Children and teens are highly impressionable and easily led. If minors can't drink alcohol, they shouldn't be allowed to receive radical, life-altering, growth-compromising, health-endangering, immune-system-damaging, body-scarring trans operations, hormones and drugs. These are decisions to be made as adults. Leave the kids alone. Biden, Levine and all others who push for trans procedures on minors are depraved, twisted sewer rats - doctors included.

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A lot of this began when Planned Parenthood started teaching sex education in the schools, which later morphed into being able to transport young girls to the clinic for abortions during school hours without parental consent. The excuse had something to do with the scenario where the child might be being sexually assaulted by the father and so it wasn't possible for the child to get permission from the abusive father for an abortion. That doesn't really make sense if you think about it for very long because if that is the scenario, the child should immediately be taken from the home and put into a protected environment, but sound logic is not always the driver behind these things.

In my state, many years ago, someone called into the planned parenthood as a sting and pretending to be an underaged pregnant girl with a much older boyfriend and the planned parenthood representative was counseling her on how to get an abortion and that she shouldn't tell anyone about the relationship with the older man. This essentially amounted to protecting a pedophile. I actually do not know where the laws currently stand but the situation is a mess.

I remember listening to a popular radio show host and she was going on and on about the left trying to gain sexual access to children. It sounded crazy at the time, but I can see that there is a faction of the political left that does advocate for children to be put in a position where it is not considered wrong for them to make their own decisions about things that they are not capable of deciding, such as vaccines, sex, abortions, birth control, transitioning to a different gender etc. It makes sense that Big Pharma would be playing a roll in this because once you disrupt the normal health and wellbeing of a child as they are growing into adulthood, their risk of them becoming dependent on medications (and surgeries) for the rest of their life seems very high, which is a big win in the medical industrial complex. Children often either have insurance through their parents or they likely qualify for state and federal medical assistance. That's a big market that hasn't been tapped into traditionally because children have traditionally been fairly healthy but our society has embraced so many things that bring about poor health (endless vaccines, poor diet, medications, sedentary lifestyles, overuse of electronics, early sexualization, etc) that the need for medical intervention is reaching people at younger and younger ages in increasing percentages of the population. This is very sad to see play out. This is going to be catastrophic as less people grow into adulthood with the ability to function and be a productive, self-reliant member of society with the ability to raise a family.

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seems more like an infectious brain disease than a conspiracy, but conspiracy it is

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Probably some of both...

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The democrats are having trouble distinguishing between adults and children because their president is a dementia riddled child himself that has to take instruction from his handlers. And Kamala is not much better given her lack of ability to string together a coherent sentence on her own without repetition or giggling like a child.

This article is sad in so many ways, but some of this controversy has been going on since I was in middle school and I remember my parents fighting some of the sex Ed movements and allowing abortions for minors without parental consent. How can you ever hold a parent responsible for the well being of their minor child if the child is allowed to circumvent the parents consent? An abortion is ok, but a kid with a ibuprofen or Tylenol needs permission? So does the state take the responsibility of the minors welfare? Nonsensical.

It also saddens me that several kids my son went to college with were transitioning and that was totally normal to his age group. NOT NORMAL!!!

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These are not true Democrats. That breed no longer exists. At least not in political office holders. The GOP is only slightly less corrupt. Schwab did a better job penetrating the left than the right of our nation. The rot on the left is progressing faster. That's all.

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The idiots may be dumb but they’re not stupid to what they’re doing. They know very well that kids are being destroyed. They don’t care: they promote it, possibly even for their own kids( probably much less than for everyone else).

All flags point to depopulation with absolute disregard for human intrinsic value. Like every other evil they claim to espouse.

Clever is the word I reluctantly use to describe those following the strategic disposition of the far left.

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we need to realize we are dealing with psychopaths

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Fascist dictator's usually have lousy morals and make terrible role models for the sane. They don't play well with others.

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Those graphs. Wow.

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I'm your fanboy, Matthew

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We are all doing work and sharing. I am enjoying reading.

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It is part of the population elimination program https://open.substack.com/pub/frederickrsmith/p/population-control-of-the-peoples-964

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This is quite simple to understand. Despite all of the tech, people are as dumb or dumber than ever before in the history of man.

There is nowhere to turn, you simply have to accept it. You know full well as a doctor, you cant fix stupid. The entire beauty of this is, they will no longer be able to submit to the gene pool.

So in 30 or 40 years that portion of the population will be wiped out.

Will this be a bad thing?

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Will you survive their stupidity though? You didn't have to believe in witches to get killed in 17th century Salem.

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Well, I am not in western countries. So I am not to afraid. The LBGTQ groups are having a difficult time in Central America getting the same traction.

Dont get me wrong. I dont wish for this. But the results are inevitable.

The absolute destruction of western society.

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Kevin, never predict the future. Many battles have been won by inferior forces, and we vastly outnumber the opposition. Their advantages are zero if we win the psychological game, and they are attacking our psychology because they do not have the strength to win another way.

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We have very few wins. And the wins we have are ignored or lied about. A majority of the public still believes them. Very little is truth. Thank you for replying.

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Thanks Dr. Yoho. Indeed the trans infection is in full swing now.

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I think Cassandra was censored from Amazon because of the TG sections, so I changed them to links.

Stay tuned

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I would love to read an article of similar truth weight regarding the universal active and passive acceptance and support of official narratives of false flag events on U S soil over the last half century by puppeticians of all political parties. That reality makes liars of all accessories after the fact who fed the big lies, such as doctors, hospitals, medical staff, police, attorneys, judges, legislators and journalists.

Vivek Ramaswamy for president!

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The doctors continue to shock me

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When I was growing up the only drugs that were advertised on TV were aspirin and alkseltser. In the last few decades big pharma sponsors most of the programing and the drug adds are disturbing. The possible side effects are worse than the disease, but they are protected just by stating this on the add, and they have blanket immunity as well by doing this. they say we warned you about the possible side effects, and you took it, so it is not our fault. The matrix is real, and we have been brainwashed by public schools, Allopathic Rockefeller medicine. This the Malthusian eugenics anti-human cabal at its peak, and due to technology advancements, they are about ready to do away with the unless eaters on the planet to enable them and their blood lines to rule what is left. Read the book, Murder by Injection and see who was behind the beginning of this trend. The plan goes back centuries and is made clear in the book, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire, Its origins, Evolution, and Anti-Human Outlook, by Robert Ingraham. They play the long slow game, and like the tortoise and the Hare steady and slow wins this game.

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Great and truthful. One thing I will point out about the vaccines that no one is talking about is the scientific fact that graphene oxide is present in these jabs, and it has been shown to self-construct into clusters that appear to be planned by design. Why don't the various group involved in pushing back against the covid fraud saying anything about this? I have contacted all of them but so far, no answers.

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My brother - who was undecided on whether or not to take the toxic jab - asked his 18-year-old son what his thoughts were.

The son replied … “It’s no big deal”.

Yup - children are capable of making informed decisions. .. <sarcasm and rolling eyes in disgust>.

Both took the jabs and are well on their way with boosters. … It’s no big deal. !!

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I don't understand this type of behavior between your brother and his son either. I have seen this behavior in that age group...too. What the heck? Parents can't seem to be the adult and play stupid with their children. Just nonsense. I fear for our civilization as we are headed for barbarism.

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All part of the depopulation plan. Push homosexuality and transgenderism

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