So much sh*t has begun to rise to the surface. Let us work & pray that it's not too late to expose and end it all!

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It's probably worse than you think. The entire vaccine industry is a for-profit scam that does more harm than good.

Catastrophic climate change is complete pseudoscience yet is sold to us through rigging data, groupthink, and just plain nastiness. In these things it's similar to Covid 'science.' This pseudoscience serves as the justification for the Great Reset, which makes me wonder if it wasn't created for that purpose in the first place.

I used to believe that people were misguided but not evil, but at some point one has to realize that somewhere, what someone(s) are causing to happen is deliberate and evil-- and very powerful.

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Yes, think the potential for evil is very powerful. It always has been but today we’ve developed new heights and scaffolding for it. We the people are actually in control but we must be raised to understand this. We humans are so trusting and so easily fooled & frightened. It’s up to those of us fortunate enough to see it differently to be the change. No easy answers.

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See above

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Yes, “homocidal criminality.” All those profiting virtue signallers!

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That's what I meant - excuse my use of the technical term for it all!

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One huge, omnipotent Harm Industry. No limit to human greed and want for power. Frankly it's beyond understanding how could that be allowed to happen. One can understand the mechanism as presented but the acceptance that was possible in a free and democratic society, is not easy.

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Once you look at other information available, it turns out this is the rule, not the exception. The "free and democratic society" has always been a narrative. It's not how things actually work.

The world is full of hypnotized people who imagine that, because they don't want to see nastiness, it is either negligible or there isn't any. In reality, people are being flagrantly exploited and abused, and horrific things are happening all the time out of sheer cynicism and malice.

Exploitation is baked into our economic system and the currencies we use. The system is based on hypnotizing cows that their constant milking and slaughter are spontaneous events that are just facts of life that no one understands, and there definitely isn't a farmer planning cows' lifecycles.

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Yes, agree we are deeply immersed in it. Our task is to find our way out of this labyrinth. We have always been faced with the fact of the labyrinth. That the powers that believe they are have built a more empowered labyrinth doesn’t change that we, like Ariadne, must use whatever string we have at our disposal to find our way out.

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We must actually build the free society we imagined. But to build it, people must wake up to the reality in which we live.

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How Fauci, et al, were not criminally prosecuted for their crimes after the AZT/AIDS scandal and retained their jobs is a question I would like to have answered. The failure to hold him and his ilk accountable back then is how we got to where we are today with even more deaths and carnage at the hand of the mass murderer who over time was able to perfect his murderous craft.

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Shocking and the very small picture at the top of Dr F is an appropriate opening.

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We need a complete overhaul of all vaccines. Every one Gates is involved in he used third world poor as subjects, they had very little recourse's with their bribable governments, then the vaccines ended up in your children's routine vaccines. Vayers quitely dismissed the damage, class action lawsuits didn't seem to shed light on the plight of our children. RFK Jr email today contained this on Monkeypox, but I suggest you read the whole article as it also contains info on Smallpox. Monkeypox Vaccine Insanity — Too Many Risks and Now, Liability-Free MANY LINKS



I may not like his politics, but his research is above reproach and can be matched with more searches.

We may not know the full extent of the Covid Jabs, protocols, or Plaxiod which they want a new trail study. We are beginning to see the effects of the prolonged lockdowns on mental health. People became so lonely, as we are a sociable society for the most part. They resorted to buying dogs and cats, Cats are rather independent critters, and don't have the same habits as dogs do. They are ill equipped never having owned one before what is required, it turned into a nightmare of what dogs require. A leader, which is the owner. Proper behavior, no biting, no destruction, no separation anxiety, they need walking, no rough housing play. It teaches bad behavior. Most animal trainers are ill equipped in how to deal with these behaviors. Just as most Shrinks don't know how to deal with your needs. It's not a pill.

The new Code words are Death cause Unknown, Cancer cause Unknown, Heart Disease in the young reason Unknown. 16 YR OLD died suddenly Cardiac Arrest https://truthpress.com/news/16-year-old-dies-suddenly-after-suffering-cardiac-arrest-while-playing-frisbee-with-family-members/

Younger than normal Women are turning up with Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer with no family history you are in your 20's? Don't ignore that lump. Just because you are a Male does not exempt you, it's just more rare. Autoimmunes have exploded. MASS MURDER Is what it is called, all dictators resort to it.

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