Dec 30, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great overview... being a Christian helps .. if God says you can eat meat then you can, but gluttony is a trap..

The key with sugars and carbs is they digest very quickly so your hungry again.. in animal production we know that high growth rates are only possible with highly digestible foods .. hence grain feeding plays such a huge role in beef and milk production..

And for the vegans, who dis animals products the basic flaw is we cannot grow crops or vegetables everywhere.. eg hilly poor soils support grazing animals well...

I think we underestimate the importance of good social structures on our propensity to over eat.. ie if your life is satisfied with humility and good relationships then we don’t crave temporary satisfaction..

FYI the climate change dogma is no different to the medical field it’s driven not by data and rational wholistic debate but by self interest of many...unfortunately the consequences are huge...

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I like your conclusions. I use a variety of oils based on necessity (type of cooking/baking) and taste. I think variety is good, amount matters more. Sugar is a tough one. I love it in my coffee. I use a mix trying to use Truvia more than other choices. We are not heavy pop drinkers at all, home or out. This habit and rarely deep frying is what I feel helps out a lot. I have never owned a deep fryer for reason. I like to make my own beef jerky. I can control what extras go into it. I think intermittent fasting is a good thing. I seem more successful when there's less crazy going on in the world though. Been guilty of comfort food as of late. Hmmm, maybe just the time to try and turn it around, lol

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Great series 👍

Through my own experiences I’ve found the role of metals in disease is purposely ignored by health authorities around the world to our detriment. This is a big reason for the rise in integrative and functional medicine industries.

Vegetables are very good at removing metals from the soil and their uptake has an effect on the health of those who eat them especially if they are hypersensitive to metals. We become hypersensitive from exposure. Metals have a big effect on bone density. It’s also been shown recently that the nickel in food alone is enough to cause endometriosis in woman. So a carnivore diet is also a nickel free diet. I also believe animal fat is a necessity for a healthy metabolism. Titanium has been shown to cause Metabolic dysfunction and the amount of titanium nanoparticles in processed food and the air we breathe is a big concern for scientists in that field.

I do not believe that meat causes cancer. I don’t believe there are any studies that show it does. I remember the vegans quoting a particular piece of research which they claimed was evidence meat causes cancer. But when you read the study it didn’t say that at all. If it did I think the human race would have died out from cancer 1000 years ago. I also don’t believe calories have anything to do with weight gain. It may look that way to some but I believe the underlying cause is metabolic dysfunction. With a healthy metabolism your body will get rid of food it does not require. It would be madness for our bodies to just keep storing excess food as body fat every time we exceeded some arbitrary level of calorie intake. It only does that if the metabolism isn’t healthy and is malfunctioning. If you have a healthy metabolism you can eat however much you want and you won’t put on excess weight. I believe Metabolic dysfunction should be the focus of all weight loss and health improvement programs. Heal the metabolism and you will become your ideal weight

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Robert, I find it curious that you never mentioned the KETO or carnivore diets. Initially, it was thought that the benefit of these diets was burning ketones, which the body produces when carbohydrates are omitted from the diet. Thus the name. Currently, the primary benefit of these diets is restricting insulin production. Each time insulin elevates, the ends of your DNA chains break off. The shortening of these chains is a major cause of aging and chronic disease.

My personal testimony began with the KETO diet and evolved to carnivore. I ate a 95% protein and fat diet for 2 1/2 years. I lost 113 pounds, and rectified many health issues. Since I am somewhat physically disabled, I did not exercise. It was the best my health was for decades, until I was severely injured in an auto crash in July 2021. I have altered my diet some, as a result, but I still do not eat any grains, seed oils, and very little dairy.

The FDA's recommendations, as referred to in your book, was as harmful to human health as the COVID shots...PERIOD

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Excellent article. I was never overweight, but I was having chronic health problems like fatigue, IBS type symptoms, and other problems and so I started going to doctors to find out what was wrong with me. They just kept trying to put me on medication, which I refused, and giving me tests and surgeries to try to solve my issues. I decided to try naturopathic doctors next. They also were not very helpful and it was getting really expensive and exhausting. I finally decided to give up on the medical system and figure it out on my own. Turns out, I was making myself ill from my diet and lifestyle choices! Who knew?

I was able to address my health problems and I've tried to share my knowledge with others. I ended up deciding that focusing on healing the microbiome was the best strategy and it's worked very well for me. There are benefits from focusing on the microbiome that help to optimize health and there's actually a lot of information about the many benefits of healthy microbes that reside in and on the body. My favorite book is The Good Gut by the Sonnenburgs. I also love the book, The Hidden Half of Nature; The Microbial Roots of Life and Health. There are many others.

People will ask me to put my recommendations in a sentence or two and while it really is more complicated than this, here is a summary of what I have implemented to improve my health. I have cut out most refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, refined seed oils and processed meat. I also try to avoid food additives such as nitrates, nitrites, artificial and natural flavors, emulsifiers, msg, preservatives etc. I try to increase my intake of veggies to be 4 - 6 servings a day, fruit to 2 to 3 servings a day, legumes (soaked before cooing) 2-3 servings a day, whole grains (soaked or fermented as much as possible) and fermented dairy and natural meats, nuts, seeds etc. All of these foods are best when organic and high quality. Growing a garden is going to be the most nutritious but even store bought organic fruits and vegetables can be very nutritious too. Locally grown meat and dairy that uses traditional methods is optimal but a person can eat well on whatever highest quality natural foods one can afford. I only buy a certain brand of extra virgin olive oil that is authentic because most of it on the market is cut with seed oils. Research is necessary before choosing EVOO. I avoid all other refined seed oils because they cause inflammation.

Anyway, I feel like most foods are nutritious for us if we eat a wide variety, make our diet high fiber (gut microbes love fiber) and keep things prepared in the healthiest way possible. Eating fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir is the best way to consume probiotics there is! These go a long way for our health.

I might be wrong but understanding the decline in diverse microbes residing in the human gut after industrialization (refined foods, medications like antibiotics, cesarian births and formula feeding etc) helps to put the puzzle pieces together of why so many of us are suffering from chronic diseases. Trying to address that particular angle of health is what I decided to go for. There are probably a lot of good answers. Anything but the American Standard Diet!

Thanks for such a great article!!

It takes a long time to adopt some of these habits but it's worth it!

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Thank you as always for your fascinating & educational insights with your posts.

After watching Sasha's video regarding the scamdemic frauds. And how long this sort on evil wickedness has been going on, I now question everything.

Consider this? The whole interference in the modern food chain, from chemicals used in growing, then in food production. Highly likely another sinister & evil link to the megapharmas? To increase the number of ill people, to keep their conveyor belt of wretched meds increasing, as people become increasingly unhealthy & frail.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for a brilliant summary. Why is dairy such a divisive issue? I personally love it but too much and certain type can make me feel sick. But is there any link with dairy and auto-immune / cancers?!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I discovered what was driving my overeating-processed food addiction! I know it sounds strange but once I got the right kind of help (not a diet-but recovery) I have been able to stay off sugar!! Even over the holidays! Dr. Joan Ifland wrote the textbook on the subject! Check her out on YouTube! Or join the Food Addiction Education Facebook page! I have found so much freedom!

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

In my case, following the saying to consume what's produced BY plant; avoid what's produced IN plants. With moderate exercise I became "normal" after many years of 'morbidly obese', 'obese' and 'overweight'. It helps the body as well as the mind.

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"When baked into cookies and sweets, they can sit for years in colorful packages on store shelves without getting rancid."

In other words, they're lifeless. Not even microbes will/can eat the stuff. What could possibly be a problem with that?

Not all that is called "food" is food. Eat what is not food, and there are apt to be consequences.

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As both a Gastroparesis and diabetic patient, for me, the food pyramid is screwed up.

But then it's off-kilter anyway. Dairy-Meat the bottom, next up fruits/veggies. CARBS/SUGARS I'd group with oils sparingly.

My eldest a Type 2 ate the meat, and veggies mostly portion and dropped 75 lbs. Went back to his old high-carb habit and regained it.

BTW He has to see the Cardiologist, he's unjabbed, had a very bad bout of covid, and had an emergency room trip due to a heart event. He keeps silent on it. I have to chew his 20 yr old son out for Not informing me. He may be 54, but he's still my child.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

The never ending parade of confusion and misleading articles about health and nutrition is endless. Moderation is the key. Avoid sugar. Avoid processed food. Fasting and less meals are better.

I could never understand a fat guy eating the biggest meal at McDonalds and saying filled him. Asleep on the jab by two. Buttcrack showing and foot dragging by 4. And they looked at me like I was nuts ?

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

A researcher in Auckland, NZ recently did studies on comparing a plant based diet with a meat based diet. They found that meat provides necessary nutrients that cannot be found in other sources. I haven’t read it as I just saw something about it in the news but that was the gist of it. Just thought I’d mention it as it may be of interest to you. It was sometime in the last year

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Saturated fat is good for you

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Send your formula to my email GF

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I've read about this but haven't heard much about practical applications

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