Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thanks for compiling this Dr. Yoho. Very sobering, but important for us to know. I'll forward it on and suggest that others subscribe. You are doing very important work. Thank you and God bless you.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

a few comments from personal experience:

1) the health coach at my doctor's office told me over a year ago, when i asked her opinion of the vaccines, that they were not recommending them. already they had seen two odd miscarriages and a 69 year old woman who started menstruating again. the coach (a former nurse at a large internationally known hospital who quit to become a functional practitioner) said "these shots are affecting women's hormones." now, of course, you can add men's hormones to the list. next time i see her, i'll ask for an update.

2) my friend cuts hair for private clients. one, a DOD contractor, advised her not to take the vaccine when they first came out. he said it was a depopulation plan .

3) i know 4 people who died mysteriously after getting vaccinated- a) a 70 year old woman with sudden heart trouble a month after the J&J. i talked to her in the hospital and she was stunned at her surprise diagnosis, asked to sign a DNR (she didn't) and was dead a few days later, b) a 41 year old stagehand who worked on a thursday but didn't show up for work on friday. found cold in his bed, c) a woman in england, mother of a friend, who suddenly got motor neuron disease with a large inoperable mass in her brain. went from fine to dead within 2 months. he just got back from her funeral and d) an older woman who died suddenly of liver failure. her family was shocked as she was in good health and had no issues

4) i had covid a month ago which i caught from a fully vaccinated and boosted friend. i was taking a small weekly preventative dose of IVM at the time and upped it immediately to the full daily treatment dose. it was 2 days of fever, body aches and head ache. then my BF caught it from me. for him it was 5 days, no fever but a powerful sore throat which we treated with nebulizing sessions every hour of a 1% H2O2 saline solution. the throat started to feel better within a few hours. we both took home antigen tests. we assume we now have some immunity and so have discontinued the weekly IVM for a while.

5) i have two friends who were subjects in the Moderna trial. the husband was in the treatment arm and the wife was in the control group. the study was unblinded after only two months and she was given the vaccine. the husband went out the minute the vaccines were publicly available and got himself two pfizer shots- so much for follow up! he was hankering for a booster but i talked him out of it. they have both gotten covid since, the wife twice so far (her first bout was pretty bad)

6) the farmer Joel Salatin has said that nature always selects for fertility and it is only humans who do everything in their power to mess it up.

thank you for your posts. i've only read a few so far, but i'll catch up

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I have been convinced for awhile that this is a coordinated depopulation effort. The truth is in plain sight.

Was it a planned pathogen release? If so, an interesting question comes into play... Are the global powers doing this immune to the outcome? Do they have an antidot?

If human survival hangs in the balance who will survive?

If the vaxxed start aquiring latent and circulating disease will the unvaccinated be immune?

I think these are the kind of questions we should be asking.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

You have to read Robert Yoho's Butchered by Healthcare, to understand RFK JR FAUCI, and ignore his pro democrat pandering, it's inbred in him. His science is great, now if he'd understand that BOTH PARTIES SOLD THEIR SOULS TO GATES, SWAB, PHARMA, AND THE 10 FOOD GIANTS THAT CONTROL OUR FOOD , which he won't. So won't understand the real truth. And they have been doing so since at least when they Bought McKinley the presidency. Until you break the Cabals you won't remain a Free Republic. It may take another Revolutionary War to unentrench them.

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It is incomprehensible how so much info about the bad of mRNA gets buried. We need to develop a mechanism on how to uniformly get the right message to the masses that watch Tell-you-Vision. For the sake of humanity, they must unplug their brain from the mad machine.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

I appreciate Toby Rogers optimism. May it be so. Thanks for the stack and the recording.

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Awesome. We need patriarchs

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

It really doesn't get too much better than Maximus. Let me kill a couple savage wolves with my bare hands, to up the masculinity, and I'll be back.

The Cult wants 500 million.... most of those utter slaves. They are quite diabolical

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This is very well done and short enough for me to send people. Great job!

Were you ever able to read the two articles I put together on the entire history of population control (I stayed out of most of the Eugenics aspect because that would have made it too long)




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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Thank you Dr Yoho for writing about this and for sharing the link on Dr Malone’s substack! The evidence coming forth is quite overwhelming and sobering! Have you read Dr Naomi Wolf’s substack titled, “ Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide

It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies” {https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dear-friends-sorry-to-announce-a}?

I can’t help but to feel totally sickened as I picture CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky smiling & telling parents to get their babies & toddlers injected! {https://rumble.com/v19alvv-dr.-clare-craig-vs.-cdc-director-rochelle-walensky-are-covid-vaccines-safe-.html} How can these people live with themselves?!!

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Even trying to watch TV is a pain. Music drowns out voices. CC moves to fast, and is to small to read. My first Meniere's attack, while medical care was worse, the BTE aids worked fairly well, with this second attack. I'm at Flight Deck Level hearing loss. And your stuck carrying batteries, ear wax traps. Store trips are torture. Can't get water in the child size canals with a quirk in them, ear infections.

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I've highlighted Tucker Carlson's video and added an older surprise CNN probably a Sunday back page story. And the original author's link on SSRI. Robert, you need to bump yours into it.

Tucker Carlson On Mass Shootings and Psychiatric Medications


The Little Red Pill used on Elderly https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/12/health/nuedexta-nursing-homes-invs/index.html


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every single state (FL exception) preordered kiddie vax before approved... something is going on with this... be prepared to fight for your kid’s life to prevent their injection.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

No virus has ever been isolated apparently so no variants either. The jabs are the variants. Worth researching

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Did you see this hit piece about misusing VAERS to scare people? It's amazing how low they will stoop.


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Chantix, https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-144328/varenicline-oral/details/list-sideeffects

supposed to be rare, want to bet on that. Supposed to be safe. All recalled Drugs were once FDA approved.



Mental Problems From Taking The Drug

Manic Behavior

Suicidal Behavior

Suicidal Thoughts

Thoughts Of Hurting Or Killing Others

High Blood Pressure

A Heart Attack

Abnormal Heart Rhythm

A Transient Ischemic Attack, A Type Of Stroke That Lasts Only A Few Minutes

A Stroke

A Blood Clot

Acute Inflammation Of The Pancreas

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