I'm a retired dentist, former site visitor for the Commission on Dental Accreditation, past commissioner and Vice-chair of the Joint Commission of National Dental Examinations, "beneficiary" of municipal water fluoridation (Grand Rapids, 1945, 1.0ppm...now 0.7ppm), and "recipient" of numerous amalgams (all replaced; however even some of the newer restorative material--mostly composites--contain known carcinogens) and four root canal therapies (none of which contain any "mercury"). Given that lengthy intro, you might expect me to pooh-pooh what has been claimed in this Substack piece. Besides the easy-to-denegrate numerous anecdotal entries in it, it is, overall, I am comfortable in saying that it is a spot-on appraisal (overall; there may be a few inaccuracies--minor as they may be) as to how far off the rails dentistry has gone. Dentistry is clearly no longer the same profession I entered fifty-plus years ago. Thank goodness I am long-retired. Like the medical profession, its allied research industry, medical schools, and professional organizations, dentistry, too, needs to be completely overhauled. The three points made in this Substack piece are a start. Quibbling with some of the small inaccuracies, anecdotes, and exaggerations will not be productive and nothing more than a distraction. Dentististry, too, needs a big-time fix. I applaud the making the points in the article. But the "baby with the bathwater" principle must be observed in the overhaul of dentistry as it should be in medicine. And it certainly should NOT be directed by the American Dental Association anymore than the AMA should in medicine. Break out the "Caution: Paradigm Shifting Ahead!" signs. They are overdue.

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Please blast me for any inaccuracies or leaps of logic: I learned at the feet of a real b**** of a reviewer, my dear friend M, who I met on line and never spoke to. She beat me about the head and shoulders daily for six months and I learned, learned, learned. She finally admitted that my Butchered book had merit, but a lot of its rigor was due to her.

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There is no faster way of getting better than getting your butt kicked.

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Don't be so hard on yourself. Kudos, Dude. Kudos. My detractions were majorly minor ones. Don't let them serve as a distraction. More studies, less bias is the cure for all unanswered scientific questions. Love your stuff.

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The main point is that you learn more from criticism than praise

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So experts just live the lie until they get caught?

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Once a bell is rung, it cannot be unrung. So catching them helps little.

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So many academics have quietly thumbed their noses at medical doctors for years. Hence why none of my PhD friends call themselves doctors.

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@ Reggie So now that many people replaced amalgam fillings with composites, what are we to do about composites that contain carcinogens. OMG the FAUX “do no harm” BS never.stops. There’s no way to keep up with all of these terrible practices.

I didn’t go to my dentist for three years due to X-rays and knowing a lot about the harms of dental care. I recently went and they said my teeth looked great which I was so thankful for albeit I did have some plaque (but it was minimal). The hygienist said if I hadn’t told her, she would have guessed it’d only been six months since I last came in for a cleaning.

Are there books or specific practices you recommend to keep us far far away from dentists (besides flossing, HP in your water pik, oil pulling etc)? Should we stay away from nuts and chips? Haha. I am serious though. I really don’t want to go to a dentist again for as long as I live but I’m the young age of 60 so not sure how realistic that is. BTW, from all appearances I have fabulous teeth. No amalgams but composites for sure. It feels like it’s a losing battle with our teeth and dentists because as you age, it seems the teeth wear down.

As people age, what do you recommend for bad teeth? Can you save them? Are you familiar with CD? Do you recommend that? How do you keep your teeth healthy if you want to live to 80 plus? Sorry for all the questions but answers are so appreciated.

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I'm really curious what your mercury test results would be if you did some weeks of mineral supplementation and then tested. My godfather was my dentist, he put in my amalgams right before he died of cancer, so its something I've been mulling over for a long time.

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There was a debate back when I practiced about the differences between methyl- and ethyl-mercury compounds and that one of them was the more deleterious and the other was the compound that is released from amalgam. I am not a source for information except to say testing for elemental mercury may be a case of comparing apples to orangutans. In other words, I'm clueless on this subject except to say that I no longer trust any -- and I mean ANY -- professional organization to assist with the studying of concerns of this magnitude.

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I'm reviewing EMF now and it's dangers are three orders of magnitude worse than amalgams

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About deodorant. Not to sound too stinky, but if we are talking about health here. Our bodies are designed to sweat. Sweating helps get rid of toxins in our bodies. If we could invent a pill that designed to make us not sweat, I'm sure people would think that is great. However they would find out real quick just how important it is to our health to sweat. Can you imagine if someone said I hate the smell of urine so I decided to take a pill, or apply something on my body, to stop urinating.

I believe if we were able to somehow clog up our underarms and stop the sweat, then we are asking for trouble with our lymph nodes around our underarms. Our bodies have a very important lymph system and it is extremely important to our health to allow our lymph system to do it's job. It is important to our health that we don't clog up our lymph system. Sometimes not only are we clogging up our natural waste system, thus messing up our lymph, we are putting heavy metals under our arms on purpose to clog up our lymph system. Fun fact. How many times have you heard people talking about having cancer in their lymph systems? Wonder how many of cancer patients routinely clogged up their waste exits in their bodies by using some type of deodorant, and their lymph system got clogged up. Don't clog up your waste exits in your body if you don't want cancer!!

Now lets get back to the stink problem. No one wants to stink. Did you know if you did manage to eat and drink a clean diet that eventually your underarm sweat wouldn't stink. You would still sweat though, but a clean non-processed diet, and that means practically the elimination of pharma drugs too, then you aren't expelling so much toxic stinky waste and therefore you just don't really stink when you do sweat.

Something to think or stink about.

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that "Life doesn't stink" deodorant is waxy and clogs pores

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Yeah when it comes to cancer there are I believe a plethora of root causes that aren't being addressed. On the food comment I have noticed how restaurant food tends to change my smell. interesting.

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Everyone remember the sweetened, pink fluoride pills they gave us in elementary schools?

Serious question: how could any 'expert' ever be trusted again?

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💯 Robert’s books reveal the shit show that mainstream med has become in gory detail.

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thanks for the rec, Tony!

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Hate supporting amazon(skull&bones) but agreed with Tony above.

Available in Canada and worth it.

Cassandra's Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths https://a.co/d/5eXYhxu

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Pretty sure I once ate 12 tablets at once, as a 6 year old. But I am sure they got consent right?

The possible mechanisms of fluoride toxicity are (29):

(a) As the fluoride comes in contact with mois ture this results in the formation of hydrofluoric acid and this acid formation results in burning of tissues due to low pH.

(b) Inhibition of nerve impulse or nerve function is due to the fact that calcium forms chemical complexes with fluoride leading to hypocalcemia and ultimately results in inhibition of physiological nerve functioning.

(c) Cellular poisoning results due to inhibition of enzymes required for the physiological functioning of cells.

(d) Hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia result in elec-trolyte imbalance and eventually result in distur-bances in cardiac rhythm.

(e) Fluoride is one of the most reactive elements. In the case of a toxic amount of fluoride in the body, fluoride attacks oxygen and disrupt the metabolism resulting in the production of hydrogen peroxide as a product. In addition, fluoride results in excessive production of free radicles that disrupt the antioxidant formation


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Yep. I remember. I begged my parents to not have to take it. You know how well that went. What parent EVER listens to a 5th grader?

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Seriously?! When and where was this?

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USA late 1960s.

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Candied fluoride pink death in the 80's in Canada (for myself)!

And I just asked my friend (40y/o Canadian), she said: "no candies but we had a fluoride rinse at school every Thursday - most kids swallowed."

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After grade school THEY didn't bother us anymore with it. I don't know if they continued with it for the younger kids.

Swallowing the rinse...😖🤢🤮

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I can only imagine the wonderful world we would manifest if good were rewarded instead of evil.

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from a good dude

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I used to get so many fillings regularly. It’s a miracle my teeth are still in my mouth. About 10 years ago I realized I was eating terrible and causing myself chronic disease. I completely changed my diet and I learned about the Microbiome and how important good bacteria is to the human body. After cutting out refined grains, sugar, processed meat, food additives and other processed foods like vegetable oils, my tooth decay stopped. I no longer have receding gums. I also increased my intake of veggies and legumes and other nutrient packed foods. I now use a clay-based toothpaste that taste terrible, but it helps mineralize the teeth. I floss at least once a day. I have decent gaps that food gets stuck in. I doubt I even need the toothpaste though. I now eat a diet that both supports healthy bacteria living in my mouth (and entire nobody) and my body no longer has to rob calcium from my teeth and bones to buffer my body from being overly acidic.

I also no longer have bad breath. If I eat refined carbohydrates (like after going to a wedding or a party with friends or something), I wake up with horrible breath.

My body odor has slowly been decreased as well. I can smell bad after a day or two of hard work and not showering but it’s nothing like it was before. I rarely use deodorant and if I do, it’s a natural homemade version with very few ingredients. All the toothpaste’s, mouthwashes, and most other scented toiletries are usually just masking microbiome problems, which are indicators of high risk of chronic disease.

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Interesting timing. I had part of a dentist damaged tooth break off two days ago. I haven't gone to dentists in years because of the damage they do and the cost. A sealer or resin filling would take care of the tooth but I can't find a dentist who will just simply do that. It is a crime that the work of Weston Price wasn't the rule for dentistry from his time. His discovered that proper eating yields healthy solid bones and teeth. Thanks for getting the word out.

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biological dentists are the ticket

using mercury amalgams is a great evil

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I well understand about the mercury, but a lifetime too late. I don't have the likely $30,000 to go to a biological dentist to replace all the amalgam fillings I have. I will opt for using chelators and bolstering my health with careful eating and living. As to my immediate problem, I asked at a dentist office how much to just diagnose and make recommendations for my broken tooth and they wanted $215 even before any exam for my broken tooth. I wouldn't be surprised if my final bill with all their extras, would be $1000+ for a filling. As always I will do my research and make do. Thanks for sounding the alarm. Perhaps you could come up with solutions for people who are living hand to mouth. Biological dentists are a luxury for the well to do.

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I still have a gap from the time I couldn't afford a root canal treatment and had to have it taken out. Now could pay for rc but can't afford having that gap filled LOL

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It is a little wonder how those old humans managed to have strong teeth without fluoride supplementation, or millions of Africans of today, for that matter.

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With everything going on, it sure seems like they have been trying to poison us for many decades. Some of this will be eliminated by your body, but we have no way of knowing what might remain. Thanks for another area of "health" I can no longer trust.

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Tooth “paste” :

Warm water and salt.

This was strongly recommended by Mother Rita, of unknown old age. She had the most beautiful set of, somewhat incongruous, perfect pearly whites. Last I heard of her she was seen riding down the high school hallway on a skate board in 1980s.

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Yikes I need to make a lot of changes to my daily routine.

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A while ago (about 8 months) I began to brush with real salt. My mouth (I have had gum issues like forever) is better than it's been in a very long time.

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sounds nasty but I'll try it!

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Eh... not nasty, just getting used to. I feel it's more effective than baking soda because the salt mixed in with fluids gets in the crevices and does good work there. overnight. Baking soda, though, is better at scrubbing the teeth clean.

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I've been using baking soda (following H2O2 rinse) but will start adding salt to it. Why not?! Thanks erin :-))

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had bleeding gums during the fake pandemic.

experimented keeping my toothbrush in super salty water between brushings.


WORKS 100%✅

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great suggestion. sounds icky but I'll try it.

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A1 info...manyThanks...here's a BFTP...decades ago, an old farmer recalled that whenever he paid his doc a visit, he was told to see his dentist first & 'oddly' enough that would resolve his ailment...go figure...a doc with scruples!

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I changed to a biological dentist about 10 years ago. Removed all amalgams and root canals. I'm so thankful I have this resource where I live. And I buy all personal care products at the local health food store, plus I get a couple of prescriptions from a local compounding pharmacy. When I see pharmacies like CVS and Walgreen's I just see McDonald's medicine. Junk!

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Fantastic post, Robert. I’m 100% with you on the dental care and body care. The baking soda can sting for the first few days as your body acclimates. One suggestion: I’ve not done the in-depth research, but it might be a better practice to find another brand than Arm & Hammer such as Bob’s Red Mill. It’s not cheap and doesn’t come in 13lb bags, but I’m guessing it’s processed with fewer impurities in the pipeline.

In a similar vein, showering every day in chlorinated water is another habit that should be stopped. Getting a filter on the shower head is a simple solution. Man! I should start a Substack! 😉

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Yes Bob's Red Mill is amongst the safest. Most baking soda is chemically extracted, Bob's is not.

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Yes with the Red Mill baking soda. Makes all the difference. Thats all I use.

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Thanks. What an insight into just how invasive their evil products are into all of our lives.

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Yes I knew none of this until a month ago. This is part 1 of 3.

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Yup. Had all the amalgam removed from my mouth about 14 years ago by my ex, the holistic dentist. Immediately felt better, slept better, less anxiety and I could drink hot or cold liquids without pain. You’re spot on!

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Thank you Dr Yoho for another important article on staying healthy. Such great advice!

A few months ago I had the best dental cleaning ever in my life. The hygienist had already recommended a hydroflosser and Dental Herb oil for gum inflammation, so I started using a water pik. Instead of using a lot of the oil ($40 per bottle), I started brushing with baking soda and then using hydrogen peroxide in the water pik water. Had the least amount of plaque ever, especially in my lower front teeth which was always torture.

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Amalgams supposedly support terrible dentition and I'm hoping when I get mine out I will have less plaque. Currently I go in every 3 months.

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Good on you dr. Yoho. I was going to say "good luck" but realised that luck will have very little to do with it. I'm your age and had quite a few amalgams and used to suffer from migraines. Funnily enough not being celebs follower and a rebel all my life, when I heard that princes Diana had hers removed I decided to have mine removed as well. It was done with the proper protection too. It took some 6-7 months for the migraines to vanish. Never look back, so after all, Good Luck!

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I'm scheduled for August

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Praying for a very positive result!especially neurologically as well for you!! Glad you’ll let us know!❤️🙏

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Have you tried cutting refined carbs, sugar, and alcohol? And adding fermented foods at each meal? My husband is getting his final amalgams out, so that's what we did as we tried to figure out what to do. It worked for the plaque, hence I think the microbiome of his mouth must have stabilized during the food invention, before the amalgam removal.

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Arrrgggghhh. I can't take anymore :(

But thanks for the info. Making changes now.

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two more related posts to drop soon, sorry!

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Verrrry much looking forward! Thank you in advance.

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