I am compelled to add another suggestion when you buy that gun(s). Get training.; it is imperative to understand how to handle a firearm.
Additionally, seriously look at situational training. Learning how to maneuver and operate in gun fights. Most do not sign up for this training, but it is essential.
Call your police station; they may know where to find this training. But, something you may not be aware of, many cops don't like guns and have little training., or don't train at all—a fact few know, but there will be cops who will help you out. Also, gun clubs are a good source of info.
Memphis' Black Female Police Chief must be one, she doesn't carry her service gun, and she has been robbed 3 times, you'd think she'd of learned after the first one, but then she is Soft on Crime.
Your gun Range will know also where to find an advanced class. Ours closed during covid, new owners are remodeling it and hope to open soon.
That's hilarious. I've been told some nutty stories by police chiefs, one of how badly some cops handle weapons. I thought they were pulling my leg, but my son became a range master at an extensive range. Many cops came in; they had to fulfill a certain amount of hours on the range. My son's eyes were opened; he incorrectly understood, like me, that cops were shooting pros. One cop could not hit a target at thirty feet; he hit the target next to him. Before you can practice drawing, the range master must first certify you. My son had several cops take numerous certifications before they could draw. It's unbelievable until you witness it and damn worry.
They have been dumbed down just like the Military has. I shoot better than that. Many years ago, my late husband taught me, the only guy in boot camp who made marksman, (Nam) was a farm boy who put meat on the table in dire times. He took a female rattler down with a .22 pistol in his uncle's backyard in FL. A pretty big one, not many can do that.
Turns out there were 2 shootings the same day in Memphis, it's become a bloodbath, with way too many toddlers being killed.
Feb 18, 2023·edited Feb 18, 2023Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)
I would love to see hundreds of counties and towns become not just 2nd Amendment sanctuaries but Constitutional republics. Refusing to honor any laws, or mandates not granted the federal government by the Constitution. That would include the Second Amendment and the freedom of assembly the feds have shown they can nullify on a whim to "protect" us from the flu.
Be prepared for economic repercussions. (But they'll hit us there anyhow.)
My Grandfather prayed the Rosary every day for 8 months for my safe delivery. My mother had miscarriage after miscarriage for 10 years and was well into Her 30's before the Dr. told Her if She didn't go on birth control it was going to kill Her. Even doing complete bed rest and mediations She couldn't carry to term. They had to get permission from the bishop, and since it was for the life of the mother, already in Her 30's with other children to look after and not to avoid conception, it was eventually granted. The Dr. gave Her the script and told Her to start the pills at the beginning of her next cycle, which never came. For the delay of waiting for the Bishop, I was already conceived.
This was a problem now, for my grandfather's ill health, who had then recently moved in with them and needed near constant care. They were told to put Him in a nursing home. He was horrified as He knew this was a death sentence. He begged my parents not to abandon Him to a cruel and sure death, and He promised to pray the Rosary every day not only for Her health but for My safe delivery. Considering She had not been able to carry to term for so long, they decided to give up on me, in human terms, and decided their Duty was to me Grandfather. Other than taking the medication, which never worked before with the bed rest, they gave me up for lost, and went on to care for Him and the other children assuming the worst. But my grandfather kept His word, and He prayed the Rosary every day, until I was safely delivered that late winter to the surprise and disbelief of everyone involved in Her medical care. He recovered and went back to living on His own for a good period, but then came back to live with us towards the end.
Valentines' day was the anniversary of His death in 1976. 47 years ago, but sometimes it still feels like yesterday, the time we spent together. May we all grow to appreciate the risks and labors that all of our Ancestors took for us, to bring us to where we are today. Thank you for the article.
Wow, a glorious story. Worthy of a book or movie! I will keep you in my daily rosary and maybe your Grandfather will intercede with our Blessed Mother again!
As many stories in the scripture, Samson, John the Baptist, (all those prayed into existence) it has been a life full of contradiction, as many heroes who labored throughout life to make their mark and sealed their testimony in their blood. That sounds like a depressing and morbid thing, but some are sent to make their mark in life, some are elected to make their mark in death, or at least following a course that would have led to it without Divine Providence sustaining them. I believe there are more of these souls than history gives credit for, as many labor unseen and alone for decades and go to their grave leaving their life's offering in the hand of God. In either election, the strength to accomplish all things comes through grace and the understanding of the communion of the saints. Thank you for the prayers. I've worn myself out from my labors and now I'm sick and alone. But I would not trade the honor that was given to be to be involved in many things for the return of my health. There Is nothing Lost in the World in the Service of Duty to One's Ancestors and Descendants that if Delayed for a Future Hour would be better Served, For Hours Held are Hours Wasted and the Only Sacrifice One Holds for Good is the One Perpetually Offered. God bless you.
I'm sorry for the loss of your children. I occasionally think of what brothers and sisters I might have had over those 10 years (growing up mostly alone), or if I never would have been if they had not been lost. But then I am reminded not to get too bowed down in issues that seem to be random chance and remind myself that all of life's chances and losses must first be allowed by a God who is a God of Mercy, and the prayers from the heart of those in great distress are ever before Him. That nothing is lost to us in this life that will not be returned to us in the next, if only we have the faith to believe. I am sure your children are waiting in joyful expectation for the day you join them in eternity, where you will be forever united in the Eternal Beatific vision of God. May he comfort you in this Hope until that day. God bless you.
Although I am a Christian, I used to be afraid to die. When we lost the baby who was already named and was 21-22 weeks gestation, my friend who had also lost 3-4 told me how she couldn’t wait to meet them in heaven, to learn of their personalities and to hang out with them. That made me not one tiny bit afraid to die.
I was not able to have children, probably for the drugs my mother did take, and as many in my position I labored quietly and behind the scenes shoring up the foundations of others houses. At the end, those from the outside looking in would not see any profit for our existence, merely for not building our own houses, but for saving those of others. But the closer I get to death, the faster I run towards it, only for given occasional glimpses of the goodness that awaits those of faith who have laboured aright to the best they could understand it. To those graced to have been given this moment, all of life is but a means to a greater end, to those who Never look for Rectification in this life but the next and in their Final Breath, who Rejoice all the more to See the Hour Approaching. In truth, the greatest moment of Victory in Life are the Hours of Silent Sacrifice. Those are the Hours, Years and Decades of Truth, where the Honesty and Purity of Intention are Tested. All other Hours for self-advancement are burnt away as chaff. To one who views all of life such, death holds no fear over them, for it is but the moment in which their Election and Destiny becomes Manifest. I pray that you will have a greater comfort that all of your Hours of Sacrifice will become such a great comfort for you in Your Final Hours, as they have become for Me.
Thanks for your timely post, Robert. I do take issue with one statement. “Yes, the gun nuts who work at the shops are annoying and condescending. Just remember that you are the customer.”
Maybe that's common in California, but I didn't see any of this in Texas. I was a total newbie and my local range (Mission Ridge Range & Academy) was staffed with friendly, knowledgable, folks.
Sadly, the country I live in doesn't allow these alleged rights to firearm, but there are other options, which maybe useful:
* Crossbows, which can fire various darts, and some can fire steel balls.
* Standard design slingshots with steel balls; some come with a wrist brace and a sight.
* Compact short tube slingshots, which are small enough to store in a pocket.
* Cans of dark, oil-based, paint mixed with nasty stuff, possibly thinned and put in balloons, to propel at, or drop on, attackers and their vehicles & drones, to cheaply blind them. The mess will likely be hard, unpleasant, and costly to remove. Apparently used in Northern Ireland in the past.
* Some farmers have dumped large volumes of manure in strategic locations to make life unpleasant for authorities. This could also be thrown, fired, or sprayed at attackers.
Low tech disabling solutions like paint and excrement, maybe surprising effective, and reduce the need to use offensive weapons.
DIY offensive weapons are possible, but may not be reliable or safe.
Just like pepper spray, useless if wearing protect gear, which the police/military are more likely to, especially if using tear gas. You'd also need to be close enough to use it.
Thrown liquids, like paint, lubricant, concentrated detergent/degreaser, and fast-enough setting glue could be a lot more disruptive, to obscure visibility, hamper movement, and to sabotage pockets, "non-lethal" and lethal weapons, and building and vehicle doors. Super-glue stinks and could be a significant nuisance on stuff the enemy don't want stuck together or jammed, especially skin and small moving parts. Epoxy resin may jam stuff even worse, time permitting.
I was thinking more in line for seniors, who are big targets many wear hearing aids, and wind kills your hearing., carry canes, mine is loaded with steel nuts, as the ENT thinks it's necessary for my Meniere's Vertigo. Vision is limited. We had 2 incidents in a local Kroger parking lot, their Security Guard is Un-Armed. 1 Robbery where the UnArmed Security Guard had walked her to her car. And a Carjacking, 1 adult 1 juvenile thug from Memphis as they are moving into the surrounding smaller county towns, and communities. Both had sizeable rap sheets.
I switched to men's dark-colored cargo pants to free up my hands.
I've gotten to the point, I ignore those No Gun signs as crime has gotten so bad. Our main medical is in Memphis. Just avoid the Navy base. Nothing there I can afford or want.
I like your list of alternatives. I planted Knock Out Roses in front of all my windows.
My youngest son surprised me on my birthday by taking me to a gun shop to buy me a rifle for hunting deer and for protection from predators. I was most greatful for his thoughtfulness. We live in Missouri and love it here.
Very well researched and written, practical 2A carry article and your "Primer" article (June 2022) Dr. Yoho.
Yes even though you are relatively new to the 2A "party" you have indeed done your homework , kudos sir!
Just add whenever you are in the position to advise tell them "train! , train ! and more training!" $500 worth of great training beats $5000 in the latest flashy gear everytime!
Stay well & stay safe - God bless you and your family in the most Wondrous Name of our Christ & King : Jesus !
It's so painful to realize that almost everything seemingly leaked is a deliberate limited hangout that's released to distract & put out fires -- or a sign that the corrupt maniacs realize they've been caught with their pants down...and need to 'do SOMETHING.' Anyway, either way, my new axiom is 'Don't trust, and go verify.'
I like your conclusions to pray..and suggest Chronicle 7:14... if my people who are called by my names would humble themselves and pray...and turn from their wicked ways...then I will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land..
if we agree the banks are Luciferan and ultimately they are at the centre of the wheel is driving these things....then going up against them without the help of God, is like Frodo going up against the ring wraths....ie
There are powers at work far greater that the USA government or the WHO... if you can accept that then see that although
there are many fruitful things to do, but none more so that calling on the name of Jesus and I would suggest the Luciferians would fear 80-200 million people who could and would fast and pray like Daniel... far more than those with Guns .. it is a lack of prayer that’s caused the situation we are in..
Very True Robert and what your doing is great.. but I know my day is better with prayer in the morning and I have seen it’s power to change thing above and beyond.. at one point my son aged 8 had a one in ten chance of survival after grade 4 graft vs host 2 weeks after chord blood transplant..he collapsed with low blood pressure I prayed and something came out of me into him and immediately his blood pressure went up, he avoided ICU and though it was a slow recovery he is doing great 15 years on.. I saw His power and grace.. to heal and restore him..it’s humility to pray.. and expect Him to multiply our efforts.. it’s not doing nothing.. it’s doing it better
But thanks for what you are doing it’s opened my eyes and makes me think did my son really have to go through that? Was there a better way? ..
7 years ago I decided to arm myself and to get my concealed carry license. Our rights - especially this one - need to be exercised otherwise they are purely theoretical. Everyone needs to do this. Stop procrastinating. Get out there and go through the process. Take it a step at a time. It’s an amazing, thought provoking journey. Our founding fathers bequeathed us this right for times such as these.
I'm in Australia, the land of the sheep. We have no Bill of Rights. We do have guns, highly regulated. But - the sheep, the sheep! 95% of the people I talk to are not only buying the narrative, but lock-step headed over the cliff with the rest of the lemmings. It's painful to watch.
Buy a gun...the best advice I have seen in months. We all need defense of some kind against the government who has designs on making more of us non-existent.
Tennessee went Permitless a couple of years ago, we have legislation this year to go Constitutional Carry. I've had a permit since 1997, I'm 74 years old now, and still CCW, I live too close to one of the most anti-gun counties in the State, with the highest crime rate. It is not safe to enter the county unarmed. I may have changed from an automatic to a revolver, as OA and thumb surgery did a number on my right hand, but I still hit center mass. As Mr. Heston said, PRY IT OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS. 2ND AMENDMENT SUPPORTER.
I am compelled to add another suggestion when you buy that gun(s). Get training.; it is imperative to understand how to handle a firearm.
Additionally, seriously look at situational training. Learning how to maneuver and operate in gun fights. Most do not sign up for this training, but it is essential.
Call your police station; they may know where to find this training. But, something you may not be aware of, many cops don't like guns and have little training., or don't train at all—a fact few know, but there will be cops who will help you out. Also, gun clubs are a good source of info.
Memphis' Black Female Police Chief must be one, she doesn't carry her service gun, and she has been robbed 3 times, you'd think she'd of learned after the first one, but then she is Soft on Crime.
Your gun Range will know also where to find an advanced class. Ours closed during covid, new owners are remodeling it and hope to open soon.
That's hilarious. I've been told some nutty stories by police chiefs, one of how badly some cops handle weapons. I thought they were pulling my leg, but my son became a range master at an extensive range. Many cops came in; they had to fulfill a certain amount of hours on the range. My son's eyes were opened; he incorrectly understood, like me, that cops were shooting pros. One cop could not hit a target at thirty feet; he hit the target next to him. Before you can practice drawing, the range master must first certify you. My son had several cops take numerous certifications before they could draw. It's unbelievable until you witness it and damn worry.
They have been dumbed down just like the Military has. I shoot better than that. Many years ago, my late husband taught me, the only guy in boot camp who made marksman, (Nam) was a farm boy who put meat on the table in dire times. He took a female rattler down with a .22 pistol in his uncle's backyard in FL. A pretty big one, not many can do that.
Turns out there were 2 shootings the same day in Memphis, it's become a bloodbath, with way too many toddlers being killed.
I would love to see hundreds of counties and towns become not just 2nd Amendment sanctuaries but Constitutional republics. Refusing to honor any laws, or mandates not granted the federal government by the Constitution. That would include the Second Amendment and the freedom of assembly the feds have shown they can nullify on a whim to "protect" us from the flu.
Be prepared for economic repercussions. (But they'll hit us there anyhow.)
Good thinking there, R!
My Grandfather prayed the Rosary every day for 8 months for my safe delivery. My mother had miscarriage after miscarriage for 10 years and was well into Her 30's before the Dr. told Her if She didn't go on birth control it was going to kill Her. Even doing complete bed rest and mediations She couldn't carry to term. They had to get permission from the bishop, and since it was for the life of the mother, already in Her 30's with other children to look after and not to avoid conception, it was eventually granted. The Dr. gave Her the script and told Her to start the pills at the beginning of her next cycle, which never came. For the delay of waiting for the Bishop, I was already conceived.
This was a problem now, for my grandfather's ill health, who had then recently moved in with them and needed near constant care. They were told to put Him in a nursing home. He was horrified as He knew this was a death sentence. He begged my parents not to abandon Him to a cruel and sure death, and He promised to pray the Rosary every day not only for Her health but for My safe delivery. Considering She had not been able to carry to term for so long, they decided to give up on me, in human terms, and decided their Duty was to me Grandfather. Other than taking the medication, which never worked before with the bed rest, they gave me up for lost, and went on to care for Him and the other children assuming the worst. But my grandfather kept His word, and He prayed the Rosary every day, until I was safely delivered that late winter to the surprise and disbelief of everyone involved in Her medical care. He recovered and went back to living on His own for a good period, but then came back to live with us towards the end.
Valentines' day was the anniversary of His death in 1976. 47 years ago, but sometimes it still feels like yesterday, the time we spent together. May we all grow to appreciate the risks and labors that all of our Ancestors took for us, to bring us to where we are today. Thank you for the article.
What a wonderful and inspiring story!! Prayer does change our hearts and minds and then we see what God's blessings bring our way.
Thank you for the reply. May God grant you Courage and Strength in your Trials and Sufferings and lead you Safely to Everlasting Life.
Wow, a glorious story. Worthy of a book or movie! I will keep you in my daily rosary and maybe your Grandfather will intercede with our Blessed Mother again!
As many stories in the scripture, Samson, John the Baptist, (all those prayed into existence) it has been a life full of contradiction, as many heroes who labored throughout life to make their mark and sealed their testimony in their blood. That sounds like a depressing and morbid thing, but some are sent to make their mark in life, some are elected to make their mark in death, or at least following a course that would have led to it without Divine Providence sustaining them. I believe there are more of these souls than history gives credit for, as many labor unseen and alone for decades and go to their grave leaving their life's offering in the hand of God. In either election, the strength to accomplish all things comes through grace and the understanding of the communion of the saints. Thank you for the prayers. I've worn myself out from my labors and now I'm sick and alone. But I would not trade the honor that was given to be to be involved in many things for the return of my health. There Is nothing Lost in the World in the Service of Duty to One's Ancestors and Descendants that if Delayed for a Future Hour would be better Served, For Hours Held are Hours Wasted and the Only Sacrifice One Holds for Good is the One Perpetually Offered. God bless you.
I’m not even a little bit Catholic but your story is profound and God is a God who
cares and is not willing that any should perish. I too had several miscarriages (which I discovered later in life
we’re largely due to various vaccines. Thanks, experts!) I can relate to your mama.
Thank you for your story.
I'm sorry for the loss of your children. I occasionally think of what brothers and sisters I might have had over those 10 years (growing up mostly alone), or if I never would have been if they had not been lost. But then I am reminded not to get too bowed down in issues that seem to be random chance and remind myself that all of life's chances and losses must first be allowed by a God who is a God of Mercy, and the prayers from the heart of those in great distress are ever before Him. That nothing is lost to us in this life that will not be returned to us in the next, if only we have the faith to believe. I am sure your children are waiting in joyful expectation for the day you join them in eternity, where you will be forever united in the Eternal Beatific vision of God. May he comfort you in this Hope until that day. God bless you.
Although I am a Christian, I used to be afraid to die. When we lost the baby who was already named and was 21-22 weeks gestation, my friend who had also lost 3-4 told me how she couldn’t wait to meet them in heaven, to learn of their personalities and to hang out with them. That made me not one tiny bit afraid to die.
I was not able to have children, probably for the drugs my mother did take, and as many in my position I labored quietly and behind the scenes shoring up the foundations of others houses. At the end, those from the outside looking in would not see any profit for our existence, merely for not building our own houses, but for saving those of others. But the closer I get to death, the faster I run towards it, only for given occasional glimpses of the goodness that awaits those of faith who have laboured aright to the best they could understand it. To those graced to have been given this moment, all of life is but a means to a greater end, to those who Never look for Rectification in this life but the next and in their Final Breath, who Rejoice all the more to See the Hour Approaching. In truth, the greatest moment of Victory in Life are the Hours of Silent Sacrifice. Those are the Hours, Years and Decades of Truth, where the Honesty and Purity of Intention are Tested. All other Hours for self-advancement are burnt away as chaff. To one who views all of life such, death holds no fear over them, for it is but the moment in which their Election and Destiny becomes Manifest. I pray that you will have a greater comfort that all of your Hours of Sacrifice will become such a great comfort for you in Your Final Hours, as they have become for Me.
Your writing is poignant and mesmerizing.
Once you make it past the pearly gates you’ll no doubt feel
all the
feels and obtain all
the blessings parenthood brings, with none of the misgivings.
I’m Tevelations it’s says that our clothing in heaven will be white
linen garments made
of the good deeds we have done. You, no
doubt, will have a stellar and fabulous wardrobe. I’ll
to locate
Thanks for your timely post, Robert. I do take issue with one statement. “Yes, the gun nuts who work at the shops are annoying and condescending. Just remember that you are the customer.”
Maybe that's common in California, but I didn't see any of this in Texas. I was a total newbie and my local range (Mission Ridge Range & Academy) was staffed with friendly, knowledgable, folks.
Sadly, the country I live in doesn't allow these alleged rights to firearm, but there are other options, which maybe useful:
* Crossbows, which can fire various darts, and some can fire steel balls.
* Standard design slingshots with steel balls; some come with a wrist brace and a sight.
* Compact short tube slingshots, which are small enough to store in a pocket.
* Cans of dark, oil-based, paint mixed with nasty stuff, possibly thinned and put in balloons, to propel at, or drop on, attackers and their vehicles & drones, to cheaply blind them. The mess will likely be hard, unpleasant, and costly to remove. Apparently used in Northern Ireland in the past.
* Some farmers have dumped large volumes of manure in strategic locations to make life unpleasant for authorities. This could also be thrown, fired, or sprayed at attackers.
Low tech disabling solutions like paint and excrement, maybe surprising effective, and reduce the need to use offensive weapons.
DIY offensive weapons are possible, but may not be reliable or safe.
Pepper spray. Taser
Just like pepper spray, useless if wearing protect gear, which the police/military are more likely to, especially if using tear gas. You'd also need to be close enough to use it.
Thrown liquids, like paint, lubricant, concentrated detergent/degreaser, and fast-enough setting glue could be a lot more disruptive, to obscure visibility, hamper movement, and to sabotage pockets, "non-lethal" and lethal weapons, and building and vehicle doors. Super-glue stinks and could be a significant nuisance on stuff the enemy don't want stuck together or jammed, especially skin and small moving parts. Epoxy resin may jam stuff even worse, time permitting.
I was thinking more in line for seniors, who are big targets many wear hearing aids, and wind kills your hearing., carry canes, mine is loaded with steel nuts, as the ENT thinks it's necessary for my Meniere's Vertigo. Vision is limited. We had 2 incidents in a local Kroger parking lot, their Security Guard is Un-Armed. 1 Robbery where the UnArmed Security Guard had walked her to her car. And a Carjacking, 1 adult 1 juvenile thug from Memphis as they are moving into the surrounding smaller county towns, and communities. Both had sizeable rap sheets.
I switched to men's dark-colored cargo pants to free up my hands.
I've gotten to the point, I ignore those No Gun signs as crime has gotten so bad. Our main medical is in Memphis. Just avoid the Navy base. Nothing there I can afford or want.
I like your list of alternatives. I planted Knock Out Roses in front of all my windows.
My youngest son surprised me on my birthday by taking me to a gun shop to buy me a rifle for hunting deer and for protection from predators. I was most greatful for his thoughtfulness. We live in Missouri and love it here.
I sent it to the 2 senior railroad engineers thanks!
Very well researched and written, practical 2A carry article and your "Primer" article (June 2022) Dr. Yoho.
Yes even though you are relatively new to the 2A "party" you have indeed done your homework , kudos sir!
Just add whenever you are in the position to advise tell them "train! , train ! and more training!" $500 worth of great training beats $5000 in the latest flashy gear everytime!
Stay well & stay safe - God bless you and your family in the most Wondrous Name of our Christ & King : Jesus !
Great advice. As a divorced Woman, I’m responsible for protecting myself and my bird.
And I will.
It's so painful to realize that almost everything seemingly leaked is a deliberate limited hangout that's released to distract & put out fires -- or a sign that the corrupt maniacs realize they've been caught with their pants down...and need to 'do SOMETHING.' Anyway, either way, my new axiom is 'Don't trust, and go verify.'
Exactly. The train story is a lot of panic for nothing for ex. Will have an essay about it soon
Looking forward to your viewpoint, Robert. Have you read Texas Lindsay's essay on this? https://texaslindsay.substack.com/p/urgent-for-everyone-east-of-the-mississippi
Sent to collaborator
I’m glad to see I’m in a purple county. Now... more ammo.
I like your conclusions to pray..and suggest Chronicle 7:14... if my people who are called by my names would humble themselves and pray...and turn from their wicked ways...then I will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land..
if we agree the banks are Luciferan and ultimately they are at the centre of the wheel is driving these things....then going up against them without the help of God, is like Frodo going up against the ring wraths....ie
There are powers at work far greater that the USA government or the WHO... if you can accept that then see that although
there are many fruitful things to do, but none more so that calling on the name of Jesus and I would suggest the Luciferians would fear 80-200 million people who could and would fast and pray like Daniel... far more than those with Guns .. it is a lack of prayer that’s caused the situation we are in..
God helps those who help themselves
Very True Robert and what your doing is great.. but I know my day is better with prayer in the morning and I have seen it’s power to change thing above and beyond.. at one point my son aged 8 had a one in ten chance of survival after grade 4 graft vs host 2 weeks after chord blood transplant..he collapsed with low blood pressure I prayed and something came out of me into him and immediately his blood pressure went up, he avoided ICU and though it was a slow recovery he is doing great 15 years on.. I saw His power and grace.. to heal and restore him..it’s humility to pray.. and expect Him to multiply our efforts.. it’s not doing nothing.. it’s doing it better
But thanks for what you are doing it’s opened my eyes and makes me think did my son really have to go through that? Was there a better way? ..
7 years ago I decided to arm myself and to get my concealed carry license. Our rights - especially this one - need to be exercised otherwise they are purely theoretical. Everyone needs to do this. Stop procrastinating. Get out there and go through the process. Take it a step at a time. It’s an amazing, thought provoking journey. Our founding fathers bequeathed us this right for times such as these.
I'm in Australia, the land of the sheep. We have no Bill of Rights. We do have guns, highly regulated. But - the sheep, the sheep! 95% of the people I talk to are not only buying the narrative, but lock-step headed over the cliff with the rest of the lemmings. It's painful to watch.
I KNOW you don't even have pepper spray. If we can somehow get things turned around over here, we will come for you.
here's more along these lines that will drop soon: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/439886ad-3eee-4e45-b0d2-2fd90eae7c22
Buy a gun...the best advice I have seen in months. We all need defense of some kind against the government who has designs on making more of us non-existent.
Tennessee went Permitless a couple of years ago, we have legislation this year to go Constitutional Carry. I've had a permit since 1997, I'm 74 years old now, and still CCW, I live too close to one of the most anti-gun counties in the State, with the highest crime rate. It is not safe to enter the county unarmed. I may have changed from an automatic to a revolver, as OA and thumb surgery did a number on my right hand, but I still hit center mass. As Mr. Heston said, PRY IT OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS. 2ND AMENDMENT SUPPORTER.