One of my friends who is a medical resident had an identical case to this: "She also told me about how her interventional cardiologist nurse friends related that some patients are coming in with massive heart attacks, and during the angiogram the interventional cardiologists are seeing such extensive thrombi filling the entire artery (as documented by some embalmers), that they say “I can’t stent or remove this, this guy needs surgery, like now.”

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This was the case (from https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/adverse-reactions-to-covid-vaccines):

Critical-(Close friend, physician, known since medical school):

I had a ~50yo Male with PMHx of new onset Chest Pain and PMH of Coronary Artery Disease with some other chronic medical conditions (ie. he was a smoker) who was very dear to me. About a year ago, he had an epiphany and radically changed his life around to address his health issues. He was under my direct care for nearly 9 months during which we were able to make huge gains in his health with nearly full resolution of most his existing chronic medical conditions. During one of the healthiest periods in his life where he had no signs of heart disease, he decided to take the first Moderna. 5 days later he was admitted to my hospital. Cardiology attempted to open a 99% stenosed vital coronary artery, however this was not possible to and he was sent home with the alternative medical management. He passed away the next day at home after discharge.

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Are they also seeing similar large clots in the unvaxxed who got Covid infection?.. and would blood thinners help ?

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Somewhat, but the spike protein clots don't respond to anitcoagulants

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I know, it's not the same structure as regular clots .Not sure why the many unvaxxed infected think they now have immunity and are safe .. I know the

Vax can cause other serious issues too but I wouldn't be rejoicing just yet that we are fine! Who knows what's going on inside from infection's spike ...

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AARP is still running their 2019 Covid ad. As I've 3-4 Barrett's Esophagus precancerous spots, and am due for my once in three year Medicare Upper Endosope Biopsy how do I get them removed? 14 Gastro practice center, four remove them, not my Gastro. Guess I pitch a fit. I'm good at it, a Kiss My Grits, Leo, First Born, Scot heritage among the dozen other, all stuborn. They are all ill informed, 10 minute insurance doctors. Why use a fancy name when actual truth works better. HCQ was first praised by King Faucet, then when there was not big $$ in a 1955 drug AKA PLAQUNIL generic, still well used by RA/LUPUS, Malaria he switched; Stromectol Approval Date: 10/08/1998 for humans, now a generic and cheap Invermectin. It all came down to how much Faucet, wife, and Pharma could fleece out of ignorant people, Corrupt congress, despite FRK Jr excellant work, he is a DIED in the WOOL Democrat, whose party can do no wrong. And at the end of the day both parties have corrupt politicians, Pharma, Manufacturing, AG, and Government Union workers tend to call the shots, excuse the pun. Memphis had 10 cases last week, that is repeat 3 jab patients, is still being touted as a Pandemic. When CRIME RATES ARE VERY MUCH HIGHER.

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And now King Faucet has Covid, he''ll use the meds denied us. Just as congress has been doing. An old-school pharmacy hand-delivers drugs to Congress, a little-known perk for the powerful | PBS NewsHour https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/old-school-pharmacy-hand-delivers-drugs-congress-little-known-perk-powerful

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Okay, so mainstream medicine is self-destructing (something I long howled for but genuinely didn't want if children needed to be murdered for it to happen). Pharma is eating (injuring and killing) its own (MDs and RNs).

So it begs the question: What exactly did the injection creators THINK was going to happen after most of the population would be forced to be injected with an experimental biohazard? How did they THINK it would roll out? Did they think that nobody would notice; and that legacy media would successfully hide it? I'm surprised, actually, that so many of medicine's insiders even took it. Didn't they know better?

I remember watching a webinar-discussion between four medical-science PhDs about a year ago and being utterly shocked that they had "vaxxed". My (non-PhD) brain couldn't process that people who should've/could've known better did not know better.

[Off-topic: No offense, but as a longtime editor I'd like to ask if you have a solid reason for doing your Substack in white-on-dark font? It's not an easy read. Regardless, thanks for your Substack!]

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Thanks for your comment. I have an upcoming post titled YOU CAN'T WAKE SOMEONE UP WHO'S PRETENDING TO BE ASLEEP. It explains some of these mysteries.

White on black is easier to read for those of us whose eyes are fading. Try it for a while in your ebook reader. Most of us think it’s easier. Doesn’t work for everyone.

Best and thanks for reading.

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It appears (pun intended) I'm an outlier on the font front. If/when my eyesight weakens, I'll head to 'alternative' modalities/paradigms to see what they offer. THANKS for the draft!

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