Apr 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Damn. I skimmed and am going to go back later when I have more time but this is the 2nd time I've read fish oils are no good. My mom's cardiologist told her that that was why she was bruising more. I thought he was out of his mind. He's not a typical doctor that pushes drugs so I somewhat trust him. He also loves Del Bigtree which is a big bonus. I think you've convinced me to buy that half a cow. I've been eating tons of chicken and even though it's organic now I wonder if that's contributing to my arthritic pain. Great substack, thank you so much for always being on top of things!

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Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Yes, this has been my and my partner's experience. She removed long extant arthritis with increasing the healthy fats, including especially, butter, ghee and coconut fat. We also mostly eliminated grains and reduced the nightshades. We are vegetarian, and eat mostly low carb vegetables and, up until recently, eggs.

One of the interesting observations I have made from the experiences of my self and of other people, is that we mostly become un-global uni-dietists when something has worked so well. ONE DIET FOR EVERYONE, we champion in total obliviousness to 'Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.'

My ex-became ill with anything above a small amount of fat. I've known three vegans who were dyeing and restored themselves to life by including small amounts of red meat in their diet. The Petersons and other carnivores like them exist and their experience (and appearance) of health is difficult to dismiss.

Some people have had huge health improvements eliminating night shade plants from their diet. Eating mostly fruit.

Blood type and diet have some kind of relationship.

And dietary requirements change with the season and with time of life and with life experiences, pregnancy, injury or illness, etc. Will a carnivore be that for ever? [Shrug.] I suspect not likely, and yet it has cured people of serious health issues as a true medicine to be moderated after a time. For some.

For example, my body doesn't convert keratins to vit A very well, and when I've been 100% vegetarian, twice in my life, first in my mid-twenties and then when I was fifty-five, I developed gout. Ingesting butter, a natural source of Vit A cured it.

Ad infinitum.

Let us all move away from cabal-like demand for uniformity- conformity-think and cease insisting that anyone who doesn't agree with my particularly healthy dietary truth is wrong. Each of us have unique requirements that change, sometimes even daily. The real difficulty is that we have been thoroughly brainwashed to completely disregard the autonomy and power of our body's knowledge and so defer to others and dismiss others. 'The other' is a guide, only at the *beginning* of discovering that food is THE medicine. There are some common 'bad' things most every one agrees are unhealthy. Beyond that... the body knows and the body doesn't lie. Foods that make us unwell are sometimes subtle and may not be immediately evident and require patience, trust of bodily experience and 'intution' with an open ear to our bodies, and sometimes (oflten?) at some point the need to shut out the experts in order to reach optimal health.

A really interesting book to read is *The Yoga of Eating: Transcending Diets and Dogma to Nourish the Natural Self" by Charles Eisenstein. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/560130

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great stuff and finally some real health advice instead of all the corporate sponsored propaganda to increase profits. Most on petersens Lion diet Facebook page have an orthopaedic implant or dental work. People suffering from type4 allergy to their implants get relief from their symptoms from a red meat and fat diet. In fact it’s the only thing I can eat which doesn’t cause anaphylaxis. So this diet isn’t curing people who have type4 allergies to metals. It’s lowering inflammation which then improves symptoms. Mikhaila Peterson has type 4 allergy to metals from her implants

Of course the information in your story is correct and will improve the health of those who don’t have type 4 metal allergies too.

But it is not the whole story. There has been a campaign against us for decades to deny that metals cause harm led by big pharma. This is because it’s a huge threat to the profits and future plans of the pharma industry.

If people started avoiding metals they would have to avoid pretty much all pharmaceutical products.

In nz drs and psychiatrists are even aware of the corruption in the health system on metals. They are aware they have to wilfully misdiagnose people who have bad reactions to metals as they will be punished by the medical council if they don’t. They know the metals in vaccines cause neurotoxicity but aren’t allowed to tell people. They are required to diagnose them as mentally ill unrelated to vaccination.

So yes the problem is vegetable oils and carbs but in many people eating those things isn’t the cause. Metals are. But avoiding those foods mitigates the inflammation from the metal exposure

If we could get every 14 year old tested with the Melisa test it would be very revealing and adverse events to pharmaceutical products could be avoided as it’s those who have type 4 allergies to metals who are the people who have adverse events to pharmaceutical products. Test them all then tell those who are allergic to metals to avoid pharmaceutical products for the rest of their lives. Adverse events would be a thing of the past.

From cradle to grave the nz health system is actually set up with false policies in order to wilfully discriminate against those who have the gene mutations which make them susceptible to type4 metal allergies.

We are second class citizens and our lives are predetermined by fraudulent health policy which conceals the cause of our ill health to protect the pharmaceutical industry

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I agree. There is definitely something wrong with chicken in North America.

And I absolutely agree with you on vegetable oils.

Thank you

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Great stuff! Will have to re-read over a grass fed steak!

Thank you

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I have liistened to merccila for over a decade. As a biochemist I find his insight thought prokingly good. Biochemist ray peat and perfect health diet author's also good.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great summary of his book. I listened to it on audible, and I really believe that oils might be more of a problem than the carbs and sugar, it’s probably a combination of both. Glad you discovered magnesium in the dose that works for you. My most favorite physiologist that makes the most sense with regards to diet and supplements is still Dr. James DiNic.. he has cowritten books with all of the above experts.

I will definitely follow mercola‘s podcast-thanks for doing all the hard work and summarizing all the information here!

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Information about inflammation, low carb diets, proper nutrition- have been out there for decades. Dr Atkins was very big. Weston price did a lot 100 years ago. Linus Pauling. The medical establishment, especially registered dieticians, have been lying for decades. They've even sued people trying to get the word out - to shut them up.

I built a network of doctors, like mercola, al sears, Jon barron, a long time ago. When covid came around - they said early on - don't worry about covid - work on your own health and immune system.

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

The health information this post discusses us not new. About 20 years ago I was given a book to read by someone that was written by an Australian medical researcher. Her book was pointing out all the bad health advice the health authorities were giving us.

There was a chapter on vegetable oild and on animal fat. There was even a chapter on the danger of eating microwaved food. Each chapter also included the research that backed up what she was saying

That’s when I stopped eating vegetable oils and stopped using the microwave. I also avoided margarine because of her book. It was a paperback book and was one of the best books I’ve written but I then lent it to someone and i lost track of it. If I could remember her name I would try get another copy. So this information Mercola is promoting is not actually new information. It’s health information that has been continually ignored by our govts and health authorities in favour of harmful health advice.

From my observations through life the allopathic health system give bad advice in most areas of health. Advice which is the opposite of what they should be giving us. Advice which leads to more profits for pharmaceutical companies

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I credit Dr. Mercola and Dr. Eric Berg with my vastly improved health since I stopped going to allopathic doctors. There’s a lot to tell but I trust them.

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Very important hidden knowledge, very well summarized! Strategies such as these enabled me to get into the shape of my profile pic, from age 65. One small quibble: "Omega 6 fatty acids, including safflower, soy, sesame, and corn oils are PUFAs." I'd prefer to have read "Safflower, soy, sesame and corn oils are high in PUFAs, including Omega 6 fatty acids."

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

My memory is shaky on this. Several years ago I corresponded with a nutrition professor who authored a table of oils arranged in order of their Omega 3/6 ratio. The best one was SALMON OIL I urge you to investigate it. I've been unable to source a human-grade salmon oil. So I buy it in a pet store for dogs and store the open bottle in the freezer with small amounts for use in the fridge.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

You far too much credit to Mercola, he tends to rip off others and claim credit for himself. Auto immune and metabolic diseases can be cured with a low card diet, but the carb level mentioned is far too high to work. If you want to see the scientific basis for this I suggest the You Tube channel "Low Carb Down Under" where doctors and researchers give talks about the subject. This includes discussions of clinical trials.

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I am a fan of Mercola for a lot of things, but not for nutrition. He is completely out of his depth there, and the Peterson clan is a pathetic case of self-inflicted misery on that front. Nobody needs oil in any form, other than what naturally occurs in beans or avocado, and even then in moderation.

I stick with Whole Foods, Plant-Based nutrition, and Lifestyle Medicine, because it works, in my experience, and I am in touch with several doctors who have put patients on this program for years, and many decades in some cases. It is fairly well a proven thing by now and during the lockdowns there was

research published in BMJ based on British HCWs and the results showed the impacts of diets on the risk for "moderate to severe" Covid-19: Plant-based -73%, Mediterranean (oilive oil, some fish), - 59% and low carb/high fat (Atkins, Paleo, Keto, etc.) +22%. In short the highly inflammatory diets INCREASED the risk of Covid. That should have been obvious from the start. Dr. Brooke Goldner explains it in this video. https://youtu.be/4i358mYJwHs

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Isn’t the authors name ( of Everything You Believe is Wrong) William Briggs?

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