Dr. Mike Yeadon also deserves a lot of credit for being an early, persistent whistle blower.

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Yes, Dr. Yeadon and others were very kind, honorable scientists who gave me hope in dark days of 2020 summer

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Yes, don't forget Dr Michael Yeadon; and the late great "Zev" Zelenko.

Thank you for this compendium, Dr Yoho.

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Yes definitely Dr. Zelenko, and Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik from the FLCCC. The FLCCC was so helpful to me this last year especially when our family got CoVid.

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I wish you had added Dr. Forrest Tennent, he got the same treatment. Only over the FAKE facts Andrew Kolodney and Robert Redefied used. The Feds, jackbooted thugs raided his office guns drawn, with patients waiting to be seen. He was elderly even then. His work on Adhesive Arachnoiditis AA is excellent. While his field is Pain, caused by disease, failed surgeries, he never over stepped the law. Yet those 2 FAKES put many doctors in prison for just treating patients after tests were run. Most had thick medical histories. Many of us tried alternatives, they don't work, or you react to them. Gabapentin is a horrid drug, and addictive. Intractable Pain Kills. Tylenol can't handled that Cancer level pain. Rest destroy your gut.

I want these Barrett's Esophagus Pre-Cancers removed. Got the song and dance crap from the Gastro, It's MY BODY, I don't want any pre-cancer in it.

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Thank you for your hard work in compiling this list- I highly recommend the Breggins book, and all the content he puts out. Dr. Breggin and Dr. Coleman are probably the 2 that are not as often mentioned in the media. I was happy to see them both recognized for their work and contributions.

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Breggin kicked me in the head and got me going. I was on his podcast and he abused me because I considered COVID out of my influence. They are friends now.

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A Great compendium of the how the sausage is made (aka New World Order).

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Don’t forget about some of the early pioneers of this movement - Drs Andrew Wakefield, Sherri Tenpenny, Suzanne Humphrey just to name a few who were warning us of the rotten state of modern medicine. And they were branded as enemies of humanity at a time when very few were coming to their defense.

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