Absolutely Brilliant Breakdown Of All Covid Insanity!!

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It’s so upsetting to stop and focus on such a broad tapestry of indictment, as Bobby Kennedy calls it; even infuriating to think so many of us warned about 90% of it, and we’re told to shut up and mind our manners. I don’t care what they do, what they say; there’s no path to regain the trust, even respect that looks now like a dead horse on the living room floor.

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Even my husband doesn't want to hear it, yet was quick to see the Cardio after I nagged him, he like a ret. career USN SCPO, use to all thost vaccines the Military gives, and since he was a double Shellback Navy lingo for twice around the Equator, saw many foreign tours, from Vietnam in 58-78. Then taught Jr College 20 yrs. Retired finally in 2001, at nearly 83, doesn't want to hear it. He had 1 J/J shot. Stress does weird stuff, he has a condition called "Pre-Beat" the EKG finally picked up. Yet when his 3 jabbed youngest daughter calls I've got covid again he worries. She knew the risks, but works in some big companies on their IT. Since our state requires no proof, she could have just masked and faked it. We have 4 blue counties and she lives in the worst one, she is about 45, single, with a dog, church, a few HS friends. It is her life's choice.

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We’re all here for a reason; I believe it’s despite vaccines, rather than because of them. I Crossed the Line twice myself; wouldn’t trade it for anything, but we had a saying: It’s definitely better to give than to receive. I’m betting he’ll remember that. I finally gave up sounding the alarm, trying to raise awareness to our dire circumstances. The best thing we can do; is just try to help, as much as we can. If they’re meant to see it, they will.

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It took two babies dying to shut Abbott down, which later became 9. Never assume even a older vaccine is safe. My boys reacted to the DPT shots, dr was smart enough to order DT shots. Do you know the why Raggedy Ann and Andy was created. Open the QR and read. https://mewe.com/api/v2/photo/yQPQqNpyOVgelTE2gdVQd7kz_WDOEY9_SAoAETBDkydiqgIEDmzCetrsJuk/800x800/img?static=0

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