money. Just a suggestion.

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I appreciate every post

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In general I really like your writing and also listen to your podcasts. You seem to diversify really well as far as subjects to cover. I have shared your FREE copies of "Butchered By Healthcare" with many, including my doctor. All were glad to receive it. I will stay tuned and continue to share :) Is this your Twitter acct: @DrYoho

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Yes and thanks. I don't know anything about Twitter

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if you have ideas about how to use it let me know

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Simple. Use the account that you already have @DrYoho. UPDATE it based on your current status and start 'following' like minded figures who are outspoken like you. I'm sure you are used to attacks.... ignore trolls, block them and move on to share your views like you do here on Substack. :))

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I'm slammed now. Is it worth it?

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You can reach more people, but you shouldn't do it if you are already maxed out. It definitely requires time investment.

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Great observation. I'm maxed but I can work smarter.

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You don't want to, all that would do is get you attacked by the pro vaxers.

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