Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I appreciate the info...I have a 31 year old autistic son who is totally independent and on his own. I remember when he was first diagnosed at three and...if I can remember...the stats were about 1 in 1100. But the numbers kept getting tighter every year. I did not believe it was the vaxxes until I went down the rabbit hole two years ago. Everything is being covered up to hide the vaccine damages...all of the jabs.

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you should also examine his emf exposures; see my last posts at robertyoho.substack.com. the best expert on autism I have found is With The Wind with Paul Thomas MD. There are remediation techniques you may not have considered. Does he have mercury amalgams?? Get advice and consider removal. Again, see some of my recent posts about this topic. I always wonder about mercury chelation in this regard. It's cheap and easy. Blood levels are unreliable. Best and this scene is horrible.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I am going outside for a little yardwork so will listen to your EMF article. His one and only cavity was a year ago... I have asked but I am not certain if they still use mercury in fillings, a friend said no. He was diagnosed at 3 but showed signs at around a year. Dr Yoho he is so high functioning at this point...flies around the country to always Steelers games and sets up everything on his own, lives by himself, pays his bills, fixed his broken garbage disposal. He’s pretty amazing. I’d like to help him with getting out to socialize more. Thank you so much!

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there is plenty of hope

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I just finished listening to this article, I had only started when I commented. I did not know you had so much extensive research on autism...I consider anyone working in this field one of my angels. So autism has become an industry...proves nothing is hands off when money talks. I did so much when my son was young: the autism conferences, support groups, outside therapy, in-home therapy...I felt so blessed he pretty much found his way out so I didn’t pay much attention lately to what was going on in the field. Thanks for catching me up...will check out one of your books and the research article.

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this is Toby's article. Please check out his work.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I worked with the most severe for 8 years. Some disfigured just from hitting themselves and restraint necessary, some hit us too, zero academic ability, diapers, parents exhausted and unhealthy. I'm glad for you having a high functioning child because the other end is horrible.

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I realize that...I think some have mental retardation also, but it takes a lot of effort as a parent and to take all the state will give you as far as support. My son also needed restrained and bit himself and hit his head off hard objects but somehow we all made it out together. Thank you for being an Angel who worked with them.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Big pharma is a murder machine. All of their products are extremely toxic and dangerous to life. According to big pharma, people only die because they don't have enough big pharma toxic drugs in their body.

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I.E. Big Pharma going from a [once] "First do no harm" to a "First do harm, then treat for life"

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Toby, if they keep doing this, and we keep getting more and more autistic kids, this country deserves to die. But truly I hope all these kids lives will not be in vain. They keep trying to dismiss the vaccine Autism connection, but it is gradually after the damn MNRA jabs, opening peoples eyes to this iatrogenacide. Our entire society is breaking down, and though I might not live to see it, I think Autism will be the final straw that breaks the camels back. They cannot hold it back much longer. Hence how hard they fight.

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there are mediation strategies

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Yes, but lots of the vaccines are not worth the risk...and they DON"T STOP TRANSMISSION. Like the Whooping cough...just turns them into asymptomatic carriers and they take it home to their newborn brother and sister, which THEN becomes serious. All the childhood diseases...mumps, measles, chicken pox...you are a LOT better off getting them when you are young...they are only dangerous to old people. And I will bet you dollars to donuts that people who got the SHOT for chicken pox and not the actual chicken pox, are the ones that get shingles later in life. And all those MEASLES outbreaks...all traced back to the vaccinated.

So no, I gently disagree with you Dr. Yoho...I don't think any vaccine is necessary, even polio. Polio was caused by DDT....not a swimming pool...they changed the diagnostic criteria and now they call it something else, because they don't want to confess that the vaccine causes polio. Let alone that we all (of my generation) had the shots/drink/sugar cube with the SB green monkey cancer causing virus.

I am at the point that the only thing I think we did right was to track down smallpox and eliminate it..except for the Demon in the Freezer. And that has to be an individual choice..because many people died from the smallpox shot. Not as many from the disease, but a town in England shut it down in the 1800's and got rid of smallpox.

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You misinterpreted whatever I said. NO vaccine has had placebo v control trials and analysis by top experts like Toby reveals FAR more harms than benefits. See my past substack posts, which are largely derivative of Toby and other top experts.

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I beg your pardon, and apologize profusely.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Leicester, in 1885, rose up against mandates for the smallpox vaccine, which for years had been killing their children. If I’m remembering correctly, about 200,000 people came from all over to join the protest. They stopped the mandate in Leicester and in succeeding years, while smallpox ravaged other towns, Leicester had no problem. See Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, and Turtles All the Way Down, by Anonymous.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

That is it Jane. THANK You.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Why are we inculcating children and infants without a fully formed immune system with vaccines? Wouldn't it be better to let them grow up and then decide? Their immune systems cannot handle the aluminum and the thimerasol...the smaller the amount, the more it becomes lodged in the vagus nerve.

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I beg your pardon, I obviously read it wrong.

I will go out in the backyard and eat worms now.

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Excellent article. I’m terrified of what’s coming as the parents of the vaccine damaged kids ages and die out. What will happen to their damaged children if no-one left to help them through life after our financial system finally crashes? I’m certain in a grim future like that, that the powers that be will actively begin to cull useless eaters with a vengeance, one way or another. God help us all.

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See Paul Thomas's With the Wind podcast for more

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

This is an intentional attempt to dumb down society. That was also, and continues to be, the intent of introducing the poison, fluoride, into our bodies. I have an autistic niece. So, it appears the intent has now become financial, like most everything is. Matthew 6:24

How are we going to change the course of the complete collapse of our medical system? #1. Stop going to EOMMO's (employees of monopolized medical organizations). People will say, "But functional doctors don't take insurance". It is not that functional doctors won't take insurance, insurance companies will not cover functional doctors. if enough people stop going to EOMMO's, eventually insurance companies will begin covering functional doctors.

This book is a great insight into what medicine should be. "The Awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton"

Amelia Leighton is a young doctor working as a family doctor (GP) in a modern practice in London. She hates her work and doesn't much like her colleagues. The practice is rule-bound and bureaucratic. After she breaks the rules by visiting a patient at home, Amelia is given an official warning. She resigns and takes a job in a small, old-fashioned country practice where there is no mobile phone coverage and no appointments system. 'The Awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton' describes how a young doctor comes face to face with the past. But will it be her future?

When I was a child, oldest of 7, the doctor would come to our house. He would take our temperature. If we had a fever, he would tell my mom to give us an aspirin, and put a cool washcloth on our forehead. Guess what? We all survived!

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for posting this. Such an absolute atrocity I have been reading a lot on the childhood schedule of jabs I am trying to find a way to inform my son and daughter in law about the dangers.

They have 2 boys, 3 and 5. I don’t want them to get all these jabs!

I am so ashamed and disgusted with the entire medical profession and healthcare industry. I am a retired RN.

I was aware of the Hep B shot on day one of life. This is crazy! What risk does a newborn have? I got the series of Hep B because I was in a job that put me at risk. (ER/Trauma) The blood titer drops after 5-10 years. That was back in the 1990’s. Not sure what the time of effectiveness is currently.

It is difficult to find a Peds Doc who is not a jab pusher. Lots of $$$ involved in it.

On a related topic…….

I knew from the beginning Covid was a scam. Too many lies and misleading information I knew from experience were not true. Changing the definition of a vaccine, herd immunity just to name a few. People are still wearing masks 🤬

I say a prayer for them. They are afraid and brainwashed.

I could go on, but you have heard all this before Dr. Yoho.


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Terrific article! Saving this and will post on social media.

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I've learned a lot from Toby.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

When they had a party rfk jrs wife demanded everyone had to be vaccinated for Covid. As I’m sure u r aware, wives have a lot of influence over husbands. I can’t get past this point. Maybe they r positioning themselves to role out these “safer vaccines” they keep talking about.

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Wrong. I can't say more but this is not an issue with RFK. Have faith.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Wrong about wives party rules or “safe” vaccines?

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I don't know about wives parties but vaccines are all evil.

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I’m on your side with that but based on actions (no jab no party) and statements I don’t think he is fully on our side. No safe vaccines.

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I’m on your side with that but based on actions (no jab no party) and statements I don’t think he is fully on our side. No safe vaccines.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

As always, great substack-a big financial slap in the futuristic face! Until and when “bear” parents start saying NO and meaning it to these vax poisons AND when a mere 5% per ISD withdrawal rate happens, not sure that ship will start righting itself. This is visually no less injurious than TPTB pointing knives, guns, crossbows, whatever and releasing/firing randomly at lines of sweet innocent babies causing varying injuries/deaths then throwing their weapons down claiming innocence. He who holds the purse controls the purse strings-those strings need to be severed. I have scissors trying to use them.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

So grateful you narrate posts. This is a very powerful podcast. Your own thoughts take it to a different level.

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Going through;

I have information and references about polio and smallpox at the end of this essay. My prior vaccine posts are HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

While the topics are horrifying there is something exhilarating going on the journey with a doctor questioning so much of what is presented as unquestionable

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Im a journalist now ha

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An investigative journalist + rabble-rouser.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Darling little girl brought in by her Papa to work today for a visit...she was on her way to get her shots said Dad.

Oh dear God, please help us.

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Thanks Dr. Yoho. The expansion of the autism spectrum just pure evil profiteering greed by the megapharma$. Expanding their financial take, from the original harm caused by the baby & infant "vaccination" indoctrination satanic scam.

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Nice rant and true

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I cannot figure out where the Tsunami paper is to download. Where is the link? Great article. Terrifying. Thsnk you

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I found it. I listened to the audio and checked the email page for the charts. I did not understand I needed to click the title and go deeper to the original article. I found the link toward the end. Thank you

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check his original, referenced at the link at the top. best

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In our Godless pro LGBTQA+ promoting USA where our evil Big Pharma's has paid over 5 billion in fruad fines & is a leader in cause of death ! According to the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study , or Dr. Nulls book, Death by Medicine.

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Autism and ADHD type disorders were 14X more likely in survey of extreme preterm vaccinated infants - April 2017


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I'm sure you've seen these articles. The Fluoride Controversy Never Dies https://www.acsh.org/news/2023/05/30/fluoride-controversy-never-dies-17093

Heavy metals have reached an all-time high in baby formula and food.

What began in Michigan in 1945 was a fraud. Fluoridated Water https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/fluoridated-water-fact-sheet

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

And please read "Turtles All the Way Down" edited by Mary Holland. Or "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins. Or "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime" by Peter Goetzsche. Or just about any book by Vernon Coleman (but he doesn't reference his material)...We did not eliminate smallpox by vax, by the way! Or polio or the Spanish Flu or any other so called 'disease'....

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