Amen. I have had very similar experiences to you. I'm probably most mystified by the younger generation who believes lock stock and barrel everything they hear on the mainstream news. They are so healthy yet they are getting boosted out the wazoo. I too have been canceled by part of my children and their wives for simply telling them to please be cautious untested gene editing mixtures with no long term studies. But that got me canceled also. The ones who did not fully cancel me simply don't listen. Thanks for explaining the acronym because I was getting ready to Google it! One son says he simply deletes every email I send before reading it. I've given up. As for my 7 young grandchildren I just can't think of it , it's simply too horrendous. And I have no power to prevent. Thank you For your wise words
Later on when the truth comes out .. they will appreciate what you tried to do . The phones are making the situation worse with the young ones they are addicted to them and brainwashing them further so it’s very difficult to get through. At least you have tried .
I pray for your family, that with the first or second serious event after the vaccines, that the victim lives to be treated and cured (not by allopathy of course but by detoxing and prayer).. and that it turns them into eager listeners to your counsel.
I feel for you. But they will realize that you were wise and they should have listened.
Yes they have truly outsourced their thinking to MSM..and they now have tik tok brain. It's not much..but you should be very proud of yourself..takes guts to tell people truths they don't want to hear..and its lonely. I know this was written a while ago..has anyone come back to you by now (summer 2024) and said you were right? Or do they just want to forget the entire thing and don't mention the "died suddenly ". .?
You final question nails it. "Or do they just want to forget the entire thing and don't mention the "died suddenly ". .?"
And now in the same category as covid, early treatment, died suddenly is the Trump assassination attempt, Middle East exploding, Bidens dementia, the horror of Kamala. the Olympics offensive opening many unmentionables to keep track of to
Buying a gun...I think about it lots. Then I think about how I might have to use it. Will I be able to stop a hungry mob intent on breaking into my abode? Stop the fake police who might want to arrest me for not being a wokie or for being an anti-vaxxer? How about UN troops invading our country and cities as directed by WHO?
Big pharma is intent on controlling every aspect of the medical system. They want more and more childhood vaccines. They want to destroy the supplement industry. They want doctors to tow the drugs-only-line. They control the medical schools and the AMA. They refuse to do honest trials and studies. They spend $billions on advertising and less on true research. And they outright lie as we have seen with mRNA poisons.
No doctor may be a go-to in an emergency but otherwise, I trust him not even though he appears to be a decent person. He has been indoctrinated by big pharma and how do I trust that?
I had to change my PCP within the last year. I had a very good doctor, but moved out of the area.
My initial visit with the new PCP doctor told me all I needed to know. The small waiting room had Big Pharma unopened packs of drug brochures everywhere!
Then I waited over one hour for a five minute appointment. I needed a referral to ANOTHER doctor for hernia surgery. The damn hernia doctor was on speed dial!
That surgery was last December...what a PTSD situation! That was the incident that did it for me !
HOLISTIC HEALTH is the way to go, unless absolutely necessary! What a wake up call!
Mary, I “had” a hernia…an incisional hernia from my cancer surgery. I had to have surgery…I don’t think there’s another option. It still bothers me, but it’s “cured”. I had an abdominal lyproscopic (sp) surgery.
I had to sit down to write this -- I use a standing desk, but I was tired and standing was taxing my brain.
The most compelling part of this post to me, was what you considered mistakes. I will start there.
- WRT to family, I had a similar experience, but I do not believe the outcomes of the decisions of my family are on me (or yours on you). If we don't treat family members as full fledged adults -- which means letting them make their own decisions and live with the consequences -- then we aren't treating them with respect. This ranges from a teenage child all the way to an elderly parent IMO. If my family members (and close friends) who LISTENED and DECIDED on their own to take the risk, then the consequences (which were hardly definitive and the risk assessments were highly subjective at the time) are on them.
- WRT to listening, I have felt the precise exasperation that oozes from this post. In fact, in my own career I have experienced it many times. I have a slightly different perspective on it now based on decades of experience mentoring and training a lot of people.
-- I can listen to advice, but it won't mean anything if I don't have relevant experience to judge it by. When I was younger, I tried reading career and advice books and they meant absolutely nothing to me because I did not have contextual experience to relate to it. Now, when I read them, I say, ahh, yes, but without my own HARD earned mistakes, they would be nothing more than trite tidbits of generic advice. I have learned it is experience that provides the critical context and sadly often requires totally messing it up myself first, or at least having a first hand view of someone else messing it up.
-- I believe the best thing a good guide can do is gently steer the person into situations where the mistakes matter less, or they get a really good view and learn the right lesson (this is critical) of someone else really messing things up. There is no substitute for experience. I believe this is why a rules filled environment slowly fails, because people have to be allowed to screw things up, or they simply don't know why the rules are there.
I believe someone else not listening also has to do with me the deliverer of the message. As I get older and have seen so many things, I want to share it all. I think that's a big mistake again, because we all suffer from the curse of knowledge. Others do not share our experience, so they simply won't see things the same way, it's impossible. A lot of times less is more.
I think from a writing perspective, you pack a lot of different ideas into long posts. That's really hard to consume especially in this day and age, where we are stuck curating our own information since there are few trustworthy media sources. I suspect you could break this post up into 2-3 different posts and that would be a lot easier to consume.
I also completely understand that takes precious time... But that would make the story you're telling a lot more consumable.
I could write more, but then I would be ignoring my own advice. :)
I made my posts longer when I saw the success of A Midwestern Doctor. His are often 7000 words plus. My ideal is 1500 but there's an appetite for far more.
Yes, good point and I just went and reviewed his last couple of posts. I think there is one small differentiating point with his (recent) posts.
Those posts are on deep topics, and the title expounds the topic itself. Maybe that is what I am unconsciously picking up on. In this post here, I was not sure what you were going to talk about until I got to the excerpt part at the bottom and TBH, I got captured by the mistakes section as a compelling story in and of itself. In fact, your whole post starts as a story (a compelling one), not as a reference guide for communicating in these times.
In a way, the two sections almost compete, because the idea behind DFL ("freaking") implies the fault of the receiver, while clear instructions on delivery implies that those curating the message need to do better.
I certainly appreciate summaries at the top of very long posts, because then I can decide if I'm going to commit XXX minutes to dive in, or simply scan the good bits. I might flag the post to read later when I have more time to commit to it (like I did with your EMF post).
I don't think the success of MWD is due to the super-long length of her articles. Many people (me included) have suggested more than once that if they were shorter we would be able to send them on to others, but cannot because most people would not read such lengthy posts. So i think many of us just skim them, and if i didn't have a text-to-speech program i would barely participate.
Thankfully, all of my children and my husband listened to me. I had been telling them about the dangers of vaccination for about 2 years prior to the pandemic, which is when I took a deep dive into the literature. I found out how fraudulent the industry was at that time, although I had always been skeptical.
I think it helped that I had been teaching my children where good health comes from for over a decade. It doesn’t come from a medical injection or a pill. It comes from diet and lifestyle choices that aren’t to be found in the medical community. The medical community is sick care, which care usually results in short term benefits and long term health destruction.
It’s really sad what has happened as the field of medicine morphed into the medical industrial complex. But as individual citizens, one of the reasons it has gotten so out of hand, is because we expect them to be in charge of our health. We put the responsibility on them for our health and safety, which is a fool’s errand for doctors and nurses and hospital administrators. Doctors cannot choose what goes in our mouth at each meal (or between meals), how much movement we get in a day and how we handle stress and relationships so doctors make poor arbiters of health. The only person who can be in charge of our health is us. When we expect doctors to keep us healthy, we become part of the dysfunctional system that can only offer pills, injections and surgeries. That kind of system is easily taken over by profit seeking entities who can easily manipulate all the data, research and behavior of medical professionals. That system profits off of poor health so it’s actually a conflict of interest when we expect them to be in charge of our health and our sickness. Only one of those things brings in money.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that the dysfunction and criminality found in the medical system could not exist if people recognized and took responsibility for their own health. Anyone who does, seems unlikely to fall for such foolishness as an experimental gene therapy that makes the industry billions of dollars without ever showing any sort of significant benefit (about 1% absolute risk reduction of mild to moderate symptoms and completely ignored mortality effects, which should have been the only endpoint of a study). We the citizens, for the most part, willingly brought this on ourselves. And we have the power to take it back and stop the fraud whenever we choose to be responsible for our own individual health.
Completely agree. People need to grow their own (and learn to forage) and support small local farmers who use good practices. It's expensive and time consuming but it's what is required to avoid the processed food trap. It’s called “convenience food” for a reason.
Thank you for the time and effort you put into trying to spread truth in such a hostile environment. I too find that most people are intellectually lazy and would rather simply believe what is easy and fed to them by professionals and industries that have huge conflicts of interests. I will share your post with all my contacts. A few will listen.
Sadly, along the same lines, our dietary guidelines food pyramid is upside down on purpose. The panels who decide on the “proper” advice are also shills of both big pharma and processed food giants. There is ZERO science to support the recommendation of 6-11 servings of grains daily or roughly 70% of our calorie intake and a boat load of science showing that doing so leads to a host of metabolic illness. This, I firmly believe, was done with purpose in mind - to keep the population fat, sick and docile. Thanks to the outstanding work of independent scientists and journalists the word is out and many of us are learning on our own how to improve and remain healthy. I’ve zero trust in the captured CDC, FDA and the rest of the tyrannical alphabet associations. We’re on our own and need to share our knowledge with those we love and beyond.
Here I thought my adult children wouldn’t listen to me because I wasn’t a doctor! can you imagine having such a fantastic father, that is also a doctor, and then not listening to his advice on the deathVAXX?
Great article. However, I did question how your kids’ taking of the vax and subsequent side effects (hopefully, none) would be “on you.” As adults, they made their own choices so it’s on them. They were fortunate, indeed, to have you to warn them but it’s sad that they did not take heed. I do shudder to think about those misinformed parents who made their kids take the vax (who were too young to decide for themselves) and will then learn how very wrong they were. I guess it would be better for them if they did not learn this, since they will never be able forgive themselves if something bad happens.
Yep. I'm not a doctor. It's amazing what that effing white coat does for compliance.
I, too, feel like Cassandra. I had the discussion with a dear friend, she took it, I asked her to stop boosting, she just said, "take it, already, so you can go to shows and travel & stuff!" She now has a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Which she likely could've defended against until she folded her proteins . . . .
And I can't say a word, what's the point? To say - oh, you're gonna die now, but you wouldn't have if you hadn't taken the thamn ding. And I get to watch her decline. It's heartbreaking, and she is only ONE story. She DFL, and she won't.
My Pain Doctor’s a good man. But he was shocked when I explained I’d never take the jab long before it was available in early 2020. I even asked him if he’d still treat dissenters like me once the vaxxes were released. He thought about it for a moment and said yes. Of course, he vigorously and dramatically tried to overcome my argument my having Factor V was more than enough reason for me to avoid the shots.
He also was stunned later in 2022 when I decided since the Botox for my migraines was a chilled injectable, I no longer trusted it either. No potentially hidden mRNA for me, thanks.
From his perspective, I’m doing everything against my own best interests. Seeing he’s constantly updating with Boosters, I think the same of him. Although I’m no Doctor, I know my words have power and I’m
trying to educate him in my own very low-key way. I don’t know how he ignores all the horrible information about the jabs that’s out, especially since he brought up Joe Rogan’s infamous interview with vaxx apologist Sanjay Gupta a while back concerning the Ivermectin I told him I’m on as a prophylactic.
We’re both standing our ground.
Still, I care about his life and well being, so I remember him, his wife and his kids in my prayers. Seeing they’re continually updating with the latest Booster, I’m braced for the dreaded news I don’t want to hear.
I liked your “long winded” article. The point I took away is that in all industries sales perks influence decisions. Being in a position of awarding or evaluating contracts with my recommendation or opinions I understand how salesmen work. My “opinion” may cause financial problems for the business if I’m wrong. But the medical profession is different because now it’s not financial consequences but a humans life. Therefore the pharmaceutical industry practice of influencing a doctor should be highly restricted.
People are not stupid and many of us distrust doctors and hospitals because of the Covid hoax. We understand a vaccine is not superior to natural immunity and now are vindicated that it is a shown fact the vaccine does not stop transmission of the pathogen. In my opinion the use of ventilators and the poison Remdesivir were more deadly than the illness.
Their are a growing number of us that don’t even believe there is a Covid 19 virus.
Anyway enough bla bla bla from me. BTW bla bla bla gets a chuckle in Russia because it means shit shit shit in Russian.
WTF is another acronym I've been using allot lately. I recall being in my 30's, being active in sports and my doc, gives me free samples of vioxx to try out for aches and pains. They sure did work for that but come to find out ~140K heart attacks were due to this drug. Then later on when complaining about sleep, they have free samples of SSRI meds to try out. Iatrogenic death should really be listed as the number 1 cause at this point, it is just the usual latency period before death provides adequate plausible deniability.
pretty good guess, Art, but no cigar... yet! /blog/medical-errors-kill-enough-people-fill-4-jumbo-jets-week-7-tips-surviving-medical
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers."
~ Dr. Benjamin Rush 1787 (Founding Father, signer of the Declaration of Independence.)
"Medical errors kill enough people to fill four jumbo jets a week." says The Wall Street Journal
"200,000 to 400,000 deaths per year from preventable harm in hospitals" reports "A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care" published in the Journal of Patient Safety September 2013.
"It seems that every time researchers estimate how often a medical mistake contributes to a hospital patient's death, the numbers come out worse." laments Scientific American
Yet, with the notable exceptions of The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American and a tiny handful of other sources, the Main Stream Media is silent on this critical issue.
"When there is a plane crash in the U.S., even a minor one, it makes headlines. There is a thorough federal investigation, and the tragedy often yields important lessons for the aviation industry. Pilots and airlines thus learn how to do their jobs more safely.
The world of American medicine is far deadlier: Medical mistakes kill enough people each week to fill four jumbo jets. But these mistakes go largely unnoticed by the world at large, and the medical community rarely learns from them." The WSJ goes to the say in their excellent article titled "How to Stop Hospitals From Killing Us."
With 200,000 - 400,000 deaths per annum Medical Errors are now the 3rd leading cause of death right behind Heart disease with 597,689 deaths per annum and Cancer with 574,743 deaths per annum.
But the CDC does not even mention Medical Errors in their report on the leading causes of death
Doesn't the CDC have a responsibility to tell you that occasionally seeking conventional medical treatment will kill you faster than driving your car (34,080 deaths by auto accident 2102), day in and day out every day of your life?
Good Article. I think people don't want to believe we exist in a Criminal Empire. That veiled blanket of Freedom and Democracy is a mirage, but keeps one warm and fuzzy. It's less Governance with Checks and Balances, and more The Savage and Devious Empire of Ancient Rome.
Thank you for this very informative piece. As an INTJ, understand your frustration and concern with those who DFL. A lot has to do with laziness, accepting the narrative without thinking. We can question their critical thinking skills, which, if they have them, also may be affected by said laziness. It has been infinitely easier to go get a pill for the malady of the week advertised repeatedly through MSM and social media, thus removing the necessity, the work, of actually thinking. Often equate self with a mule-riding itinerant preacher compelled to bring information, warnings, to people one at a time. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge.
Exactly. I long ago noticed that the advice I gave was valued according to the dollar amount I charged for it. Also that people who ask me why I didn’t become a “real doctor (RD)” instead of a DVM haven’t the first clue about how any of this works. The Pharmacopolitical psychopaths run all this crap through veterinary medicine first ie. CV vaccines. Anyway, I still try to inform people but continue to be astounded at their reasons for allowing themselves to be jabbed and their utter cluelessness as to why they’re so sick non-stop afterwards, even as people all around them die or lose their health completely. Insane.
Veterinarians are Doctors I have a lot of respect and admiration for, as a whole. I’m an Animal lover and have seen such magnificent compassion for my “pets” (my kids) from them that comes from their obvious love for those very special, God made beings.
Being an ex-veterinary tech, although many are under the vax illusion as well...I think the one I worked for was brilliant and the vets I know are all way-smarter than most human physicians I know. No reflection on Dr Yoho and the others who have courageously stepped up to the plate in defense of not only people but also critical thinking skills! (Kory, Marik, Merritt, Madej, Northrup, all the CHD doctors.)
I think it's still about 50/50 but might be higher on the "I know but I can't say anything" portion. Needless to say, I'm disgusted with my colleagues both DVM and MD who have abandoned their educations and their souls for The Narrative. Physicians long ago sold out to the corporate conglomerates such that they are now beholden to the sociopaths that run those institutions of pharmacomedical tyranny. Dr. Yoho has written some brilliant books on that subject. It's now happening in vet med. Glad I'm nearing the end of my career but I'll be fighting for medical freedom, free market pricing of medical services for pets and by God I'll go down with the ship if need be.
Amen. I have had very similar experiences to you. I'm probably most mystified by the younger generation who believes lock stock and barrel everything they hear on the mainstream news. They are so healthy yet they are getting boosted out the wazoo. I too have been canceled by part of my children and their wives for simply telling them to please be cautious untested gene editing mixtures with no long term studies. But that got me canceled also. The ones who did not fully cancel me simply don't listen. Thanks for explaining the acronym because I was getting ready to Google it! One son says he simply deletes every email I send before reading it. I've given up. As for my 7 young grandchildren I just can't think of it , it's simply too horrendous. And I have no power to prevent. Thank you For your wise words
You are not alone. We carry on because we are compelled to tell the truth and warn others. If it comes at a cost, then so be it, sadly.
How heartbreaking your words of warning go unheeded.
But only for a while. The Truth can’t be stopped, only delayed.
Later on when the truth comes out .. they will appreciate what you tried to do . The phones are making the situation worse with the young ones they are addicted to them and brainwashing them further so it’s very difficult to get through. At least you have tried .
I pray for your family, that with the first or second serious event after the vaccines, that the victim lives to be treated and cured (not by allopathy of course but by detoxing and prayer).. and that it turns them into eager listeners to your counsel.
I feel for you. But they will realize that you were wise and they should have listened.
Yes they have truly outsourced their thinking to MSM..and they now have tik tok brain. It's not much..but you should be very proud of yourself..takes guts to tell people truths they don't want to hear..and its lonely. I know this was written a while ago..has anyone come back to you by now (summer 2024) and said you were right? Or do they just want to forget the entire thing and don't mention the "died suddenly ". .?
You final question nails it. "Or do they just want to forget the entire thing and don't mention the "died suddenly ". .?"
And now in the same category as covid, early treatment, died suddenly is the Trump assassination attempt, Middle East exploding, Bidens dementia, the horror of Kamala. the Olympics offensive opening many unmentionables to keep track of to
keep family peace. It's exhausting.
Buying a gun...I think about it lots. Then I think about how I might have to use it. Will I be able to stop a hungry mob intent on breaking into my abode? Stop the fake police who might want to arrest me for not being a wokie or for being an anti-vaxxer? How about UN troops invading our country and cities as directed by WHO?
Big pharma is intent on controlling every aspect of the medical system. They want more and more childhood vaccines. They want to destroy the supplement industry. They want doctors to tow the drugs-only-line. They control the medical schools and the AMA. They refuse to do honest trials and studies. They spend $billions on advertising and less on true research. And they outright lie as we have seen with mRNA poisons.
No doctor may be a go-to in an emergency but otherwise, I trust him not even though he appears to be a decent person. He has been indoctrinated by big pharma and how do I trust that?
Main gun use now is for crime. We all hope that's it.
I had to change my PCP within the last year. I had a very good doctor, but moved out of the area.
My initial visit with the new PCP doctor told me all I needed to know. The small waiting room had Big Pharma unopened packs of drug brochures everywhere!
Then I waited over one hour for a five minute appointment. I needed a referral to ANOTHER doctor for hernia surgery. The damn hernia doctor was on speed dial!
That surgery was last December...what a PTSD situation! That was the incident that did it for me !
HOLISTIC HEALTH is the way to go, unless absolutely necessary! What a wake up call!
Did you learn anything wholistic way to deal with a hernia? Umbilical hernia or hiatal hernia?
Mary, I “had” a hernia…an incisional hernia from my cancer surgery. I had to have surgery…I don’t think there’s another option. It still bothers me, but it’s “cured”. I had an abdominal lyproscopic (sp) surgery.
Thank you for the reply Renee Marie. Praying you find any relief you need and remain in remission from cancer.
I need to buy more ammo. And a shotgun.
I had to sit down to write this -- I use a standing desk, but I was tired and standing was taxing my brain.
The most compelling part of this post to me, was what you considered mistakes. I will start there.
- WRT to family, I had a similar experience, but I do not believe the outcomes of the decisions of my family are on me (or yours on you). If we don't treat family members as full fledged adults -- which means letting them make their own decisions and live with the consequences -- then we aren't treating them with respect. This ranges from a teenage child all the way to an elderly parent IMO. If my family members (and close friends) who LISTENED and DECIDED on their own to take the risk, then the consequences (which were hardly definitive and the risk assessments were highly subjective at the time) are on them.
- WRT to listening, I have felt the precise exasperation that oozes from this post. In fact, in my own career I have experienced it many times. I have a slightly different perspective on it now based on decades of experience mentoring and training a lot of people.
-- I can listen to advice, but it won't mean anything if I don't have relevant experience to judge it by. When I was younger, I tried reading career and advice books and they meant absolutely nothing to me because I did not have contextual experience to relate to it. Now, when I read them, I say, ahh, yes, but without my own HARD earned mistakes, they would be nothing more than trite tidbits of generic advice. I have learned it is experience that provides the critical context and sadly often requires totally messing it up myself first, or at least having a first hand view of someone else messing it up.
-- I believe the best thing a good guide can do is gently steer the person into situations where the mistakes matter less, or they get a really good view and learn the right lesson (this is critical) of someone else really messing things up. There is no substitute for experience. I believe this is why a rules filled environment slowly fails, because people have to be allowed to screw things up, or they simply don't know why the rules are there.
I believe someone else not listening also has to do with me the deliverer of the message. As I get older and have seen so many things, I want to share it all. I think that's a big mistake again, because we all suffer from the curse of knowledge. Others do not share our experience, so they simply won't see things the same way, it's impossible. A lot of times less is more.
I think from a writing perspective, you pack a lot of different ideas into long posts. That's really hard to consume especially in this day and age, where we are stuck curating our own information since there are few trustworthy media sources. I suspect you could break this post up into 2-3 different posts and that would be a lot easier to consume.
I also completely understand that takes precious time... But that would make the story you're telling a lot more consumable.
I could write more, but then I would be ignoring my own advice. :)
Thanks for all.
I made my posts longer when I saw the success of A Midwestern Doctor. His are often 7000 words plus. My ideal is 1500 but there's an appetite for far more.
Yes, good point and I just went and reviewed his last couple of posts. I think there is one small differentiating point with his (recent) posts.
Those posts are on deep topics, and the title expounds the topic itself. Maybe that is what I am unconsciously picking up on. In this post here, I was not sure what you were going to talk about until I got to the excerpt part at the bottom and TBH, I got captured by the mistakes section as a compelling story in and of itself. In fact, your whole post starts as a story (a compelling one), not as a reference guide for communicating in these times.
In a way, the two sections almost compete, because the idea behind DFL ("freaking") implies the fault of the receiver, while clear instructions on delivery implies that those curating the message need to do better.
I certainly appreciate summaries at the top of very long posts, because then I can decide if I'm going to commit XXX minutes to dive in, or simply scan the good bits. I might flag the post to read later when I have more time to commit to it (like I did with your EMF post).
Just my thoughts.
I don't think the success of MWD is due to the super-long length of her articles. Many people (me included) have suggested more than once that if they were shorter we would be able to send them on to others, but cannot because most people would not read such lengthy posts. So i think many of us just skim them, and if i didn't have a text-to-speech program i would barely participate.
Thankfully, all of my children and my husband listened to me. I had been telling them about the dangers of vaccination for about 2 years prior to the pandemic, which is when I took a deep dive into the literature. I found out how fraudulent the industry was at that time, although I had always been skeptical.
I think it helped that I had been teaching my children where good health comes from for over a decade. It doesn’t come from a medical injection or a pill. It comes from diet and lifestyle choices that aren’t to be found in the medical community. The medical community is sick care, which care usually results in short term benefits and long term health destruction.
It’s really sad what has happened as the field of medicine morphed into the medical industrial complex. But as individual citizens, one of the reasons it has gotten so out of hand, is because we expect them to be in charge of our health. We put the responsibility on them for our health and safety, which is a fool’s errand for doctors and nurses and hospital administrators. Doctors cannot choose what goes in our mouth at each meal (or between meals), how much movement we get in a day and how we handle stress and relationships so doctors make poor arbiters of health. The only person who can be in charge of our health is us. When we expect doctors to keep us healthy, we become part of the dysfunctional system that can only offer pills, injections and surgeries. That kind of system is easily taken over by profit seeking entities who can easily manipulate all the data, research and behavior of medical professionals. That system profits off of poor health so it’s actually a conflict of interest when we expect them to be in charge of our health and our sickness. Only one of those things brings in money.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that the dysfunction and criminality found in the medical system could not exist if people recognized and took responsibility for their own health. Anyone who does, seems unlikely to fall for such foolishness as an experimental gene therapy that makes the industry billions of dollars without ever showing any sort of significant benefit (about 1% absolute risk reduction of mild to moderate symptoms and completely ignored mortality effects, which should have been the only endpoint of a study). We the citizens, for the most part, willingly brought this on ourselves. And we have the power to take it back and stop the fraud whenever we choose to be responsible for our own individual health.
Big food is about the same prob as big Pharma
Completely agree. People need to grow their own (and learn to forage) and support small local farmers who use good practices. It's expensive and time consuming but it's what is required to avoid the processed food trap. It’s called “convenience food” for a reason.
It all comes about via big government.
Thank you for the time and effort you put into trying to spread truth in such a hostile environment. I too find that most people are intellectually lazy and would rather simply believe what is easy and fed to them by professionals and industries that have huge conflicts of interests. I will share your post with all my contacts. A few will listen.
If the last three years have taught us anything, it is the truth of your headline.
I'm a fanboy of Briggs.
He's at
He allowed me to use the title of his last book for my Cassandra's Memo subtitle for the censored amazon version. Stay tuned for that.
Sadly, along the same lines, our dietary guidelines food pyramid is upside down on purpose. The panels who decide on the “proper” advice are also shills of both big pharma and processed food giants. There is ZERO science to support the recommendation of 6-11 servings of grains daily or roughly 70% of our calorie intake and a boat load of science showing that doing so leads to a host of metabolic illness. This, I firmly believe, was done with purpose in mind - to keep the population fat, sick and docile. Thanks to the outstanding work of independent scientists and journalists the word is out and many of us are learning on our own how to improve and remain healthy. I’ve zero trust in the captured CDC, FDA and the rest of the tyrannical alphabet associations. We’re on our own and need to share our knowledge with those we love and beyond.
Here I thought my adult children wouldn’t listen to me because I wasn’t a doctor! can you imagine having such a fantastic father, that is also a doctor, and then not listening to his advice on the deathVAXX?
few kids view their fathers as fantastic ha, particularly the boys
Great article. However, I did question how your kids’ taking of the vax and subsequent side effects (hopefully, none) would be “on you.” As adults, they made their own choices so it’s on them. They were fortunate, indeed, to have you to warn them but it’s sad that they did not take heed. I do shudder to think about those misinformed parents who made their kids take the vax (who were too young to decide for themselves) and will then learn how very wrong they were. I guess it would be better for them if they did not learn this, since they will never be able forgive themselves if something bad happens.
Few kids think of their mothers as fantastic, especially their daughters😅
Yep. I'm not a doctor. It's amazing what that effing white coat does for compliance.
I, too, feel like Cassandra. I had the discussion with a dear friend, she took it, I asked her to stop boosting, she just said, "take it, already, so you can go to shows and travel & stuff!" She now has a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Which she likely could've defended against until she folded her proteins . . . .
And I can't say a word, what's the point? To say - oh, you're gonna die now, but you wouldn't have if you hadn't taken the thamn ding. And I get to watch her decline. It's heartbreaking, and she is only ONE story. She DFL, and she won't.
My Pain Doctor’s a good man. But he was shocked when I explained I’d never take the jab long before it was available in early 2020. I even asked him if he’d still treat dissenters like me once the vaxxes were released. He thought about it for a moment and said yes. Of course, he vigorously and dramatically tried to overcome my argument my having Factor V was more than enough reason for me to avoid the shots.
He also was stunned later in 2022 when I decided since the Botox for my migraines was a chilled injectable, I no longer trusted it either. No potentially hidden mRNA for me, thanks.
From his perspective, I’m doing everything against my own best interests. Seeing he’s constantly updating with Boosters, I think the same of him. Although I’m no Doctor, I know my words have power and I’m
trying to educate him in my own very low-key way. I don’t know how he ignores all the horrible information about the jabs that’s out, especially since he brought up Joe Rogan’s infamous interview with vaxx apologist Sanjay Gupta a while back concerning the Ivermectin I told him I’m on as a prophylactic.
We’re both standing our ground.
Still, I care about his life and well being, so I remember him, his wife and his kids in my prayers. Seeing they’re continually updating with the latest Booster, I’m braced for the dreaded news I don’t want to hear.
A lot of docs seem to retain their ideals but are somehow still fooled.
Thank you. Great tips that I missed earlier. Guns (I have one but may get another), email lists, etc. I appreciate the information!
Robert, you should call up Dr. Vernon Coleman in the UK "The old man in a chair"
I think you and he would have a lot in common.
Quite frankly, I ADORE Dr. Coleman (he like you is not practicing...let him tell you why).
He, like you is a writer.
And thank you for the tips on it too late when you are over 65? :_)
not too late, read Hormone Secrets!
Thank you sir!!
I liked your “long winded” article. The point I took away is that in all industries sales perks influence decisions. Being in a position of awarding or evaluating contracts with my recommendation or opinions I understand how salesmen work. My “opinion” may cause financial problems for the business if I’m wrong. But the medical profession is different because now it’s not financial consequences but a humans life. Therefore the pharmaceutical industry practice of influencing a doctor should be highly restricted.
People are not stupid and many of us distrust doctors and hospitals because of the Covid hoax. We understand a vaccine is not superior to natural immunity and now are vindicated that it is a shown fact the vaccine does not stop transmission of the pathogen. In my opinion the use of ventilators and the poison Remdesivir were more deadly than the illness.
Their are a growing number of us that don’t even believe there is a Covid 19 virus.
Anyway enough bla bla bla from me. BTW bla bla bla gets a chuckle in Russia because it means shit shit shit in Russian.
The ethnics seem to be armored with more skepticism than the rest of us, fortunately for them.
WTF is another acronym I've been using allot lately. I recall being in my 30's, being active in sports and my doc, gives me free samples of vioxx to try out for aches and pains. They sure did work for that but come to find out ~140K heart attacks were due to this drug. Then later on when complaining about sleep, they have free samples of SSRI meds to try out. Iatrogenic death should really be listed as the number 1 cause at this point, it is just the usual latency period before death provides adequate plausible deniability.
Yes I like WTF but a certain reader is offended so I avoid it.
pretty good guess, Art, but no cigar... yet! /blog/medical-errors-kill-enough-people-fill-4-jumbo-jets-week-7-tips-surviving-medical
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers."
~ Dr. Benjamin Rush 1787 (Founding Father, signer of the Declaration of Independence.)
"Medical errors kill enough people to fill four jumbo jets a week." says The Wall Street Journal
"200,000 to 400,000 deaths per year from preventable harm in hospitals" reports "A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care" published in the Journal of Patient Safety September 2013.
"It seems that every time researchers estimate how often a medical mistake contributes to a hospital patient's death, the numbers come out worse." laments Scientific American
Yet, with the notable exceptions of The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American and a tiny handful of other sources, the Main Stream Media is silent on this critical issue.
"When there is a plane crash in the U.S., even a minor one, it makes headlines. There is a thorough federal investigation, and the tragedy often yields important lessons for the aviation industry. Pilots and airlines thus learn how to do their jobs more safely.
The world of American medicine is far deadlier: Medical mistakes kill enough people each week to fill four jumbo jets. But these mistakes go largely unnoticed by the world at large, and the medical community rarely learns from them." The WSJ goes to the say in their excellent article titled "How to Stop Hospitals From Killing Us."
With 200,000 - 400,000 deaths per annum Medical Errors are now the 3rd leading cause of death right behind Heart disease with 597,689 deaths per annum and Cancer with 574,743 deaths per annum.
But the CDC does not even mention Medical Errors in their report on the leading causes of death
Doesn't the CDC have a responsibility to tell you that occasionally seeking conventional medical treatment will kill you faster than driving your car (34,080 deaths by auto accident 2102), day in and day out every day of your life?
Why the cover up? ..
Good Article. I think people don't want to believe we exist in a Criminal Empire. That veiled blanket of Freedom and Democracy is a mirage, but keeps one warm and fuzzy. It's less Governance with Checks and Balances, and more The Savage and Devious Empire of Ancient Rome.
It's painful to wake up every day and look at the ruins of our ideals
Yes. Thanks for saying. I am glad I am awake now...but I regret I didn't
realize what a nightmare we are in earlier in my life.
Would have made different choices.
Same here.
But hey, on the upside, TPTB are eliminating that pesky problem of youth being wasted on the young.
Thank you for this very informative piece. As an INTJ, understand your frustration and concern with those who DFL. A lot has to do with laziness, accepting the narrative without thinking. We can question their critical thinking skills, which, if they have them, also may be affected by said laziness. It has been infinitely easier to go get a pill for the malady of the week advertised repeatedly through MSM and social media, thus removing the necessity, the work, of actually thinking. Often equate self with a mule-riding itinerant preacher compelled to bring information, warnings, to people one at a time. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge.
Smarty-pants don't suffer fools easily.
Exactly. I long ago noticed that the advice I gave was valued according to the dollar amount I charged for it. Also that people who ask me why I didn’t become a “real doctor (RD)” instead of a DVM haven’t the first clue about how any of this works. The Pharmacopolitical psychopaths run all this crap through veterinary medicine first ie. CV vaccines. Anyway, I still try to inform people but continue to be astounded at their reasons for allowing themselves to be jabbed and their utter cluelessness as to why they’re so sick non-stop afterwards, even as people all around them die or lose their health completely. Insane.
Veterinarians are Doctors I have a lot of respect and admiration for, as a whole. I’m an Animal lover and have seen such magnificent compassion for my “pets” (my kids) from them that comes from their obvious love for those very special, God made beings.
Yes, I'm always amazed at how a veterinarian diagnoses when the patient can't tell them where it hurts.
Being an ex-veterinary tech, although many are under the vax illusion as well...I think the one I worked for was brilliant and the vets I know are all way-smarter than most human physicians I know. No reflection on Dr Yoho and the others who have courageously stepped up to the plate in defense of not only people but also critical thinking skills! (Kory, Marik, Merritt, Madej, Northrup, all the CHD doctors.)
I think it's still about 50/50 but might be higher on the "I know but I can't say anything" portion. Needless to say, I'm disgusted with my colleagues both DVM and MD who have abandoned their educations and their souls for The Narrative. Physicians long ago sold out to the corporate conglomerates such that they are now beholden to the sociopaths that run those institutions of pharmacomedical tyranny. Dr. Yoho has written some brilliant books on that subject. It's now happening in vet med. Glad I'm nearing the end of my career but I'll be fighting for medical freedom, free market pricing of medical services for pets and by God I'll go down with the ship if need be.