Dr. Yoho, I don't comment regularly but I read you religiously. There is so much wisdom to be unpacked here, and although I don't agree 100% with everything you say, I will still be sharing this post with everyone I know. The Aurelius quotes in particular were a positive jolt to my system. Turning the phone to airplane mode - great reminder. And writing rather than typing notes and thoughts, etc. thank you for confirming how important this is for the brain to process. I am, at age 60, taking an 8 week Anatomy and Physiology course online, (a bucket list item of mine since I was 23 and getting a Master's in dance) and using their flash card system within the chapters is absolutely worthless - I hand write the notecards the old fashioned way and was beating myself up for doing it. I wondered if it is my age or if it's just that I didn't grow up with a computer (nobody had a computer back in the mid 80's - In grad school we had a computer lab in the library and it closed at 10 pm so you still didn't have a ton of time on the computer to type papers on Microsoft Word).This particular post of yours is in the top 5 of everything you've written to date. Thank you.

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There's a part of the brain where writing is processed. Likewise, hearing and speaking goes into another place. Using each of these inputs helps with memory retention. Some of these darn posts take 30 plus hours of thinking and rewriting. Best and thanks for the comment.

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It is like doing repetitious exercise, it builds muscle memory. Remember how Mr. Miyagi, taught karate in the Karate Kid series, Wax on, Wax off, Sand the Floor, or Paint the Fence? It taught the brain and the muscles. Thus became automatic when used in Karate. I wish I could get my nearly 83 yr old hubby to do the same thing with his eyeglasses, put them in the same place every time. He is always hunting for them. Same with tools.

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LOL just like me and I’m only 63! I’m so happy that he is still here with you .

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People have different brains....I can hear something and remember it, I read very fast but only retain a paragraph or two....I have to write notes with my hand. I think people have sight memories (reading), aural memories( hearing) and writing (physical) aptitudes...to varying degrees...

Where Dr. Yoho in the brain is writing processed? Do we know?

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Ditto here. Very well said and I agree wholeheartedly with what you said...thank you for expressing it beautifully.

I teach note taking...there is NO substitute for the hand brain connection...we dont know why, but when you write something with your hand, it seems to go into your brain and stick there without effort....

No highlighting , typing notes, etc. achieves the same effect.

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Thank you very much for all that you do. Since I know next to no one else who are 'awake' to what is happening in our world, I often find myself very lonely and afraid. Your posts help me to cope.

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I can testify this is true. My life is now full, with people who are awake.

Robert's tutorial provides a much more efficient path than the convoluted path I took.

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Thank you for being so honest . I think that says a lot ( positive) about you ! There are a lot of us out there with you ! Think of that when lonely and reach out !

Yes , Dr Yoho posts are supportive . In this post I found it helpful to reread the Aurelius thoughts . Best to you !!

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Steve Kirsch has to be repetitive because he isn't preaching to the choir.

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I agree. And as my dance teacher used to say: "Repeat, Repeat, Repair" and she's not wrong. Steve has done a tremendous service to the jab injured with his Vacsafety.org and his weekly zoom calls with all the good docs, etc. has been lifesaving for many injured. He himself was jabbed as was his family, and you can see the visceral franticness of how he is trying to right a wrong done to his family and how he has been painfully red-pilled and dumped by his tribe. I admire his tenacity. He must be absolutely pissed to have fallen from the good graces of the Silicon Valley liberal establishment and to be wholly rejected by his alma mater, MIT. To be at the height of his career with all his accomplishments and then to become persona non grata has to be devastating. He will, in the end, be vindicated.

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How to get the unwashed masses to see the truth is a difficult quest.

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Especially if their eyes are crusted over.

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Very nice post, thank you. Mallone got the heart attack jab (which he had a life-threatening complication to) at the peak of COVID hysteria which showed a stunning lack of discernment and it shows that he fell for the "mass formation" that I guess he's now writing a book about as an "expert". Sounds very much like Jordan Peterson, who did the same thing.

Re: shielding yourself from lies, it's such an important thing to do. The pernicious idea that there is objective reporting happening on any issue is just not true. Any article written by anyone at any time and under any circumstances has an agenda in mind, whether it is a stated or implied one. To read an article, regardless of content, is to put you in the writer’s mindset and frame of reference. You can choose to consciously reject the contents of the article, but the residue of the ideas being promoted will linger within your mind regardless of any conscious decisions you make. Hence the power of outrageous clickbait articles to advance establishment agendas; their frame has been implanted into your mind.

I touch on some of the themes you covered in this post here if you'd like to take a look: https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/the-dissemination-of-information-969

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I read part, subscribed, and saved the rest. Stunning.

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He CLAIMED to have gotten the shots. His pic posted of syringe, in a hospital, says ZERO, imo. Careful what you "see".

edit - 1 typo

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Whether he actually went through with it or not is irrelevant to the claim that he (1) holds himself out as having gotten it and (2) claims to be an expert is resisting "mass formation hypothesis", which is disproven by #1.

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yes, good comment.

I'll check that dissemination article, thanks.

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exactly so

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I'm really confused why people use the fact he took that jab against what he is saying. I can say from personal experience that the worst mistakes I've made were the best teachers.

If we listen to no one who took the jab, there are very few people left to listen to.

I think Malone was very naive, and his judgement was very poor, but I also think he got a very rude awakening. Have you listened to any of his full length interviews? I think all of the story checks out and is consistent.

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My policy is to ignore those who confuse me. This is a globalist strategy itself. Doesn't matter if they are stupid, ignorant, or a limited hangout.

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Hi George, I think a person's character is best revealed during times of great pressure. Mallone and Peterson experienced a lot of societal pressure, they gave in, then when the pressure abated they recanted. So why should one expect them to resist the next time society puts a lot of pressure to bear on citizens? This isn't to say Mallone hasn't learned from the experience, but for him to then turn around and write a book on mass formation hypothesis as an expert speaks to hubris.

Want to see a guy who properly resisted extreme pressure and never gave in, never recanted? New Jersey gym owner Ian Smith: https://nypost.com/2022/01/31/nj-gym-owner-ian-smith-announces-congressional-run/

Now *that's* a guy I'd love to see write a book on mass formation hypothesis, if he cared to do so.

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That guy was formidable. Much admiration for him. Inspiring too.

I'd vote for him if I could.

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Hi, I think that is a very healthy way to measure people. One thing I also remember is everyone has different circumstances and that the measure of a person will change over time. I know many people who have suffered from anxiety and over time, with a lot of hard work, they work their way out of the habits that generate the anxiety and the measure of that person will significantly change.

I have made many mistakes in my life, and if people were to take a permanent measure of me at those low points, it would not be representative of me today.

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Hi George, I agree with you on that, as Solzhenitsyn stated in The Gulag Archipelago, “If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? During the life of any heart this line keeps changing place; sometimes it is squeezed one way by exuberant evil and sometimes it shifts to allow enough space for good to flourish. One and the same human being is, at various ages, under various circumstances, a totally different human being. At times he is close to being a devil, at times to sainthood. But his name doesn’t change, and to that name we ascribe the whole lot, good and evil.”

That being said, I would still much rather read Ian Smith's take - lol.

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This full quote is a keeper.

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What an excellent and timely post!!! I feel so very overwhelmed at times and I need to realize that I need to step away from the noise from time to time before the fight to stay up with all the information becomes my own undoing. Completely agree about Malone.

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When I get REALLY black pilled I watch the Brandy Vaughn video( sorry , I can’t find the link right now). The courage of this woman is inspiring. In the video she states that if you possess the information you have an obligation to speak out. She took on big pharma, even though she knew how evil they were( she’d worked for Merck when Vioxx was rolled out). She knew of their callous disregard for life, but she spoke out every chance she got. And know she’s dead . She knew that she was born to play that role, and she did. God bless her family, this woman is a hero.

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I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Some mornings, my favorite sources of news/memes/ideas are so toxic nowadays. Just by trying to keep people informed, and despite their best intentions.

I am loath to take sides in some of the skirmishes you describe, Dr Yoho. Nobody's perfect, and "by their fruits ye shall know them." The message is more important than the personality of the messenger which is usually flawed in some way.

Being out there in the sun is helping a lot. :-)

May you day be bright, fellow SH followers.

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Excellent advice! As for watching YouTube without ads, I recommend the Brave browser which not only strips them out but also allows you to save videos to watch offline.

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best tip of the day.... have to figure out how to do this on my TV

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Easy peasy....get an old google Chromecast (round plastic thingy (not sure if the new ones work on non approved computer/video sources ...aka any thing not on you tube)..serial connector, plug it into your smart tv in the back, and you can easily cast what is on your computer to tv....even if it is not you tube.....just remember to have tv on same wifi network as your computer. Click the cast button top right and select ....

My smart tv is old and I think broken now...can't change from HDMI2 to cable..so its how I have been watching tv the last week or two...and I watch "escape to the country" a DABL channel/british tv thing.

If you use the built in cast and are on a google chromebook, the cast feature will not work with anything not youtube.

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I'd try using a notebook or tablet running Brave, and cable the device an HDMI port on the TV.

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Ditto about Malone. Good call.

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Amen to all of this! I still read Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch sometimes, as they have some educational things to say, and they’ve done a lot toward getting people to wake up. But Dr. Malone’s lawsuit against Dr. Breggin (one of my greatest heroes) and Steve’s promotion of the dangerous psychotropic fluvoxamine (Luvox) are outrageous. Great reminder about being really conscious and picky about our various inputs!

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fluvoxamine is demonic

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I love this so much I'm planning to reread it several times so i can absorb it all. Thank you.

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I am going to print it out.

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Thank you. There are many things that I could start adding to my daily schedule though I do try to get as much sunlight as I can already ;)

I was overseas for a few years and when I came back to that states I realized how incendiary most of the news was. Ignoring some of this clickbait is crucial for a peaceful mind.

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This is a great message and good advice.

I will comment on a couple interesting choices. I've been following Alexander/Malone/Breggins' fight for a while now, and I haven't drawn the same conclusions as you.

First, much of what Alexander writes is clearly him emotionally shooting from the hip. While I respect his candid approach, it's pretty clear he is also largely driven by ego. I also know some people who interacted with him first hand during the Trucker convoy and they said that he had a very big ego.

Secondly, Alexander throws a ton of stuff out there without doing all the due diligence. That's OK because he doesn't pretend to have done the research but he makes notable errors and much of what he writes is personal opinion or emotional response.

Third, the idea about Malone being pushed by Alexander/Breggins is utter nonsense. IMO the evidence points far away from the idea that Malone is controlled opposition, quite the opposite. Malone was an insider and as he woke up to realize his life had been dedicated to working for a corrupted state sponsored machine he (and others like Rogan) were instantly attacked by every single tool at the state's disposal. They don't do that to controlled opposition. For controlled opposition they simply fact check them to make sure the populace thinks they are cranks. For example, I think Stew Peters is controlled opposition. He does not do due diligence and spews some utter nonsense even if some of his ideas are correct. He gets fact checked and they leave him alone because he ruins the credibility of anyone associated with him. Sure he gets view, but it's not credible.

This is the problem I have with Breggins, is he used Stew Peters to attack Desmet/Malone. He used a lot of other resources over what should be is an academic disagreement in psychology.

Now, I think Malone is patronizing, and I think he has a big ego he's desperately trying to hide, and he's still very bitter about being excluded from getting credit for the technologies he helped create.

Is the lawsuit over the top, no doubt. Is it bad for everyone? Yes. If you read the lawsuit, the attacks against him were pretty personally nasty. If Breggins had an academic disagreement, then he should have stuck to that instead of personal allegations for which he has no proof. On the matter of the suit, it sure looks like Malone is correct. Does it justify a lawsuit, I doubt it because no one wins in a lawsuit.

But to paint Breggins' as martyrs is BS IMO. They could end this suit really easily by retracting the personal attacks. They simply won't back down either.

Lastly, the idea propagated by Alexander that Malone and the other inventors are somehow responsible for the misuse of something they invented is ludicrous. It's technology. We should be blaming the evil users of it, not the inventors. Malone himself admits he was duped, and himself suffered the consequences of taking the vaccine.

Malone is naive, patronizing, but he has the ability and credibility to move a lot of people. He is also aligned with Kennedy who I think has a pretty good track record and has the potential to shift a lot of public opinion.

If Kory and McCullough came out and said Malone was bad, then I would listen to them. But they haven't. What we hear from Alexander is heresay except what they said to him. This stuff about Crypto came from Kirsch no doubt, who was probably thrashing around to come up with some way to transact outside of government control.

Anyways, I don't listen to Malone anymore because he's not saying anything new that I can't get from others, but I don't think he controlled opposition or bad or evil.

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All good points and exactly what reality is cannot be determined from our remove. Breggin have an ego, but their many decades history is clear evidence they are sincere. I won't analyze further than I did in my essay, and I reached the same idea as you: to ignore what I am unsure or skeptical about. I think that is what you are saying.

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Yes. However, I do scan the posts by both Malone and Alexander as I want to see if there is anything worth adding to my evidence gathering or to change my mind.

I have not known/followed Breggins for decades, but their association with Peters makes me suspicious.

I think you are more disciplined than I am with this lol as there is a cost to scanning. But in this case, I really want to know the outcome.

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Very interesting perspective on Malone! Your map fits all the data points I've seen, so I rank it highly probable. Malone wrote about Parasites today: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/parasites-the-administrative-state

I judge that it's a good thing if he brings awareness to the parasite/host relationships at play in today's world. He's got a big audience. He may not dare name the particular most problematic parasites because reasons, but just bringing attention to the category of Parasites helps our side.

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Thank you for this post.

I have come to the same conclusions as you. I force myself to take occasional breaks from news and Substack as well as review the quality of my subscriptions regularly. In lieu, I will listen to uplifting music and lectures/podcasts on what I CAN DO in my day to day. What is going on around the globe is overwhelming. Being present for ourselves and our families is more important.

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Top shelf and restacked.

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Thank you for sharing your way of figuring out what to listen/view/allow into your conscious, and why and what you exclude. VERY helpful....

And Dr. Yoho, I am reminded of my motto "Anyday I can go to the bathroomm unassisted is a good day".

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Thank you DR. Yoho. You are my daily dose of sanity, wisdom & education. Appreciated.

Your reference to EMF. On android mobiles. ElectroSmart is an eye opener as to how much exposure is around one.

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use your speakerphone rather than bluetooth car connector and listen to already downloaded content

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I just turn on the radio to an AM station....I can hear only half of the channel in my drive to work. No wonder they want to ditch AM radios in cars. Keep the populace dumb.

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