I can give testimony to the difficulties of imported drugs as a retired community pharmacist.

There was one case of a Lupus patient, Charlene, whose mail order Feldene contained steroid, eventually resulting in joint replacement (hips). She was unable to receive any compensation for this because the mail order company was mandated by her provider (Humana).

It's a fucked up situation for sure.

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I've never heard a story quite like that. Do you want to chat? You might be someone I could bring on a podcast. Just reply to any of these emails if you are interested.

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I would only do so anonymously. I worked in multiple states and at multiple pharmacies (24 at last count), never got in trouble for a prescription error, but I was involved (being the Pharmacist in Change) in one death from a prescription properly filled but at 10X the dose, a truly fucked up situation, which I would have corrected if I had been on duty.

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that works

reply to this substack and I'll give you my phone

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Sure, Doc.

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One more thing, the Doctor who was my granddaughters' pediatrician, was ultimately at fault, simply misread the label, leading to the OD.

This case is so much more complicated than that, however.

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"A 1970 Indian law allowed copying patented drugs. The only requirement was that the manufacturer had to alter some step in their process. "

this sure sent up a red flag for me. There was an infamous incident in the USA of tryptophan from one manufacturer in Japan where a single step was altered and the product sickened 1500 and killed 37 consumers.

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For awhile you couldn't buy tryptophan, because it was made in Germany. (According to pharmacy employees.)

Was this like what was done in Japan?

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Tryptophan had a problem with being poisoned.

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One step in the manufacture had been changed, so what was produced was not the expected 'tryptophan', and it was poisonous, though no poison had been added to it.

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The tryptophan wasn't tryptophan, just as cyanocobalamin isn't methylcobalamin.

The conversion of cyanocobalamin into methylcobalamin requires two enzymes that some people's bodies do not make, so taking cyanocobalamin doesn't give them the benefits of taking the naturally occurring methylcobalamin.

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When will we execute Fauci, Birx and most FDA and CDC officials over covid vax mandates☠️

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Holding our breath might be ill advised

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They have to be indicted first.

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It will become another JFK assassination thing...say in about 60-70 years.

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Is this the reason for all the recalls? Old Roy's recall got 150 brands. I buy NOTHING PURNIA MAKES.

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You can look at this: https://www.petful.com/recall-lists/dog-food-recalls/ regarding recalls.

Educate yourself on ingredients, read labels, and decide for yourself, not what some web site says to buy. And AAFCO is as bad or worse than FDA, so their guidelines are like vaxx guidelines.

In fact, you're fooling yourself if you are buying any "name brand," they are all filled w/garbage and synthetic "vitamins." Home cooked or raw is the healthiest for your furry friends. And even with better smaller brands NEVER KIBBLE!

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I already cook for them, it's cheaper too. I do read the labels. Even my pullets get table scraps or I'll make a pot of beans with rice, leftover meats. Grab some clover out of the non-sprayed backyard. They are larger than many the same age already.

I have more trouble feeding myself, which is why I garden, so I know what is in it. Those tin cans of fruit have tasted of metal for decades.

No jabs, no covid either.

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Any good sites or recommendation for cats? I have 3 and have been giving some cooked chicken.

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The happiest and healthiest cats I know are fed raw diets. Felines are carnivores no question. They are notorious for not drinking enough fluids so need the moisture through their diets for their bodies to function properly. I know so many cats with urinary tract issues/kidney disease, diabetes, etc which is completely preventable with a wet/raw diet. (I’m a professional pet sitter).


Kibble is equivalent to McDonald’s as far as I’m concerned. What would my body look and feel like if I ate McDonald’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day?? 🤢🤕

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Thank you! I have three and have been giving them a bit of chicken thighs for dinner with some Iams dry.

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Do you mean Purina?

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It's so sad Americans are so lonely and so lost to there inter selfs, that they will take anything handed to them from anyone with the title Doctor.

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Natural Grocers began in 1955 and has 166 stores in 21states.

They've never needed to import anything from China.

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Subtack wouldn't let me crosspost.


Worst Economy since Reagan inherited Carter's https://gailhonadle.substack.com/p/where-is-our-baby-formula-why-does

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BABY FORMULA AND FOOD are IN COUNTRY MADE for reasons like this, And removing the label of Country of Origin is a really bad idea. On fresh produce, those little stickers like bananas, apples, etc give NO info. Another reason they are pushing the Unicoin digital money.

I rarely eat bananas because of the high sugar content, I Bought just 1 as a treat, adjust my food intake to compensate, and this is my second day sick with diarrhea and feeling pukey. If you buy them green, the next day they are yellow, and the next brown spots are forming 4th-day real brown, with bad spots inside.

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May 3, 2023
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Like they are hiding the 18% increase in house-ins? Kennedy questions Wright in Banking hearing on Flood Insurance

Making a fool out of this idiot.


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May 3, 2023
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RFK jr endorsed Hillary, and campaigned for Obama. He also backed John Kerry and supports WEFer Al Gore. May as well roll over and let Klaus Schwab mark your ballot for you.

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And the generics are suggested by our physicians bc of lower pricing.

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They are going to 3D print JABS. Already adding to farm animal vaxes. Dogs. cats, and soon all human faxes. Wouldn't doubt it's in this year's Flu shot.

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Never taken a flu shot. If flu viruses exit how does the pharmaceutical industry know which will be prevalent in the future (ie get the Vax in September for flu coming in December). I hardly ever get sick but it seems all my family and friends that get the flu shot do.

Stop getting all vaccines. Yes I am an anti vaxer. But I’ve read a lot about the subject and made up my own mind.

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Meta analyses of flu shots: they don't work. ALL vaccines, like EVERY psych drug have NEVER been studied against true placebos. That means they are s@@@.

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I got coerced into 2 Bird and 1 other bad one, up till then never had the Flu, we had no childhood vaxes either, and I'm the only 1 who got the Smallpox vax because it was free. TB Tine tests were routine then at school.

Graduated HS before all the mandates started. Still don't take any. Meds are daily or they don't get taken, those I won't take I put on my Reaction list all they have to say is GERD or HIVES. Statins and heart drugs are bad Robert does a good job of educating about them. Lasix is my heart med. White Coat/Road Rage drivers and Pain drive my BP up. Lots of supplements.

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In pretty much the same camp.

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That's why my mantra is no more shots, ever.

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The only thing I buy on amazon any more is an occasional digital book. These can't be faked. But maybe they can using chat-gpt which I wouldn't put past a corrupt marketplace like amazon.

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This was interesting and different. Good stuff.

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I am not surprised in the least.

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I've never heard a story quite like that. Do you want to chat? You might be someone I could bring on a podcast. Just reply to any of these emails if you are interested.

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. American Thinker: "If you have a chronic problem then search YouTube and the web and be wary of your doctor unless they are independent which is very rare in these days. You have to do it on your own unfortunately because even a knowledgable person can't help you because you can sue them. The whole system is rigged like nearly everything else. " https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/05/good_financial_news_spells_disaster_for_patients.html

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