Apr 12, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Love your articles! Went through surgery for bc, but turned down all chemo and drugs afterwards, after reading all of the medical data sheets I was provided. The toxicity of everything they wanted to pump me with and the potential serious side effects would have just served to destroy my health, not improve it. Some have been used for over 50-60 years and are than I am! Which begs the question, where DOES all of that cancer research money go? To more ridiculously expensive toxins...

Needless to say, doctors were not happy with me and the pressure was constant. They even suggested that maybe I didn’t like the oncologist? Nope, perfectly nice doctor who always commented how good and healthy I looked on the 2-3 occasions I met with him. But it’s easier to look for natural remedies than to willingly take poison.

All I can say is PLEASE DO NOT DONATE TO MAINSTREAM CANCER RESEARCH! Your money is better spent directly helping someone stay healthy than funding big pharma profits!

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I am looking for opinions on the best course of action (other than doing your best to stay healthy according to lifestyle choices) as far as health insurance for independent people. What is the best course if you want catastrophic coverage, but want to have as little to do as possible with the corrupted medical industry. A post on this would be great.

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You lose your rights at the time of birth, they chose to injec,t your child against Herpes, instead of testing the mother 1st. That heel prick is not just typing blood, it goes into a Government DNA database. 1st Dr visit, or school house door. But only if you don't know what they are. Choose your school comisioners wisely. If they are Woke/CRT avoid them. Better yet homeschool them.


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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Looking for perspectives in terms of tetanus... Getting tetanus is horrific. Outside of a shot, I've not heard of any treatment for this terrible threat. Will tetanus be mRNA? What can one do?

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for the information which is confirming, and sobering. I am married to a retired family doc (now 87 years old, so practiced in a different world of medicine), and used to say that the veterinarians and primary care docs (especially pediatricians and family docs) had the most in common because of their ethics and dedication to patients rather than profits. No longer. I don't trust any of them any more, and in most cases, that has grown to disdain.

Thanks for shining the light and standing for truth, Dr. Yoho. I just upgraded to a paid subscription.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

My late husband was killed by chemotherapy 10 years ago. It was a needless thing and absolute torture for him and me. He would have been much better off with no "treatment" (a.k.a. administration of extremely toxic substances). Our daughter was two at the time and it destroyed my life for three years. I had PTSD after what went on in the hospital. No need for anyone to go through that type of horror show.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great piece, thank you Robert.

This relates directly to what you have written


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This was an eye-opening post. I listened to the interview with the doc previously but we need to be reminded again and again about the insanity so we don't forget.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Have you checked out fenbendazole as a cancer cure? Hundreds of people have said they have cured their cancer with it, and their dog's cancer. I'm currently treating my dog's lymphoma with it, with my veterinarian's approval.



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Thanks Dr. Yoho.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Excellent...reads like a horror show where kids and parents are bullied by big pharma and doctors. They can push all the drugs they want, I ain't taking any of them even at age 73. However, this type of taking payola for pushing drug agendas speaks as to how low our medical system has fallen. All the way to the deepest gutter and beyond. This is proof that most doctors only care about incomes and they already make oodles of money from overcharging for and then under-delivering their services.

One would think that after an 16-18 year period in early youth of having received about 60-70 vaccinations, that these grown up adults would be protected against nearly anything. Sadly, that is no where near the case. The odds of children dying at young ages from any sickness or disease is extremely low and dying from any cause when you factor out accidents still very low.

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Can't give medical advice sorry

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Thanks so much for posting this! I am getting to it slowly, but I will share you with my teacher-training students and substack readers shortly!

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deletedApr 12, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)
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