Sep 16, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Unbelievable. I’m wondering if the ingredients of this med are in others? We have no control anymore

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Robert, what will it take to reveal the corruption of Big Pharma? How many people have to be permanently damaged by pharmaceuticals that are not fit for animals, much less humans. Does this woman have any legal recourse? I have a suspicion that she may be experiencing MCAS. It is a very complicated issue that I am currently familiarizing myself with. My functional doctor said today she is installing a hyperbolic chamber, and some people are having positive results with it. I pray this young woman finds something that gives her life some semblance of normalcy. Remember, God doesn't give us what we can handle; God helps us handle what we are given

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I’m horrified. Thank you for sharing this testimony and my heart grieves for this brilliant young woman. Both my daughters were treated with accutane in high school. They seem to be fine but who ever really knows? Would be interested to know of any other diet/lifestyle or medications that would help scarring cystic acne because it is very difficult for young women who end up with the scarring on their faces.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I, too, was harmed by this medication in college (late 80's). I had never been suicidal before and have always been happy - I felt like almost committing suicide. I was content and then I was crying in my bed for hours, sleeping constantly and then walking for miles. I didn't even have cystic acne, just some very persistent chin and forehead acne occasionally. As a younger person, I had constant body aches, so much so that I thought I had RA. It took us 14 years to conceive - something that was not normal with our families by history - and I miscarried the twin that I was pregnant with early in the pregnancy. - but that point could have been caused by the flu vaccine that the ob/gyn encouraged and I naively took. Thank God we have a son, but that was the only child we conceived. My skin also went from oily in the extreme to so dry that my hands look like old people's hands. My hair is dry and brittle and thin and I have extreme hot flashes, something that I've had since age 23. I also went into early menopause (early 40's). I remember that a young man flew a plane into a building when I was younger and later they noted that he was on Accutane. I totally believe that it was a result of this drug.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you very much dr Yoho for this exposure. If I may, I listened to the whole

interview prompted my personal interest. Ive been blessed with nice, clear skin

but my son developed cystic acne when in his late teens. I took him to naturopathic/homeopathic practitioner but after a few months there was no improvement (that's around 1993, not much data to gather for an average mum). Our GP somewhat "ridiculed" that attempt saying we should've come to see him earlier because there is a great product that will fix it. That product

was ROACCUTANE. And I did read the pamphlet (I always do) and there was

nothing there to make me hesitant. He was on it for four months, his skin

cleared but not completely. Can not recall now what made us stop it but I've always been wary of too much pharmacological interventions. He's an "old man" now and still has a sporadic flare ups of one up to a few, on his face. Ever

since that original intervention he hasn't been taking anything for it. I only came across the issue few years back and since then knew how lucky we have been.

After listening just then, out of curiosity I went to google Roaccutane "status"

(I'm in Australia) only a "quick one", It has the adverse reactions listed as per Accutane, with overwhelming feel that "as long as you take care it's gonna work for you". It's prescription only and it is on government subsidized pharmaceutical list. So that's pretty encouraging (sarcasm here). Apart from feeling very

lucky I just want to add that back then (IMO) there were more "uncorrupted" doctors, in no way I think that our GP was aware of the complex issues with the drug at that time. Once again, thank you. Being VERY aware today and wanting to help others, I appreciate how this interview exposes the deeply rooted corruption in pharmaceutical industry as a whole. Learning something new

every day. Frankly, I'm not very optimistic that the grasp it has on our lives can be lessen but ultimately it is our individual decision, so the power is in our hands.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for this most excellent interview!

If she would like to share what medications she took when she was younger, it would be very useful. For example, many girls are given antibiotics for UTIs, birth control for hormone issues, and so forth.

I did check her youtube channel link you posted, but there is no contact info.

I don't understand how physician families can be so unkind. The track record of drug reactions is long and established. Just because they don't know what is happening, why should they be unkind to their offspring? It's obviously a problem that did not previously exist. It is like these hospital derived infections, one cannot say they are ubiquitous because they didn't happen until the entry into the hospital.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you for this interview! I hadn't been aware of these types of side effect.s It makes me wonder if some of the same side effects can be occurring from other pharmaceuticals I could relate to a lot of what she reported, but not with the drug she was prescribed. But, the fact that the side effects could emerge years later....that is creepy- who knows what other meds. would result in such effects? I guess my gut has been correct now to stay away from all, as much as possible. I've had more than enough for my lifetime. Glad I have not been on anything for about 9 years now. You are doing great work sharing this!

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Robert, I am listening to the entire program now. Iam also researching this medication. There may be some additional contributing factors involved. I have some questions for Rochelle. She may have some underlying factors that were triggered by the Accutane. I see this happening repeatedly. It is interesting that she mentioned lyme disease. Will let you know if I have any further thoughts on this woman's situation.

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It's great that someone covers butchery and other atrocities by the greedy charlatans, so-called "medical professionals."

I was wondering if you could cover my story as well:

1. Without having any prior issues at all with my eyes or face and while visiting an "ophthalmologist" for the first time ever, I got attacked and injected with some corrosive substance that ate through my eyelids, caused chemical burns, deformities. The bastard also severely infected my face although prior to the attack I never had ANY infections of ANY kind in my entire life. The "medical board" never investigated although the complaint has been properly submitted. I was not "allowed" to sue the bastard as all my lawsuits have been unlawfully suppressed and terminated, in clear violation of all existing procedural rules, laws, statutes, and precedents.

2. I and my two wonderful Golden Labradors - all three absolutely healthy and thriving - have been attacked with chemical weapons and poisoned to the extent and with such a precision that all three got induced the same injuries and diseseas, which appears to be splenic lymphoma. All our samples that were supposed to be examined hystopathologically have been stolen, thrown away, etc., including my Dog's entire spleen. We have been prevented from obtaining certain "med. procedures," such as, for instance, I have been prevented from obtaining histochemopathological tests for over a YEAR. I wrote about it here: https://1dissident.substack.com/p/good-bye-my-beautiful-body. There are lots of links to other posts where I attached the actual textual and audio evidence.

I would appreciate it if you could cover my story of "medical" crimes as well.

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Robert, Female hormones have been a horror for me, they destroyed my Gastro tract. I'd had two-C-Sections, developed Endometritis, Fibroids, Cyst's, after a full Hystrocetomy, woke up PUKING ACID from the Hormone Patch, tried many different ones over 9 months, same result, GERD, and a Shut Down Bowel. OA drugs just made it worse., Gastropresis...Slow Digestion forced the elimination of fiber foods. Misdiagnosis of IDIOPATHIC COLITIS for 4 years. In and out of the hospitals. Last Forced Colon Screen to diagnosis SIBO. 4.5 MONTHS OF HELL. Now I'm finishing up a round of that awful Flagel a Parasitic drug that could have been used to replace Stromectol - Ivermectin; for a Diverticulitis attack. the ER doc, neglected to inform of the UT. I just kept getting sicker. Primary follow up showed the UT WAS WORSE SO ANTIBIOTIC 2. You can add the Enlarged Heart with a small Mitral leak to the list of Not INFORMED OF, LOSS OF HEARING FROM MENIERE'S STEROIDS. I've been BUTCHERED BY HEALTHCARE. Are they going to wait till the Esopogical pre-cancers turn to cancer before they remove them? Or wait and see. I watched my parents die of Lung Cancer, it was terrifying and horrible. Treated as less than Human.

You need a podcast on Doctors who fail to tell patients the total truth on conditions that impact health.

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God bless this dear lady. There is nothing I won’t believe these days concerning the heinous acts from the medical/pharmaceutical cartel. I noted in this lady’s info. the mention of fluoroquinolone antibiotics, one of which is cipro, that I was always prescribed when I had a flare up of my Crohn’s disease - which I believe was caused by a 3-part hepatitis vax I received for my job back in the late 80s. As a young woman, I had no idea of the dangers at that time.

What a giant mess my life became after that - losing great jobs/promotions due to flares, becoming not very social for fear of needing a nearby washroom… I’ll never forget when I was diagnosed - the physician threw a pamphlet at me and said, “you have Crohn’s, no cause, no cure.” What a giant arse he was. I never gave up researching. Now, I am thankfully on no meds - taking Humira for 3 years (since other medical therapies weren’t working) caused me to end up in a cardiac ward with a heart rate of 200 bpm just from walking. The wonderful cardiologist there said it was from the Humira - he had seen it before. He reluctantly prescribed heart meds and cholesterol meds which I also dumped, since I had also researched the sham of cholesterol and statins. The GI doc was not impressed but I dumped the Humira right then. Interestingly, Humira nurses used to call me every week while I was on it (wonder why?) yet when I called them to tell them what had happened, they never called me back. It was about $1600/mo back then too.

I’m 63 now and on no meds. No thank you. I’ve only had 1 flare since DCing that drug about 10 years ago, which I think was caused by eating a sugar alcohol (erythritol) while on a keto diet. I won’t do that again. If God did not make it, don’t eat it.

I firmly believe God has provided remarkable help for any ailments through His glorious herbs. I make many tinctures and they all work well for what they are said to do. Kefir is amazing for the gut. There are many natural products that work for the same thing, I believe. Cannabis is another blessing. If you look into it you will find the same perps (Rockefeller and the like) today were responsible for the “Reefer Madness” war on cannabis and natural substances that actually work. Even the term “marijuana” was racist and made up by them. Essiac is another example they tried to ruin, as it does cure cancer. Same old.

If these corrupt agencies are trying to keep people from using something by saying it’s bad for you, you can bet it works and is good. (Raw milk is another example, but I digress.) After all, since when do they care about anyone anyway? It’s just about $$, of course.

Blessings to this dear lady for trying to make a difference despite these odds. And to you as well. I understand the news recently said that gardening and getting your hands in the dirt could be responsible for the new onset of heart attacks these days. You cant make this stuff up. https://www.the-sun.com/health/5681777/urgent-warning-gardeners-soil-increases-risk-killer/

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This drug is a miscellaneous ANTINEOPLASTIC. That is a drug that destroys rapidly growing cells or stem cells as in treatments for CANCER. I am horrified that ANY DOCTOR would prescribe this drug to a child or infant. It is bad enough to give to teenagers and every single one I talk to before dispensing gets the whole enchilada from me about neurological, gastrointestinal, bone marrow problems, psychiatric problems, reproductive problems, skin problems, bone density problems that yes, can and will go on for years. Everything she describes can be found in the prescribing information for isotretinoin, these are all WELL DOCUMENTED well known FACTS. I am 100% positive that as a pharmacist I would refuse to fill an isotretinoin rx for an infant to treat infant acne. And I would go to bed and sleep well knowing that at least I tried to keep that child safe.

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