Your source for practical information and fashionable accessories to survive the zombie war. All of it has been tested personally by the good doctor.
Most people don't believe something can happen until it already has. That's not stupidity or weakness, that's just human nature. ― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (2007)
Zombies are real. I did an exhaustive academic review of them through the lens of cinema zombie and linked three films for your further research. These essential sources have the same high intellectual rigor as the science fiction published in the New England Journal of Medicine but without the pretensions. I described the frauds typical of this journal and others in Butchered by “Healthcare.” These range from statistical deceptions to frank fabrication. Zombie movies have more integrity.
This guide is a whirlwind tour of the battlefield and the weapons I use. Almost everything is cheapest on Amazon, and all items here are the most economical I could find. The “Yoho’s Fullscript Supplement Shoppe” supplements are more expensive but are still an excellent value compared to elsewhere. They ha…