Thank you for this article - it’s such an important subject!!

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Fl is being done to us on purpose

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Thanks for bringing up the toxicity of fluoride!

I am one of those dentists that have taught that fluoride is toxic. It has never been proven to be safe and is not as effective as you have been led to believe. The fluoride ion is extremely reactive and is more toxic than lead and slightly less toxic than arsenic.

The federal employees of the FDA found a causal link between fluoride and cancer, increased hip fractures and damage to the central nervous system. In fact fluoride has been linked to increases in fluorosis of the teeth and bones, cancers, genetic damage, bone pathology, brain, artery, kidney damage and lower IQs in children.

There are many ways to build up your teeth and reverse cavities without a poison, like fluoride.

I wrote extensively about its dangers and other ways to keep your teeth forever cavity free in my book, Holistic Dental Care. One of the websites with alot of fluoride free advice is the www.iaomt.org.

Blessings, Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence

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We've watched Steve on track to becoming red-pilled. He's progressed further than most, now fluoride? Haha, before long, he'll be taking Alex Jone's job.

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I have been drinking deep well water for 23 years. No intention of ever changing.

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Here: more scientific references against fluoride, organizations, and the proof it's done on purpose to dumb, maim and kill the population... they don't care because they drink Perrier:


WARNING ! The next threats and the solution:


I'm about to post something unbelievable, you'll find nowhere else.

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no where 😂

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What is the $$$$$$ angle? If the authorities are determined to fluoridate then there must be a money angle to it. Usually everything comes down to money in this country.

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I've read In many articles that fluoride is an industrial waste product which is terrible expensive to dispose of properly. Someone somewhere figured out the scam to convince authorities that fluoride would be beneficial to dental health & then that's all it took to start adding it to the municipal water supplies! Industries got an easy way to dispose of their poisonous by-product without having to pay any disposal fees & were even able to sell it to the city's water departments for a profit.

I apologize l don't have any links handy but the history of fluoride is well documented.

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"they simply forgot..." That's one possible explanation, but not the most parsimonious one in light of what they've since revealed about their intentions toward us.

Too many coincidences, don't you think?

[e.g. "Federal reserve", WWI, women voting, prohibition -> organized crime, sexual liberation, pornography, modern art, great depression, WWII, fluoride, divorce, abortion, demonization of animal fats, promotion of seed oils, more wars, assassinations, poison media, poison drugs, false flag attacks, inverted health advice, inverted moral advice... notice a pattern?]

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all on purpose. that was Kirsch

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Kirsch gives them benefit of the doubt. I can't any more.


"the documentary trail begins at the height of WW2, in 1944, when a severe pollution incident occurred downwind of the E.I. du Pont du Nemours Company chemical factory in Deepwater, New Jersey. The factory was then producing millions of pounds of fluoride for the Manhattan project, the ultra-secret U.S. military program racing to produce the world's first atomic bomb.

The farms downwind in Gloucester and Salem counties were famous for their high-quality produce – their peaches went directly to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. Their tomatoes were bought up by Campbell's Soup.

But in the summer of 1943, the farmers began to report that their crops were blighted, and that "something is burning up the peach crops around here."

Poultry died after an all-night thunderstorm, they reported. Farm workers who ate the produce they had picked sometimes vomited all night and into the next day. "I remember our horses looked sick and were too stiff to work," these reporters were told by Mildred Giordano, who was a teenager at the time. Some cows were so crippled they could not stand up, and grazed by crawling on their bellies.

The account was confirmed in taped interviews, shortly before he died, with Philip Sadtler of Sadtler Laboratories of Philadelphia, one of the nation's oldest chemical consulting firms. Sadtler had personally conducted the initial investigation of the damage.

Although the farmers did not know it, the attention of the Manhattan Project and the federal government was riveted on the New Jersey incident, according to once-secret documents obtained by these reporters. After the war's end, in a secret Manhattan Project memo dated March 1, 1946, the Project's chief of fluoride toxicology studies, Harold C. Hodge, worriedly wrote to his boss Colonel Stafford L. Warren, Chief of the Medical Division, about "problems associated with the question of fluoride contamination of the atmosphere in a certain section of New Jersey..."

The whole story is worth reading. They knew they'd poisoned farms and people. They doubled down. They tripled down. They covered it up. They normalized poisoning with fluoride.

Interestingly, yandex was the only search engine that turned up the story today.

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I remember hearing Dr. Roger Masters who did a study that found that silicofluorides increase uptake of lead, and impacts impulse control part of brains of children that leads to early criminal violence behavior. I remember he said that children from older homes in poverty urban areas near industrial plants are likely to have old homes with lead pipes and the ground and groundwater in these industrial areas may account for large numbers of minority children being in juvenile criminal detention facilities.

Authors: Roger D. Masters a; Myron J. Coplan b

Affiliations: a Department of Government, Dartmouth College and Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research, Hanover, NH, USA

b Intellequity, 8 Natick, MA, USA

DOI: 10.1080/00207239908711215

Publication Frequency: 6 issues per year

Published in: International Journal of Environmental Studies, Volume 56, Issue 4 June 1999 , pages 435 - 449

Subjects: Environmental Geography; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies;



Toxic metals like lead, manganese, copper and cadmium damage neurons and deregulate neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine (which are essential to normal impulse control and learning). Earlier studies show that — controlling for socio-economic and demographic factors — environmental pollution with lead is a highly significant risk factor in predicting higher rates of crime, attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity, and learning disabilities. Exposure and uptake of lead has been associated with industrial pollution, leaded paint and plumbing systems in old housing, lead residues in soil, dietary habits (such as shortages of calcium and iron), and demographic factors (such as poverty, stress, and minority ethnicity). We report here on an additional “risk co-factor” making lead and other toxic metals in the environment more dangerous to local residents: the use of silicofluorides as agents in water treatment. The two chemicals in question — fluosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride — are toxins that, despite claims to the contrary, do not dissociate completely and change water chemistry when used under normal water treatment practices. As a result, water treatment with siliconfluorides apparently functions to increase the cellular uptake of lead. Data from lead screening of over 280,000 children in Massachusetts indicates that silicofluoride usage is associated with significant increases in average lead in children's blood as well as percentage of children with blood lead in excess of 10μg/dL. Consistent with the hypothesized role of silicofluorides as enhancing uptake of lead whatever the source of exposure, children are especially at risk for higher blood lead in those communities with more old housing or lead in excess of 15 ppb in first draw water samples where silicofluorides are also in use. Preliminary findings from county-level data in Georgia confirm that silicofluoride usage is associated with higher levels of lead in children's blood. In both Massachusetts and Georgia, moreover, behaviors associated with lead nurotoxicity are more frequent in communities using silicofluorides than in comparable localities that do not use these chemicals. Because there has been insufficient animal or human testing of silicofluoride treated water, further study of the effect of silicofluorides is needed to clarify the extent to which these chemicals are risk co-factors for lead uptake and the hazardous effects it produces.

Keywords: Lead; toxicity; pollution; children's health; public water supplies


my links for this article are no longer working .

Here is one good related link... google books


Hope I have not violated rules for this long cut and paste but I was and am still very mpressed with this important connection between fluoride and lead.

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your default should be flashing red skepticism

avoid all treatments if possible esp prophylaxis I have section in Butchered about this. download here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4kliod8a9z

you can get a heavy metals profile blood test at lifeextension.com for 180$ mercury aluminum lead

mine was ok recently

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thanks for great material

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This is one of the most important guides for anyone trying to understand what guides public health policymaking across the US and Europe today. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics (funded by Wellcome Trust - GlaxoWellcome Big Pharma - led by Marxist Authoritarian Jeremy Farrar recently appointed as the WHO's chief scientist) published Public Health: Ethical Issues guide in 2007, that lays down the mindset and rationale of public policymakers to this day. A discussion of practicing coercive and manipulative public policy dealing with infectious disease, obesity, alcohol and tobacco and fluoridation of water, the ethical considerations that these self-proclaimed "good stewards" of citizens claim to balance the competing interests of individual rights and collective safety.


It's a very high-minded, self-congratulatory justification for adoption of a benevolent authoritarian governing model. "We're good, caring totalitarians, not like those mean, uncaring totalitarians who've come before us." It gives muted voice to individual liberty, dismissed as soon as shared, then settles in on high praise for collective public health and safety mandates, coercion, manipulation and deception. Because it's for a greater good, you know. Justifying the kinds of "noble lies" spun by the Fauci's, politicians, media and corporate partners.

With respect to the Fluoridating Water section, it acknowledges that there is no definitive evidence of any efficacy at preventing caries (cavities) with more than 60 years of experience and research (now 75 years). Just based on assertions by proponents using controlled laboratory experiments impossible to replicate in the real world. It also acknowledges that opponents have presented many studies showing evidence of harm, cancers and other ailments attributed to fluoridation. But it discounts them saying causality hasn't been proven by the opponents and proponents dispute them.

So, how to treat it ethically, they ask? Under the guide's ethical considerations it goes to great lengths to say manipulative, coercive interventions that don't provide any opt-out mechanism for the public must be clearly proven to be "safe and effective." (Magic words in the good stewardship model of ethical public policy, not a coincidence those words are repeated as the vaccine's mantra) So because fluoridation doesn't meet that test the Nuffield guide says nations shouldn't make fluoridating water public policy. All good, right?

Wrong. It goes on to say that while nation's shouldn't make fluoridating water public policy, if local governments led by fluoridation proponents wish to do so then that's A-Ok! Then shifting the burden on opponents of fluoridating water to prove it's harmful. With studies that provide clear and convincing evidence to compel local authorities to stop fluoridation. Nice how that works, huh?

Kind of like mask mandates. No evidence showing they work, but if local authorities impose them it's up to opponents to prove they're harmful, with studies the authorities agree are clear and convincing. Under this model local authorities could require masks for 75 years without any evidence they are either safe or effective. And be righteous in their ethics and vanities as self-adoring good stewards of the people.

Oh, Anthony Fauci's wife, Christine Grady, is the Chief Bioethicist at the National Institute of Health. With ethics like theirs....

Lastly, Bioethics is a field that demands our immediate attention. Those leading bioethicists around the world don't have the same concept of ethics as We, The People do. Bioethics guides public policymaking on water fluoridation, vaccines, biotechnology like CRISPR gene editing, RNA gene manipulation and therapy (like mRNA), eugenics, sterilization, euthanasia, transhumanism, etc. The attempted control of all future life. With friendly US law towards all of these bioethical interventions, including Buck v. Bell precedent still in effect, a lot of hazards created by those in power to try to mitigate:


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Good content here, sir. Well presented.

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Great article. Which is a preferred anti-fungal without fluoride?

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Another good reason for living in rural Chile. My water comes from a well. Most of my foods are fresh directly from a small farm (I shop at a feria- farmers market). We only rarely drink bottled drunks at other people’s homes). Our main drink is lemon ice tea using lemons from our trees

But (there’s always a but) non floride toothpaste is 3x the cost of floride toothpaste. I accept the cost for my children’s sake. If I didn’t have two boys I would use some sort of natural concoction.

Does anyone know of a home recipe for toothpaste that kids will use and it’s easy to make and store?

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Baking soda. Use in small quantities for deodorant too. Avoids aluminum. Magnesium deodorant is fine but ineffective

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B Carlson,

There are many holistic, cheap alternatives to fluoride to stop cavities.

Colloidal silver protocol 2-4 times a year, straight baking soda and/or a pinch of salt massaged with a toothbrush before bedtime, hard cheese and raw nuts, high arginine foods (nuts, seeds, turkey, spinach, fish), alkaline foods, xylitol toothpastes, sugar-free gums and candies, etc.

All these and more are in my Holistic Dental Care book, www.iaomt.org, www.iabdm.org, or www.holisticdental.org.

Write anytime if I can help you or your kids.

Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence

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Thank you very much

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Not a comment but a question open to all. Do UV filters do anything against fluoride? And since I’m asking will they do anything to block what will inevitably be in our drinking water from the Ohio rail disaster?

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The uv filters are for neutralizing biological entities like cysts, etc.

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Thank you Sir.

Item 4 in the list. "Once you swallow it, the risks strongly outweigh the benefits. IQ drops significantly and other negative health outcomes accrue. It’s not a close call."

There you have the nugget of what the fluoride was designed & introduced for.

To dumb down the population. Then too easy to get them to line up for injections into themselves & their children.

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We need to look at the corporate system itself as the origin of this evil, and the private moneyed families who own the huge corporations. They are Satanic families. Poisoning the masses is their religion. They've been doing it for decades. They do it on purpose. They know exactly what they're doing with the McDonald's corporation, and the Coke and Pepsi companies. Nestle. Johnson & Johnson. Are we never going to figure out who these people are? They've been poisoning us in a hundred ways for a hundred years, and we still can't figure it out. Dupont. Monsanto. When we buy stock we are paying people to do evil things with our money. It has always been this way since the English gentry started paying the Dutch India Company to do evil things in India. It's corporate evil. When we buy stuff made by Chinese slaves, we are participating in their corporate evil. We don't have to do that.

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Thanks for the comment Dr. Yoho,

I noticed that you are retired, as I am. It certainly frees up what we can say on social media.

Do you have a holistic medical book that you could recommend?

Blessing in all you do and say.

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